Levels by Yasin Topcu

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth

Many thanks to Bex for providing tr4 files which made it vastly easier to install and play the game, to Val for compiling and providing bug-free versions of these files (and for playing the game with me and providing much-appreciated encouragement and assistance along the way), and to Michael for revising the level download to incorporate the new files.

Lara begins with a slide down a long slope. A warp trigger takes you to...

LEVEL ONE: The Pyramid of Cheops (outside)

You're standing in an outdoor passage facing north. Run forward and follow the passage into a larger area, and make a hairpin turn to the left into an alcove for some uzi ammo. Reverse roll and head west, then north through a corridor into another larger area. There's nothing to your left, so turn right and climb the blocks against the east wall. When you reach the NE corner turn left and take a running jump and grab west to the tall pillar. Pull up, turn right and pull up through the hole into the area above. Go to the NE corner and climb up onto the golden block. Pull up into the area above and immediately hop back before the two crocodiles can sink their teeth into you. Kill them from the safety of the block, then pull back up through the hole.

You find yourself in a large room with a pool in the middle. Pick up the nearby large medi-pack and jump into the water. Swim down to the bottom and pick up the ORNATE HANDLE near the central hole. Notice that this pool will need to be drained at some point. Swim back up and exit the pool. You now seem to have a choice of paths, either taking the SE passage or climbing the blocks at the NW corner. I climbed the blocks first. When you reach the ledge, walk out to the south end and jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing over to the next ledge and drop down onto it. Locate the opening in the west wall and drop down into a dark room encircled by a ledge. Down below is an opening covered by a metal grate. Going clockwise around the ledge, you see a closed gate and two gem receptacles in the south wall, an opening at the NW corner and a passage at the NE corner.

Go down the NE passage and step on what looks like a trigger tile of some sort at the end. The grate down in the room below vanishes, but don't go down there just yet, or you'll find yourself stuck. Instead, go over to the opening at the NW corner and climb the large blocks (or take standing jumps forward from the back edge of each block) until you reach a green climbing surface. Climb up to the next room and greet two more crocodiles. After killing them, light a flare and run forward to the west wall. Climb up onto the block to your left, turn left and take a standing jump and grab to the higher block. Pull up, walk forward and light another flare. Take a running jump east into the darkness and grab the edge of a still higher block. Pull up, turn to your left and take another running jump and grab north to a ledge in front of an opening.

Pull up and walk down the north passage. You soon come to a long slope, much like the one you slid down to begin this level. Step forward and start your slide downward. Just for fun, jump forward and reverse roll in midair on your way down so that you're sliding backwards. At the bottom of the slope, grab the edge and look around as best you can. If you shimmy to the far left you can see a nearby ledge, and you wonder if perhaps you could have jumped over there had you slid down the right hand side of the slope. No, you couldn't have, so put that thought out of your mind. Even though it seems to be a long way down, release and allow Lara to drop into the biggest, most featureless pool you've ever seen.

Surface and pull out on the east side to save some time. Enter the SE passage and step on the trigger tile at the end to raise a step structure at the west end of the pool. You also alert a trio of crocodiles, so dispense with them before continuing. Run or swim across to the west side of the pool. Climb to the top of the step structure and pull up onto the ledge in the west wall. Jump or climb the blocks ahead, and then pull up onto the ledge against the north wall. Go to the east edge and take a running jump to the small ledge. From there take a running jump and grab to the next ledge. Pull up, run forward and jump or climb the blocks ahead. From the top block, turn right and take a standing jump and grab to the ledge in the east wall. Pull up and run to the other end. Take a running jump and grab to the next ledge and pull up. Go to the SW corner and angle Lara slightly to the left. Take a standing jump and grab to the ledge jutting out of the south wall. Pull up and pull up onto the block very near the slope that you slid down a little earlier.

Turn left and take a running jump and grab east to the next ledge. Pull up and follow the ledge around to the other end. Take a running jump and grab north to the next ledge. Pull up and run to the other end, then take another running jump and grab to the ledge near the NE corner. Pull up and run to the other end, and pull up onto the ledge in the north wall. Turn left and run along this ledge until you reach the opening in the SW corner. Enter the next room. You can explore the area around the central structure, but there's nothing there. So climb or jump the blocks near the entrance until you reach a plateau. Go around the next series of blocks and pick up the large medi-pack on the other side. Then climb or jump the next short series of blocks and face the south wall at the top. Take a running jump into the opening and run forward. Yes, more blocks. These are too tall to jump, so climb them until you reach an ornate passage.

Follow the passage and jump over the gap. As you turn the corner you'll encounter another crocodile. Kill it, then continue down the passage and vault up onto the platform at the far end to pick up a TOKEN. Reverse roll and go back down the passage. When you reach the gap, drop down to find yourself at the top of the long slope leading north down to the pool. Turn instead to go south, and safety drop to the dark room below. Go to the east opening and climb down to the big block stairway. Hop down the blocks, where you'll find that the formerly grated opening to the area far below is still accessible. However, it's still not time for that, and you'll get stuck if you try. Go around the ledge to the opening in the east wall and pull up into it. Use the slope to your right to slide down to the floor of the large room with the central pool.

Run to the SE corner and enter the passage there. Two crocodiles attack in the next room, so get rid of them and go to the SE doorway. As you enter the next area a flyby gives you a preview of an enormous room. The east stalls at ground level are empty, but if you enter them and round around a bit inside you'll eventually attract a total of four more crocodiles if you're looking for maximum kills. Go to the south end of the room and climb up onto the two adjacent blocks. Turn to face west and take a running jump and grab to the pillar-ledge. Pull up and run along the ledge, taking a right turn at the bend. Take another running jump and grab north to the next small edge, pull up and locate the climbable wall surface. Climb up, shift to the right and drop down onto the higher ledge. Turn to face south and take a running jump and grab to the next small ledge. Pull up and take a running jump (without grab) to the last ledge against the west wall. From where you land, take a simple standing jump forward so you'll land atop a pillar near the SW corner. (If you take a running jump, you'll overshoot it and fall to your death.)

Turn to face east and take a running jump to the top of the pillar against the south wall. Now take a running jump east down to the ledge leading to the second story stalls. These are also empty, but you can vault up into them and run around a bit to draw out two more crocodiles. There's also a wart hog running about in the last stall near the NE corner. When you reach the north wall, jump over to the sandy ledge and follow it (jumping around the NW corner) until you have to vault up onto a higher surface. Climb up onto the tall block there and locate the crack in the west wall. Jump up to grab it, and shimmy to the left, around several corners, until you reach a green climbing surface. Climb up and pull up into a dark passage. Run forward (the sloped surface is stable) and follow the ledge until you reach the east end. Take a running jump and grab the roof overhanging the stalls.

Pull up and go around to locate the stacked blocks. Climb them until you're on top of the tallest one. Pull up through the hole in the ceiling into an upper passage. Crawl under the low ceiling and run forward into the next room. You'll immediately be attacked at close quarters by a quartet of crocodiles, so deal with them before proceeding. There's a large step pyramid in the center of the room, with nothing interesting in the surrounding passage. Climb up the pyramid and note the dozen boulders arranged in a neat square above you. It's not necessary to trigger them all. In fact, I climbed all the way to the top and back down again, and triggered only two of them. However, it's rather fun to play chicken with the boulders and see if you can trigger all twelve without being flattened. When you get to the top, pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (first of two) and the CROSSBOW. Return to the floor below and exit through the NW doorway.

Crawl back under the low ceiling, drop through the hole in the floor and make your way down to the blue-green floor below. There's nothing exciting to do on this end of the roof, so head over to the south end. When you reach the large obstruction, go to the NW corner and take standing jumps to the flat surfaces until you reach the top. Run across to the south end and slide down to the floor. Pick up the HATHOR EFFIGY and get back up to the top of the obstruction, using the flat spots in the SW corner. Run across to the north end and take a running jump and grab to the ledge in the north wall. Pull up and follow the ledge until you reach the south end with the green climbing surface. Climb down and then safety drop to the sandy floor. Exit this area through the nearby doorway and return to the room with the central pool.

Run over to the NW corner and use the blocks and monkey swing to return to the opening in the west wall. In the next room, use the green climbing surface in the east wall to get down to the next level. Go to the SW corner of the central opening and drop down onto the ledge. Follow the winding passage down until you reach a small room with a closed gate and a receptacle. Combine the Ornate Handle and the Hathor Effigy to form the PORTAL GUARDIAN, and use it in the receptacle to open the gate behind you. Vault up into the NW passage and follow it to a deep room with a mound in the center. Use the mound to reach the pillar in the middle of the south wall. Pull up and take a running jump and grab to the higher pillar in the SE corner. Pull up and climb up onto the ledge above. Pull up and run to the other end of the ledge, then turn left and take a running jump and grab to the next ledge. Pull up and take a running jump to the next ledge, and climb the blocks to reach the hole in the roof at the SW corner.

Pull up into the dark room above and light a flare. Vault up onto the central block and pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (second of two). This floods the room below, so jump into the hole and swim down to the NE passage. Follow it to the previous room and swim up. Surface and pull out of the water. Use the green climbing surface in the east wall to get to the upper level. Insert the two gems in the receptacles in the south wall to open the Corridor Door. Vault up into the opening and follow the large winding steps down to the trigger tile at the end. A cut scene shows that the pool in the opening room has been drained. Don't attempt to descend further and explore this area, because the floor below is lined with deadly fire tiles. Go back up the stairs and exit this room. Turn to your right and vault up into the opening to the pool room.

Make your way to the sandy floor and run over to the SW corner of the pool. Drop down and descend a couple of blocks. Turn and take a running jump east to the next ledge. Go to the other end take a standing jump forward to land on the sandy blocks below. Use these to reach the floor of the drained pool. The first door at the NE corner is now open, so go inside and use that Token you've been carrying all this time in the receptacle to open the second gate. Jump the gap and enter the passage ahead. Follow it until you reach the fresh outdoor air. There's an immense pyramid ahead of you, and your task is to reach the top of it.

Enjoy the spectacular sunrise off to your right, then run forward and use the lighter, flat squares in front of you to make your way upward via standing jumps. When you reach the flat ledge, turn right and run east to the other end. Vault up onto the higher ledge and take a standing jump forward to the next block. Walk forward to the edge and take another standing jump forward to the next stable surface. Turn right and run off to the next surface slightly below, then turn left and jump forward. You'll slide down a short distance to another stable surface. Run east until you reach a steeper slope, and take a running jump east over it to reach a sandy ledge. Follow it to the east end, turn left and start climbing up. Pull up onto the ledge at the end and you'll see the row of boulders awaiting you. It might be a good idea to save your game here.

Enter the passage ahead as action music starts playing. Step forward to trigger two of the boulders, then proceed cautiously until the remaining boulders are triggered. If you stop in place and wait until they stop rattling about, you should be safe enough. Continue along the passage until you reach the west end. Climb up onto the nearby blocks and take a running jump and grab west to the facing block. Pull up and note more boulders ahead. Step forward and save again. Use the flat spots to continue making your way west. When you jump to the square beneath the first boulder, simply back flip to the previous square as the boulder rumbles harmlessly by. Ditto with the second boulder. The coast is now clear, so continue west until you reach the blocks leading upward. As you climb them you can see even more boulders lined up ahead. Pick up the crossbow arrows (normal variety, unfortunately) on the way and step forward into the east passage. Save your game again if you wish, although I was able to get past the boulder gauntlet unscathed simply by using the sprint key as I ran through the passage.

Be forewarned. When you vault up onto the ledge at the end of the passage and make your way around the structure, you'll be met by three skeletons that you can do absolutely nothing about other than stay out of their way. While they eagerly slash at your thighs and other sensitive areas, make your way past the closed door to your left over to the east side of the ledge and turn left into the alcove to step on a trigger tile. The exit door you passed is now open, so go back there and slide down through the opening into Level Two.

LEVEL TWO: The Pyramid of Cheops (inside)

You start in pitch blackness, so light a flare a step forward. Reverse roll while drawing your pistols and shoot two jackals that were trying to sneak up on you from behind. Continue north along the passage until you reach the next room. Head toward the light you can see at the far end and pick up some much-needed flares. Continue north and you'll spook two more jackals. When you finally reach the north end of this area you come to a closed gate and a cartouche receptacle. You won't be back here until the end of this level, so it's time to backtrack a bit.

Locate the passage near the SE corner of this room and go inside. Follow the passage into another dark room and note the key receptacle in the south wall and the closed door in the east wall. Turn into the north passage and shoot the jackal that meets you in the next room. Ahead are some large block steps. Climb or jump them until you reach the top, go to the NE corner, turn to face south and take a running jump and grab to the ledge. Pull up and take a running jump and grab south to the next ledge. Pull up, run forward and jump over to the ledge in the south wall. Turn right and take a running jump and grab west to the next ledge. Pull up and enter the wide passage to your left.

Follow the passage until you reach a rather large room divided by a burner tile pit. There's no way across from here, so go back and enter the smaller north passage. In the next room you'll find a ramp that is not a disguised boulder trap. Go up the ramp and locate the hole in the ceiling. Pull up into a small upper room and run over to stand on a raised trigger tile. Drop down through the hole and return to the burner tile pit room. You'll find that a block formation has been raised nearby. Climb to the top to gain access to the wall ledge. Pull up and run to the east end. Take a running jump and grab to the next ledge, then repeat and pull up onto the ledge against the east wall. Follow this ledge around to the block and climb up onto it to claim the TRIANGLE KEY.

You can take a running jump west to clear the burner tile pit, at the considerable cost of most of your health. If you don't care to make that sacrifice, retrace your moves around the ledges and climb down the raised block structure. Exit this area via the west passage and follow it until you reach the ledge overlooking the dark room with the block steps. Turn to your right and jump the ledges back to the block steps in reverse order. Exit through the wide south passage and follow it back to the smaller room with the sandy mound in the center. Go across to the south wall and insert the Triangle Key in the receptacle. The door to your left opens, so go inside and descend the blocks until you reach a pool of water.

Jump into the water and follow the convoluted passage until you reach a T-intersection with a closed gate to your right. Turn left and swim up the shaft for some air. Pull out into a dark room and locate the floor lever in the corner. Throw it for a cut scene showing the gate opening down in the water, but you probably expected that. Swim back down and enter the north opening. Swim over the blocks and surface in the large room you come to. Pull out of the water and locate the opening in the NW corner. Crawl into the passage and step on the raised trigger tile. Return to the pool and find that a number of pillars have been raised around the perimeter. Climb up onto the block near the passage to your left and use it to climb up onto the pillar against the north wall. Step forward to the SE corner and face toward the east, angled slightly to the right.

Take a running jump to the lower pillar against the east wall and turn to your right. Take a standing jump and grab to the taller pillar south, which gives you barely enough room to pull up. Drop down to the ledge on the other side of the block and take a running jump and grab to the pillar in the SE corner. Pull up and turn to your right. Take a final running jump and grab to the next pillar west, pull up and vault up onto the block ahead and pull up into the crawl space above. Crawl forward through the narrow passage and make a hairpin turn to your right to crawl up a slight incline that winds around to your left. When Lara can stand up in the next room, look around to find closed gates in the north and south walls, some steps with a key receptacle near the west wall, and a closed door at the top of the steps. Locate the opening at the NE corner and slide down to a passage. Follow the passage to a raised tile and pull up to your left. Climb the blocks until you reach an opening that overlooks a dark and extremely deep room. Save your game here.

This is the first intricate move of the game. Here's how I did it, assisted by an actual movie provided by Val: Make sure you don't have a lighted flare in your hand, and take a standing jump and grab to the first slope. Shimmy to the left, and as you pull up light a flare if you wish. Jump off immediately so you land high up on the face of the next slope, and jump immediately off it to a slope near the center of the room. Slide down this third slope a short distance and jump off with a curve to your left to ensure that you slide backwards down the fourth slope. Grab the edge, pull up and take a rolling back flip to the next slope. Slide off it onto the adjacent slope, then jump off this one and the next two slopes, and finally grab the pillar in the east wall.

Pull up and climb the blocks ahead. Jump up and grab the ledge above, then pull up and step forward to pick up the TRIANGLE KEY. Climb the blocks to your left and step forward to exit via the hole in the ceiling. As you pull up you can see the spike ball poised overhead, so don't say you weren't warned. Climb the next two blocks and save your game. Turn around and hop back twice. Action music starts playing, but the spike ball stays put. Turn back around to face west and run forward as the spike ball come tumbling down, and at the bottom of the incline jump off and land on the facing ledge (without grabbing). Drop down the other side into a passage and follow until it turns left into a wider passage lined with wall torches. There's a hole in the floor at the far left corner. The west face with the hieroglyphs is climbable, so take a slightly angle standing jump grab, and climb down the wall until Lara's feet are dangling. Release and drop down into a room you saw earlier.

Climb onto the steps in the west wall and insert the Triangle Key in the receptacle to open the door behind you. Reverse roll, enter the short corridor and throw the floor lever at the other end. A lingering flyby takes you through the previous room and shows the gates opening and wall torches lighting spontaneously. Reverse roll and go first down the south passage (even though, as it develops, you can apparently bypass this route altogether). Take a few steps up the ramp and then beat a hasty retreat as one or two spike balls come tumbling down. If only one, run back up and follow the same path it came down so you won't be hammered by either of the other two.

At the top of the ramp, turn around and climb down the green surface. At the bottom, drop down into a passage and run to the north. Turn right into the first alcove and pick up the  TIMELESS SANDS (first of two). Turn around and go back the way you came. Climb up the green surface, run down the ramp and turn left past the spike balls. Cross the dark room and enter the north passage. You come to a refreshingly well lit room whose main features are closed gates in the SW and NW corners. You've got a little timed run in store for you, but it isn't a bad one. Go around to your right and vault up onto the raised platform at the NE corner. The raised tile ahead with the large red dot in the center is a timed trigger tile, the first of several you'll encounter in this area. Save your game, then reverse roll onto the trigger tile and run forward and down to the main floor. Turn to your left and run into the open SW passage.

Reverse roll onto the second trigger tile at the end of the short passage to open the NW gate. Run outside and around the block to your left and enter the BW opening. Reverse roll onto the third trigger tile at the end of this passage and run back outside. Turn to your right and jump onto the first block, then jump or climb (depending how close you are) up to the ledge above. Turn around to your left and jump to the walkway extending over the room, and run to the far end. Turn left and jump to the next walkway and run forward and through the open north doorway before the gate drops down. Run across to the west end of this area and turn right at the wall. (You can turn left and step on a trigger tile to open the nearby gate into the previous area, but there's no real need to do that.) Pick up the TIMELESS SANDS (second of two) in the NW opening, then continue down the block stairs (stepping on a trigger tile along the way, whose purpose isn't clear) until you reach a dark room with wall torches and a bay of cartouche receptacles in the east wall. Continue south past the cartouche receptacles and a small room with two pharaoh statutes. When you step on the raised trigger tile in front of them, Lara's theme music begins to play and the torches on either side of the statues are lighted. If you continue south through the passage you'll just return to the spot where you picked up the first Timeless Sands. Insert the two Timeless Sands in the statues' laps and watch the door between them open.

Go inside and Lara's attention is immediately drawn to an opening in the structure high above. There must be a cartouche or so to find up there. The water in the central pool is green but nontoxic, so you can jump in and swim across to the west side, pull up onto the ledge and find an open doorway. There's also a closed gate in the central alcove on the north side that opens when you step on the golden tile directly in front of it. And there's a closed underwater gate on the east side of the central structure that opened for me when I performed some unknown task in this area (it opened for me when I pulled into the SW alcove, although any of the others may also have done the trick). Inside is SECRET #1, a large medi-pack and some uzi ammo.

Your tasks now can apparently be performed in no particular order, so climb up onto the west ledge and enter the next dark room. Pick up the flares near the middle of the floor and look around. There are four closed gates in the facing walls. The one in the south wall has a golden trigger tile in front of it. When you step on it the gate rises, but a long slide awaits. Maybe we should save this one for later. The SW gate also has a golden trigger tile in front of it that causes the gate to lift when you step on it. Go inside and locate the green climbing surface. The gate slams shut behind you, so you're committed. Climb the green wall and shift to the left at the top. Drop down onto the block and safety drop to the passage below.

Climb the two blocks south and beware of another spike ball trap. You conquer it the same way you did the one earlier. Hop backwards down the ramp twice, then turn around and sprint the rest of the way down, jumping off at the last instant (without grabbing) to land on the facing block. Climb down and face your next task--a ramp guarded by three slicer dicers. Although they appear formidable, they aren't that hard to evade. When you reach the east opening, climb down the green climbing surface and turn around to enter a passage. Looks like another spike ball opportunity, and so it is. Take a running jump across the gap, then immediately reverse roll and jump back across as the spike ball is released at the north end of the passage. When the spike ball comes to rest, jump back to the other side and proceed up the slight incline.

Use the green climbing surface in the north wall to climb up and shift to your left all the way up the slope. Drop down at the end onto the level surface and step out into the corridor. Turn right and run out to the ledge jutting out into the room you visited earlier. Take a running jump and grab to the opening in the central structure, pull up, step forward and pick up the TABLET (first of four). Turn around and take a running jump and grab back to the ledge, then release and drop down into the water below.

Pull out onto the west ledge and re-enter the dark hub room. Since all roads appear to lead to the central structure, let's try that slope in the south wall next. Step on the golden trigger tile to raise the gate, then slide down the slope into a dark room where you're met by a quartet of hungry jackals. Kill them all, then light a flare and watch out for the dart guns hidden behind the two red-dot tiles in the west wall. Climb the blocks against the south wall and pull up onto either of the two wall ledges. Turn to face north, angled toward the center of the room, and take a running jump into the darkness and land safely on a ledge. Step forward and climb or jump the blocks ahead, then turn around at the top and take a standing jump and grab to the south ledge in an upper room.

Pull up and shoot a bat that flutters your way. Don't step onto the floor either to your right or your left, as it's a disguised death trap (burner tiles). There's a green climbing surface in front of you, but that's for your return leg around this room. Look to your left and note the closed gate in the east wall. Take a standing jump and grab to the pillar just to the right of the closed gate and pull up onto it. Turn right and walk out to the south edge, then take a standing jump to the facing slope and make two successive jumps to land on a golden trigger tile that raises the gate. Pull up onto the block ahead, walk to the west end, sidestep to the left and take a standing jump to the highest part of the next slope. Jump off and grab the edge of the next slope. Pull up, slide down and jump to the next slope. Jump off it and grab the green climbing surface. Shift to your left around the corner and climb down to the ledge where you entered this area. Turn left and take a running jump to the platform in front of the opened gateway.

A couple of spike balls roll toward you from the other direction, but they pose no threat. Wait until they come to a complete stop, then stand between them and simply side flip over them. Climb or jump the block steps ahead, and run down the north passage. Stop to pick up the small medi-pack, then turn left onto a ledge facing the central structure. Take a running jump and grab to the opening and pull up to claim the TABLET (second of four). Jump back to the ledge and release into the water. Climb up onto the west ledge and re-enter the dark room. Turn to your right and stand in front of the north gate, and it opens automatically.

Run into the passage and climb or jump the blocks ahead. At the top, pull up onto the slope and slide down into a bright room with a large column in the center. Nothing much to do here except find out if the green strip in the north wall has a climbable surface. It does. Climb up into the high passage and follow to a red-dot trigger tile at the other end. An earthquake rearranges the topography of the previous room. Stand at the edge of the opening, slightly right of center, and take a standing jump and grab to land inside the opening of the pillar ahead. Step forward to the SW corner and angle Lara to the right. Take a running jump to the large sloped pillar SW, slide down and grab the edge. Pull up and take a rolling back flip and grab the pillar directly behind you. Pull up, step forward and take a standing jump over the gap into the east passage. Run to the other end and throw the floor lever.

Reverse roll, run back to the edge of the passage, take one step back and then a standing jump forward to land on the pillar outside. Safety drop to the floor, or use the adjacent slopes to jump and slide down without sustaining any damage. Go to the south side of the gray central column and locate a stable triangular surface in the west wall. Turn to face north, and from the NE apex of the triangle you can take a standing jump that will being you to a higher flat surface. From there, climb the blocks in the west wall, and when you reach the top slide down the other side and continue until you can see an opening down below in the west wall. Drop down the other side and mind the gap in front of the opening, as there's a burner tile down below, and run into the west passage.

Follow until you reach the inevitable block steps. Climb or jump them until you reach the top, where you'll find a green climbing surface. Climb to the very top, pull up and turn left. When you jump across the gap you'll trigger a row of spike balls, but the one on the left drops down first. Therefore, take a running jump to that area so you can scoot over to the left wall after the first spike ball rolls by. Continue up the east ramp and pull up onto a ramp that slopes down in the other direction. Guess what? More spike balls. These all drop down at roughly the same time, so you can't use the same trick you used earlier. Even so, this is even easier. Simply run down the ramp and jump the gap before the spike balls reach you. Hop down the ledges and jump into the SE opening. You'll slide down into an alcove. Drop down onto the block below and head south down the block steps. Run down the ramp to trigger yet another spike ball, and jump the gap before it can reach you. Turn the corner, and you'll finally find yourself at a ledge overlooking the central structure in the green pool room.

Jump across as you've done previously and pick up the TABLET (third of four). Drop down into the water (you barely miss the west ledge) and climb out in the middle north alcove. Step forward onto the gold trigger tile to open the north gate. Slide down the slope into a deep pillar room. Climb the blocks to your left until you reach the high ledge. Go to the other end and stand at the edge facing north. Slide down the first slope and jump to the next one north. Jump off it to the second one and you'll change directions east. Continue jumping the slopes until you reach the wider one against the east wall. Slide down and grab the edge, shimmy to the left, pull up and take a rolling back flip to the slope behind you so you'll land facing forward. Jump off that one and then the next one so you're heading west. You may find it easier to grab the edge of these west pillars, pull up and jump to the next one. When you reach the last one, don't slide when you pull up but jump immediately to grab the sloped ledge in the NW corner. Pull up, back flip and keep the jump key depressed to bounce off the slope behind you. Grab the opening in the ceiling and pull up into an upper room.

Go up the stairs and you'll soon come to a passage. At the end of it is a ledge leading to the central structure in the green pool room. Jump over to claim the final TABLET (four of four). Drop down into the water. You can check out the west room again if you like, but that fourth closed door in there is still closed. Exit this area via the east doorway, turn left past the statues and insert the four Tablets in their receptacles. The gate behind you in the west wall opens silently, so go inside and follow the passage to a small room with a pedestal. As you climb up onto it, you get a lingering flyby that ends with that final gate lifting in the west room just off the green pool room. Pick up the EYE PIECE and return to the green pool room. Enter the NW gateway, and at the intersection turn to your right. Step on the red-dot trigger tile to raise the gate ahead, and draw your pistols as you hop down into the next room.

A pack of jackals, five in all, are headed your way, so calmly shoot them and continue forward to the other side of the room and climb up onto the block. Go to the end of the north passage and climb up onto the block to pick up the second EYE PIECE. Turn around and head back the other way. However, don't simply hop down and run across the room, because the act of picking up the second Eye Piece has converted the dark floor tiles (at least the ones on this end of the room) into deadly burner tiles. Carefully run off onto a light tile and play a little game of hopscotch until you reach the other side.

Go through the next passage, past the room beyond, and into the next room south as a couple of wall torches light up upon your arrival. Run across to the iris door in the far wall, combine the two Eye Pieces to form the EYE OF HORUS, and use it in the receptacle to open the huge door. Run down the octagonal passage, stopping about halfway down to pick up the RA CARTOUCHE, and climb or jump the blocks ahead. Slide down the slope ahead into a room with an impressive stone sphinx. Look up at the ceiling for a clear view of the paths you'll soon be following to access a couple of high doorways via the monkeyswing.

Climb up on the left rear haunches of the sphinx and take a standing jump up to its rear end. You can see a nearby hole with a closed gate barring access for the moment. Head east and climb up to the highest point of the sphinx. Your next goal is that ledge in the south wall, so locate that monkeyswing path (marked by the lighter ceiling tiles), jump up and grab the ceiling. If you stray from the marked path you'll drop to the floor, so it's best to stay in the middle of the three-tile-wide path. When you reach the south wall, drop to the ledge and enter the small opening by having Lara turn around, crouch and lower herself down the other side.

Reverse roll and run down the south passage. Don't enter the next room, as the floor is one big burner tile. Climb up onto the block to your left, then the next one, and take an angled standing jump to the next one. Continue climbing, then turn right and take a standing jump and grab to the next pillar west. Pull up, step forward and throw the floor lever to raise that grate in the sphinx's rear end that you saw earlier. Go back down, run down the passage and pull out onto the ledge. Take a running jump down to the backside of the sphinx and enter the small passage revealed by the open grate. Throw the floor lever inside to raise a gate high up in the east wall. Go out and climb back up to the top of the sphinx. Use the second path in the ceiling to monkey swing over to the east opening, enduring the sting of some darts along the way. When you get to the end, release and grab again immediately, then pull up into the east passage.

Run forward and slide down a long slope into a room you saw much earlier. Run to the other side of the nearby statue and insert the Ra Cartouche in the receptacle to lift the gate to your right. No need to light a flare. Just go inside and you'll be taken to the next level.

LEVEL THREE: Underground City Burials

You're facing north, with a series of trenches ahead of you. Three of them are spike ball traps. Simply take a standing jump over each trench to trigger the traps without harm to yourself. On the other side, follow the passage until you reach a steep slope going down to your right. Slide down to the level surface, then turn around and slide down the narrower passage backwards. Grab the edge, pull up and back flip across the pit to a continuation of the slope. When you reach the bottom, head north along the edge of a lava pool. Step down onto a safe tile in the trench, or simply take a standing jump and grab the crack in the east wall. Shimmy left all the way around to the other side of the building (two corners), pull up when you can and climb the block to your left. Take a running jump and grab to the lowest pillar south. Pull up and climb the blocks to your left.

Turn to face north and take successive running jumps and grabs to the pillars against the east wall. Step forward and climb the block to your left. Take a standing jump and grab to the ledge ahead and pull up. Step forward. turn to your left and take a running jump to the gray ledge in the central structure. Climb the block to your left and follow the higher ledge as it wraps around the structure. Climb the stairs at the end and take a running jump to the north ledge. Pull up into the opening, follow the passage and run up the stairs. You emerge in a huge area. Take the time to look around.

If you start by running east between the buildings, you'll note a closed door and a pillar receptacle in the building on the far right. Go past that building into the dark alley on your right, and pick up a quiver of explosive crossbow arrows that'll come in mighty handy before long. Reverse roll and circle the perimeter of this area in a counterclockwise direction. As you head west between the buildings you'll encounter another closed door and pillar receptacle on your left. Turn right past that building and run north. Before you reach the north wall you'll see a closed door on your right, flanked by two gem receptacles. Across from it you'll see a floor lever.

If you throw the lever, you'll open the door right behind you. If you go inside to pick up the small medi-pack you'll awaken a skeleton, so decide for yourself if you want to expend one of those precious exploding arrows now or not (as you'll be meeting a lot more skeletons later). After you've decided what to do, go back to where you entered this large area in the SW corner and run east between the first row of buildings again. But this time take the first left into a narrow alley and left again into the building. Go up the stairs to the second story. You can shoot the jugs if you wish, but they're all empty.

Go to the opening in the NE corner and take a running jump and grab to the cut in the roof of the next building. Pull up and run to the other side. Turn around, hop back and grab the edge, and shimmy to your right until you can pull up onto a flat spot. Turn around and take a running jump and grab to the ledge jutting out from the next building north. Pull up, turn halfway to your left and take a standing jump into the open space. Ignore the room on this level, which is empty, and instead climb the blocks until you reach the roof. Run to the east side, climb the block there and pick up the WOODEN PILLAR.

Slide backwards down the south side of the roof, grab the edge, shimmy to the left as necessary to drop down onto the ledge, and drop from there to the floor. Run east and turn right. The nearest pillar receptacle is dead ahead, so give it a try. Lo and behold, the Wooden Pillar works here, so go inside when the door opens and climb the ladder in the NE corner. Back flip into the room above and shoot the jugs if you like, for target practice. Climb the stairs and pull up on the north side. Now stand in the SE corner with your back against the wall, angled slightly to your right, and take a standing jump and grab to the edge of the roof. Pull up onto a flat spot and pick up the WOODEN KNOT.

Hop back down to the ledge. If you go over to the south side and look over the edge, you can see something on the roof of the building across the way, but it's too far to reach from here. Exit this building by dropping down through the interior holes and turn right once outside. Turn right again between the buildings and then turn left. You'll come to another closed door, so use your Wooden Knot in the receptacle. Go inside when the door lifts, and you'll be greeted by another skeleton. Decide whether or not to eliminate it, then shoot the jugs and note the burning tile on a ledge against the west wall.

Climb the ladder in the east wall and back flip into the upper room. Go to the platform in the SW corner and pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (first of two). Shoot the five jugs for fun and throw the floor lever to light some wall torches and create an opening in the NE corner. Climb up onto the block and from there pull up onto the roof of this building. Run to the west side, take a running jump to the roof of the next building and pick up the flares you saw earlier. Drop from the north edge of the roof onto the block below and run west along the ledge. When you step on the brown tile the door opens, so go inside. A skeleton awakens as the door closes behind you, so you may as well invest one of those explosive arrows here. Then pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (second of two) from the raised tile in the corner.

When you step onto the red-dot tile the exit door opens, but it's on a short timer the instant you step off. So sprint to the opening in the opposite corner and exit this room before the door closes. Safety drop to the floor if your momentum hasn't already brought you down there. Run to the NE part of this area and locate the door flanked by the gem receptacles. Insert the two Corridor Door Gems to open the door and go inside. Two skeletons rise to greet you, so it would be wise to dispatch them with a single explosive arrow. The nearby hole against the north wall leads down to a closed door requiring a gem you don't yet have, so head the other way into the larger portion of this room.

Locate the stairs beyond a narrow passage and pull up into a higher level. Go pick up the small medi-pack near the SE corner and step out into the nearby opening. Take a running jump south and grab the ledge. Pull up and take a series of jumps to the pillar tops as you make your way to the opening high up in the south wall. Take a running jump over to the next building and climb the blocks ahead. Turn around and take an angled running jump into the opening in the west wall. Climb up onto the block in the corner and pick up another CORRIDOR DOOR GEM. Exit this room and safety drop to the ledge below, and from there to the floor.

Run around the large yellow building north to the opening you created earlier with the two gems. Go inside and turn left, drop down into the hole and insert the Corridor Door Gem in the receptacle to open the nearby double doors. Go down the passage and hop down the block steps. When you reach the passage below you'll awaken another skeleton. Deal with it and continue past a couple of steam blowers into a dark room with a central pool. Go to the NE corner and climb the blocks. Jump to the higher ledge and follow to the west end. Take a standing jump and grab to the pillar ahead. Pull up and take a running jump to the pillar against the west wall. Turn left and take a running jump to the next ledge south. Run to the other end and pick up the small medi-pack, then safety drop to the floor.

Jump into the pool and swim into the south passage. Follow it until you can pull out into a small room with two red-dot trigger tiles. Step on them both to drain the passage you just swam through. Drop down and make your way back. You find that the pool has been completely drained, too, and the opening at the bottom is now accessible, so slide down, jump over the hole, slide back down and grab the edge, and climb down the shaft to the bottom. Run over a grate into the next room. At the second grate, turn left and crawl past the small waterfall into SECRET #2 for some revolver ammo and a large medi-pack. Crawl back out on the left side and turn left into the south passage.

Drop down into the next room, and a skeleton comes out to play. There are four closed door and a red-dot trigger tile. Step on it to open the north door, providing access to another red-dot trigger tile, which opens the next door, and so on. When you've stepped on the last tile, go through the east doorway into the next room. Climb the steps in the NE corner and use the crawl space to access the second story room. Go in and climb the two shorter blocks and take a running jump and grab to the next pillar east. Pull up, turn right and take a running jump and grab to the tallest pillar south. Pull up and take a running jump forward to the ledge. Follow it to the west end, turn right and jump up to grab the bridge. Monkey swing to the other side of the room and release to drop onto another ledge. Turn left and run to the NW corner, turn left and take a running jump and grab to the next ledge, and follow to the south opening.

Climb or jump the blocks ahead until you reach a dark, pillar-strewn room guarded by a pair of skeletons. (Are you keeping track of those precious explosive crossbow arrows?) Note the closed door in the west wall that requires a pharos artifact, then run up the stairs at the south end of the room and turn left into another dark room where two more skeletons rise from the ashes. There are two closed doors in the west wall, another one in the south wall and at least one (two, if you count the one that appears to be a gray slab) in the east wall. Go over to the short block against the north wall, climb up onto it and turn to face west. Take a standing jump into the darkness and grab the top of the next pillar. Pull up and walk out to the far left corner. Angle Lara slightly to the left and take a running jump to the top of the next pillar. Face SW and take a running jump to the next pillar in the west wall. Turn to face south and take a running jump and grab to the next pillar. Repeat to the next pillar in the west wall. Pull up, turn to your left, jump up and grab the bridge overhead. Monkey swing forward until Lara releases her grip, and you'll drop down onto a block.

Hop down to your right and go to the north side of the nearby pushable piece. Push it forward one square toward the south wall. Drop down through the central hole and locate the floor lever in the room below. Throw it to open a door leading back to the large dark room, and deal with another awakened skeleton that tries to bar your way. Go outside, and you find that both doors in the west wall and the door near the SE corner are now open. NOTE: This is clearly not the builder's intention, as the purpose of the pushable piece on the rooftop was almost certainly to use the red-dot tiles arranged in a row along the south wall to open these doors. Nevertheless, one of the objectives of a walkthrough is to provide the easiest solution for the gamer. Moonpooka did it the intended way, and here is her solution:

Tile 1 opens the right west wall door
Tile 2 opens the left west wall door
Tile 3 opens the left east wall door
Tile 4 opens the right east wall door.

As there seems to be no particular order in which to take these openings, let's try the SE doorway first. Turn your back to the slope, light a flare and save your game. Slide down the slope backwards and grab the edge. Pull up and take a rolling back flip to cross the spike pit and resume sliding down the slope. When you think you're at the very end, there's a ledge that juts out a little further. Jump off that ledge and grab the ladder ahead. Shift to your left, around one corner, and climb up between two ledges. Shift to your right and drop down to the ledge. Follow around the corner and jump up to grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing around until you reach the SW corner, and release. Climb the ladder there and shift to the right when you reach the top. Drop down into the passage and run around into an upper room.

Not much of a mystery as to what you do here. At least, not yet. Move the pushable piece onto the nearby teal tile and both stone doors in this room open. Enter the passage to find another pushable piece blocking your way. Pull it back and into the previous room. However, when you return to the passage you find a dead end, so go back to the first room and turn right into a new area. A stone door opens upon your approach, allowing you to move a third pushable piece. Place it on the nearer teal tile on the opposite side of the pillar, and the other stone door opens to reveal another teal tile. Go back to the first room and drag the second piece (if you move the first piece, both doors close) onto the teal tile nearest the entrance to the second room (in the SW corner).

Now here's the tricky part. If you go to the other piece in this room and pull it back, the stone door will close again, blocking access to the teal tile in the NW corner. Therefore, go to the south side of the piece and push it forward twice, then go around and push it west until it comes to rest on the NW teal tile. The door in the north wall opens silently, so go inside and follow the passage until you reach the part with the brown walls. Turn right and save your game. You need to sprint north toward the blue gem, ahead of the spike balls that are triggered as you pass by. Not too difficult when you know what to do ahead of time. Pick up the first CORRIDOR DOOR GEM, push the face panel to your right, and climb the ladder and the blocks ahead. When you pull up onto the last "block" you'll slide down two perpendicular ramps onto a level surface.

Run forward quickly into the next room as four skeletons gather to attack. If you stay where you are, you're likely to be shoved down the slope to your left and into a familiar spike pit before you can arm your crossbow and blow the skeletons away.

Look around to find yourself back in the dark central room. As a bonus, the left door in the east wall (above the gray slab) is now open, so let's go there next. Climb up into the opening and onto the block ahead. Slide down the other side into a Palace Midas-like room with flaming pillars. Climb up on the ledge ahead to extinguish the flames and face the pillars. There may be other ways to do this, but here's how I did it: Take a running jump to the first pillar, and an immediate standing jump to the next. Step forward to the far right corner, angle slightly to the right, hop back and take a running jump and grab to the fourth pillar (skipping the third pillar completely). Pull up and take a running jump to the last pillar and an immediate standing jump into the passage.

As you run down the passage you hear the sound of a door opening ahead. You come to a T-intersection. If you turn left you'll turn the corner and come to a closed door. If you turn right and start running, you'll find that you can make a counterclockwise circuit literally forever, with unseen doors opening and closing as you step on their triggers. When you turn around and run clockwise, you don't activate the triggers. I have no idea what's going on here, but the object is to open up a passage to the next area. I was able to do this consistently and reliably in the following manner: Make one complete circuit counterclockwise around the "track." When you come back to your beginning point (the entrance door is now closed, and to your right), turn around and go back the other way. You'll come to an opening in the east wall, where you continue on your merry way.

Follow the passage to a closed door, which lifts as you stand in front of it. Go down the ramp a couple of steps into the next room, and stop. There are four spike balls lined up in a row above you, and you don't want to trigger them prematurely. Sidestep to your left until you come to the SW corner next to the west wall. Run down the ramp, swerving to your right to avoid the pit, and dash to safety through the opening at the bottom and to your left just ahead of the spike balls. Step forward onto the raised tile, pick up the second CORRIDOR DOOR GEM and push the face panel to your right. Climb the ladders ahead and slide down the slope to an opening in front of the central hub room.

Cross the room and enter the NW doorway. Climb the blocks and slide down into an area with three large buildings. The building to your left is empty, and there's a closed door barring entry to the building to your right. Go forward into the third building and climb up onto the block. Pull up through the hole in the ceiling on the north side and step forward onto a red-dot trigger tile to open a timed door in the adjacent building. Go back to the hole and hop over to an outdoor balcony. From the ledge jutting out east take a running jump to the next building and turn right into the open doorway before it closes again. Throw the floor lever to open the door in the third building, then step on the red-dot trigger tile to re-open the door to this room.

Safety drop to the ground and enter the north building. Climb the blocks in the corner and pull up into an upper room. There are more blocks to climb, that bring you onto an outside balcony. You can pull up onto the roof, but there's nothing to do up there. Go around the ledge to the SW corner and take a running jump SW to the roof of the next building. Go to the SE ledge and take a running jump SE to a pillar in the next building. Turn to your right and take a standing jump to the roof, and run up to the hole in the cavern wall. Pull up into a room with a pool and a small waterfall. Deal with the skeleton and jump into the water.

Wade to the other side and pull up into the opening. Slide down the slope into a new area. There's a closed grate in the pool and another closed grate in the south wall. Go to the waterfall and pull up onto it. Crawl inside for SECRET #3 and a large medi-pack. Return to the previous area, climb up onto the blocks at the NW corner and face south. Take a running jump and grab to the next block, and repeat to the ledge in the SW corner. Pull up, step forward, turn around and pull up into the passage above. Run down the passage and step on the red-dot trigger tile in the small room, reverse roll and go back to drop down onto the ledge below. The previous room has been flooded, so jump into the water and find that both of the closed grates you noted earlier are now open.

First, swim into the pool and down into the open passage. Turn right and pick up the uzi ammo around the corner, then flip turn and follow the passage all the way to a shaft where you can swim up for air, then pull out into the passage. Throw the floor lever, and you hear the sound of a door opening. Jump back into the water and swim back to the pool. Surface for air, then swim into the SE opening. Pull out and throw the floor lever dead ahead. Jump back into the water and swim back toward the pool. Turn right into the new passage and follow it until you reach the shaft. Swim up, surface and pull out. Turn to the left, go and pick up the third CORRIDOR DOOR GEM, and push the face panel on your right to open the exit door. Go to the new opening and slide down two slopes. Turn to your right and pull up onto the blocks. Step forward and slide down another slope. Turn to your right and hop down into the central hub room.

One more door to go. Go to the SW opening, run inside and hop down to slide down the long slope to your left. You'll fall a long distance into a pool where you're met by a trio of hungry crocodiles. Swim quickly across to the SE corner and pull up on the ledge there. Pause for the satisfaction of a croc shoot before continuing down the passage. Climb the block in the next room and pull up onto some block steps. Pick up the nearby shotgun ammo, then climb or jump the blocks. At the top, jump up to grab the tan portion of the ceiling and monkey swing south toward the opening ahead. Drop down and run through the passage into a dark room containing five pushable columns.

I saw no need to move all the columns. If you simply pull and push aside the one column blocking your path to the red-dot trigger tile against the south wall, you can step on it to open the timed door in the SE corner. Run quickly through the doorway into the next room, and stop. This room is sprinkled with spike traps that spring down from the ceiling. There's a way you can twist and turn through the room to avoid springing them, but why bother? Simply crawl across the room to the other side and you'll be quite safe.

You next come to a rather large room with holes in the floor. Avoid the holes, as there are burner tiles at the bottom. Go to the pole near the west end, climb up a short distance and back flip onto the nearby ledge. Climb the blocks and use the bars along the north wall to monkey swing to the other side. Drop down and climb the block ahead. Turn to your right and take a running jump and grab to the pole, being very careful to line up so you don't miss. Turn around, slide nearly to the bottom of the pole, and back flip to the south ledge. Take a running jump and grab to the ledge in the SE corner. Pull up, turn left and jump up to grab the bars. Monkey swing forward a short distance, then make a hairpin turn to the left and follow the bars past a couple of steam blowers. Don't go to the very end, but release a short distance before you reach the end of the bars (just past the second steam blower).

You'll land on a ledge. Take a standing jump forward to the next ledge, and another standing jump to the block. Climb the next block and the ladder, shift to the right at the top and drop down into an alcove. Climb the north ladder and pull up at the top. As you do so, you can't help but notice the spiked ball poised overhead. You've been through this before, so you know what to do. Slide down the slope and jump off at the last instant without grab to land on the ledge across the gap while two (not one) spike balls drop down into the pit. Drop down the other side and climb down the ladder and drop down into the passage below. Follow the passage and run up the ramp. Climb the ladder and pick up the fourth CORRIDOR DOOR GEM at the top. Push the face panel to your right and step forward to slide down two slopes that deposit you at the doorway to the central hub room.

Assuming you pushed all four of the face panels after picking up the nearby gems, the stone door in the south wall has now opened. Go inside and climb the block in the corner of the small room. Pick up the WOODEN PILLAR and return to the hub room. Exit through the NE passage and go down the stairs into the room strewn with column fragments. Locate the receptacle and insert the Wooden Pillar to open the double stone doors to your left.

Go inside and you'll come to a tall room with a central structure, as action music starts playing. Run quickly up the first portion of the ramp as a spike ball drops right behind you. Turn left at the corner but run off to the floor as another spike ball comes rumbling down. Return to the ramp and run up three segments. Pull up onto the ledge and be extra careful from this point on, as you're high enough now that a fall to the floor would kill you. Go up the next segment of the ramp, hugging the wall to avoid the darts shooting from the wall behind you. Step forward onto the level portion at the corner and hop back right away to avoid the third spike ball.

Go up the next two segments of the ramp in safety. Step onto the flat spot at the next corner and hop back to avoid another spike ball. The next two segments can also be negotiated safely, although there's a steam blower near the end of the second segment. Ahead lies another spike ball trap, so step forward and hop back as before. Run up the rest of the way and climb up through the hole in the ceiling. Throw the floor lever in the center of the upper room to awaken three skeletons and open the large west doors. Just beyond the doorway are four gem receptacles in the north wall. Insert your Corridor Door Gems to open the west door. Take one step inside to be warped to the final level.

LEVEL FOUR: Sun Temple of RA

Run forward and go up the stairs. Take a running jump over the spike pit and enter a room that looks like an abandoned bus stop. You'll see that one of the pillars supporting the nearest roofed structure is different from the others. It's moveable, so push and pull it (picking up the grenade gun ammo it was hiding) onto the unoccupied teal tile near the north wall to open the nearby stone door.

Go inside the next room and you'll awaken a pair of sleeping skeletons. Blow them away if you have any remaining explosive crossbow arrows, then go to the NW corner and throw the floor lever to open the stone doors in the north wall. Enter the next room, which is occupied by blocks of various heights. Climb up on the shortest one near the west wall and take standing or running jumps to the remaining blocks as necessary to make a clockwise circuit around the room. When you reach the last block, take a running jump south and grab the ledge. Pull up, go to the right and throw the floor lever near the west wall to open up a crawl space in the large room to your left. Safety drop from the south side of the ledge and return to the abandoned bus stop.

Run up the ramp and climb the blocks in the east wall. Jump up to grab the ceiling, and monkey swing west until you can drop down onto the roof of the nearest covered structure. Turn left, go to the south end and take a running jump to the ledge in front of the crawl space. Crawl inside and follow the unobstructed passage until you reach a small room with hieroglyphic walls. You have a choice of paths to follow now: either continue forward through the north crawl space, or pull up through the hole in the ceiling. Without knowing at this time whether it makes any difference which one you choose, let's go through the north crawl space. (As it turns out, this is the correct choice.)

Follow the passage until you emerge in a room with a pool that's bigger than it looks. There seems to be nothing down there, however, so jump across the water and climb up into the north opening. A harpy swoops down to attack, so kill it before continuing. Run down the passage and step on the red-dot trigger tile at the end to drain the pool below. Go down and safety drop into the pool, and pick up the large medi-pack at the NW corner that wasn't visible earlier. Climb back up, using the green strip, and shift left or right at the top and drop down. Climb the blocks against the west wall and turn to face east. Take a running jump and grab to the next pillar and pull up. Climb up through the hole in the ceiling and shift right. Drop down onto the ledge and enter a new room with a new task. You can hear the sound of mummies retching, but they're on the other side of the north bars where they can't bother you right now.

Look around and you'll see a closed tile door in the west wall, a closed stone door in the east wall, three floor levers near the NE corner, a hole in the floor, a moveable piece in the SW corner that's isolated at the moment, and a teal tile near the NW corner where you obviously need to place the piece. First, safety drop through the hole in the floor onto a block. Hop down to rouse one of three sleeping skeletons. Dispose of it if you have the means to do so, then pick up the shotgun ammo and the UZIS. Throw the floor lever to lift a block near the pushable piece above, then climb back up onto the block, step forward to the south edge and pull up into the room above. Go to the floor levers and throw the middle one only (the other two will get you spiked) to raise another block that creates a path allowing you to move the piece onto the teal tile. When you do so, the stone door in the east wall rises, allowing you to enter an alcove with a climbable surface.

Climb up, shift to the left and drop down into the upper room. Be very careful here, because there's a spike ball trap at the top of the ramp that you absolutely must not trigger, lest you become blocked from returning here later. Turn around to the west wall and pull up into the room above. Go around to the hole in the NE corner and drop down into the passage below. Walk up onto the near ramp and jump up to grab the bars. Monkey swing across the pit (what appears to be a solid floor isn't) and drop down on the other side. Run forward to the west wall and turn left into a new room. As you run forward to check out the artifact on the floor, another harpy attacks from behind you. After dealing with it, pick up the WOODEN KNOT and note the closed stone doors flanked by two gem receptacles at the south end.

Turn around and go back the way you came. Nothing to do at this point but drop down into the pit and mix it up with a quartet of mummies. Draw them to the far corner and run over to the NW corner and throw the floor lever to open the door in the west wall. The mummies won't follow you outside, which will give you time to look around in the tight passage. There are two red-dot trigger tiles, one at the north end of the passage and the other near the south end. Their purpose, if any, isn't immediately clear, as the exit door is now open without your having to step on either tile. Moreover, stepping on them doesn't seem to accomplish anything.

Anyway, return to the room with the three floor levers and drop down through the hole in the SE corner. Safety drop from the pillar to the floor and hop over the gap to the crawl space in the NE corner. Follow the passage until you return to the small room with hieroglyphics on the walls. Stand under the hole in the ceiling and jump up to grab the north edge. Pull up into the passage and climb or jump the blocks ahead. Run into the hallway but be careful not to fall down into either of the two holes ahead that are very hard to see. Climb the blocks at the north end and pull up into a room with three closed tile doors and a closed stone door. Insert the Wooden Knot in the west receptacle to open the stone door and go inside the next room.

You'll find a moveable piece and three teal tiles. If you push the piece forward onto the middle tile, the south door in the previous room opens. Go there for some shotgun ammo for your nonexistent shotgun. Return to the piece and push it north onto the NW tile. This opens the east door outside. Enter the new room and greet two skeletons and a harpy. It'll be much easier on you if you kill the harpy first, then deal with the skeletons if you have any explosive crossbow arrows left. There's a jumpswitch on each of the four walls. Activating them raises blocks in each corner of this room (note the neat effect of Lara disappearing momentarily as she grabs each jumpswitch), one of which bears a moveable globe. After moving the globe laboriously onto each of the other three corner tiles, and finally onto the red-dot tile near the central trench, the door in the east wall opens. Run down the passage and pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (first of two) from the raised tile at the other end.

Go back to the far west room and move the piece onto the teal tile in the other corner to open the third and final door in the north wall outside. Enter the new room and note the different texture in the floor ahead, and the floor lever in the far right corner. Obviously there's more than meets the eye here, and if you run forward blindly you'll treat yourself to a steel enema. Here's the safe path to the lever: Imagine that there are squares in the darker floor ahead, and start from the second square from the left. Walk forward one square and turn right. Walk forward one more square and turn left. Run fearlessly all the way to the north wall and turn right to throw the floor lever. This opens the door behind you in the west wall, but be careful getting there. Turn around and walk two squares west, then turn left and walk one square south. Turn right and run forward into the open doorway.

You've come to a huge barbecue pit with a closed stone door in the east wall. Go around the pillars to the block near the NE corner and climb up onto it. Step forward and pull up onto the corner ledge and turn around to face south. Take a running jump to the ledge, run forward and turn right as if you were walking the plank. Take a running jump to the small ledge against the west wall, turn left and take a standing jump to the ledge. Run to the other end, turn left and jump up to grab the bars. Monkey swing across to the other end, staying as far left as possible. Release and grab the edge of the alcove, pull up and turn to your left. Vault up onto the raised block and take a standing jump west to the ledge. Run forward to the end, light a flare if you wish and jump up to grab the bars. Monkey swing forward and turn left at the corner. Release at the end and drop down onto a ledge. Turn to your left and run to the other end. Throw the floor lever to open the door in the east wall below.

A fast way down is to monkey swing back across to the NE corner and release. You'll drop down onto the corner ledge with a minimal loss of health. Hop down to the floor, run south and turn left into the east doorway. The darker flooring ahead consists of deadly burner tiles, so take a standing jump forward onto the stable slope. Turn to your left and hop over to the pole near the NW corner. Jump to the pole and grab, then slide up until Lara's feet are above the double horizontal line atop the brick layer, and back flip onto a ledge. Turn around and run forward. Jump over the gap to the east ledge and turn right. Run forward and pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (second of two) in the alcove.

Retrace your steps and slide down the pole. Back flip onto a safe rock and turn around. Hop back to the SE exit and leave this room. Turn left and return to the spike room. Follow the same route back that you used to get here and exit through the south doorway. You're through here, so leave this area via the SE opening. You'll need to treat the stairs as a crawl space and lower Lara down the south side. Reverse roll and cross the hallway, again being mindful of the holes in the floor. Hop down the block stairs into the small room with hieroglyphics on the walls, and use the north crawl space to return to the drained pool area.

Jump across the gap, climb the blocks and jump over to the green climbing strip in the south wall. Climb up, shift right and drop down into the room with the three floor levers. Climb up the green strip in the east alcove and shift left at the top. Drop down onto the ramp, turn around and pull up into the room above to avoid springing the boulder trap. Drop down through the hole in the NE corner and monkeyswing across the gap. Run forward and turn left into the next room. Insert the two Corridor Door Gems in their receptacles to open the south door. Step inside and slide down the slope onto a ledge, where a flyby gives you a detailed tour of the next room, an immense and complex room requiring that you locate and place four more gems.

Run forward to the west end and take a running jump across to the next ledge. This awakens a harpy behind you, so reverse roll and kill it. Proceed around the obstruction on this narrower ledge until you reach an opening in the SW corner. Enter a dark room and light a flare. Go across to the west wall and make a written note of the four images lined up in a row, as you'll have occasion to use this information later. Locate the crawl space in the SW corner and crawl inside for a CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (first of four). If this seems easy so far, don't get complacent.

Exit this room and follow the ledge against the west wall to the north end. Take a running jump and grab to the next ledge and pull up. Note the chute in the north wall and drop down the opening right in front of it onto a block below. Hop down to the ledge and use the block steps against the west wall to reach an even lower ledge. Run around to the north wall and locate a floor lever partially hidden by a ghostly structure that you can just run through. A dark cut scene doesn't provide much information as to what just happened. The nearby jugs can be shattered, but they're all empty.

Climb down the ladder through the hole to reach the floor level. Strolling around counterclockwise, you first see a closed stone door in the west wall. A little further on you'll find a small medi-pack on the other side of some steps. There's another floor lever in the SE corner. This time you get no cut scene or other clue whatsoever when you you throw it. Near the NE corner you'll find a pit and two nearby closed doors. When you step on the lighter tile in front of one of them, it obligingly opens, so go inside and run down the north passage. Climb the ladder ahead and allow Lara to slide down two slopes into a room with designed floor tiles.

Remember those wall tiles I told you to make a note of a little while back? What you need to do is to make standing jumps to the first three matching tiles and a running jumps to the fourth one in the NW corner. This opens the stone door in the SW corner, so jump there and climb the ladder in the alcove. Pull up at the top into a small room and jump into the water hole at the far corner. Swim down the shaft and into a passage where you'll emerge at an indoor pool. Surface and pull out onto the south ledge, run up the ramp and vault up onto the ledge. Climb the pole and back flip onto a ledge in the NW corner. Enter the empty room and run to the west side. Turn around and pull up onto the right side of the ledge above (as the left side is floored with burner tiles).

Climb the nearby ladder, pull up and take a standing jump and grab to the sloped pillar ahead. Pull up, slide down the other side and take three jumps off sloped surfaces and land inside the NE passage. Run around the corner and climb the ladder to the edge of a slope. You can see the shadow of the overhead spike ball when you look down, but simply run forward and you'll have no problem. When you reach the hole ahead, stand on the left side angled to your right and run off to land on the sloped surface below. Grab the edge as you slide backwards, and safety drop to the block below.

Turn around and take a standing jump and grab to the pole. Climb up three rungs, turn around and back flip to the ledge in the SE corner. Take a running jump and grab to the taller pillar south and pull up. Go into the opening to your right and turn the corner to pick up the CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (second of four). Now slide down that long chute you were admiring earlier. Since you've been here before, we now need to find something else to do. Make your way back down to the floor as you did earlier and go over to those blue steps where you picked up the small medi-pack. Climb them and jump into the opening of the pillar-supported structure south.

Go past the open doorway and pull up to your right. Climb the blocks until you reach an upper loft. Pull up and run to the opposite corner for another CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (third of four) and pick up some uzi ammo in the other corner. Hop back down the blocks and use the south crawl space to enter a new area. Nice patio, but nothing to do here (although just being here is important to a changed configuration on the other side of the room below). Pull up on either side and slide down to the floor. Remember that hole in floor you saw earlier near the north wall? Well, it's gotten bigger, thanks to your use of the crawl space just now, so go there and find that a globe has also appeared. Push it one square onto the red-dot tile and pull back out of the hole. Another globe has magically appeared, so push and pull it onto the red-dot tile near the east wall. This opens the adjacent tile door, so go inside and pick up the final CORRIDOR DOOR GEM (four of four).

Exit this passage and turn to your left. Climb up onto a block adjacent to a nearby free-standing structure in the darkest part of the room, and step forward to pull up onto the ledge ahead. Turn to your left and take a running jump to the next ledge. Pull up onto the block ahead, run forward and slide down to your right onto the ledge in the east wall. Run to the other end and take a running jump between the two ramps to land on the ledge with the gem receptacles. Place them all to raise the stone door in the west wall.

Safety drop to the floor and run across the room to the west doorway. Enter the hallway carefully. See those holes in the ceiling? If you walk under them you'll trigger a spike ball that's placed in each one, so weave and wind your way west in such manner as to avoid them. Hop down into the waist-deep water at the other end and turn to your right. Light a flare and look up to see the ledge. Wade north about halfway to the far wall and you'll see a pole suspended overhead. Position Lara directly beneath the pole and jump up to grab it. Climb up four rungs and back flip to the ledge.

Turn around and follow the ledge to the west end. Turn right and take a running jump to the central structure. As you go by you can see a pharos receptacle on your left. Take a running jump NW to the next ledge and follow around for the flares. Return to the central structure and take a running jump and grab north to the crawl space in the waterfall. Pull up and crawl forward until you can stand up in knee-deep water. Run forward, and when the water gets deeper so you have to wade (slowing you up considerably), a crocodile swims toward you from around the far corner. Back up to shallower water, draw your pistols and kill it. Wade forward to where the croc came from, and you find yourself in a wading maze.

Turn left into the south passage, take the first right and follow to an intersection with a waterfall to your right. Turn left here and follow to a dead-end with a small medi-pack and a crocodile. A second crocodile soon joins the first, so beat a hasty retreat and dispatch the crocs from shallower water. Return to the waterfall and this time walk under it. Continue straight ahead past a couple of fountains to your right, and turn the corner into an area with another crocodile. Pause long enough to pick up the WOODEN KNOT near the closed doors, then beat a hasty retreat to the shallower water. For some reason you're able to wade faster than the croc can swim.

After killing the croc you're done here, so run south to the mouth of the waterfall. Crawl forward and lower Lara down the other side. Drop down to the water below and use the pole near the east wall as you did earlier to reach the upper ledge. Jump over to the central structure and insert the Wooden Knot in the receptacle you saw earlier. A cut scene shows the door opening in the watery area where you found the Knot, so return there. As you vault up into the hallway a skeleton is wakened, so deal with it if you still have that capability. Otherwise, run around it into the next area east.

Ahead is a large temple, and to your left is a passage that looks very much like the spike-ball passage you negotiated earlier. The temple requires two scrolls for entry, so run down the north passage into the next room. There are three possible paths, but only one is currently available, so light a flare if you wish and slide backwards down the west slope. Grab the edge at the bottom, pull up and take a rolling back flip to grab the pole. Turn around, climb up two rungs and back flip to the west ledge. Turn around and run straight forward into the passage to the block ahead. If you stray too far to the right you'll be incinerated on the burner tiles (a fate apparently met by the owner of the prone skeleton).

Climb up onto the block and jump up to grab the ceiling. (Don't try to be cute and jump across the burner tiles to the other side, because I can tell you in advance that you won't make it.) The monkey swing track isn't very discernible, but you want to go east toward the entrance, turn left a little more than halfway down and continue a hairpin turn so you're going west, directly toward the seated statute, and then turn right and head straight for the middle of the north wall. Drop to safety when you get there and go into the next room.

Your task is to open the door up in the NE corner, and to do it you need to push the globes around in a specified pattern. First, go to the globe near the west wall and push it along the narrow trench to the red-dot tile to raise a green-banded globe east. Throw the floor lever near the north wall to raise a couple of blocks across the room. Go there, jump to the sun globe near the south wall, push and pull it into the alley north, and finally push into the east alcove. Back flip onto the ledge and move the green-banded globe onto the red-dot tile to raise the sun globe behind you. Jump to the higher ledge and move the sun globe onto the nearby red-dot tile to raise a block behind you that acts as a connector section for the bridge.

Take a running jump north to the bridge, turn left and run to the second sun globe. Push and pull it onto the red-dot tile south to open the exit door. Run down the east passage and climb up onto the block in the next room. Pick up the WOODEN PILLAR and hop down the other side. Continue east through the passage and into the next room.

In this fairly complicated room are two moveable pieces, three floor levers and a number of blocks to be raised. However, unless you just enjoy solving puzzles, there's absolutely nothing you need to do here in order to keep on moving. Simply run to the rather ornate block near the east wall, climb up onto it, pull up onto the platform, face east and take a running jump and grab to the wall ledge. (It's my feeling that the builder did not intend for this jump and grab to be possible.) Instead of pulling up, shimmy to the left beyond the slope and pull up on the companion ledge. Climb up the ladder, shift to your left and drop down onto the ledge. Turn around and run to the west end, and from there take a running jump to the next ledge. Turn left, and from the extended ledge take a running jump to the central ledge. Take standing jumps around to the south side, and from there take a running jump and grab to the ledge jutting out from the south wall. Pull up, turn right and run to the west end. Take a standing jump forward and grab the crack in the west wall. Shimmy to the right until you're able to pull up into a crawl space.

If you prefer to Play it By the Book, here's the route that the builder probably intended: Enter the room and hop across the trench to the piece near the west wall. Move it onto the nearby teal tile to raise a block in the trench near the north wall. Go to the other piece and move it along the ledge to the SE corner next to another trench. Go back to the first piece and move it onto the gray tile against the west wall. Now run to the floor levers near the east wall and throw the one on the left to raise the piece you just now moved. Climb up onto the nearby ornate block, pull up to the platform, take a standing jump to the next ledge and another standing jump to the ledge jutting out from the west wall. Move the piece onto the red-dot tile to raise a couple more blocks below. (Note that the builder has given you a second short-cut opportunity at this point; if you wish, you can pull up into the crawl space from here and continue.) Hop down to the floor and push the first piece south as far as it will go. Throw the other two floor levers to raise more blocks, then turn around and climb up onto the ornate block and from there onto the platform. Move the piece onto the red-dot tile to raise one final block against the south wall. Go there and take a running jump and grab east from the first raised block to the next. Pull up and take a running jump to the ledge in the SE corner. Turn left and take a running jump and grab north to the next ledge. Shimmy to the left and around the corner, and continue as described in the previous paragraph.

Crawl forward, stand up and use the wall ladder to reach the passage above. The upper room is too high to reach, so slide down the south slope to a familiar area. Insert the Wooden Pillar in the receptacle next to the east stone door to open it. Go inside, run up the ramp, pull up into the higher passage and follow it to a stone door that opens upon your approach. A demigod is on the other side, shooting deadly bolts at you, so dispatch it as quickly as possible. It drops a CORRIDOR DOOR GEM as it dies, so pick it up and insert it in the nearby receptacle to open the west stone door. Pull up into that room you couldn't access from below and climb up onto the block. Pick up two SACRED SCROLLS and hop down to the floor on the north side and pick up the large medi-pack. Drop down through the hole near the south wall and slide back down the south slope.

Continue south through the passage and run up the steps to the temple. Place the two Sacred Scrolls on the stone tablets on either side of the stone door and enter the temple when the door opens. Run up the ramp and follow the dark passage. Continue up the next ramp that winds around to the right and up the steps. Pause to pick up a small medi-pack as the stone door ahead opens automatically. Inside are two harpies and two demigods. When all are dead, pick up two CORRIDOR DOOR GEMS dropped by the demigods and insert them in the receptacles in the east wall and west wall. The north stone door opens, so go inside and climb up onto the block ahead to open the exit door. Pick up the GATE KEY and save your game here, as you'll need it to play the next installment in this series. Hop down to the floor and step into the darkness to the north to end the level.