Level by Sascha Wandelt


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth


Lara slides down a series of long slopes, and when you finally reach the bottom you'll experience a brief earthquake that concludes with the sound of a door closing with a thud. Hop down to the wide tunnel below, turn left while drawing your pistols and shoot a couple of scorpions that come out to greet you. Continue until you reach an opening overlooking a deep ravine, and pick up the small medi-pack.


Step forward onto the slope and slide until you're near the bottom, then jump off and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up into SECRET #1 and take the small and large medi-packs and the shotgun ammo from the pedestals. Go back to the ledge and jump into the water below. Swim into the upward-jutting west opening and surface. Pull up into a fairly large room and shoot the four scorpions that have been disturbed by your arrival. Also shoot the six vases scattered about this room. Only one is empty; the others contain three scorpions for target practice, some shotgun ammo and a small medi-pack.


Use the ladder on the west wall to reach a corridor. Follow it past a closed door on your left and another on your right. Slide down the slope to your left into what appears to be deadly flaming oil (and you hear the sound of a door opening as you near the bottom), but when you splash down you find to your surprise that you're not set ablaze. However, don't get complacent, as parts of this pool will indeed incinerate you if you're not careful. Turn to your left and pull up onto the ledge. Note the presently inaccessible flaming artifact across the pool, then run to the east wall, past the opening to your left, and turn right. Take a running jump and grab to the SE alcove across the flaming oil. Pull up and step forward to throw the floor lever, which turns off the flames around the artifact you saw earlier.


Drop down into the oil and walk carefully along the south wall. Turn left and zig zag your way to the ledge underneath the artifact. (You'll catch fire briefly, but if you keep moving you'll cause the flames to be extinguished without suffering major damage.) Pull up onto the ledge and step forward to take the HAND OF SIRIUS from the pedestal. Hop back down into the oil, and if you continue hugging the south wall as you continue toward the west wall, you should be able to avoid further contact with the flames. When you reach the corner, turn left and pull up into the SW alcove. Place the Hand of Sirius in the receptacle and reverse roll. Take a running jump and grab to the ledge across the way. Pull up and turn right. Run forward, hop to the other ledge and turn left into the opening. Use the ladder to get back to the corridor above, then turn left and go to the doorway that's now open to your right.


Step forward off the edge, grab the pole and slide down to the bottom. Run forward into a wide hallway with a doorway to your left, two doorways to your right and a closed iris door at the other end. Enter the room to the left and rid the area of a pair of scorpions. Across the large pool is the exit door for later. In the pool itself is an opening that leads to a room with the receptacle for the cartouche, also for later. Since there's nothing else you can do in here right now, return to the main hall and enter the first room on your right.


Lara's attention is drawn to something up on the ledge to her left as enigmatic music plays. Force her attention away by turning right, then go to the south opening and enter. Locate the statue in the corner to your left and pull it out twice, then go around the  olumn and pull the statute away from the entrance twice so that it comes to rest in the exact midpoint of the small room. The door to your right in the east wall opens, so pull inside the opening and use the ladder to your right to access the corridor overhead. Follow the corridor to the ledge overlooking the pool. Take the HAND OF ORION from the plinth in the NE corner, then head over to the NW corner and throw the floor lever there. A cut scene shows a door opening in the pool below, so dive into the water and locate the opening in the floor.


Swim inside and follow the passage down to the east and turn left at the bottom. There's an air hole in the north wall for later, and a nearby closed door. Fill your lungs with air and continue swimming through the east passage next to the closed door. Follow until you reach a long stretch with another air hole visible in the distance. There's also another closed door in the large open area to your left. Now that you know of two sources of air whenever you should require some, turn into the first opening to the south and make an immediate turn to the right. Swim down through the hole in the next room and follow the passage until you reach the end. Pull up into a darkened room, pick up the shotgun ammo and throw the floor lever ahead.


Reverse roll, jump back into the water and follow the passage back to the main corridor. Turn right and swim all the way to the end for some air. If you pull up, you'll find a closed door ahead, so you know we'll be coming back here later. Jump back into the water and take the second opening to the left. Locate the hole in the next room and swim down into it. Follow the passage until you reach the air hole at the end. Pull up into another small dark room, pick up the shotgun ammo and step forward to throw the floor lever. Reverse roll, jump back into the water, bear slightly to your right and swim through the passage back to the main corridor.


Turn right and avail yourself of the nearby air hole. Pull up into the room and you'll find that the door is now open. Pull up into the alcove and place the Hand of Orion in the receptacle you'll find there. A cut scene shows the other door opening in the main pool. Now for the secret. Jump into the water and take the third opening to the right. Near the air hole grab the flares from the bottom. Pull up into another small dark room and pick up the small medi-pack. You can shoot the vases for fun, but they're empty. Now save and throw the floor lever. This is a one-shot timed run. Jump back into the water, return to the main corridor as fast as possible, turn right and notice the door which has been raised. Swim through for normal shells - SECRET #2. Your work here is now done. You surely need air by now so swim along the corridor and reach into the hole (now you see the real reason). Go back to the opening in the SW corner which brings you to the main pool. Get some air, then swim through the opening in the east wall of the pool. Pick up EYE PIECE #1 and pull out of the pool. Exit this area through the west doorway and turn right in the wide hallway.


Go into the dark doorway just to the right of the iris door. Light a flare and carefully step forward. If you look down you'll see a closed door, a bunch of spikes on the floor far below and a floor lever seemingly suspended in midair. Turn to your right, go to the end of the ledge, turn back to your left, jump up and grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy to your left, around two corners, and pull up into a crawl space. Crawl forward and turn left, then stand up and throw the floor lever. You hear the sound of a door opening nearby.


Reverse roll and walk out to the edge of the passage. Angle Lara to the right and take a running jump out into the darkness. You should land on a barely visible ledge near the next floor lever that you saw when you first entered this room. Throw it to open the door ahead of you and below, then turn around and walk out to the east edge of the ledge. Take a standing jump forward and grab the crack in the wall ahead. Shimmy to your left and around the corner, and drop down onto a small ledge (being mindful of the dart emitters in the west wall that are now active). Safety drop from there to another ledge surrounding the spike field you saw from above. Reverse roll and follow the ledge to the west side of the room.


Pull up into the west alcove and take EYE PIECE #2 from the plinth as a spike trap behind you is activated. Turn around, jump over the hole and go back the way you came along the ledge. Locate the climbing surface in the north wall near the NE corner and use  it to access the ledge to your right. Shift right and drop down, then turn carefully to your right (again avoiding the dart emitters) and use the ladder in the wall there to climb up a few rungs and back flip onto a ledge jutting out from the north wall. Turn around and walk to the edge, jump up and grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing forward and around to the left until you drop down in front of the entrance leading back to the wide hallway.


Turn to your right in the hallway and stand in front of the iris door. Combine the two eye pieces to form the EYE OF HORUS, and use it in the receptacle to open the iris door. Step inside and you'll hear the retching sounds of a mummy guarding the area to your  left. If you light a flare and go over to investigate, you'll see a closed door in the west wall but nothing else, so head down the wide hallway to the east. Turn left and shoot the two scorpions (do these guys always travel in pairs?) as you enter a new area. Step forward onto a ledge overlooking the large room with a pool far below, and enjoy the flyby. Then take a running jump forward and grab the rope dangling from the ceiling. Swing across to the ledge in the north wall and throw the floor level.


Return to the rope and turn to your right so you face the west wall. Swing over there, jump to the ledge and throw the floor lever to open the door in the east wall. Use the rope a third time to swing over to the ledge in the east wall and enter the open doorway. Take the CARTOUCHE PIECE #1 from the plinth, then turn around and take a swan dive into the pool down below. Swim to the south end and pull up into a small room near the SE corner for some shotgun ammo and SECRET #3. Return to the water and swim to the north end. Pull up on the east side (there's a closed door on the west side) and jump into the small water hole to your left. Follow the passage to a deep shaft leading downward. Continue following the tunnel until you reach the air hole at the end. Pull out into an underground room, vault up into the west opening and use the crawl space to your left. Pick up the flares at the end of the short passage for SECRET #4.


Crawl back out, return to the water and swim back to the air hole where you began this little diversion. Pull out, turn to your left and slide down the slope. You'll feel the telltale rumbling as you near the bottom, so quickly jump forward into one of the alcoves to your right and left as a couple of spike balls come tumbling down after you. After they come to a complete rest, hop back down and pick up the CARTOUCHE PIECE #2. The door up in the east wall opens, so climb or hop up there and shoulder your way past the  mummy as you jump into the water hole you only recently used. Take the long swim back to the air hole at the other end, pull up and turn right.


The door in the west wall across the pool is now open, so swim across and pull out to the sound of an heroic strand of music. Shoot the two scorpions, then follow the corridor (shooting another scorpion) until you reach the next room. Keep those pistols ready as another half dozen (if I counted correctly) scorpions come out to attack. Pick up the large medi-pack at the top of the sand dune, then throw the floor lever in the SW corner. Jump into the nearby water and swim up the shaft. Before you reach the top, swim into the alcove and take the small medi-pack for SECRET #5.


Pull up into the passage and follow until you reach a door that opens upon your approach. Pick up the shotgun ammo, small medi-pack and flares and throw the floor lever near the closed door on the other side of the room. The door opens, allowing a mummy to come inside. Go around it through the doorway and past the other mummy, and shoot the three scorpions in the hallway beyond. Head south and turn into the doorway to your right as more heroic music plays. You'll find two more scorpions to kill, and after that dive into the pool, pick up the large medi-pack from the floor and swim into the passage in the south wall. Follow to the air hole and pull up into a small dark room. Combine the two cartouche pieces to form the BA CARTOUCHE, and place it in the receptacle in the west alcove. Lara's end theme plays as a cut scene shows the door opening in the area outside.


Reverse roll, jump back into the water and return to the large pool. Pull out on the west side. Before you enter that temple, loop left around its outer wall and approach the sitting sculpture. Right next to it there's an unmarked ladder you cannot notice at all. Grab it and climb to the roof. Proceed to the other end, kill a bunch of scorpions, clear the gap to the crawlspace and get in. Kill another scorpion, shoot the vase, get some shells for SECRET #6 and quit to the roof to descend back in front of the temple doors and enter the open doorway. Shoot two ninjas who pop out from hiding in the area ahead, and safety drop to the room below. Face north and run toward the ivy-covered walls to end the level.