SinTech Heist

Level by Devoid

Walkthrough by Sutekh

CS = Crawlspace -- MS = Monkey Swing -- L = Left -- R = Right -- N, S, E, W = Cardinal Points -- UW = Underwater
SJ = Standing Jump -- SJ+G = Standing Jump + Grab -- RJ = Running Jump -- RJ+G = Running Jump + Grab

Items required to complete the level are in bold.

Note: The compass has been removed. As a result, I won't be able to give cardinal directions.

Enemies: SAS, Dogs
Items of note: Lasersight, Right and Left Greaves, Security Data Disk, Gate Key A, Gate Key b, Right and Left Gauntlets
Secrets: Golden Roses

-- In the Streets --

The level starts with a fly-by showing your surroundings as well as an SAS coming after you. Don't wait the end to act. Even if you can't see anything, hop back, roll, draw and start shooting. You'll then have a little advantage over your first enemy.

Once both fly-by and the fight are over, you find yourself facing a closed double grate door. On its R is a building with blue doors and on its L a white building and a balcony. First, locate the magnum clips (revolver ammo) your late opponent has left behind and pick them up. Turn to the white building with the double door on your R and locate a higher block between the white building and another (purple) one. Climb on the block and drop in the hole behind to pick up some flares.

Go back to the street and turn R. There's a church in front of you at the end of the street, and a crate to its R. Run toward the crate and draw your Twin 45's (aka Pistols) as a dog will come to play. Shoot it down.

Climb on the crate (notice the pole behind the church closed doors) and drop down in an short alley. An SAS is waiting for you there so dispatch him quickly. Take a look around to notice the grate door nearby, closing what looks very much like a hedge maze. There's also a burning can there and a flight of stairs leading to a closed trapdoor. Go to the black tile near the burner and turn to the wall. Jump to grab and activate a jumpswitch hidden in the shadow, opening the nearby trapdoor.

Seizing The Bazooka and Opening the Maze

Turn R and run to the newly open trapdoor to drop down in a small room below. Stay on the stair for now and take a look. You can spot a switch in the far R corner, and the Bazooka on the floor to your R near a stepladder. Some of the black tiles here are unmarked fire traps (see map) so caution is highly recommended. Go to the lowest stair, facing the pipe, and do a SJ. Turn R toward the switch and do another SJ. Go to the switch to activate it, opening the grate door outside near the maze. Turn around and do a RJ to land near the stepladder. Pick up the Bazooka (aka Crossbow).

Turn around then 45° L, hop back so Lara's back is against the corner and do a SJ. Turn L to the stairs and do another SJ to land on them. Now you can pull up in the streets above.

The Hedge Maze

Turn L and run through the newly opened door. Turn L at the junction then R along the church wall until you're in front of a CS blocked by a breakable grate. Shoot the grate and crawl through the CS until you can stand up again.

You're now at the entrance of a hedge maze (see map) and the lack of compass doesn't help. Make a few steps and draw your Twin 45's to get rid of the dog that attacks you. Follow the path, turn R at the junction then run ahead at the next. Keep running along the hedge until you find a short CS to your L. Crawl through it. Turn R, crawl through the next CS then go ahead to the end to pick up Secret #1: A Golden Rose.

Turn around, and locate the jumpswitch above the CS. Activate it to open a door elsewhere in the maze. Crawl through the CS then draw your gun to shoot down another dog. Run ahead past the CS and stop at the alcove to your L. Go there to pick up bazooka explosive rockets. Leave the alcove, turn L and run to the end of the passage. Turn L then L again at the junction and ahead at the next to pick up a small medipack at the end.

Turn around, R at the junction and run through the opened door. Go on to the CS and crawl through it. Shoot the breakable grate at the end to eventually exit the maze itself. Go R until you reach an opened grate door to your R. Locate the jumpswitch ahead and activate it to open the church grate doors nearby.

On the Roofs

Pass through the opened doors and turn L, heading for the church entrance. Look up to locate the opening to your L, climb the pole and backflip. Turn R. The wall ahead is climbable. Climb to the top and pull up on the church roof. Immediately draw your weapon to dispatch the SAS shooting from the roof ahead and to your R. Turn L and go to the edge of the roof. Turn 45° R and do a RJ to the flat ledge on the roof ahead.

Turn R and do a RJ to the next flat ledge. Again, draw your weapon to shoot down the SAS shooting at you from the roof to the R. Don't sheath your weapon yet. Walk ahead a bit and turn around to get rid of another SAS. Turn around, go to the R corner and turn 45° R to aim at the opening in the fence surrounding the platform extending from the building at the other side. Do a RJ to it.

Turn L, walk to the edge, turn 45° R and run off the platform to land on another platform below. Turn L to face the purple building on the other side of the street. Do a RJ to the platform ahead. Turn R and pull up on the platform above. Turn R again and do a RJ over the street to the next one. Turn L and walk to the edge. At this point, you may or may not being shot by an SAS from behind. He's protected by a fence, so don't waste time (and health) trying to kill him for now. Do a SJ+G and pull up on the platform ahead, turn L and do a RJ+G to the roof of the opposite building.

Run to the switch ahead. You'll soon be shot at, so turn around and kill the SAS on the opposite roof. Go activate the switch, opening double grate doors and a trapdoor. Turn around, walk to the edge and draw your weapon to get rid of the SAS shooting at you from a balcony to the R. You can kill him by shooting while jumping. Now walk to the edge again and look down: there's a dog running around in the street below. Be merciless and shoot it down from above.

Make your way down to the street by jumping from platform to platform trying to stay close to the purple building to avoid being shot by the SAS behind the fence. Head for the white building then turn R to enter an alley with a burning can. Don't go through the trapdoor yet, we'll first make a detour for a secret.

Climb on the higher blocks ahead, turn R and then pull up on the ramp. Run to the end, turn R and climb on the roof. Turn around, go to the L side of the edge, turn 45° L to aim at the balcony, hop back, do a RJ+G over the street and pull up. Turn L and go pick up Secret #2: a Golden Rose. Return to the burning can alley.

-- Underground --

The Block Puzzle Maze.

Go down through the opened trapdoor to find yourself in a long corridor. There's a rather tricky puzzle ahead. Tricky because you haven't got any hint there. It's a mix of a maze and a push block puzzle. What you need to do is open all the doors (and a trapdoor). You can solve it by yourself or go to the Spoilers Section at the end of this walkthrough for a detailed solution.

Once you've opened all the doors and trapdoor, go to the latter and pull up on the platform to your R, turn around, jump on the one above then on the highest one. Draw your weapon to (finally!) kill the SAS on your L (that's the one who was shooting protected by a fence).

Turn L and do a RJ to the platform extending from the building. Look down to spot a dog running around below and shoot it down (it may require a bit of patience). Turn 45° R and do a RJ+G over the street to the roof. Turn R and pick up the Lasersight. Before returning underground, let's go for another secret.

Walk to the R part of the edge and turn 45° R. Do a RJ to the platform ahead. Turn around then 45° L, do a SJ+G and pull up on the balcony to pick up Secret #3: a Golden Rose. At this point another dog appears below, so deal with it like you did with its brother. Return to the trapdoor and the underground maze.

Before leaving the place, another detour for another secret and a very handy pick up.

From the trapdoor, go ahead and past the first two junctions. Turn R at the next and run to the next perpendicular short corridor. Pick up the magnum clips, the Magnum and Secret #4: a Golden Rose.

Return to the long corridor and turn L at the first junction then R at the second junction, L then R and run ahead stopping at the opening.

The floor below is deadly so turn 45° L and run off the opening to land on a safe platform in the corner. Turn 45° R and do a RJ to the platform in the corner ahead. Turn R and repeat. Turn R and do a SJ to the last lower platform. The wall ahead is climbable so jump, grab and climb until you're about one tile away from the ceiling. Backflip, roll in mid-air and grab the platform. Pull up.

There's an unmarked MS above so jump and grab it, but don't swing ahead: you'd fall on the deadly floor. Side swing R instead to the tile against the wall and from there swing to the opposite side. Once there side swing L and let go to land on the platform below. Shoot the breakable grate and pull up in the CS. Crawl through it, shoot the other breakable grate and exit the CS. Welcome to SinTech Building.

-- SinTech Building --

As soon as you enter, a dog runs at you. Kill it with your Twin 45's but draw your Magnum once it's dead, you're gonna need it. Enter the Fountain Room and dispatch the SAS there. Look up and locate 2 other SAS shooting at you from the mezzanine above. Dispatch them as well. Notice the small army waiting for you behind the windows as well as the armor parts. No way out, so jump in the fountain.

Underwater and Opening the Way

Swimming around the fountain clockwise, locate the first opening and go through it. Swim along the UW tunnel until you reach a grate. pick up the magnum clips. Return to the fountain and swim through the other opening. Follow the tunnel.

Turn R at the junction and go on until you can surface. Pull up in a small dark black room. Turn around and jump over the water then turn R and climb on the block to pick up Secret #5: a Golden Rose. Go back in the water and return to the junction. Turn R.

Swim along the tunnel until you can pull up in another small dark black room. Turn L and climb on the nearby block to activate the switch which raises a grate elsewhere in the building. Return by the water, jump over it and climb in the upper passage. Run to the end over a closed trapdoor and turn around to locate an alcove above. Climb up there to activate another switch opening the nearby trapdoor.

Raiding the Place

[Note: Although you're here to collect them, you don't technically need to get the armors parts to complete the level.]

Draw your Magnum and jump through the opened trapdoor. Quickly dispatch the 2 SAS here and pick up the Right and Left Greaves. Pull up in the corridor whence you came, turn around, pull up again to the switch alcove, turn around and locate an higher CS ahead. Do a SJ+G and pull up.

Turn R and shoot the breakable grate to pick up a small medipack. Turn around and crawl through the CS until you reach a new room and can stand up. You're now in the bathroom. Go to the green door ahead and open it (Press Action). You're now on the mezzanine overlooking the fountain. There are two green doors. Turn R and run counterclockwise around the mezzanine and open the first door.

You're in a corridor with signs reading "Stairs". Open the first door on your R, draw your Magnum and kill the SAS in the next room. Pick up the magnum clips he left behind. Nothing to do here anymore so leave the room, turn R and open the next door to your L. An SAS will soon come to join you. Kill him then pick up the small medipack in the far L corner (from the entrance). Leave the room and open the last door.

Run along the new corridor and turn R at the end. Pick up the small medipack hidden in the rightmost plant then turn around. There's a green door to your L but ignore it for now and go through the dark opening to your R.

Sprint down the ramp as a boulder will soon be rolling on your tail and turn R at the bottom. Immediately draw your Twin 45's and shoot down 2 dogs that attack you. Notice the closed grate door on your L down a flight of stairs and ahead, as well as the green door to your R. Go open the latter, draw your Magnum and kill the SAS in the next room. Activate the switch L of the doorway (when facing the entrance) to open a trapdoor in a room and raise a block in another one. Leave the room.

Return to the upper level by going up the ramp (no boulder this time), and open the door on your R. Run up the ramp, open the door at the top and enter the next room.

Kill the SAS there. Turn to the entrance and pick up the magnum clips in the R corner. Staying on the entrance side of the room, go to the other corner and pick up some other magnum clips. Now go through the opening between the bookshelves near the entrance and keep slaloming between bookshelves until you reach the other side of the room. Turn L and go open the red door in the corner.

You're in a red room with some safes. Locate the ceiling hole in the far L corner (from the entrance) and the raised block below. Go there, locate the higher passage and pull up in it. Go through it and shoot the breakable grate. Pick up the Security Data Disk on the middle glass floor ahead then go to the far R corner to collect Secret #6: a Golden Rose. Return to the mezzanine via the red room, the "library", down the ramp then R and through the stairs signs corridor.

Once there, open the other door, enter the room and dispatch yet another SAS. Turn to the entrance and pick up the small medipack in the R corner and the magnum clips in the L one. Turn around and go open the green door in the opposite corner (far L from the entrance).

Enter the room, pick up Gate Key A on the pedestal then jump down through the opened trapdoor. Go to the other end of the passage over a closed trapdoor to pick up Secret #7: a Golden Rose. Return to the trapdoor, notice the handle and press Action to open it. Draw your Magnum and jump in the room below.

Kill 2 SAS, pick up the Breast Plate, locate the green door and open it. Use the Security Data Disk on the Computer to open the large grate doors. Draw your weapon, leave the room and kill the dog and the SAS waiting for you in the hallway.

Run toward the boulder, kill another SAS but don't go R yet, you still need a Gate Key to leave the place, and for this you'll have to do a little backtracking.

Leaving SinTech

Run to the boulder then up the ramp to the R. Kill 2 SAS in the corridor with the plants. If you're lucky, one of them should leave Gate Key b behind him. If not, or if you want all the kills (provided you've got enough ammo left), return to the Library and shoot down 2 other SAS.

Whatever you do, once you have Gate Key b, return to the boulder hallway and go to the L flight of stairs. Pick up the Right and Left Gauntlets. Run to the last closed grate door, use both Key Cards on their respective Card Slots on each side of the door to open it.

Run through the door to leave SinTech and end the level.


---- Solution to the Block Puzzle/Maze

Map of Starting Positions

Quick Solution:

- Tile a opens door 1
- Tile b opens door 2
- Tile c closes door 2
- Tile D opens door 3
- Tile E opens doors 4, 5 and 8
- Tile F opens door 7
- The switch opens trapdoor 6

Detailed solution:

- Go to the pushable block by turning R at the junction, R again, L, L and L to the block. Notice the trapdoor above. (see map)
- Door 2 closes. Pull the block four times. Door 3 behind you opens. (
see map) Return on tile b (door 2 opens) and pull the block once. (see map)
- Return on tile D and push the block three times, opening doors 4, 6 and 8 (
see map).
- Pull the block twice to put it on tile b. Turn around and run to the wall.
Go through the rightmost doorway (4) and activate the switch to open trapdoor 6 (see map)
- Now go to the other side of the block by returning to the previous corridor, turning R and going through the next doorway to your R (5) . Turn L at the junction, L again and run along the corridor until you're at the block. Pull it once, opening door 7. (see map of final positions)

That's it. You're done. All doors are opened. Door 8 is the way out, but first you need to do some detours, all detailed in the main walkthrough.