Search for Imhotep 2:
The Search Goes On

Level by Palopique/Hans Willi Brüggen

There are two separate walkthroughs for this level posted here. The first is by Monika, followed by the second one written by Kris of Lara's Home.

This is an unauthorised walkthrough by Monika Pietsch. It has all the important pick-ups and items mentioned. It will not contain all pick-ups, all enemies and maybe not all the secrets.

This walkthrough is meant as a guideline to get you to the end of the level, even so there might be other ways too.


The Search goes on

Go to the left. Shoot a crate and take the crowbar. Open the wooden door with it.
You have to kill 2 SAS. You enter an area with a jeep, crates on one side and a closed metal gate and a keyhole.
Look on the left wall for a movable block. Pull it and kill a black scorpion before crawling in. At the end of the passage are 2 black scorpions.
Shoot a crate and take The Timeless Sands. Pull the dead soldier and take the Jeeps Key and some desert eagle ammo.
Now go across. You can jump behind the crates and use the crowbar to open the wooden door. (You could also use the jeep to move the crates)
In the room are 3 crates. Shoot them and take a small medi-pack, desert eagle ammo and the Excavation Key.
Leave the room and go to the gate. Use the Excavation Key. Kill 2 black scorpions.
Go to the jeep and start to drive it. You can drive over a giant scorpion. Drive along narrow passages. Stop for a large medi-pack. When you have driven over a SAS stop and take the Desert Eagle he left. Stop before a gap. Kill 2 giant scorpions from safety.
Drive over the gap and get out of the jeep. Climb down and get some flares and the
Shovel. Use the jeep again. Drive down and up a slope. There is a closed door.
So get out and climb down a long way. Down below is a big ball rolling forward and backward. Watch out and then climb into an opening on the right.
Up there is a crowbar switch. Use it and it opens a timed door far away.
Get out of the niche. Watch out for the big ball. Climb up and get into the jeep. Drive as fast as you can, looking for corners.
Drive over a bridge and jump the gap. When you at the door keep to the left so the jeep hits the wall. Otherwise Lara will fall to certain death.
Use the zip line to a rock. Get off before the zip line ends or Lara will fall deep down.
Make your way over the rock and down. Kill black scorpions. In the water at the north wall is an opening with the 1.Secret and some goodies. Climb out of the water and jump into the small water strip on the south wall. Collect desert eagle ammo.
Using the rocks go up to the ladder and jump from there towards the east wall and go along towards a wooden door on the north side.
Open the door and behind it is a giant scorpion. Kill it. After this orange coloured room you step into an area with a pyramid.
Go to the left and kill a giant scorpion. In one corner you find a movable block.
Pull it and a trapdoor opens. Go down. There are spikes and fire. Go to the opposite wall and push a block. You can enter another room with a statue surrounded by fire.
In the far corner on the left is a movable block. Push it and then push the other block from the entrance into the empty space. This will stop the fire around the statue.
Use The Timeless Sands and the spikes and fire in the first room disappear.
Go there and take the Horus Key. Climb back out and you will see crates. You can shoot them and there are barrels underneath, but only the one in front of a light sloped rock is relevant. Shoot this barrel and as it blows up it frees the Horus keyhole. Insert the Horus Key.

Go on till you see a hut on the left side. The door will open automatically when you approach. Kill 2 SAS. One leaves the Ruin Key. Shoot a crate and the flares and desert eagle ammo are yours.
When you walk on, you come to a fenced in area. There you use the Ruin Key.
Go in and around and look for a movable block. Pull it twice. Then use the Shovel.
After that you can drop down and collect the Osiris Key.
Leave the fenced in area. You see a different coloured part on the pyramid.
You can make your way up there till you are on top of a ladder. Climb down and insert the Osiris Key and the trapdoor will open.
Down there you have to push a block. Once you enter through an open door, spikes will block the way back. There is a receptacle for a Shaft Key.
Push the block to the side. Use the crowbar to open the wooden door.
Slide down and you enter a new level.

The Guarders

The Holy Scarab

Pull the switch on the left side. Go through the door. Look for the little thing that runs in front of you. Follow it and go to the left. You have to pass 7 fires and you come to a lava room. You have to get to the other side.
Use the blocks, the climbable wall, the blocks and the rope to get there. Inside the opening is a switch. When you push it you see that a block in another lava room is raised.
Make your way back using 3 ropes. When you go over the scarab tiles there is no fire now. The door on the left is open. Watch out for the hammer blocks. Leave the small medi-pack. Go to the switch and push it. You can take the Holy Scarab.
When you do this the wall in front of you will disappear revealing a lava room with blocks and a dragon. Also health-consuming locusts swarm at Lara.
Go to the 3.block. It has a slightly slanted top on right side. Get up and do running jumps toward the high wall switch. Hurry, so the dragon can’t fry Lara.
Once you pulled the switch the dragon will be beheaded.
Go up the 3.block again and take a large medi-pack. Then jump over where the dragon is. Break the Western Shaft Key out of the wall. All the time locusts are coming.
Pass the hammer blocks and go on and you will land in level 1.
Insert the Western Shaft Key. The spikes blocking the exit disappear.
Go to the next door. Again spikes, Shaft Keyhole and a movable block. Open the wooden door and slide down.

Dragon Seal

Pull the switch on the left and enter through the door.
You have to pass 5 hammer blocks and popping up spikes at the end.
You enter a room with a dragon statue and lava flowing. The door closes behind you. You have to get rid of an Ahmet and a Golden Bird.
Shoot the dangling ball at the back of the dragon (with pistols) and the exit door opens up again. Go out and to the left. Kill an Ahmet. You see a Shaft Key. Let the hammer block swing once and then you can break the Northern Shaft Key out of the wall.
Now drop down an opening. You enter a room with 3 mirrors and a sarcophagus in the middle. Push the mirrors onto their correct places and this will show an opening at the sarcophagus. You have to hurry because at this moment from the ceiling a drill comes down towards the opening. So get down and push a switch and climb out again.
Go to the open door and trigger a yellow ball. Get out into the room for that because the ball rolls around the corner.
Go up and you enter the dragon room. The lava is gone and you can take the Dragon Seal.
You leave through the door on the south side. All hammer blocks have stopped except for the last one.
Use the Northern Shaft Key. Go to the left (north). Push a block and open the wooden door. Slide down and push a switch on the left side.

The Torch

You see some cobwebs as a hint. Kill a small spider when walking towards the door.
Get down into a larger area. Spiders drop from the ceiling. Look for a switch on a block on the left. Go up and push the switch. From there jump over towards the northeast corner. There are the 2.Secret and some goodies. When you drop down onto the floor watch out for big and for a giant spider (poisonous). Pick up some arrows from the floor.
In one corner you see a big door. Near there you find the Rocket Launcher (crossbow).
Climb onto the block next to the door and pull the wall switch. Watch out for a giant spider. You might get through the door and lock it out before it comes at you.
When you enter the room you see a pedestal with fire. When you get nearer blocks and fire emitters surround the pedestal. Pick up some explosive arrows and get rid of 2 skeletons. Take a large medi-pack from the right room.
When you pass the second right door it will open and a Demigod appears.
Eliminate it. Then go into the room where it came from. You can climb up and there is a switch to push. This will let the blocks and the fire emitters disappear.
Go down. Now you see that there is a Torch on the pedestal.
Watch out for the fire interval. When you stand up there the last of the four doors will open. The door is timed. If you don’t make it after having picked up the Torch simply jump onto the pedestal again with the Torch in Lara’s hand and then run towards the door.

You enter a room with blocks and fires on the floor. There are also swinging chains high up.
Deposit the Torch and make your way past 2 swishing blocks to the other side of the room. Get the Eastern Shaft Key from behind a block. Go and take up the Torch.
Get onto the slope and from there make you way over the blocks and avoiding the chains. First your aim is the last block on the right side.
Throw the Torch into the small opening there. Now you have to grab the rope.
Swing over to the bigger opening. Watch out for the chains at the back and the fire underneath the opening. When you have done this go up and collect the Torch behind the next door.

Use the Eastern Shaft Key and the spikes disappear in the wall.
You will find a receptacle for the Holy Scarab. On the other side is a Shaft keyhole.
Jump over a pit and use the Dragon Seal. Go down into a room with a big sarcophagus and statues. Pick up the Imhotep Scroll.
Read it. After that light the Torch and light with it a cobweb like lamp. The block next to it will disappear.
Jump into the opening and get the Southern Shaft Key from the wall.
Go back up the stairs and use the Southern Shaft Key. Climb up a ladder and step out on the top of the pyramid. You see a flyby and get the message that the game is over.

By Hans-Willi Brueggen (Palopique)
Released September, 2002
Unauthorised walkthrough by Kris.


You enter the level under a dark thundery sky into a small sandy courtyard. Find the opening on the south wall to your left and climb in. Shoot the crate and pick up the CROWBAR then return to the courtyard and prise open the wooden fence on the west wall. Shoot the two guards as you enter the next courtyard. To your right is a small wooden building, with boxes in front of a ‘crowbar’ door. You can jump over the boxes to use the crowbar, but it’s quite awkward to get back out again, anyway it’s more fun to smash the boxes with the jeep, and you’ll have the keys soon. Ahead, behind the jeep is a closed metal gate near a keyhole and on the left wall (south) is a triangular rock blocking the entrance to a crawlspace.

Pull the block back so that you can access the crawlspace, and crawl inside, killing the scorpion near the entrance. Follow the path round and kill the two scorpions in the small room as you emerge. Shoot the wooden crate and pick up THE TIMELESS SANDS then press action to drag the mutilated soldier, and pick up ammo and the JEEPS KEY.

Use the keys and drive the jeep over to the wooden building to break the boxes in front of the crowbar door. Then get out of the jeep and use the crowbar to open the wooden door. Go inside, shoot the boxes and pick up ammo, a medipack and the EXCAVATION KEY then return to the jeep. On the other side of the closed gate is a giant scorpion; if you drive right up to the gate you can kill it before the gate is open. Now use the Excavation Key, kill the small scorpions and go through the gate.

Drive through the long dark tunnels until the area opens out and widens onto a bumpier surface. Climb out and pick up a medipack. Continue driving until you can stop and pick up ammo. Shoot the guard and pick up the DESERT EAGLE he leaves behind. Get back in the jeep and continue forward round the twists and turns until you can see a pit ahead. I’d save your game here in case you fail to get over the pit. Drive straight ahead, and over the pit, crushing the giant scorpion on the other side.

Now get out of the jeep, shoot the second scorpion in the pit and climb down the ladder on the south side of the pit. Pick up flares and the SHOVEL and climb back up and get back to the jeep. Now keep to the right and drive down the steep hill, then up a steep slope to a closed gate and get out of the jeep. Return to the edge of the deep pit (south) and look down. You’ll see a golden rolling ball at the other end of the trench. Turn around, hang, drop and grab the ladder and climb down to the ground. As soon as you land, the rolling ball will start moving backwards and forwards up the curved ramp.

With your back right against the ladder, use the binoculars to find the opening in the west wall, because that’s where you’re going next. Wait till the boulder is almost touching you, light a flare, then follow it back down the slope and pull up into the opening.

Save your game so that you will get an idea of what’s ahead. Use the crowbar to push the floorswitch. You’ll get a flyby of two gates opening, above the first gate is a clock showing 12, your first indication that the next sequence is timed. Now reload your game, and as soon as the flyby starts, hit the look button (to cut out the flyby) which will give you some precious extra seconds to exit the crawlspace, returning to the jeep via the ladder. Drive through and hug the left wall all the way until you reach the bridge, drive over without stopping and jump over the pit and up the slope through the gate which opens as you approach, keep to the left. Get out of the jeep and go to the zipline.

I’d save your game here too. You are going to drop off before the end of the zipline onto the first triangular shaped rock that you see. Walk forward to the front of the rock and as far right as you can go, then standing jump over to the next triangular rock ahead. Now turn round to face north and drop off the rock sliding down the slope to the ground. Jump into the water and pick up ammo, then climb out and go to your left to a larger pool of water, kill the scorpion and jump in. Swim left until you can find the small underwater opening on the south wall. Go in and pick up SECRET # 1 – clips and a medipack.

Return to the small pool and start climbing the rocks (east) and continue until you can jump to the flat rock (north) then turn and locate the cleverly hidden ladder on the tall rock in front of you (east). From the back of the rock do a running jump with grab to catch the ladder and climb up to the top. Turn to face north and use the binoculars to locate the brown wooden door on the north wall, that’s where to go next.

From the back of this rock, standing jump between the two pointed rocks to a flat ledge (east) (save often because you can easily slide off the rocks, or get stuck between them). Standing jump to the flat rock ahead on the east wall. Turn to face northeast and do a diagonal running jump to the higher flat rock. Turn north and do a running jump ahead to the next rock (slightly to the left), then standing jump (northeast), followed by standing jump northwest to the rock below the wooden door. Climb up and use the crowbar on the wooden gate.

Kill the giant scorpion, and go through to the sandy area outside with the pyramid, killing another giant scorpion as you continue going further left. In the northwest corner is a moveable triangular rock, pull it out and you’ll hear a trapdoor open. Drop down into a room with a central square of spikes and flames. Light a flare to locate the moveable block on the north wall, and push it into a room with a statue on a block surrounded by fire.

Now light a flare and find a moveable block on the west wall in this room. Push the block in as far as it will go, then return to the block at the entrance and pull/push that block into the same alcove to stop the flames round the statue. Jump over to the statue and place the Timeless Sands. You’ll feel the earth rumble as the spikes in the adjacent room retract, and the flames go out. Run onto the safe platform where the spikes retracted and as you do, one of the small pyramids will open allowing you to pick up the HORUS KEY.

Go back through the trapdoor, and continue going left, shooting the black boxes. There are only dynamite barrels under the first box, but when you reach the second box, shoot the barrel and when it explodes it will reveal the receptacle for the Horus Key. Place the key, then continue left until you reach a small wooden hut. The door will open as you approach, kill the two guards and the scorpion. Go inside, shoot the barrel and pick up flares and ammo. Pick up the RUIN KEY before you leave the hut.

Outside again, continue left and dispose of two giant scorpions, and enter a huge area with a central structure surrounded by railings. Use the Ruin Key and go through the open gate. Find the moveable block (north) and pull it back as far as it will go, then enter the new opening and use the shovel to clear away the obstruction. Now drop down and pick up the OSIRIS KEY from the pedestal. Nothing more to do here, so leave through the open gate and turn to face the western pyramid.

Use the binoculars and you’ll be able to see ‘steps’ on this pyramid leading to a ladder, so do standing jumps until you reach the ladder then standing jump with grab to catch it and climb down. Use the Osiris Key and the trapdoor underneath you will open, dropping you into a new area.

Run down the small passageway and through the door to your left which opens as you approach. Push the block into the new room and to the side, to reveal a crowbar door. Spikes will spring up in the passageway behind you, and there is a shaft key receptacle on the north wall, but for now use the crowbar to open the wooden gate, and slide into the next level.


Go into the new room and pull the switch on the south wall, to open the roller door on the west wall. Go through and watch as the small green lizard scampers ahead. To your left on the south wall is an opening in the rock and ahead a passageway with fire tiles all the way along. Keep to the right wall and run past them without taking any damage. At the end of the passage, jump back and do a running jump to the block ahead in the water which is deadly.

You need to get to the other side of the room (west). From the block do a running jump to the lower block (south). Still facing south, hop back and do a running jump from the highest point of the rock to the climbable south wall. Shimmy right almost to the end of the ‘ladder type’ wall (the wall texture changes after that) then climb to about a block’s width from the top, and back flip with twist and grab to catch the edge of the sloped block, pull up, slide and jump with grab to the ladder on the tall block and climb up.

Turn to face west. Ahead are two sloped blocks and a rope in front of the switch alcove. Do a running jump to the sloped block ahead, grabbing the edge as you slide down, now pull up and backflip to the ledge behind you, keep your finger on the jump and left direction buttons until you can grab the edge of the flat block to the left of the first slope and pull up.

From the top left of the flat block, turn to face southwest and line up with the rope. A diagonal running jump with grab will get you to the rope, rotate to line up to the switch ledge, swing once and drop off with grab to land inside the alcove. Push the floorswitch to raise a block in a lava room.

Turn round to face the room, two more ropes have now lowered. From the right of the alcove do a running jump with grab to catch the rope. Rotate to line up with the second rope and slightly to the left, swing and catch the second rope, then rotate again to line up with the flat block in front, swing and jump with grab to land on the block. Now line up from the front of the block for a standing jump with grab to the last rope. Drop to the bottom of the rope, then climb up once, swing and drop off with grab to land on the block next to the entrance, turn and running jump with grab back into the passageway with the fire tiles.

Run over the fire tiles which are now safe, turn left and through the door on the west wall which opens as you approach. Inside is the room shown when you pulled the floor lever in the previous room. just inside the door are hammers on either side, so time your entrance into the room. Go to the block in the lava and push the floor lever, to open the tile guarding the HOLY SCARAB. Jump over and pick it up. The south wall of the room will lower revealing a lava room with a dragon and flames in the centre.

Top up your health because as soon as you approach the lava river, locusts will attack you. Run back to the entrance of the room to get rid of them. Now return to the other end of the room and use the binoculars to locate the jumpswitch high up on the west wall above the blocks on the other side of the lava. Now jump over the lava river. All the blocks are too high to climb onto except the second block from the left. Turn and do running jumps with/without grab where applicable to the last block and line up for the jumpswitch. Jump with grab to pull the switch. Keep an eye on your health, the locusts are after you all the time you are doing this. When the jumpswitch is pulled, a block will lower and decapitate the dragon.

Return to the second block from the left climb up and turn to face south (If you want to collect the medipack from the block before the jumpswitch, now is the time to do it.) Facing south, do a running jump to the lower ledge near the dragon’s head. Drop into the pit with the dragon’s head and prise the WESTERN SHAFT KEY off the south wall near the left of his head. Climb out of the pit, standing jump back to the ledge with the pillars then running jump back over the lava river turning right towards the door and the hammers. Ignore the medipack, you’ll probably die in the attempt to pick it up.

Now run to the far end of the room and back to the room with the pushable block, and place the Western shaft Key in its receptacle to the right of the passageway with spikes to retract them. Run down the passageway and turn left (west) and push the block in twice and to the side. As before spikes will appear in the previous passageway, there is a receptacle for another Shaft Key, and a wooden door on the west wall. Use the crowbar to open it and go through, sliding down the green slope into a green room with a wall switch on the left and a roller door ahead. Pull the wallswitch.

Go through the open roller door and follow the small green lizard to the end of the room through a door which opens as you approach. There are six sets of hammers either side of the lava channel under the floor grid, and at the end a spike pit. It’s relatively easier to time your run through the hammers, but remember to jump over the spikes at the end where the door will open onto a new room. There are also closed doors on the north and south walls after the spike trap.

As you start to go down the steps, the door behind you will close and you’ll get a great mini flyby of the Dragon Head, with a shootable gold ball behind it, and the Dragon Seal on a coiled serpent in front. As the flyby pans the room, the area around the dragon becomes a lava pool, and lava pours from its mouth.

Jump down to the floor and jump over the lava onto the Dragon’s back, and shoot the golden ball on the north wall. You have only got the pistols, so it may take a bit of time to actually hit the ball - the Desert Eagle isn’t very effective. Once the ball is hit, the exit door will re-open and you can make your way back to the room at the end of the spike trap, left of the door. A Harpy and Ahmet will attack you from the Dragon Room, so dispose of them before continuing.

Now go through the new door (north) at the end of the spike pit. Have the desert eagle handy to dispose of the ahmet, which is lying in wait for you. Go past the skeleton and stop just short of the hammer. It will swing once then stop, as soon as it does go forward and prise off the NORTHERN SHAFT KEY from the west wall. Go under the hammer and pick up ammo. Return to the lighter alcove on the east wall, turn around and climb down the ladder to the next room.

The door will close behind you as you enter a room with three moveable mirrors and a central sarcophagus. Look on the ceiling to see the correct position to place the mirrors. They need to be under the ceiling light beam to catch the light, all the mirrors are angled to reflect light in a different direction.

Pull the left mirror (near the blue door on the west wall) to the right of the original entrance door under the ceiling beam. Pull the middle mirror to the ceiling beam to the left of the entrance door, and in line with the first mirror. Pull the last mirror to the single ceiling beam on the other side of the sarcophagus. If you get it right, the sarcophagus lid will pull back, and all three mirrors will be connected by light beams to the entrance door.

At the same time, a drill will start winding down from the ceiling. Immediately run towards the sarcophagus and drop down the ladder to pull the floor switch. The mirror will reflect a beam to the wall in front of the switch to an image of the Dragon Seal behind it. Quickly climb back out and run through the new entrance on the west wall. Don’t go up the steps. Stand with your back to the wall facing into the mirror room. Sideflip to your left, immediately sideflip back to your right and run forward quite a way into the mirror room to avoid the rolling golden ball at your heels.

Go back to the room where you triggered the golden ball, run up the steps and re-enter the dragon room, which is now devoid of the lava. Climb up the white block to the coiled serpent, and press action to pick up the DRAGON SEAL. Now you can exit this area by the open door on the south wall, run through the underground tunnels, and back to the hammer room. Jump over the spike trap and run to the far end of the room (east). Be careful when you approach the last set of hammers, they are still active, time a run through them and return to the green corridor.

Follow the path back through the room with the roller door and place the Northern Shaft Key in its receptacle to lower the spikes in the corridor ahead. Run down the corridor (east) turning first left and to the moveable block (north) at the end. Push the block forward and to the side. Use the crowbar to open the wooden door, and slide down the slope to enter a blue area, with a switch to your left and a roller door ahead. Pull the switch.

Go through the roller door and into a blue tunnel as before, but no small lizard to keep you company here, perhaps the large cobweb near the door will give you an idea of what lies ahead. Go through the blue door which opens as you approach into a tunnel with cobwebs suspended from the ceiling. Kill the small spider. Go forward (north) and through the door, and down the ladder into a dark underground cave.

Look straight ahead (north and you’ll see a floor lever switch on a block further into the room. Go to the block and pull up and push the floor switch. This will raise a block under a jumpswitch near the double doors. Turn around and face northeast, standing jump to the triangular rock ahead and go through the entrance (east). In the pit with the skeleton, pick up SECRET # 2 – crossbow ammo, medipack and desert eagle ammo.

Climb out and collect more crossbow ammo near the skeleton and continue left. A gecko lizard will scamper up the rocks as you go further into a wider clearing where spiders will drop from the ceiling, kill them. Continue left until you see a pair of large double silver doors to the right of which is a high jumpswitch with the block underneath which you raised with the floor lever.

First continue left past the skeleton, disposing of the small spiders as you go, and pick up the ROCKET LAUNCHER which looks very much like a crossbow. Then return to the block. Pull the jumpswitch and immediately run through the double doors before a giant spider can attack you.

Enter the new room with the central dais which has a fire block in the middle. Run to the right over the grated floor and pick up crossbow ammo near the skeleton. Continue round to the right and dispose of the demigod when he appears from the second alcove. Now kill the two skeletons, and pick up the medipack from the first alcove. Return to the demigod alcove and turn to face west. Jump up with grab to the crawlspace and follow it round until you can push the floor lever to lower the blocks around the central dais. Exit the crawlspace.

Back in the main room, the flames and blocks have now disappeared from the central block. Time a standing jump to the smouldering fire in the centre and pick up the TORCH. Hop back before you get burned. The central block operates a timed door on the south wall. Now return to the block where you picked up the torch, and head for the newly opened door being careful past the fire at the entrance, and into a green corridor before the door closes.

In front of you is a green room with grated floor fires, a sloped ramp on the north wall, moving pillars and overhead chains. Leave the torch near the entrance where you can easily find it again., and make your way across the room past two moving pillars. Turn around before the end of the room and locate the EASTERN SHAFT KEY. Use the crowbar to prise it off the column, then return back across the room and pick up the torch.

Now jump onto the slope and run up to the top, turn to face south and standing jump to the next block, then turn to face east. Avoiding the swinging chain do a running jump to the block ahead, followed by another, then a standing jump to the block in the centre of the room. Turn to face north and running jump to the block avoiding the swinging chain. Turn to face east again and slightly diagonal running jump to the block in front, then finally to the last block with a running jump.

From the edge of the block press the space bar to throw the torch into the small opening on the east wall. Now turn back to find the suspended rope(northwest) and do a diagonal running jump with grab, avoiding the chain to grab it. Rotate the rope to line up with the larger entrance on the east wall. Time your swing to avoid the fire underneath the entrance. One swing from the bottom of the rope will get you to the opening.

Go through the crawlspace and through the blue door which opens as you approach. Follow the passage around until you can drop down into the small pool of water (west) and pick up the torch. Standing jump back to the passageway, and turn right (south). Follow the passage all the way to the room at the end of the blue cobweb tunnel and go straight ahead through the entrance on the east wall, throw down the torch, and use the Eastern Shaft Key in the receptacle on the south wall to retract the spikes in the tunnel ahead. Pick up the torch and go down the tunnel.

At the first intersection, turn to your left (east) and head for the closed blue door. Jump to the right and place the Holy Scarab. (There is a Shaft Key Receptacle on the other side) Pick up the torch again and go through the open door and place the Dragon Seal. Pick up the torch yet again and go through the next door into the most fabulous room with imposing statues and obelisks. Jump to the central sarcophagus and pick up IMHOTEP'S SCROLL which reads :-

- So you finally found this well cached tomb
- Well, nothing can be hidden forever
- But without the golden flare, this will be your tomb too
- So come along with me to see Osiris himself... Imhotep.

As you pick up the scroll, all the fires light, so pick up the torch and carefully light it from one of the floor torches. Now go to the wall sconce on the north wall and light it to lower the huge pillar, on the same wall. Jump into the opening and prise off the SOUTHERN SHAFT KEY then exit this awesome room and return to place the Shaft Key (opposite of where you placed the Holy Scarab.) The first set of spikes (west) will retract, jump over and jump up with grab to the ladder and climb to the top of the pyramid. A flyby of the whole play area follows, and sadly a message reads 'The search is over…"Well done", bringing this wonderful game to an end.