The Temple of the Lost Weedkiller


You start off in a dark cave, overlooking a waterfall. Go to the opening of the cave and a SAS man will shoot at you, kill him if possible. Do a running jump and grab the edge of the fall, shimmy to the left until you can stand up. Jump over the hole to a flatter part of the falls and walk along the back to SECRET # 1, some Uzi ammo, shotgun shells and the shotgun.

Now head back to the hole and using the ladder, climb down. You will meet a bat there and climb over to the front part of the falls. The SAS man dropped a paper there, pick it up. There is also a keycard slot there, you'll be back here. Go to the back part of the falls and at the opposite side from where you climbed down is another climbing wall, climb down and you'll find some ammo and a small medipack.

Now you can jump into the river and let the current carry you. Climb out the water on a platform and go up the ladder. Watch out for some dogs and run up the slope. Stay to the right to avoid being splattered by a boulder.

Shoot at the barriers and kill the croc. There are two dead SAS men and one you need to move in order to get the keycard from him.
Enter the area and to your right is another barrier up a green slope. Kill the guard inside the hut, note the trapdoor, but for now go outside again and go to the area with the big tree.

You'll come back later and there is a secret here so for the secret: once outside the hut face the tree. The tree is climbable so climb it as far as you can go then go around the corner to you left and up again until you reach the canopy, go around to the right and drop off to a branch.

Face North and hop to the next branch. Drop and grab, still facing North and shimmy as far as possible to the left. That part is also climbable, so climb down. There is a gap there so drop and grab to the next bit of the tree. Climb up to the platform and crawl the last bit. SECRET # 2: revolver and some ammo.

Drop down the tree and go back to the bottom of the slope with the boulder.

NOTE: there can be a camera bug here. If so, go near the ladder, wait for the camera to activate and use the “look” key to disable it.

Drop down to the platform in the river and look up, there is a monkey swing there. Swing across the river, and after the flyby, shoot the croc and then jump in the new section of the river. Climb out at the other side, shoot the dog on the platform.

NOTE: there may be or may be not some revolver ammo (pretty random if you ask me).
Grab the ammo and jump across. Head along the river bank (West) till you see water, you are back at the fall. Swim to the platform and climb out, do a running jump to end up behind the fall, climb up so you end up on the second level, where that SAS man was. Now use the keycard and there will be a camera view of another SAS man inside the hut, and that trapdoor opens up, so go back to that hut.

Kill de guy, he will drop the Guard's Key, so pick that up, and get the Temple Key form below the trapdoor.

Head back to the waterfall and now climb all the way to the top. Now face the cave and do a running jump with grab. You have to have your angle right and grab at the last possible moment and it works. Face South get look through the binoculars, there is a gap big enough for Lara to get through. Near the East there is a spot you can stand on, crouch down and crawl through. SECRET # 3: some medipacks and ammo. You also see a door and a lock, so use the Guard Keys. Go into the new hut, SECRET # 4 crossbow ammo, grenade ammo and the grenade gun. Now head back to the boulder slope again. On top of that slope use your Temple Key and enter. There is a climbable wall on your right and a pit on your left. Go into the pit and get the crowbar. Use the ladder to get out and use the climbable wall to get to the ledge. Bat alert, and walk to the door. Locust alert and use crowbar to open the door. For another secret go to the far right corner. SECTERT # 5, medipack and ammo and Uzi.

NOTE: to avoid a possible bug here, if you are in the pit, climb out at the shallow area and then climb to the walkway.

Climb onto the platform to the left and from there to the passageway. The flyby will give you a glimpse what this level is all about, The Weedkiller. After the flyby look for a monkey climb and swing across the room. At the other side, drop to the floor and go to the slope to your left. There is a block puzzle here.

Push the block once, go around the corner to the next one (facing East) push this block also once. Face South and push also once. Go around it and push second block (North). Pull third block back to original position and go to the other side of it and push it North.. Now turn around (facing South) and pull block. Now you have a clear access to the Temple Key. Get the Key and go around the corner to face another block, push it once and get ammo and medipack. Go to the slope, that is a staircase now. Use the Temple Key and slide down. You'll fall in the water and swim through to the room and immediately turn left, grab the next Temple Key. Pull the underwater switch, be aware there are poison darts and underwater currents as well.. Surface and climb the ladder, you are now at the other side of that lattice by the door. Climb down the ladder (don’t jump) and locate the door. Use the Temple Key and get your guns out. And DON”T try to shatter the vases as they have a nasty surprise for you, if you do. There will be two demi gods there so kill them. Then if you must, kill the dogs. Pick up the medipack and ammo and get yet another Temple Key from a pedestal. That will trigger another god. After slaying him use the Temple Key and drop down into the passage. At the end there is a ladder and climb that. You're in the Weedkiller room, fight the demi god and get the Weedkiller.

The End.