Skeleton's Palace

Level by Blacksheep (Atsushi Yamakawa)

Walkthrough by D&G Productions

No need to use the revised wads.

The Lagoon.

Lara comes out of a building and reaches the shore of a Lagoon, a Croc comes out of the water, shoot it and go over the beach to the opening in the rocks NE. Another Croc comes out, go in after dealing with that one and shoot another Croc in the pool in the cave. Swim into the SW opening in the corner of the pool and go along the bottom, Boulders will drop so keep on going and go sharp L around the corner, not into the pit or you’ll be crushed, but into the E tunnel And keep going till you reach the end. To the L and in a pit are the Gate Keys. Swim back again (there’s an air pocket up if you need it) and climb the rock in the pool, standjmp/grab up to a rock ledge W and runjmp/grab NE to the sloped ridge on the E wall, grab the edge and shimmy L to the end, pull up and backflip/roll/grab the ladder to go up to the top.

Save there and run over the path, jmp over the pits while Boulders drop behind you and 2 Warthogs appear. Stop at the little alcove to the R with the ½ MP and turn to shoot those warthogs, the MP is booby trapped, pick it up facing the SE and immediately jmp away to avoid being crushed, go on to a pit where a Flyby will show the next area. Jmp over the block in the pit to collect the Ammo and go to the R hand gate in the building, open it with the Key and go in to step on the Timed trigger Tile in the end of the passage.

Timed run.

It will open a trapdoor on top of the building, stand facing out and save, run to the pit and roll so you face the gate again, sidejmp L twice and land on the yellow brick wall, immediately jmp forward (also to avoid the Boulder) and up the sloped floor, turn R and get onto the roof of the building, run into the trapdoor.

Go down from the block and sprint through those Spikes, they won’t kill Lara, and go up the sloped passage to climb a ladder to the Tower, where the Horseman’s Gem awaits you. Get the MP from the W window sill, Go out through the N window and go down to the path, follow to that pit again and the other gate in the building is open now. Go follow the tunnel to a platform over the lagoon and place the Gem there, a flyby will show a new opening in a wall below. Drop from the platform into the water and go up the shore, over the W wall where the level started. Go in and follow the stairs down to an area where you can see Star receptacles on the central structure and gates in the walls.

Jmp over to the central garden and go to an open gate in the E side, jmp over the moat and go to a room with a gate covering an alcove with Targets. Walk to the end of the ledge and the gate opens, stand on the L side of the ledge, save and draw the pistols, jmp up and shoot ONLY the blue Target, the trapdoor below opens, so go down the ladder and get the Ammo in the corners next to the entrance ledge, go to the trapdoor and get the Token, climb out and put it in the receptacle E, a flyby will show where the Crowbar was hidden. Climb back up, jmp to the grass and go S to where that water hole is to get the Crowbar from it, get back up the grass, notice all the other gates have opened up too.

There’s no particular order in which you have to do the following…

E wall- R hand gate. (Burner jumps)

Stand on the trigger tile that will kill the flames on the blocks up the slope and standjmp onto the L side of the 1st block, so you can curve R and do two running jmps to the next blocks, try to land on the R hand side of the 3rd block so you can run L and jmp to the 4th, land on the L side (you have some time to line up here) Runjmp up to the block with the 1st Golden Star. Walk to the edge and look for the safe path to slide down and jmp over the water with a sharp L turn to the exit in the end as a Boulder will come down to that ledge. Go out and to the W wall.
(the burner blocks will not always burn there is a difference every time you try again.)

W wall- L hand gate. (Guidance lights)

Go to the end of the passage and safety drop down into a very dark room, turn and for the fun of it, don’t light a flare, just follow those little flames to a CS in the W wall, don’t step next to the path or you will light the room yourself.
Go through the CS to where you can climb up L for the 2nd Golden Star, turn and jmp over the lower passage to go up the sloped one to a CS, safety drop back into the entrance passage and go jmp out to the grass, L and into the next gate.

W wall- centre gate. (Take your pick)

Go up and in the end and just walk on over the invisible floor, go R and climb the block on the R hand wall, jmp to the R hand (NW) 3rd Golden Star as that’s the only safe one here. Go back down to the grass room. Jmp out and go L to the next gate.

W wall- R hand gate. (Spike-traps, Boulder, Burners)

Go around the corner and time your run through the first two traps, then runjmp/roll through the next set, so you face back and do a runjmp back over the Spike-trap, a Boulder drops in the pit, the route is safe now, so go up the sloped passage to high room with a ladder pillar, the flyby will show the Burners around the pillar. Go around the pillar to get the Shotgun from the floor and climb the ladder on that side, timing the passing of the Burners, go almost to the top and backflip into that alcove with the 4th Golden Star. Get safely back down an go back over those Spike-traps, jmp to the grass and climb into the central structure.

Place the 4 Golden Stars and drop into that trapdoor that opened. Swim into a tunnel in the S and go sharp L inside, swim down into the NE hole (all the others have Boulder-traps) and in the lower room is the Gate Key to the L, swim up the same hole again and all the way to the top, find the shaft up over the Tile in the centre of the room and go up to a gate that can be opened with your Key.

Pick up another Shotgun on the floor just after the Gate.

The Pillar Room.

In the S near the ladder is Ammo for the Shotgun and also some near the N pillar when you return to the centre of the room to climb those ledges. Go up from one to the other and keep the Shotgun ready when you standjmp grabbed up to one of the 4 pillars around the centre ledges. A Skellie will come for you when you jmped up. Shoot him off the pillar and runjmp/grab to the alcove with one of the 4 Horseman’s Gems. Runjmp/grab back and run off the end of the pillar to land back on the centre ledges. Go on like this till you’ve got them all. Go down the ledges and place the Gems at the pillars.

Go to the S ladder and climb up, the room back there filled with water so you can swim into the opposite passage to get the Trident there, swim back and climb down into the Pillar room, go N and back into the water there, swim to that UW gate in the N and it will open for you, stay close to the R hand wall when you go around the corner as a Boulder drops from the ceiling, then cross over to the L, dodge the Croc and go on like this avoiding the Boulder holes and Crocs till you reach a shaft up to the L, go up through a trapdoor that opened up to the Lagoon, swim out to the sea and the level ends.
