AMULET OF ISIS 1: Entrance to Underground Temple

Level by Martin Penn
Release date 31-12-2001

Unauthorized walkthrough by Gerty

Lara starts with a slide and ends up in a cave. On the left is a small body of water with flares in it. Go west and jump that abyss, a running jump with grab will do the trick. A ramp goes up and yes there is a boulder so jump backwards and the second you hear the boulder (no, not the music, the boulder I said) run out and around the corner. Up the ramp again and right find some uzi ammo and in front of the door you find the SHOTGUN. Open the doors. Ninja alert. Shoot the vase on the left for a medipack and push/pull the pillar on the other marked tile. Down a ramp and push open another door, pick up the flares and watch the flyby.

Underground Courtyard

Better run straight and shoot that ninja before doing anything else.

There are four doors in here and a closed gate at the end.

First take the first door south. At the end of the corridor jump to the block and from there to the one with the CROWBAR on it. You see a skeleton appear on a block with a switch on top. If you wait a bit the skeleton will jump from the block and either disappear or keeps he will keep trying to climb the blocks. Get down and climb the ladder to get on the block with the lever (don’t use the lever just yet) to get to the block with the ammo with a running jump. Jump back to the lever and now you can use it. The doors on the north and south wall open so get down and go south. Jump the pits and the second opening right jump to the door and open it with the Crowbar. Another jump over a pit and time the spikes so you can get the shotgun ammo. Go back to same way and go to the room south. Get to the closed door over the blocks and watch the fly by. Open the door with the crowbar and pull/push the pillar through the door on the tile there. Now go back over the pits to the door north. Jump to the monkey climb and pry the STAR OF VENUS (Golden Star) loose. Get back via the monkey climb and look at the ceiling, as the trapdoor on the block with the lever is open. On a pedestal is the STONE OF JUPITER (Blue Gem). Push the pillar on the tile and climb down again, this lowers the spikes so you can get out of the room again. Go back to the courtyard and go straight to the door north.

You are in a room with a pool and a skeleton wakes up. In the water is an opening north. Dive in and start swimming. If you are in no rush a croc will show it face. Swim in and keep on going straight and climb out in the next room to see a fly by. Dive in again and go straight ahead, then go left and in the next room right and swim through the small opening under that golden door and up. Unfortunately the flare bug kicks in and you need to crawl in the crawling space and it is quite dark here and use the lever there. Go back and into the water and now to the corridor and swim east, as the iron door there is open. Another lever to use, and you hear water, so back again and go east and the Golden door is closed now so climb out and push/pull that pillar opposite the Golden Door.

Go in the water and now go right, swim through the other room to the corridor behind it and left another gate has opened. Swim through and at the end up and climb out. The vase right has some arrows and use the lever. Back into the water and swim right and in the next room get on the ledge again. The door is open. Get the LASER SIGHT and STONE OF JUPITER.

In the water again and now swim south and get back to the courtyard.

Take the second door south. There is a ladder there and the floor is burning. There is no way to close the burners so climb down and almost down do a back flip with a hop backwards, this way the damage is minimum. You hop into some water. In the water find the medipack. Get out and the fire is gone. The opening is left and use the Crowbar on the door. Watch out for the darts and in the next room is a ninja alert (he leaves uzi ammo). Jump on the block and place the Star of Venus. Back up the ladder and to the courtyard.

Go into the first door south and to the place where you got the first Star, remember the monkey climb though. The door there is open now, and get the second STAR OF VENUS.

Back to the courtyard and take the second door north. Up the stairs, shoot the ninja and open the doors. Hop over to the other side and open the doors. Downs the stairs and use the lever. Back up, the pedestal is still burning so you need to do something else first. Back to the courtyard and take the second door south, down the ladder and behind where you placed the first Star the door is open. Place the second Star there, the door behind that opens. A ninja is keeping guard there and leaves some uzi ammo. On the left and right place the Stones of Jupiter (Blue Gems) and you hear another door opening. Get into the crawlspace and use the lever there. Finally the flames on that pedestal are out. Get out of here and go back to the courtyard.

First go to the first door south, get to the place where you found the Stars (remember the monkey climb) and get a SECRET # 1, SECRET TULIP. Back to the courtyard and to the second door north and climb the stairs. Now you can get the GATE KEYS. They fit on the door downstairs.

Slide down and find the opening left. Climb in and slide down, do not jump, and here is SECRET # 2, shotgun and uzi ammo. In the SE corner find the CROSBOW and go west.

You are in a very small village and coming up on the ramp climb the block to the right. Turn to the SW corner and on that high column is a target you need to shoot. The fire is out so you can collect the GATE KEY. Turn around as there is another target to shoot that will open a door much later. Get down and the gate that needs the key is in the north. Jump over the pit and at the end get to the rope with a running jump. Angle the rope to the wall (N), swing once and let go. Pull the pillar and then climb over the pillar by means of the ladder and push it all the way in the corner. Stand in the middle of the ladder next to the pillar and climb the ladder almost to the top and jump, roll and grab the rope. Swing the rope once to the entrance (where you came from) and now get into the pit as the fire is out. Pick up the STONE OF JUPITER, back to the rope and now swing straight. Place the Stone and follow through and watch the fly by. There is nothing to do here so proceed to the next pool and watch the fly by. Walk over the bridge and slide down. On the right is a medipack, SECRET # 3.

Open with the Crowbar all five doors and the stone doors open when you approach, this is the end of the level.
