YNYS WITRIN - Episode 3


Level by Monika Kunze (Miss Kroft)


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, to supplement the outline provided years ago by Monika Pietsch (and which follows this walkthrough).


Geographical information (from an online resource):  Glastonbury, a small town in Somerset [a county in SW England], is surrounded by a grouping of hills. The tallest of these hills is known as the Tor, which happens to have an old stone tower on the very top which was once a church dedicated to the archangel Michael. Close to the Tor is Chalice Hill. Wearyall Hill is a long, narrow ridge that points towards Bristol Channel. Finally, there's Windmill Hill which faces the cathedral city of Wells and just below are the ruins of the medieval abbey. Before the land was drained for farmland in later Christian times, the hills around Glastonbury appeared as islands from the West. Today's river Brue was once the deepest channel in the shallow swamps and allowed boats to pass. The ancient name for the Tor was Ynys Witrin, which means "the Island of Glass." But this "island" is more widely known from Celtic lore as Avalon, the Apple-place and the isle of enchantment.

NOTE:  Be sure to start the game with the savegame.0 included with the level download, so you'll have all accumulated (and needed) pickups.




After the opening flyby, run forward and pull down the wall switch to open the gate.  Enter a graveyard and avoid stepping on the slabs lest you awaken a host of knights who will cause you much aggravation as you attempt to negotiate this area.  However, you can pull up on the Celtic crosses without incident, so do that with the nearest one and take a running jump W to the next one for some revolver ammo.  Look N across the graveyard and you can see a TORCH on top of the cross there.  Remember its location and hop down to the ground.  Go through the W archway (the crate and pots are empty) and shoot the NW wooden barrier.  Follow the short alley to a water hole on your left and jump in (noting for later the overhead ledge).  Swim down and follow the passage to a ledge where you can pull out.


Jump into the pool and swim across to the other end.  Pull out onto a near corner of the NE pillar (to avoid the darts), turn and locate three underwater gates in the W wall.  You can shoot the middle one with the combined revolver and laser sight that you brought with you from the previous level (assuming you did as instructed and used the builder's savegame to start this level), so do that and swim through the opening. Loop around to the right or left and pull down the ceiling lever in the corner alcove.  There's a companion ceiling lever in the opposite alcove, so go there and pull that one down as well.  Return to the main pool, pull out onto the SW pillar and swim back along the passage to the water hole.  Pull out to find that the E gateway is now open.


Go there and shoot a crocodile in the shallow water.  Pull down the wall switch in the far corner and exit this room.  Jump to grab that ledge above the water hole, pull up, turn around and see that the wall torch has been ignited.  You can take a running jump and grab from here, but you won't be able to do so while carrying the torch.  Go back S along the alley and note for later the closed door ahead that requires two star artifacts.  Return to the graveyard and pull up onto the NW Celtic cross.  Pick up the torch you saw earlier and take it with you back to the S alley.  Back flip to the W ramp and jump off to land on the E wooden walkway.  Use the flame to light your torch (don't stand too close) and hop down to the alley.  Return to the graveyard, turn left and locate the suspended boulder between the stone buildings.  Light the rope and get out of the way as the boulder is released.  A door is now open in the E wall, so go up the stairs there and enter the building.


Step out onto a high ledge overlooking a lava room.  Take a standing jump forward to grab the ceiling, then monkey swing across the room.  Release over the ladder, grab and climb down near the bottom.  Back flip onto a tile and turn to face NW.  Take running jumps from tile to tile, working your way in a counterclockwise direction.  When you reach the tile next to the S wall, look up to find the mounted lion's head.  Shoot the gem in its mouth to open the gate in the N wall, then jump back to the previous tile and N to the tile next to the open gateway.  Scoot inside and follow to the intersection.  Immediately hop back as a boulder rolls down, wait for it to come to rest and then go left up the ramp.  Turn left into the side passage, pick up the small medipack and pull down the wall switch to open a nearby door.  Go back out and follow the ramp to the lava room.  Step out and then hop back as another boulder is released.  After it has rolled past, go up the ramp and pull down the wall switch to open a door back in the graveyard.


Enter the open doorway to your left and follow the passage to a ledge overlooking another lava room in the woods.  Jump NW to the sloped limb, slide down and grab the edge.  Pull up and take a rolling back flip to grab the green wall strip.   Climb up to the crawl space, release for an instant and grab to pull up into the crawl space.  Lower Lara down the other side and drop down to a wavy tree root.  Take a running jump SW and return to the graveyard.  Loop around to the left and locate the open doorway.  Go inside with weapons drawn and shoot two jackals.  Turn around and pry the GOLDEN STAR off the wall.  Exit this building, turn right outside and go through the archway to the closed SW door.  Pull the stone block from the wall to your left and push it aside.  Enter and go S along the shallow water channel.  In the next room, start your long climb up by pulling up to the wooden ledge in the W wall.  Jump and grab from ledge to ledge until you reach the high opening in the W wall.  Hop to the opening, shoot the window in the far wall, step onto the slope and jump off with grab to glide into the W opening. 


You can see your prize directly in front of you, so run forward and pry the second GOLDEN STAR off the wall.  On your return trip, hang over the lava, pull up and reverse roll, then take a running jump without grab to land on the edge of the higher E opening.  You can either use the same ledges to get back down, or you can jump first to the ledge in the NW corner and get to the highest ledge in the NE corner for some revolver ammo.  Take a series of safety drops from there to the floor.  Go back through the water channel and loop around to your to insert the Golden Stars in their receptacles.  The iron door between them opens, so go inside and follow the passage through some cobwebs to a new room. 


Get the revolver ammo near the NW corner, then go to a caged area at the NE corner (passing a closed door requiring a gem artifact).  Go around to the right, and crawl into the semicircular opening in the S wall.  Climb down the ladder at the end of the passage and crawl in W.  Crawl along the passage past some steam blowers and pick up GUINEVERE'S JEWEL.  Take the nearby N branch and continue crawling until you reach a ladder.  Climb up and crawl into the caged area from the back side, but be quick about it, as four wart hogs have been released and they can get into the crawl space with you.  When they're all bacon, pick up the revolver ammo, activate the jump switch in the E wall and go back the way you came through the N crawl space.  Continue until you're back at the front side of the caged area and return to the main room.


You can see the raised block ahead, but let's save that for later.  Instead, turn to your right and use Guinevere's Jewel to open the door in the N wall.  Step inside and watch the ensuing flyby.  Draw weapons and dispatch a half dozen jackals that come at you from all sides of the central pool.  Jump into the water and swim into the N passage.  Go past a closed gate and into a subterranean room.  Pull down the ceiling switch near the E wall and swim back to find that the gate in the passage is now open.  Swim inside the side passage (after getting some air at the main pool) and follow to a new green-tinted room. 


Pull out onto the ledge and note that there's a stone block in each corner of the room.  Visit them all and push each block twice to reveal an alcove containing a vase.  Shoot all four vases, and when you've shot the fourth one you hear the sound of a door opening.  Jump back into the water and pull down the ceiling switch in the center of the room.  Pull back out to find a raised block at the S wall.  Climb up onto it and pull up W onto a higher ledge.  Jump to the adjacent ledge and enter the alcove in the W wall.  The wall switch there is timed, and it opens the gate across the room in the E wall.  Getting there is a snap, however.  Simply reverse roll, come out of the alcove running and jump after the second step to the central block.  Without stopping, jump across to the ledge in the E wall and enter the timed gateway.


Shoot three bats and step up to the raised ledge.  Take a running jump E and grab the jump switch.  It helps to keep the up arrow key depressed.  If you miss, simply do what's described below and repeat.  You'll drop down onto a slope.  Slide down and grab the edge.  Take a rolling back flip and grab the ladder.  Climb back up.  The timed gate is once again open, so exit this room and see that the central block has lowered.  Take a standing jump down to the lowered block and pick up the ARTUS EFFIGY.  You get a warning burst of music and you feel a slight shaking.  Take the hint and back flip to safety.  Spikes are supposed to shoot out from the block, but nothing happened in my case. 


Jump into the water, swim down into the SW hole and follow the checkered passage back to an intersection.  Turn right into the fountain room and pull out onto the ledge.  Locate the ladder near the NW corner that was spike-protected last time you were here.  Climb the ladder to an upper ledge and turn to face E.  Take a running jump and grab the rope on the left.  Climb up to stop Lara from swinging, slide to the bottom and inch slightly up the rope to dampen Lara's momentum a bit, then turn about 45 degrees to your right, swing forward and jump off to grab the second rope (just above the spikes).  Turn slightly left to face the vertical E marble pillar, then aim just to the right of the pillar to land on a small ledge against the E wall.  Face N and take a running jump slightly NE, curving to the right in midair so that you land safely in the opening in the E wall.


Follow the passage to a wall switch.  Pull it down to open a trap door and release two blade balls behind you.  Turn around and crawl underneath the blade balls.  The spikes on the block in the center of the pool have disappeared, so get down, climb the NW ladder once more and jump to the first rope.  Slide to the bottom, inch up a bit, swing toward the block and jump off to land cleanly on it.  Pick up the ARTUS SCEPTER and jump into the water.  Pull out E and exit SE to the room with pillars.


Locate the raised block near the SE corner and climb up onto it.  Pull up E onto an outdoor ledge.  Look down N and see the basket hanging from the E wall.  You should have the grenade gun in your inventory, so draw it and fire a grenade at the basket.  It loosens its grip on the wall and swings around in place.  Safety drop from here and locate the crawl space in the E wall that the basket was blocking before.  Pull up inside and crawl along the passage until you're able to stand up.  Pull down the wall switch and return to the previous room.  Another block has been raised near the NE corner (for later). 


Run across to the dark SW corner and locate the ladder.  Jump up to grab the ladder, climb up one rung and take a rolling back flip to grab the crawl space in the S wall.  Pull inside, crawl forward and lower Lara down the other side.  Climb down the long ladder and turn left when you reach the floor.  Draw your pistols, stoop down and shoot the crate on the other side of the crawl space.  Crawl into a passage guarded by a series of swinging blades.  Time runs past the blades (note the closed gate in the alcove to the right of the second one) and grab the revolver ammo in the alcove to the left of the third one.  Shoot several bats as you enter the next room, then shoot out the windows in the S wall.  Hang from the edge of the opening in the floor and drop down onto a block in the lava room below.  Hop N, then E, then N again, and activate the jump switch in the N wall.  This attracts a fire wraith, so quickly reverse roll, hop back the way you came, pull up to the room above and jump up into the S opening.  Hop forward into the water to extinguish the wraith.  You can swim up N to investigate, but all you'll find is a closed gate in the upper wall.


Pull out onto the ledge and jump back to the opening.  Hop down into the previous room and exit to the swinging blade passage.  That door in the N alcove is open now, so go there and follow the passage to an open area over more lava.  Don't run out onto the leaf cover, or you'll fall through.  Note the mounted lion's head on the W wall.  Beneath it is a plinth.  Shoot the gem in the lion's mouth.  Nothing seems to happen, so go back along the passage, turn right into the swinging blade passage and return to the room with the lava basement.  Hop back into the S opening and jump into the water.  The gate high up in the NW corner is now open, so swim inside.  Two crocodiles greet you in the next room as the gate swings shut behind you.  Swim forward along the floor and enter the small semicircular opening in the N wall.  Swim inside and turn either right or left at the intersection.  Pull down the ceiling switch in the next room, then swim to the companion room at the other end and pull down the ceiling switch there.  Swim out and up, get some air at the hole in the center of the ceiling, pause for two stashes of shotgun ammo on the ledge at opposite corners of the room if you wish, swim down and exit through the now-open S gateway.


Pull up onto the ledge, exact your revenge upon the pesky crocodiles, and jump back to the N opening.  Exit to the swinging blades passage, turn left into the alcove at the second blade and follow the passage to the leaf-covered area.  A block has risen there, so jump to it, and from there to the plinth.  Pick up GUINEVERE'S JEWEL and take a running jump back to the block and from there a standing jump into the passage.   Turn left into the swinging blade passage, go through the crawl space at the other end and climb back up the ladder.  Follow the upper crawl space to the room with the pillars and the raised blocks. Use the SE raised block once more to pull up E into a higher area and note the nearby closed gate if you didn't see it earlier.  Run to the W end of this ledge and use Guinevere's Jewel in the receptacle to your left. 


The door opens, but before stepping inside note two boulders suspended overhead in the ceiling.  You won't trigger them until you start running down the ramp, so do that and jump over the lava trench near the bottom.  You're still not safe from the boulders, so scoot to your left and continue running down the S ramp.  You'll trigger another boulder, but you'll be safe if you jump over the lava trench into the SW alcove.  Save your game and take a curved running jump NE to the ledge.  Don't stop there, however, as the ledge is spike trapped.  Hop forward into the E opening (you don't have time to pull up).


As you step forward into a room with a blue floor, a cut scene shows two ahmets being released to your right.  However, you can still move freely, so draw weapons and kill them without waiting for the cut scene to end.  Locate the flares in the NW corner, then enter the ahmets' dark lair, light a flare and locate the jump switch.  Activate it to open the gate in the N wall outside.  Save your game before entering and you should be able to complete the following task in one go if you know beforehand what to do.  Run inside to trigger some flame blowers and rolling boulders.   Turn to your right and wait a split second for the first boulder to roll by.  Jump over the first flame blower before the flames become operative, then simply run forward to escape the second boulder and flame blower.  The gate slams shut behind you as you enter the next room.


Pick up the revolver ammo at your feet as you see the gates to your right opening and closing seemingly at random.  Your task is to shoot the vases that are exposed while the gates are open.  After you've done that, turn and climb the center of the N wall.  Pull up into the open gateway and pick up the ORNATE HANDLE.  Drop down to find that the NW gate is now open.  Take a running jump and grab the N wall.  Climb up to the opening leading outdoors.  Drop down through the hole in the ledge onto the raised block.  Hop down to the floor and cross the room to climb the NE block.  Pull up W and run to the other end of the ledge.  Combine the Artus Effigy and the Ornate Handle to form the PORTAL GUARDIAN, and insert it in the device around the corner to open the nearby iron door.


Go inside and up the stairs.  Shoot the ahmet that comes down to greet you.  At the top of the stairs, pull out through the open gateway onto a high ledge as the camera angle changes.  Take a running jump N and grab the edge of the roof.  Shimmy to the left, around two corners, pull up and take a rolling back flip to the facing roof.  Grab the edge, shimmy to the left around two corners once more, then pull up and back flip to the ledge.  Turn around, walk to the far end of the ledge, face NE and take a standing jump into the opening.  Camera control is restored as you slide down into the next room. 


Run N and turn right into the blue passage.  Shoot the crate (the vase is empty) and step into the alcove to pick up a large medipack in front of the closed gate while a skeleton tries to sneak up on you from behind.  Monika indicates in her outline that this is a secret area, but nothing registered here for me.  Note the hard-to-see jewel receptacle and exit this room.  Enter the wooded area N, loop around to the right and locate the GATE KEY and shotgun ammo in the SE alcove.  A fire wraith is awakened, so get out quickly, loop around to the right again and climb the E rocks to douse the wraith in a pool of water.  Find GUINEVERE'S JEWEL in the water, go back down to the blue passage and insert the jewel in the receptacle to open the nearby gate.  Hop down into the passage and jump over the circular tile, which is a spike trap.


Locate the wall switch at the end of the dark N passage and pull it down.  Go back, jump over the spike trap (using the action key so Lara won't bump her head) and return to the wooded area.  The W gate is now open, so slide down the bank and enter a small enclosed area.   If this is supposed to be a puzzle area, it's a pretty simple one.  What I did was to pull down each of four wall switches by following my nose as each gate was opened, ignoring any closing gates along the way.  After pulling the fourth switch, I went back and pulled the first one back up, turned around and pulled down a fifth switch directly behind me, and now the way was clear to the open exit gate in the W wall. 


As you enter, a brief flyby shows you a large lava cave with a number of pillars.  Take a running jump and grab to the W pillar dead ahead.  Pull up and make your way from pillar to pillar in a counterclockwise direction until you reach the one in the SE corner.  From there, take a standing jump E and grab the opening.  Pull up as the camera angle changes and pick up GUINEVERE'S SCEPTER.  Reverse roll, simply run out of the alcove and you'll land safely on the previous pillar.  Retrace your steps (don't try any short cuts, it's too risky) and now make your way to the NW pillar.  Take a running jump to land in the N opening.  Enter the next room and insert the Artus Scepter in the receptacle.


Jump back to the previous pillar and make your way to the SW pillar.  Take a running jump S and grab the opening.  Pull up, enter the next room and insert Guinevere's Scepter in the receptacle.  Jump back to the previous pillar, pull up and take a standing jump NW to the next pillar.  Climb down the ladder in the W face and back flip near the bottom into an open doorway.  Go down the steps and loop around to the right to alert a jackal.  Go to the other side of the room and use the Gate Key to open the S gate.  Head down the passage and you'll come to a level jump.


Level 2:  THE GRAIL


Run forward into the large open-air courtyard and watch the ensuing flyby.  When camera control is restored, run forward around the tall central structure and jump into the pool.   If you wish, you can engage a pair of pteranodons now, or you can wait until you return to the pool after the upcoming task.  Swim into the SW opening and pull out inside a fenced area.  Locate the revolver ammo in one of two holes in the floor, then get out and run to the E side as a swarm of locusts pursues you.  Activate the jump switch in the S wall near the SE corner, then return to the W water hole and swim back to the pool.  Locate the open gateway in the N wall and swim up into another fenced area.  Pull up onto the base of the marble ramp, turn to face W and back flip to the slope behind you.  Jump off to grab the ceiling, then monkey swing to the W wall and release to activate the jump switch.  As you fall, the spikes retract in the hole below, so pick up the revolver ammo, climb up and go to the other side of the marble structure.    Pull up, turn around to face E and repeat what you did earlier.  After you activate the second jump switch, return to the water hole and swim back to the pool. 


Pull out, return to the courtyard and locate the mounted lion's head high up in the E wall.  Shoot the gem in its mouth, jump back into the pool and swim through the S gateway into the fenced area on that side.  Pull out and locate the open doorway in the S wall.  Note also that blocks have been raised to fill in the two holes in the floor.  Enter the S passage and pull out the stone block.  Place it on one of the raised blocks (it doesn't matter which one), then find another stone block in the passage and place it on the other raised block.  A cage is raised against the E wall.  Enter the S passage one last time and pull down the wall switch to raise another cage next to the first one.  Use the cages to climb up to pull up W.  Save your game in anticipation of an obvious boulder trap ahead.


The easy way to beat the trap is to run forward a short distance until the three boulders are triggered, then reverse roll and run off the ledge at the far right (SE) corner to land on the lower cage.  Reverse roll, hop down and run forward to escape the boulders as they drop down to the floor.  When they've all come to rest, vault up onto the pillar support and side flip over the boulders, climb back up the cages and proceed.  Run up the boulder slope and you'll find a GATE KEY in the right corner.  Picking it up attracts a swarm of locusts.  Go back down, jump into the water hole, swim back to the pool and pull out E.  Run up the ramp next to the central structure in the courtyard and use the Gate Key to open the gate.  Continue up the ramp and you'll attract a pair of fire wraiths.  Go back a bit and jump into the pool to douse them.  Pull out of the pool and return to the ramp. 


At the top, take the object of your quest, the HOLY GRAIL, from the plinth as ethereal music plays.  Draw your revolver and shoot the white vases in the distance W.  Go back down the ramp and jump into the pool.  Swim into the N gateway and pull up into the fenced area.  The iron door in the N wall is now open, so enter for a word of congratulations in German, slide down the slope and finish the level.


And now, here is the outline contributed by Monika Pietsch:


Ynys Witrin
Part 3

Monika Pawlus / Miss Kroft

This is an unauthorised walkthrough by Monika Pietsch.
It has all the important pick-ups and items mentioned.
It will not contain all pick-ups, all enemies and maybe not all the secrets.
This walkthrough is meant as a guideline to get you to the end of the level, even so there might be other ways too.


Use savegame from Ynys Witrin 2

Ynys Witrin 3

Pull a switch to open a golden door. You enter a churchyard.
Don’t step on the graves, because undead crusaders (up to 5) appear .
Get some wideshot shells from one gravestone and a Torch from another one.
Go to the west side. Shoot a box and a danger sign. Jump into the water around the corner. Swim to the block in the pool. Shoot the window in the water (Revolver and Lasersight). In the next room are in the corners 2 underwater switches on the ceiling.
Pull them and leave. Enter the room opposite the waterhole. Kill a crocodile.
Pull the switch, which will turn on the fire. Get the Torch and light it.
Go to the rope, burn it and a boulder drops. A door at the east side opens.
Enter. Use the monkey bar and the climbable wall in the fire room.
Back flip on a block. Make your way over the blocks.
Shoot a lion’s head to open the golden door. When you enter there, watch out for a boulder. There is a passage on the left side with a switch and a small medic-pack.
When you go out into the room watch out for another boulder.
Pull the switch and a door opens in a building outside in the churchyard.
Go through the open door and you come to a tree area. Jump to a branch and from there back flip to a climbable wall. Leave through a crawlspace.
Jump over moving liquid and go to the open door in the churchyard.
Inside the door kill 2 dogs. Use the crowbar to take a Golden Star from the wall.

Go to the door where you need 2 Golden Stars.
There is a movable block on the left side. Pull it out and wade through the water.
You come to a room with broken furniture and ledges going high up.
Climb all the way up. Shoot a window and jump over to a blue room to get a
Golden Star. Leaving this room use a running jump without action.
Collect some wideshot shells on one ledge and make your way down to the floor.

Use the 2 Golden Stars and you enter a yard. Get some wideshot shells from the far side.
In the room where there are the wild boars in a cage, crawl into an opening. Climb down, crawl on, pass 2 gas emitters and pick up Guineveres Jewel. When you crawl on you have to deal with 4 wild boars. In the cage pull the wall switch, which will raise a block in the yard. Collect some shotgun shells.
Back in the yard use the Jewel. You enter a blue room with a pool. In the middle is a block with spikes on it.
First you have to get rid of about 7 dogs.
Now jump into the pool and swim through a passage. Find an underwater ceiling switch.
Get some breath in the pool and the swim through the golden door on the left side.
You come to another beautiful room (in green/red). In each corner is a movable block. Push them and shoot the vase behind them. This opens a golden door higher up.
Pull an underwater switch to raise a block. Use it to go up to the golden door and pull a switch there. This opens the golden door opposite. Hurry, because that door is timed.
Behind the timed door are 3 bats to kill.
Take a running jump to grab the wall switch. Hold action to grab the edge of the slope. Pull up and twist jump to a ladder and climb up.
When you leave this room you see that the middle block has lowered.
Get the Artus Effigy from there quickly and jump off, because spikes pop up.

You can climb up a ladder where there had been spikes before sticking out of the wall.
Use the 2 ropes to swing to a well-camouflaged blue ledge on the right side.
From the ledge jump into an opening on the left. Pull a switch and watch out for the
2 balls with knifes that drop from the ceiling.
The spikes on the block are gone now. So use the 2 ropes once more and pick up
Artus Sceptre. Go into the yard and climb a block. From up there shoot the hanging box with on grenade. Go down and climb into the opening next to the hanging box.
Pull a switch and the second block in the yard rises.

Now go to the left side into the corner. There is a ladder. Use it and twist jump to grab a crawlspace entrance.
Shoot a board and crawl on. You have to pass 3 swinging blades. In the room behind them you shoot 3 bats and the window.
Go into the fire pit and make your way to the wall switch with standing jumps.
Once you pulled the switch a fire wraith appears. Hurry out of the pit; jump up to the windowsill and into the water behind.

Climb out and go back to the blades. On the right side by the 1.blade are shotgun shells. Behind the 2.blade one the left is a door open now. Shoot into the lion’s mouth.
This will open the door at the end of the water.
Go back there and swim in. The door closes behind you. There are 2 crocodiles
(I just left the ammo that was also there) trying to snap at Lara.
In the ceiling is an air hole.
Now swim into the opening opposite the entrance door. There is a ceiling underwater switch on both sides. The crocodiles cost some health.
After taking a breath leave through the open door. Go back behind the 2.blade and a block has risen. You can now get from the pedestal Guineveres Jewel.

Go back to the yard and climb up and use the Jewel. Run and jump down the slope on the right side to avoid 2 boulders. Run and jump again to avoid another boulder.
Take a diagonal jump and straight up into the opening, because spikes are coming up.
You watch 2 doors opening and 2 Ahmets appear. Kill them. Pick some flares from the floor. In the room where the Ahmets came from is a wall switch. When you pull it the door opposite opens. Enter. You have to pass a fire and boulder trap (2x).
Once you managed the door closes behind you. There are doors going up and down and there are vases behind them. Shoot them all. Turn and climb up and get the
Ornate Handle. Leave through the open door, use a climbable wall and you are back in the yard. Go along to use the Ornate Guardian. Go up the stairs and kill an Ahmet.
Shoot a window. During the next sequence there is a fixed camera.
Jump towards a roof. Grab and then shimmy around to the left. Pull up, twist jump, grab and shimmy around the second roof. Pull up and back flip onto a ledge.
Jump into the opening on the left side.
You pass a door where you need a Jewel. Shoot a box and get a secret and a large pack-pack. Kill a skeleton.
In the next area you find a Gate Key and some ammo in a corner. When you enter this corner a fire wraith appears. Pick the things and make your way up to the pool.
(every time you go into that corner a fire wraith appears)
Collect a Guineveres Jewel in the pool. Go and use it.
When you enter jump over the dark square (spikes) und pull a switch.
This opens the golden door by the green slope.
You have to pull the 5 switches in there till the exit door is open and you can go there.
(took some time by trial and error)
You see a grey room with high blocks in it. First go and make your way to the left near side, where you will get Guineveres Sceptre.
On the far right side insert Artus Sceptre and on the left side Guineveres Sceptre.
Jump to the highest block there and use the ladder at the back to climb down.
Back flip into the opening.
Use the Gate Key and enter the Grail.

The Grail

A flyby shows the Grail on top of a building.
You have to kill to poisonous birds. Jump into the water and swim to the right side.
Climb out. Pick up some wideshot shells. Locusts appear. Pull a wall switch and swim to the opening on the other side of the pool.
Climb the white marble block, do a back flip and grab the monkey bar. Swing over and pull the high up wall switch. Repeat this on the other side.
The 2 switches fill the little pits in the other room.
Go into the yard and shoot the gem in the lion’s head. This opens a door in the left side room. Swim there and pull out 2 movable blocks. Push them onto the brownish square.
Pull the switch and 2 cages will rise. Use them to climb on level higher. Run up the slope avoiding the 3 boulders. On top of the slope is a Gate Key. Locusts appear.
Make you way to the door at the central building and use the Key. Go up and 2 fire wraith appear. Jump into the water. Now go up and take the Grail.
From up there shoot 2 white vases. This opens the last door.
Go to the room with the white marble block. The door behind it is open now.
“Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast es geschafft”