The Crypt of Tohokan 2

Level by Jamie White

Walkthrough by DJ Full

Grab a big medi and some flares, watch out for the flames and move the Anubis statue to the right, what opens the door. Behind it, pick up explosive arrows and kill a ninja. Get another big medi and the Eye Piece from the pedestal. Climb the ladder and backflip for some normal grenades. Descend and exit through the automatic proximity door. Go right for the Eye Of Horus (a door opens) and continue around the central platform to find a corridor. Go up the ramp and left on the junction. Drop to the lower corridor, go upstairs, climb the block, kill a ninja, find a crawlspace at the end of the passage, crawl on th ramp, run down it and enter the room full of pillars. Green plants on the wall are climbable - grab them, move up and backflip to land on the pillar with the uzis and some ammo for them. Jump on the neighbouring block and grab the metal grate. Shimmy left, away from the ninja bullets. Climb up a little bit and backflip to land on another pillar. The highest one next to you is also climbable, so get on the top, switch to manual targeting and fire shots rapidly to get rid of 2 ninjas walking on the other side of the gap. Jump on that place and enter the crawlspace for 2 packs of revolver ammo. From behind the crawlspace, get one more pack with the revolver itself and a large medi. And pick up the second half of the puzzle item from the pedestal.

WARNING! DON'T combine both pieces of the key to make the second Eye Of Horus yet. If you do so, one of these puzzle items vanishes from the inventory!!

Go back, descend to the floor and, from next to the NW pillar, pick up the third Eye Of Horus (the inventory bug doesn't occur in this case). Climb the nearby plants to get on the pillar on their left and get some more uzi ammo from it. Grab the W plants to get into the crawlspace for some more explosive arrows. It's a SECRET 1. Now get back on the ground and through the corridor that led you here till you reach the unmarked ladder. Climb it and go left on the junction. Pick up 3 packs of explosive arrows on your way to the gap. Jump over it to land on the mummy platform. Avoid the choking enveloped enemies, grab 2 small and 1 large medi and jump behind the raised grate. Safety drop to the portal room and place the first EOH in the slot. And the 2nd one in the next portal. Now you can combine the remaining parts to make the 3rd puzzle item and use it in the final lock. Go between the torches and through the automatic door to see Tohokan's burial chamber. The corners of this place contain: the NW one - a shotgun, the NE one - a shotgun. Bypassing the mummies and pick up two Hands from next to the sarcophagi.

WARNING! Don't place the hands in the E slots!

Killing a ninja. Also, a red scorpion appears in the SE corner, so you can kill it, but it's not necessary. Exit E, approach the statue and kill a baddy attacking you from behind. Push the statue on the marked tile to reveal the ramp. Go up it to see the rolling death... so reverse roll and hide somewhere to survive. Get on the top of the ramp, push the Anubis statue or not, as the exit is automatic and grab 2 flare boxes from behind it. Safety drop behind the following grate. Fall on the left square behind the block you landed on to activate and kill a ninja before she gets to a medi and steals it. Approach the green pillar to eliminate another enemy and go around the same column to trigger and finish the third baddy. Get some normal grenades from the far N pillar. Drop behind it to get the medis you saved from ninjas - 3 small and 4 large. Now time the spikes on your way to the switch and throw it to open the exit. Leave the through the revealed corridor to get outside. Follow the cats' footprints to the final multi-ninja fight. Grab 4 big medis from the park and sprint to the other end of the canyon to find the damaged jeep. Kill another ninja by the vehicle. Climb the SE plants to shimmy left and behind the raised grate for SECRET 2 - a hidden large medi and some revolver ammo.

Get back to the bottom of the canyon and climb the other plants to slide down. Grab the leaves in the hole and descend to the green corridor leading outside. Climb the W unmarked ladder and the marked one behind it. Drop into the switch room. Throw the NW one. Climb the side walls to get to the upper rooms. Get a shotgun with 36 normal shells from the left depot, and 180 uzi bullets from the right one. Go down the revealed ramp. In the basement, there is a place and a time to use The Hand Of Orion. Insert it into the receptacle to open the fifth door, halfway up the ramp. Enter the chamber behind the portal and runjump on the platform on your right for 3 small medis and the Eye Of Horus. Swing across for the second and third puzzle items and go back to the basement to place the whole three in their slots. Behind the right E portal, kill 2 baddies and throw a ground switch. In the left E chamber, place The Hand Of Sirius and get a laser sight from the dark in NE corner. Entering the N room, switch targeting to manual and kill a ninja before he grabs a small medi. Collect that medi, get a revolver from the dead ninja, grab 5 ammo packs for it, a large medi and Cartouche Piece 2. Once again, enter the door located halfway the last ramp and jump over the gap to go behind the grate raised by placing the last Hand. Descend to the bottom and go through the automatic portal for SECRET 3 - 24 x revolver ammo. Get back on the ramp and return to the switch room. Climb the S wall and backtrack to the outside. Throw a lever behind the S crawlspace to raise another grate, what reveals the corridor beginning near the slot for Cartouche. It leads you to the balcony, where you can find a switch. Press it and go back outside to enter the huge carved door. Gp behind the central pillar and climb another green ladder. Go around the upper part of the column for the second piece of the Cartouche. Combine both parts and insert the key in the slot you've already spotted. Now the upper part of the structure behind the central pillar you were climbing seconds ago is raised and you're able to pull up to get inside and slide down to the end of the level.