Underwater Temple

Level by Alberico

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, adapted from Obig's outline (reproduced below)


Lara drops down into a room with spiraling currents sputtering all around her.  They're harmless, however, so locate the hole in the NW corner (the holes in the other three corners are filled with water) and climb down the S face to the bottom of the shaft.  Reverse roll and follow the passage, shooting a scorpion as you turn the corner to the left.  Take a left at the junction and shoot a bat.  Pull down the overhead trap door at the end of the passage and pull up.  Pick up the uzi ammo, the small medipack and a GOLDEN ROSE for SECRET #1. 

Drop back down and follow the passage to the opposite end, past a closed grated door.  Light a flare, stand at the edge of the slope and slide down a short bit before jumping off to grab the edge N.  Pull up and go around to your left for the UZIS.  Slide the rest of the way down the slope, being mindful of the darts (although there's not much you can do to avoid taking at least some damage).  In the area below you're greeted by a horde of beetles and a scorpion, so run forward (N), climb onto the block and take a standing jump NE to grab the upper ledge.  Pull up to safety.  Go to the S wall and pull up to a higher ledge.  Jump up to grab the ceiling, and monkey swing along the track until you reach the W wall.  Drop down onto a ledge and pick up the flares to your right.  Pull down the wall switch in the SW alcove (cut scene of a closed gate).  Run off the N end of the ledge onto the ledge below, then drop down to the floor.  The beetles should be gone by now, so locate the pushblock in the NW corner of this room and pull it out once.  Use the ledge to get to its side, and pull it S once.  Enter the revealed NW passage and pull down the wall switch to open a gate in the N wall above you.  Get up to the next level and enter the open N doorway.

Pass a closed gate in the alcove to your left (beyond which is a floor lever) and continue along the passage into a small room where two scorpions await you.  Kill them, then take the scroll (PERGAMENA) from the pedestal.  A cut scene shows that gate opening, allowing access to the floor lever you saw just now.  Go back there and push the lever to open another gate.  Reverse roll, take a right upon exiting the alcove and drop down to the floor of the next room.  Go up the stairs against the E wall and into the opening.  Go past a spike pit to your left and jump over another spike pit to your left into an upper opening in the N wall.  Follow the passage to the opened gate and go around to your right for a small medipack in the alcove.  Continue into the new room N and take the STARGATE KEY 1 from the pedestal.  Activate the high jump switch in the wall to your right and watch the flyby.

Go back and jump over the previous spike trap onto the ledge.  Take another standing jump forward over the next spike trap and drop into the water hole.  Swim up the passage S past a closed gate and pull up at the end.  Go through the opened gateway W and make two quick left turns.  Climb the ladder at the end of the passage and find yourself back in the room where you began this level. 

Go across the room and jump into the water hole at the NE corner.  Swim E into a large room and quickly pull out before the crocs can reach you.  Shoot them from the safety of the ledges, then go to the SE corner and vault up into a small room where you'll find a floor lever.  Push it to open a gate elsewhere.  The jars are all empty, so jump back into the water and locate the REVOLVER and the LASER SIGHT conveniently close together on a ledge against the W wall.  Before leaving this area, find a large medipack on the floor in the SW alcove, then pull the cleverly hidden ceiling lever in the SE corner to lower a block elsewhere.    

Locate the hole in the floor next to the N wall and swim down into it.  You'll see the gate you just opened in the room below, so enter the open N gateway and swim into another small room.  The strong current keeps you from reaching the air trench ahead, so veer to your left and enter the NW opening.  Follow the passage to a room with a closed gate where you can grab some air.  Swim down the shaft in the SW corner and you'll emerge in a new area where two more crocs await.  Swim past them and into the NE opening.  Swim up the shaft and pull up into a dry area.  There are two elevator shafts in here, one on the E and the other on the W side of the room.  Push the floor lever between them, reverse roll and run into the E shaft.  The elevator carries you up to a higher level.

Push the NW floor lever, then enter the SE opening.  Safety drop to the floor below and enter the W elevator shaft.  This elevator stops a little short of the next floor, so pull up into a new area where you hear the sound of thunder.  Activate the jump switch on the central column to shut off the stong current down below, then jump into the SE water hole.  Swim down the shaft and pull down the ceiling lever in the next room.  The nearby gate opens, so swim inside and pull up into an alcove.  Pull down the wall switch and watch the flyby. 

Jump into the water and swim back up the shaft.  Pull out and run straight across the room.  Turn right into the opening and pull up left into a higher passage.  Safety drop at the end and find yourself just outside one of the elevator shafts.  Cross it and safety drop on the other side.  Drop into the water hole in the next room and swim down the shaft into a familiar room where the crocs are still waiting patiently for you.  Escape through the SW opening and in the next room continue through the N passage.  You'll emerge in the room formerly protected by the strong current, so swim up through the trench-like opening. 

Pull out N and greet the welcoming committee of beetles.  Quickly run forward between the two coffins and grab the KEY from the pedestal.  A cut scene shows you where it fits.  Reverse roll and run past the beetles and jump into the water to lure them away.  When they're all gone, pull back out and locate the high crawl space in the E wall, directly opposite the torch stand.  Pull up inside and follow around to your left for another GOLDEN ROSE and SECRET #2.  Go back out and jump into the water.

Swim down through the hole in the floor and follow to the large room with the ledges. Pull out and go to the SW corner, where a pillar was lowered earlier to allow access to a hole in the ceiling.  Pull up inside and enter the S opening.  The gate ahead is closed, but you can pull up through the ceiling to the next higher level, then step forward.  Before pulling up through the next hole, combine your revolver and laser sight and prepare it for drawing.  Pull up again, and as you slide down the slope draw your revolver.  You'll land on a timed trap door, so turn quickly to your right and shoot the five targets to cause the spikes below you to retract before the trap door falls.  I'm sure the builder didn't intend this, but I was able to bypass the timed sequence by simply stepping back off the trap door so I could shoot the targets at leisure.  

Hop down (not onto any spikes, of course), enter the opened S gateway and use your Key in the receptacle.  The exit gate behind you opens, and a cut scene shows another gate rising elsewhere.  Reverse roll, run along the spike-free path and pull up onto the ledge.  Run forward into the next room, drop down through the hole and jump into the water.  Exit this room through the opening in the SE corner near the floor.  Follow the winding passage into a new room, where more crocs will give chase.  You can't lure the crocs back to the previous room where you can shoot them, as they're too smart to enter the passage and follow you, so swim to your right and follow the wall past a closed gate.  Enter the next alcove to your right and swim up the long shaft.  Follow the passage for some revolver ammo and a GOLDEN ROSE for SECRET #3.  Swim back and get some air where the four statues are clustered.  There's a dart-guarded passage W where you can pull up, and the gateway you just opened up is at the other end.  You may be able to lock onto the crocs from here and kill them if you wish.

Crawl forward under the darts and enter the next room.  Take the STARGATE KEY 2 from the pedestal and go back the way you came.   Jump into the water, exit this room through the E opening, and follow the passage to the underwater room with ledges.  Pause for air if necessary, then continue through the opened gateway in the W wall.  Pull out at the top and go to the SW corner.  Jump into the water hole there and swim along the passage to a new room.  Pull out and follow the passage to a hole in the floor.  Drop down, climb down the ladder to a ledge, and hop to the floor.  You'll find receptacles there for the Stargate Keys.  When you've placed them the nearby Stargate is activated, so run inside and allow the vortex to carry you away and end the level.



A Catacombs - like level. It is not hard to get the Pergamena for what we came for but to leave with the help of the Star Gate we have to find 2 Star Gate keys. To that end we are to pull levers on land, in water and at ceilings, find a key after some elevator part, then we can use it after some target shooting. We will have weapons: an UZI, a Revolver together with a laser sight. There is only one times task in the game which was the target shooting. I've found three secrets. Enemies are some bats, crocs and scarabs. There are no added sounds on this level, texture goes well with the environment but that's it. However, it was a really good adventure with my recommendation to everyone.


Climb down at the dry corner. Down there pull the trap door to find the 1st Golden Rose in the 1st secret. In the other direction jump onto the ledge to get the UZI then slide down. You arrive in a hall where you have to run upstairs from a bunch of scarabs. Climb to the pillar, then do some monkey swinging to the flares and pull the lever opposite. There is a scorpion on the ground-level so why not shoot it from above. Scarabs got scarce for a while so find the block to be pulled in one of the corners. Make it a fast action with using flares or binoculars. The bars are open upstairs for you to pick up the Pergamena. On your way out push the lever to open the double bars you can approach downstairs thorough the stairs heading left and jumping over the spike pit. Grab the 1st Stargate Key inside. Pull the lever beside the key then jump into the water over the spikes. Swim back, climb out and climb the wall to get back into the very first hall. Head left now and jump into the water at the corner. Climb out in the hall and shoot those crocos. Under the surface you can get the Revolver and the LaserSight.

In the water find the ceiling lever then pull it. A bar will open up down to make access to a small passage. Swim thorough the crocos and swim right up in the passage on the opposite side. In one of the halls the tide will get you but still you can swim left. Getting out of the water push the lever and in the hall opposite use the elevator. Push the lever over there too, then you can descend back to the previous level, then use the other elevator. Jump into the water behind the pillars, find the lever to be pulled on the ceiling and do it. Get yourself back to where the tide got you - no more tides anymore so it's time to climb out. Pick up the Key then hurry up and get back into the water to lure those scarabs after you. Climb out when finished this. Find a crawling space in the hall (up and right) to get the 2nd Golden Rose in the 2nd Secret. Go back into the wet hall where you found the Revolver. Climb out, notice a block disappeared in a corner making enough room for you to climb up. Fit the Revolver and the LaserSight together, climb on, then sliding down and turning right shoot those score cards as fast as you can. If you make it in time, you can use your key downstairs. Go back again into the first wet hall and behind one of the pillars we can swim into another hall and climb out at the centre of it. Kill crocos, go up the passage, or, I'd rather say, crawl, for the poison darts, you can pick up the 2nd Stargate Key. On our way back look left in the water and notice in a passage the 3rd Golden Rose in the 3rd Secret. Through the open bar swim back into the first hall then jump into the last water passage. Climbing out we have nothing else to do but climbing down the ladder and fitting the Stargate Key and the keys into their slots to end this level.

Walkthrough By OBig from TombRaider.hu

Translated By Ironman from TombRaider.hu