Levels by Traio


This authorized walkthrough was written by Phil Lambeth, with the invaluable assistance of Kristina's detailed outline.

MANTUA (Italian Mantova), city, northern Italy, capital of Mantua Province, in Lombardy Region, surrounded on three sides by the Mincio River. A tourist and agricultural center, Mantua has factories producing agricultural machinery, fertilizer, furniture, shoes, and toys. Among the notable buildings is the Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale), with frescoes by Andrea Mantegna, whose tomb is in Sant'Andrea, a basilica begun in the 15th century. An Etruscan, and later a Roman, town, Mantua was captured by the Lombards in the 6th century. The town became a possession of the margrave of Canossa until it achieved independence in 1115. The city prospered under the rule (1328-1708) of the Gonzaga family. Mantua was held by Austria, except for a brief period, from 1708 to 1866. Population (1990 estimate) 54,800. (From Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia)



As the level begins, it's immediately apparent that Lara has been shopping. She's decked out in a red cowgirl outfit that displays her ample cleavage to full advantage, and it seems she's been called away to Mantua on urgent business that didn't allow her even enough time to change into her tomb raiding duds.

The gate opens as you approach, and you'll start your adventure from the "Piscina Comunale - Eugenio Dugoni." You'll note an excited dude behind the iron gate to your right, who seems to be out walking his dogs. Ignore him for now and turn left to head north. Run all the way to the corner and turn right just beyond the columns. Locate the red brick wall and position Lara in front of it in the far left corner. Jump straight up by using the up arrow and action keys together without the jump key.  Center Lara on top of the wall and take a running jump ahead to flip a jump switch on the next wall. Turn around and go back the way you came, again positioning Lara in the left corner to make the jump and grab.

On the other side, make a hairpin turn to the left and locate the door you opened with the jump switch. But don't walk inside, as the floor is a fire trap. Position Lara with her left shoulder next to the door jamb, and take a standing jump and grab to the right hand wall. Shift to the left until you're directly over the second steam blower, then back flip into the opening in the opposite wall. Turn around and look to the right, where you'll see a target perched on a block in the next room. Draw your pistols and sidestep as far to the left as you can and shoot past the alcove. You'll eventually shatter the target with a sound like splintering glass. Turn around and jump down to your left into the hallway below, as the last two tiles are safe. Step outside and you'll be treated to a flyby that gives you an overview of a pool, a big structure with a jump switch on top and quite a few roofs. You'll also see a room with a Sbrisolona cake (that's a large medi-pack to you Yanks) on the floor that you'll visit much later.

Turn right and run a short distance, then turn left and run down the north side of the main pool.  Turn left to step inside the shower stall.  Although there's no cut scene, this activates the first of four triggers required to open the trapdoor in the main pool. Say hello outside to the funny-looking chick sunbathing by the pool, then run around to the south side and climb up onto the bleachers. Locate the jump switch in the ivy over the trench formed by the back of the bleachers, and jump to it to raise a vanilla-chocolate block behind you near the high diving board. Turn right and climb out of the trench from the right corner. Before jumping down, locate the target near the SE corner of this area. Get as close to it as possible from this elevation (noticing that a trap door drops down below you as you jump over that last gap) and draw your pistols. Take two steps back from the edge and shoot the target.

Jump down to the ground and jump into the nearby shower stall for the second pool trap door trigger. Just for fun, hop back into the opening and take a wild ride that'll eventually bring you back to the small pool in the SE corner. (Actually, this detour is required, as it serves as one of the four pool trap door triggers.) Go over to the block you raised and climb up onto it. Take a running jump forward to grab the side of the diving platform. Climb up and pull up to the top. Go out to the end and turn around. Everybody's watching, so hop back with perfect form and grab the jump switch to open a door in an area below. Down in the water, pick up the revolver ammo and swim to the shallow end. Pull up, draw your pistols and shoot a weird-looking but colorful critter. (It's so stupid, however, that you may have to go out and pull its tail once or twice to get its attention.)  Now go over to the small and shallow SW pool and pick up the OGLIO KEY.

Run back to the fire trap hallway to the north and beyond it, and climb up on the block to your right. Turn around and take a running jump over the block ahead to avoid the disguised fire trap on top of it. Climb up the next block ahead (left corner, remember?). On the other side, turn left and run past the fire trap hallway to locate the open door down the hall to your right. There's nothing inside to pick up, but step into the shower stall to activate the fourth and final pool trap door trigger.

Exit this room and return to the pool area, using the moves in the fire trap hallway described earlier (except that you don't need to back flip into the alcove this time). The trap door in the SE corner of the main pool is now open. Swim down through the opening and pick up the Pumpkin's turtel (that's a small medi-pack to you Yanks) at the end of the short tunnel. Pull out of the main pool at the west end and find the gate that opened when you picked up the turtel. Go inside and turn left. The UP arrow on the hedge tells you what you need to do next. Run up to the arrow, jump up and grab the climbable surface. Climb up, shift to the left and drop down onto the translucent block. Turn so that Lara is facing west, then hop back and grab the edge of the block. Shimmy to the right, past three of the grilled squares, and pull up onto the fourth one. (All the others are deadly fire traps.) Take a standing jump ahead to the first balcony, then turn right and walk to the north end. Ignoring the railings, take a running jump and grab to the next balcony. Instead of pulling up, shimmy to the right and around the corner until you're over the jump switch. Pull up and immediately release, then grab the switch on the way down to open the door directly ahead of you as you land.

Go inside and turn left toward the stairs. Kill the blue-faced ninja and go upstairs. At the near edge of the ramp, facing east, jump up to grab and open the trap door leading to the roof above. Step forward to the highest part of the ramp, jump up and grab the edge of the roof and pull up. Turn around, draw your pistols and kill another ninja up and to your left. Crawl over the apex of the roof to the other side and turn left to locate an opening marked by an exclamation point. Drop to the room below without grabbing the collapsing tile on your way down (which is your only ticket back up). Facing east, locate a block near the middle of the roof with a triangular flat surface at the top you can climb up to. Turn left and walk to the north apex. Take a standing jump and grab the ledge. Pull up and run forward to push the button in the north wall, opening an underwater passage back in the pool area. Turn left and run to the end of the ledge. Turn left again and face the collapsing tile. Take a running jump and grab, and pull up near the left corner. Immediately turn left and take a standing jump and grab to the wall of the opening. Pull up to the roof.

Head north along the roof and take a running jump across to the gray ledge. Turn right and walk along the ledge to the end. Take a standing jump and grab to the section of roof ahead and pull up into the blinding sun. Walk forward to the doorway, and you'll see a cut scene of a warrior and a couple of dogs going nuts inside. Turn to the left and climb up to a higher section of the roof. A blue-faced ninja will charge around the corner from your right, so draw your pistols and shoot him. You can then walk out to the eastern edge of the roof and get a panoramic view of the area below in the early morning sunshine. Off to the left you can see a tall green column with a target at the very top. However, you won't be able to shoot it until you find the revolver and the lasersight.

Walk over to the highest section of the roof and pull up. Make your way over to the west side, and you'll see a closed gate with a target painted on the right side and the numeral 5 on the left. That means you need to find a total of five targets and shoot them in order to gain access. Let's see now. . .you've already shot two, and you've just now discovered a third one you'll shoot later, so you need to go hunting for two more.

Turn around and take a standing jump down to the roof below. Turn left and drop down to the ledge you jumped over to earlier. Locate the area below where you saw the guy walking his two dogs earlier, and take a running jump to the wall with the dog symbol painted on it. Take a running jump and grab to the balcony and quickly pull up and run forward before the guy (actually, a blue-faced ninja) starts shooting at you. Pick up the revolver ammo and continue forward with a running jump and grab to the next balcony. This is the best vantage point from which to take out the ninja, so pull up, turn around and waste him. Then pick up the turtel from the balcony and safety drop to the ground, where you can dispose of the dogs if you weren't able to draw a bead on them from above. Pick up the turtel dropped by the ninja, revealing a jump switch inside the structure against the west wall and opening the gate to the north. Trip the jump switch for a cut scene showing a long block rising in the main pool and two smaller ones that fill gaps next to the flowers at the south end.

Instead of going through the open gate, go the other way (south) and climb up onto the red brick wall. Turn around and face to the west. Sidestep to the right twice and draw your pistols. Jump straight up and shoot, and you'll be amazed when you hear the sound of another target being shattered near the SW corner. It's almost impossible to see, no matter where Lara is positioned, but if you take the simple steps just described you don't need to see it. Three down, two to go.

Turn around, jump down to the other side and climb up onto the next wall. Jump down to the other side of that one and return to the pool area. Step into the small wading pool near the SW corner and pick up the OGLIO KEY.  Next, climb up onto the nearby bleachers and use the raised vanilla-chocolate blocks to pull the two see-through structures away from the flowers. Then hop down beside the flowers and shoot them to raise a gate at the base of the diving platform and create a force field in the water of the main pool, allowing you to walk on it. Splash across the pool to the opening and pull up inside to pick up the cake and lower the large block in the center of the pool.

Reverse roll and jump back down to the pool. From any edge of the square on the surface, jump up and grab the suspended ledge. Pull up and pick up the MINCIO KEY. Jump down and splash across the pool to the west end. Vault out of the pool and turn right. Locate the keyhole next to the nearby wooden door and use the Mincio Key. Well, the doggone door doesn't open. Turn left and run along the chain link fence to your right. Make a hairpin turn to the right through the open gate and enter the building through the open door. Go up the first flight of stairs and turn right at the landing. Go up three more stairs and stop. Turn to the right, walk out to the edge of the stairs, and jump up to grab the wall. Climb up until you reach the crawl space. Crawl through and drop down on the other side. (Don't stare at Lara's butt; that's not nice.) Turn around, run to the end of the tunnel and push the button. You see a cut scene showing the iron gate opening close to the main pool.

Reverse roll, crawl back over the block and drop down to the stairs. Exit this room and locate the open iron gate. Go inside the stark room and you'll see a receptacle on the wall to your left. Use the Oglio Key to open the wooden door outside that you thought the Mincio Key would open.  Go outside and make a hairpin turn to the left to enter through the open door. A block rises as you enter, preventing you from doing anything further in this room right now.

Reverse roll and head to the SE corner of the pool area where you shot the second target. Locate the shower stall and step inside to lower the trap door. Hop back and take that wild ride again; but this time, the instant you drop into the water below hit the reverse roll key to keep Lara from being swept up by the current. Swim north down the tunnel and take a left at the grate. You'll encounter one of those peacock crocs, but try to ignore it as you keep on swimming. Go past the turn to the left and the first tunnel leading upwards, and continue west to the end of the tunnel and then swim up to get some air. Pull up, run to the end of the tunnel and pick up the cake.

Reverse roll and drop back into the water. Swim down the long vertical shaft until you reach the waiting croc. Swim east past it until you reach the intersection, then turn right. You'll soon come to an air hole where you can pull up (south edge only!) into a room. Be careful, because a number of the tiles are fire traps. Look up at the ceiling, and you'll see that the safe tiles are the ones that are indicated above by the yellow squares. There's a jump switch against the north wall, but the only way you can get to it is by making a clockwise trek, jumping as appropriate, around the room. Starting on the safe tile at the south side of the air hole, here's the route: Walk carefully to the far edge of the second square ahead, then take one step back. Take a running jump south to the next safe square. Take an angled standing jump to the right to the next safe tile against the south wall. Turn to the right and walk to the edge of the tile you're on and take one step back. Take a standing jump to the next safe tile to the west. There are two safe tiles connected here, so take an angled running jump to the right to the next safe tile against the west wall. Turn right and take a standing jump to the north to the next safe tile next to the wall. Then turn right and take an angled standing jump to the next safe tile. Then an angled standing jump to the left, and another to the right, and all of a sudden you're in front of the jump switch.

Throw the jump switch to open a door to your left. Jump back to the previous safe tile and face the open doorway to the north. Take a standing jump and grab and pull up. Push the button in the alcove, and you'll see a cut scene of the door opening up on the roof, where earlier you were teasing the warrior and the two dogs. What's more, a ninja is now walking around on all those fire tiles down below, and nothing seems to be happening to him. But don't you try it, because you'll fry if you step on a wrong tile. The tricky part is getting back down. Draw your pistols and position Lara in the center of the alcove. Take a standing jump to the left, using the action key to alter Lara's trajectory so she'll land on the safe tile. Immediately kill the ninja before he has a chance to come over and push you back onto a fire tile. Look up, and you'll see that you now have a lot more friendly tiles than you did before. Make your way back to the air hole (be sure to jump over that last tile in front of the air hole) and jump back into the water. Swim down the tunnel past the croc and go south. Take a right at the intersection and the current will draw you quickly back to the pool area.

Go back through the open gate near the west end of the main pool. Go inside the house, run up the stairs and pull up through the open trap door onto the roof. Turn to the north, locate the open door below in the next building and start shooting at the warrior. After disposing of him, take a running jump across to the building (watch out for the fire tiles and the gable in front of the open door) and shoot the dogs if they were too far inside the doorway to get them earlier. Just inside the door, make a hairpin turn to the left and locate a jump switch on the wall. Pulling it opens a gate down in the underwater tunnels. Before leaving, pick up the turtel in an alcove at the far (north) end.

Outside, jump down to the floor in the pool area, losing a little bit of health, and run back to the shower near the SE corner. Step inside to open the trap door, then hop back and take a bouncing ride down to the water again. Reverse roll as soon as you hit the water, then swim straight ahead through the open gate. Let the croc follow, so you can rid yourself of it at your final destination. Turn left and swim up the vertical shaft. There's an air hole off to the right if you need to fill up your lungs. Then locate the next vertical shaft and swim up to an open area where you'll find the Revolver for SECRET #1. (Each of the three levels has 8 secrets, for a generous total of 24 if you find them all.) On the other side is another air hole with a switch to pull, lowering the vanilla-chocolate block inside the room opened earlier with the Oglio Key. Use your new-found revolver to kill the croc (two of them may have shown up by this time), then swim back down the two vertical shafts and then all the way down the long tunnel to the south until you reach the current that sweeps you back up to the pool area.

Run to the opposite corner of the main pool and enter the doorway to the left of the receptacle for the Mincio Key. Crawl into the bathroom and push the button on the wall to open another underwater tunnel gate. Go back there via the shower stall in the SE corner and swim north down the tunnel. Take the first left, then swim up at the intersection. Pull up at the top and slide down the slope to a new area. Before landing, take a jump ahead and run forward to pick up the cake or turtel (you don't have time to look closely), then hop back to avoid the four boulders that are crashing down all around you. Then draw your revolver and turn to shoot the ninja off to the SW.

Run around the boulders to the NW corner. Take a standing jump to the first step, then turn to the left and face the pole. Take a standing jump, and Lara can just grab the lower end. Climb the pole until you reach the level of several floating blocks. Back flip to the nearest one and draw weapons to kill the ninja stationed on another floating block to the south. Then take a running jump and grab to the block he was on. Pull up, turn left and take another running jump and grab to the next block. Then take a running jump to the next block, and pick up the revolver ammo as well as the LaserSight for SECRET #2.

Turn to the north and take a running jump over to the third-from-the-top step in the corner. Turn right and take two standing jumps upward until you reach the top step. Turn slightly to the right and start climbing up the wall. When you reach the target design, back flip into the alcove. With your back against the slope with the arrow design on it, take two steps forward. Then take a back flip to the slope. Keep the jump key depressed and grab the facing white wall with the cross on it. Climb up so that Lara's hands are three-fourths of the way to the top of the cross, then take a rolling back flip and grab the facing slope. Pull up and slide down into the small sunken area. Notice the target off in the distance. Combine the revolver and the lasersight, and shoot the target. Then turn around, walk up to the left front corner, and take a standing jump over the slope to the alcove below.

Head back down to where the boulders are, and climb up the pole again. But this time slide all the way up to the ceiling and back flip into the room above. Turn and pull up to the next higher level. Lara can climb up the west face of this wall, but mind the hot steam bath. At the top, Lara climbs right through a closed grate and is back in the pool area. Head south and go back into the house at the west end of the pool, up the stairs and through the trap door to the roof. Make your way over to the other roof, across from the tall green column to the east where the fifth and final target is perched. Shatter it with your revolver/lasersight to open the door above and behind you that needed five shattered targets. Step inside the opening and allow the tile to shudder and collapse to drop you into the room below. You see an opening to the south. Take one step back from the slope, then take a running jump into the opening and grab the jump switch on the wall. A cut scene shows a gate opening near the beginning of this level.

Head back to the front area, using the brick walls in either the NW or the SW corner. Go through the gate you just now opened, next to the wall with the dog emblem on it. Turn left and run down the trench until you reach the edge of a pit. Use your revolver/lasersight to shoot a target high up on the far wall, raising a green block in the pit below. Take a standing jump down to it, then walk forward and take a standing jump and grab to the block ahead. Pull up and walk forward to the slope. Turn to the left wall and pull up. Before you slide down again, back flip to the opposite wall, and so on, going back and forth with the jump key depressed while using the right arrow key to bring Lara closer to the green ledge just beyond the slope. When you reach it and start sliding down, grab the edge and then drop to the floor far below, losing some health in the process.

Climb into the alcove to the south and use the wall ahead to climb up to a higher level. At the top, pull up and turn to the left. Use the same back flip routine with the right arrow key to bring Lara into the SE area off to the left of the ladder where she pulled up. Inside the next small room, position Lara in the middle of the middle square, facing east. Save your game here, as the moves to come are fraught with peril. Take a back flip to the slope, and keep the jump key depressed to bounce off and grab the ceiling. Now, start monkey swinging ahead until you pass over the first slope. You'll soon lose your grasp and drop. The instant you hit the slope, jump off and grab the ceiling ahead and thereby avoid the fire trap below. Continue forward until you pass over the second slope, and the same thing will happen. But this time you probably won't grab the ceiling when you jump, so keep the jump key depressed so that Lara bounces back and forth between the facing slopes instead of sliding down onto the fire trap. Use the right or left directional arrow key to change Lara's trajectory, and eventually she'll grab the ceiling again. Continue forward over the third slope. When Lara drops down this time, don't try to grab the ceiling but jump back and forth with the directional key of your choice until Lara lands in a safe zone. Then pick up the revolver ammo on one side and jump to the other side for a turtel and SECRET #3. Saddle up and back flip to the slope, then jump back and forth using the appropriate directional key until Lara can grab the ceiling. Then continue east over the fourth and fifth slopes in the same fashion as before and slide down to a safe area in front of a closed door.

Step under the block and turn to the right. Back flip onto the slope and keep the jump key depressed. Lara will grab the jump switch on the north face of the block, opening the door below. The area ahead is patrolled by two machine guns stationed on two central columns, so make a mad dash past them while bullets tear into poor Lara's hide. When you get around to the other side, draw your revolver/lasersight and destroy the machine guns from behind by shooting their gray oval canisters at the back end. Then go back to the first column and turn right to locate the gray section on the north wall that matches the texture of the column. Climb up and back flip to the top of the column. Turn facing east and step back to the rear edge of the column. Jump up to grab the mesh ceiling, and monkey swing until you reach the jump switch. Drop down and immediately grab the jump switch, and you'll drop to the top of the second column. Safety drop to the ground and run east down the stairs. Turn right and crawl under the space to enter the second part of Level 1.



You begin with a magnificent and lingering flyby that introduces you to this new area of exploration. Run down the Via Pescheria to the south until you reach the Poste Italiane (that's post office to you Yanks) with a front door flanked by statues of two horses. Boldly pick up the cake between them and yes, you've activated a couple of horsemen who want nothing more right now than to eliminate you. So draw weapons and take them out instead. Each one will drop an Oglio Key as he dies, so pick them up and add them to your inventory. Then stroll over to the flowers at the east end of the street in front of the post office, and shoot them in turn to release a dog, a croc (a croc?  here?) and a turtel.

Go to the post office door and use the two Oglio Keys in the receptacles on either side. The gate appears rusty, but eventually it will open. However, there's nothing to do here right now, so reverse roll and run north down the street until you reach the clock tower. Go around to the east side and shoot the two flower pots to open the iron gate allowing access to the clock tower. Venture inside, but watch out for the boulder that drops down from above. Now we have a mini-flurry of secrets to gather. Use the blocks ahead and climb up into the area above. Run around to the east side and pick up the cake. Climb up onto the nearby block and pick up the shotgun ammo for SECRET #4.

Drop down and exit the clock tower. Make a hairpin turn to the right and vault up into the park. Run west across the park until you reach the street. Ahead are several lamp posts mounted on short blocks. Step up onto the second one from the left and take a running jump to the balcony below. (Keep the up arrow depressed to give Lara a little extra boost.) Pick up the cake from the balcony for SECRET #5, then take a running jump off the south end to the canal below, where the water is deeper. Wade to the east side and pull up onto the walkway. Locate the arrows and follow them around a green monstrosity that someone donated as a work of art. Pick up the grenade gun ammo behind it, and then draw weapons to deal with another horseman. Pick up the Mincio Key he drops, and use it in the nearby receptacle to open a gate high up on the wall to your left. Jump into the canal, splash over to the up arrow painted on the wall, and climb up at that point until you reach the open gate.

Climb up onto the terrace and shoot the two flower pots on the ledge to raise a vanilla-chocolate block. Climb up on it, stand in the middle of the east edge facing west, and jump up to grab the trap door release. Turn around in place and jump up to grab the edge of the opening. Pull up and run along the see-through roof for some shotgun ammo, a cake (for SECRET #6) and the shotgun itself. Continue north and push the button on the left part of the wall ahead to open an underwater gate leading to the exit from level 1.

Turn right and run to the east side of the wall, where you can take a standing jump to the roof to the north. Run along it, bearing to the right, and jump down to the lower roof where you see a down arrow. Beyond the arrow is a depression in the roof with nothing in it (however, note the closed trap door for later); but on the other side there's another depression with a button for you to press. Doing so opens a door high up in the clock tower. Go to the arrow you saw earlier and take a running jump from it straight ahead down to the balcony. Reverse roll and take a running jump down to the purplish ledge near street level. Hop down and turn left toward the double doors, which will open automatically as you approach. Enter the room, and the doors will close behind you.

Inside, you'll see goodies laid out invitingly in front of you. Being careful of the fire tiles on either side, go ahead and pick up the grenade gun, together with a couple of ammo supplies for it. Prepare yourself a bit before picking up the turtel, as doing so will unleash a couple of ninjas, four dogs, four boulders and a row of spikes along the center of the room. And all at the same time, mind you. The best way to avoid the traps, eliminate the enemies and stay alive is to face the SE corner of the room, then pick up the turtel and draw weapons while dashing to that corner. Then reverse roll and start blasting away. After all is quiet again, go back and locate the jump switch on the west side of one of the overhead blocks. Position Lara directly underneath it, facing the doors, and back flip off the slope behind you to grab the jump switch. The doors will re-open, and you'll be rewarded with the sound of SECRET #7.

Outside, run straight ahead down the walkway and turn right at the next street to return to the entrance of the clock tower. Vault up onto the blocks to the left of the gate, and you'll see a row of hedges to your left with an arrow painted near the far end. Take a running jump over to the arrow, and turn to face west. You'll see a light green ledge in the tree ahead. Take a standing jump and grab to it, and pull up. Locate the pole and climb up until you see a beige tile jutting out from the clock tower. Back flip to the tile, then turn and face the tower wall. Climb up the wall to the roof (through the gutters, no less) and pull up. Run across the roof and pick up the revolver ammo for SECRET #8. Climbing back down the wall may be a little tricky, as you need to hop back from the corner of the roof and grab the wall as you drop past the phantom gutters.  When you reach the tile below, take a standing jump around the corner to the north and land on another tile. Turn right, duck through the hole and enter the clock tower. Climb up onto the block and use it to pull up to the next higher level. Save your game before doing anything else, because you'll see that target at point-blank range and the first thing you'll want to do is shoot it. But pause to do a little planning first. See that arrow on the floor? It's pointed toward a couple of floating collapsible tiles. In the distance is the roof with that depression and the trap door. Yes, it's a timed run that's triggered by shooting the target.

Position Lara on the floor square to the right of the arrow, so that she's facing the first collapsing tile, and save your game. Draw weapons and turn slightly to the right and shoot the target. Then holster your weapons and turn back to face the tile. Take a running jump to it, and as soon as you land take another running jump to the next tile, and then a running jump off that one to the roof. (Don't simply aim Lara for the open trap door, as the fall to the room below is too long and will kill her.) As soon as you hit the roof, run or hop through the opening before the trap door is raised again. If you miss, you'll have to reload and try again, because one chance is all you get.

Down in the room below, look up at the ceiling and you'll see the four squares you need to jump to in succession until you reach the corner. Doing so raises a block in the center of this room and also opens the door to the post office. When you reach the square in the corner, the trap door overhead re-opens to allow a way of escape. However, you have to be careful to hit only the safe squares going back, or the trap door will close again. You can do it by using only standing jumps; and if you should miss, the trap door will open for you to try again each time you return to the corner square.

Get down off the roof the same way you did before, by jumping down to the balcony and turning around to jump down to the purplish ledge. Then hop down and make a hairpin turn to the right. Run south until you get back to the post office, and go through the open door.

Things are a mess inside the post office. Boxes are scattered all around, and to make things worse the door closes behind Lara while she's looking around, trapping her inside. The only way to get out is to do a little housework and re-arrange those boxes. You'll find that five of the blocks are moveable, and under each one is a distinctive color or pattern. You have to move each block to another tile somewhere in the room which has the same color or pattern. The blocks are easy to spot; they're all a little lighter colored than the rest, and they all have the word Mantova stamped on their side. There are two to the right (covering a white tile and a beige tile) as you enter the room, and three to the left (covering a beige tile, a tile with a mottled pattern and a tile with a whorl pattern). Only the two boxes covering the beige tiles bring trial and error into play, so start by moving the other blocks to their corresponding tiles. Then move the block that covered the first beige tile (the one to your right as you enter the room) to the beige tile to your left (as you face it from the door) on the other side of the room. (The nearby block that covers the other beige tile is pushed toward the door to cover the final beige tile against the south wall.) When you place the last box correctly, a translucent block will lower near the NE corner, allowing you to push a button that opens the exit gate in the canal outside.

To get outside, locate another moveable block higher up near the door. Push it aside to reveal a crawl space. Crawl through and drop down into the water on the other side. Let the current pull you along and suck you up through a grate in the park outside. Pick up the cake at your feet before moving on. Then vault out of the small pool and head west toward the canal. Step up onto the block surrounding the second-from-left light pole and take a running jump to the balcony, as you did earlier. Turn left and take a running jump off the south end to the water below. Go back in the other direction to shallow water and pull up onto the ledge. Run down the causeway all the way to the south end, turn right and locate the open door down in the water. Take a running jump aimed right at the door to avoid the cross currents so you'll reach the tunnel. Swim into the tunnel, where near the end you'll be transported to Level 2.



Swim forward and up, and you'll be sucked through another grate in the middle of a courtyard. Step forward and enjoy the extended flyby of this next area. You hear the sound of crackling thunder all around, and if that's not snow falling it's the biggest bunch of raindrops you've ever seen. Locate two facing alleys in the SE corner. The one to your left is occupied by a couple of carts that look like a gas grill or a cooler on wheels. In any event, you can shoot them wherever you encounter them, and some reveal goodies you can pick up. But not these two. Sorry. Now go to the alley at the NE corner and shoot the phone booth (since there's nobody inside using it). Run west to Piazza Erbe and shoot the two flower pots you come to. Off in the distance you can see three more phone booths, but be careful because there's a sentry machine gun not far away. Run north down the purple alley (between the outdoor dining area and the chain fence) and shoot the first phone booth, then turn left and shoot the other two without having to move down much farther.

Continue running forward, keeping to the right and passing some closed double doors with a keyhole next to them. When you get to the end, turn left and step carefully up onto the raised courtyard and look for the "Piazza Erbe" sign up to your right. The machine gun is posted just beyond it, and from this spot you can use your revolver and lasersight combination to shoot the canister and blow the machine gun to smithereens.

Shoot the two wheeled boxes near the area formerly guarded by the machine gun, just for target practice or to satisfy your destructive impulses. Then take the pentagon-shaped tunnel to the west and run down to Piazza Broletto. Shoot the four phone booths posted on the corners (I wonder if AT&T knows about this game?) and locate the wheeled device in the alley in the NW corner for some crossbow arrows. Now run back through the pentagon-shaped tunnel and return to Piazza Erbe. Go all the way to the other side, past where you shot the flower pots, and take a left at the east wall to run along the walkway. If you stop to check out the old church on your left, a couple of giant flying bugs will come out to challenge you, so be prepared to shoot them. When you get back to the walkway and continue north, just past the church you'll find an open bathroom door to your right. Go inside and pick up the cake from the middle of the floor. A cut scene shows a guard elsewhere.

Stand in front of the commode, the one where someone has drawn a clock face, and reverse roll onto it. Hit the look key to get rid of the cut scene showing a timed door opening, and turn left to run out of the bathroom. Make another immediate left and run south past the shops. Look for the open door on your left and dash inside before it closes. Turn left and go into the downstairs bedroom and find the crossbow arrows on the slab. Then head upstairs to the next bedroom and pick up the cake under the chair next to the bed. A door opens to the adjacent room, and out pops the guard you saw in the cut scene earlier. Take him out, then go inside the next room and pick up the revolver ammo from the chair in front of the shelves for SECRET #9.

Locate the button on the south wall and push it. Reverse roll, hop down and pull up into the triangular opening across the room. Crawl to the other side, turn around and drop down into a sunken bathroom. You need to get to the top of the translucent block. Do so by climbing into the window alcove and taking a running jump and grab over; or, if that proves too difficult, you can use the climbable wall in the opposite corner and back flip to the top of the block. Whichever way you get there, turn so that Lara is facing north and standing at the rear edge of the block. Jump straight up and grab the handle to release the trap door. Pull up to the rooftop level and you'll be rewarded with another flyby.

Turn to the east and climb up onto a higher roof. Draw weapons and shoot a couple of giant flying bugs(which may not show up immediately).  Run up the slope, and when you reach the flat portion of the roof turn right and vault up to a higher section. Run straight forward to the south until you near the far edge of the roof.   Carefully step forward to the very edge and look to your right.  High up on the wall of the tower you'll see a jump switch. Go back north, turn left into the little alley and follow to the west edge overlooking the water.  You can't pull up onto the roof to your left because the angle is too steep, so vault up onto the roof section to your right and take a running jump south.  Follow the roof up to the SE corner next to the tower, turn to face north, then hop back and attempt to grab the edge.  You won't, but you'll land on a translucent ledge just beneath the jump switch.  Activate the switch, and the ledge will rise to give you access to the highest part of the roof. Sidestep to the NW corner of the block, turn to your right and take a slightly angled standing jump up to the summit. Locate the climbing surface on the west side of the central hole (a shade right of center) and climb down. When Lara is hanging from the bottom, safety drop into the room below.

Pick up the revolver from the nearby shelves and you'll see a cut scene of a guard. Reverse roll and run across the room to pick up the laser sight from the other shelves, and the guard will appear from the doorway to the north. Kill him quickly and go inside the area he was guarding. Shoot the flower pots at each end to exercise your trigger finger. Hey! The doorway is now blocked. Just keep that shootin' iron handy and blast away the window. Pull up onto the window sill and drop down to the area where you pulled up from the bathroom below.

Return to the area with the jump switch you used earlier. From here, turn to face west and take a running jump across to the roof of the large building below. Run all the way down this long section of rooftop to the west, passing an arrow along the way. When you near the end, there's an open-air courtyard up to your left (at the apex of the roof, where you can't see it until you're high enough to peek over the edge), guarded by a machine gun. Make your way along the roof around this courtyard until you're on the south side of it. From here you can use your revolver/lasersight to blast the machine gun to Kingdom come.

Drop down into the courtyard and shoot the two flower pots on the blocks. One releases a giant flying bug; the other reveals a turtel for SECRET #10. Climb back onto the roof, using the block on the east wall, and continue forward until you're at a point where you can see the bell high up in the tower to the NE. (Unfortunately, it doesn't materialize until you're fairly close to it.  It's the one with the spires near the top and the radar net at the very top.)  Use your revolver and lasersight to shoot the bell so that it swings back and forth a couple of times. Continue east along the roofline as far as you can go, then turn right toward the smaller brown tower. When you run out of running room, turn to the SE and take a running jump down to the next roof. Turn right and locate the crawl space. Go inside, run across the room past the closed trap door and position Lara in the NE corner with her back to the north wall. Look up and you'll see a bell suspended high above. Use the revolver and laser sight to shoot it, and a big tire drops down and the trap door opens. Drop down to the lower room and pick up the revolver ammo, the crossbow arrows and the shotgun for SECRET #11.

Pull up out of this room and return to the crawl space. You can step into it from the left corner, and Lara can then crawl back out. You now need to go west and return to the area you've already visited, but to get there you've got to take the long way around, using a counterclockwise circuit around the roofs that's familiar to you by now. When you reach the section of roof where the jump switch is, jump east down to the roof below as before. Go to the second block that has what looks like a television antenna mounted on it, climb up onto it and turn to the left. Take a standing jump and grab the edge of the higher block ahead, pull up and then run forward and pull up onto the roof. Ahead and to the left you'll find a deep hole in the roof. Standing at the near left side of the hole, simply run off the edge (without jumping) and you'll land on a suspended platform. Hop back, grab the edge and drop to a collapsing platform. The instant you hit the platform, take a back flip and you'll land on a balcony surrounding an immense room below.

Turn right and run down the balcony to locate the hole in the NW corner. Climb down the north face to a lower, smaller balcony. Reverse roll and run south along this balcony, turn left at the end and locate the opening in the south wall. Turn around, hang from the edge and drop down to a smaller room. You'll notice giant flower pots, surrounded by moveable structures, at the NESW ends of intersecting walkways. And yes, that's lava outside the walkways, so avoid it. If you pull each of the pots back one square and peek around the corner, you'll note that each one covers a different number, as follows: E=1, S=2, W=3 and N=4. The arrows on the central tile indicate that the pots must be re-adjusted and pushed onto different numbers. Just to make things easy for you, here is the proper sequence: 4 - 1 (or N - E), 1 - 4 (or E - N), 2 - 3 (or S - W) and 3 - 2 (or W - S). So you'll know you're on the right track, each time you move a pot to its proper tile in the sequence described above, you'll see a cut scene of (1) some double doors, (2) a door beside a stepladder, (3) the double doors with a couple of guards and (4) the door beside the stepladder opening up.

Go to the pot to the north, turn around with Lara's back to the pot, take four steps forward and jump straight up to grab the ladder. Climb back up, and when Lara gets her boot heels set, back flip to the higher level. Turn around in place, but don't step forward yet, as the double doors and guards you saw in the cut scenes are off to your right and you'll alert them once you leave the safety of the opening.  Also, take note that the open door next to the stepladder is across the room and to your left in the west wall. You'll be tempted to jump down with guns blazing, but don't do it. You see, you're in a church, which is a sacred and holy place where weapons should never be taken, much less brandished. So if you draw one while inside this particular church, you'll be instantly fried. The theology seems less than sound, but we're playing a game here and not engaging in Bible study.

So keep those weapons holstered and run forward, then take a left to dash along the balcony and away from the guards. When you reach the end, turn right and run halfway down, then drop down to the floor and jump into the open doorway. Immediately flip turn to the left to avoid the gunfire from the guards (I wonder why they don't burn up?), and pick up the cake at the south end of the hall. (There's a closed door at the north end.) You'll see a cut scene of someone coming to your rescue. Quickly take a back flip and then a side flip into the sanctuary so you won't miss all the fun. Your champion--dressed in a Santa Claus outfit with the word "friend" emblazoned on his bosom--methodically eliminates the two guards at the same time they're doggedly trying to eliminate you. When his task is complete, he won't stick around long enough for you to thank him and say "my hero," but he'll immediately run over to the double doors and take up a post there.

Pick up the Cross Piece 1 and Cross Piece 2 dropped by the guards, combine them to form St. Andrea's Cross and then jump into the opening by the stepladder and turn right to locate the button beyond the north door that's now open. Push the button to lower the stepladder, allowing you to stand on the spot formerly occupied by the stepladder so you can use St. Andrea's Cross in the emblem. You'll see that the double doors across the way are now open.  Santa Claus may or may not run outside, depending on whether he assumed a standing or a running-in-place post near the double doors after killing the two guards. Pick up the Oglio Key (the first of five you'll find in this level) on the landing just past the double doors, then step outside. Turn left and return to Piazza Erbe. Run north down the stairs to the little church you may have stepped up to earlier. (If you didn't, the two giant flying bugs will make their appearance now.) Walk down the little alleyway to the left of the church and pick up the revolver ammo for SECRET #12. Then hop back once and turn to the left to use the crawl space.

When you emerge from the crawl space and start heading up a short ramp, stand up, turn left and make a hairpin turn around the corner to the right to locate a hidden climbing surface on the south block face. Climb up and pull up to the top of the block. Step forward and take an angled standing jump to the alcove ahead and to the right. Turn right, place Lara's backa against the wall and takea standing jump and grab to the climbing surface in the east wall.  Climb up the wall, and when Lara's hands reach the bottom of the square with the down arrow, back flip to the slope behind her and keep the jump key depressed to bounce off and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up, turn around and take a standing jump to the next block. Pick up the revolver ammo and locate the rope off to your left. Take a standing jump and grab to the rope, then shift Lara to the left so that she's facing the long red wall ahead. Swing to the wall, release and grab the face of the wall. Climb all the way to the top and shift to the left. Drop down, even though it looks as if the surface is too sloped for Lara to stand. Turn to the left and crawl through the space ahead and around the corner until you reach the end. Turn around and lower Lara down into the alcove. Turn to the west and take a running jump and grab to the block ahead. Pull up and take one step forward, then jump straight up and you'll find yourself transported to the roofs and standing on a grate.

Step out onto the roof, turn back to the grate and look up. You'll see a bell, so draw your revolver combined with lasersight and shoot it. Then locate the nearby arrow painted in the roof, and take a standing jump (from a couple of steps behind the arrow) in the direction indicated to land on a translucent tile below. You may have heard gunfire as you made the jump; that's a machine gun sentry that you'll take out later. For now, hop back and grab the edge of the tile, then drop to the roof below. Run west along the roof, following the wooden railing, and keep going forward up the steeply sloped adjacent roof. At the top, look down and you'll see a tile that looks like a spider web. Jump down to it and you'll see a cut scene of a window. Step forward, turn to the left and you'll see the indicated window about halfway up the tower ahead. Draw your revolver/lasersight and shoot it.

Head south toward the window you just shot out, and you'll alert a trio of giant flying bugs. Dispose of them, then jump up to the roofs to the east, go to your right and take a running jump south across to a roofline you explored earlier. Turn left and return to the arrow you noted earlier as you were on the way to take out the sentry machine gun in the open-air room. Stand at the apex of the arrow and take a standing jump in the direction indicated, swerving to the left in mid-air so that you'll land on an upper balcony. Turn to the left, draw weapons, shoot out the window and step inside to deal with a guard, a dog and two flying bugs. Run to the rear of the room and use your first Oglio Key in the receptacle marked, appropriately enough, by the digit 1.

Reverse roll and return to the balcony. Turn left and walk out to the west end facing the sloped gable ahead. Turn around, hop back and hit the action key just after you clear the edge so that Lara lands on the balcony below. Draw weapons and shoot out the window to the right. Step forward into the room and pick up the Grenade Gun for SECRET #13. Then immediately draw weapons and shoot the four dogs that charge at you from each corner of the room. After disposing of them you can pick up the three varieties of grenade gun ammo at your leisure. Then exit this room and safety drop back down to Piazza Erbe from either end of the balcony. Go through the nearby door to the south, opened when you used St. Andrea's Cross.

Take a right at the juncture and you'll encounter the first of three automatic doors that allow you access to a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. Push the button in the shower stall to turn off the flames in the kitchen, and return there. Vault up and pick up the second Oglio Key from the left burner. Reverse roll and get back to Piazza Erbe. Across the way you can locate the machine gun perched to the left of the clock tower. Go around the outdoor chairs to the left and use your revolver/lasersight to shoot the rear canister and blow up the machine gun. Then turn right and run down the walkway to the east. Climb over the block ahead, drop down and turn left to go down the alley beside the church and return to the crawl space. Climb back up, using the same moves described earlier, until you get back to the roof area. Continue as described earlier, using the arrow to jump down to the platform, then dropping down to the area of roof lined with the wooden barricade. Run to the end of the barricade; and this time, when you reach the end, take a standing jump to the left to land in a little trench with an arrow on the near end. With Lara at maximum health, hop back and grab the edge with the arrow, shimmy to the right as far as you can go and drop to the roof far below. Replenish Lara's health with one of those cakes you've been collecting. You're going to need that, and more, shortly.

Run to the other end of the low roof line and turn left to shoot out the window. Step inside and take an angled jump to the right over the spikes. Turn around and check out the gauntlet ahead. You can't jump over the fixed spikes, so run through them and be prepared to use up some of those precious cakes and turtels. Save your game when you reach the pole, as this is perhaps the most frustrating spot in the entire game. Climb up the pole until Lara's hat reaches the bottom of the white square with the exclamation mark. Then take a rolling back flip to the collapsing tile. Pause just for an instant when you land, then take a running jump to the rope ahead. Wait until the last instant before hitting the action key, so that Lara will grab the rope. (If you hit it too soon, Lara's arms will remain extended and she won't reach for the rope.) Swing forward and jump off the rope to land on the tile ahead. Jump up before it collapses and grab the edge of the crawl space.  Note: Just to be on the safe side, save your game before picking up the key and then check to make sure you have two Oglio Keys in your inventory.  If you don't, reload and try again.  Pull up in a crouched position and pick up the third Oglio Key.

Turn to the left and lower Lara from the south edge of the crawl space. Release and immediately grab the jump switch just below you, and you'll then drop to the square where you began this sequence. The easiest way to get out, which will cost you much health and require you to use another cake, is to walk through the nearby set of stationary spikes and pull up left into the opening. Step forward and safety drop back down to Piazza Erbe. Go through the pentagon-shaped tunnel to the west and return to Piazza Broletto. Locate the open door next to the far alley near the NW corner. Go inside, turn right and run to the other end of the hall, and go up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs you'll see an exclamation mark painted on the wall. Without stepping on the brown strip of tiles, run around it to the other side and save your game. Look to your right and you'll see a series of flaming archways separated by a gap. Run forward over the brown strip to turn off the flames in the first archway for a few seconds. Turn right at the head of the stairs and jump into the first archway, which turns off the flames in the second archway. Immediately jump forward to the second archway, and so on, just barely beating the returning flames each time, until you reach the fourth archway. You'll see an arrow pointing to your right, so jump from the fourth archway to an alcove in that direction and use one of the Oglio Keys in the receptacle. (Note the digit 4 on the panel to your right.) Then reverse roll and take a standing jump and grab to the opposite ledge. Pull up, pick up the turtel for SECRET #14, then hop down into a water tunnel and pick up the fourth Oglio Key at the north end.  Note: Again, I suggest saving just before you pick up this key, just to make sure two Oglio Keys show in your inventory after you do.  A cut scene shows a soldier and his faithful companion waiting for you. Flip turn, swim down the tunnel, turn left and then up, and pull up into the opening. Draw weapons and kill the soldier and the dog.

Run up the stairs and you'll emerge in an empty room with a vanilla-chocolate block. Climb up onto the block, turn around and take a standing jump and grab to the ledge above. Pull up, back flip, turn around and use one of your Oglio Keys in the receptacle.  (Note the digit 5.  Nobody said we had to do these in any particular order.)  Reverse roll and go up the blocks either to your right or your left. Stand at the edge of the top block, take a standing jump and attempt to grab the edge of the opening above. You'll be mystically transported back to the roof through a closed grate.

Look around to get your bearings. You'll see a clock tower off to the east. Turn right and take a running jump over the gap to the roofs to the south. Turn left and run along the roof line past the clock tower until you return to the arrow pointing back in the other direction. Standing on the vertex of the arrow, take a standing jump to the west down to the balcony below. Run forward to the other end of the balcony, turn around, hop back and hit the action key in mid-air so that Lara lands in the balcony below. (For some reason, this doesn't work from the east end of the balcony.) Hop back and grab the edge of the balcony, then safety drop down to Piazza Erbe. Reverse roll, run NW and turn left again at the pentagon-shaped tunnel to return to Piazza Broletto. Run to the water fountain in the middle of the square and push it forward once. The grate that used to support the water fountain now lowers, so hop back into the hole. You'll be greeted by some strange critters, be they insects or lizards or whatever. You can't shoot them, so locate the receptacle in the east wall and use your last remaining Oglio Key (note the digit 3 on the wall).

Turn right and run to the end of the trench. Shoot the bat, then pull up into the area above from either the east or the west side of the opening. You'll see that you've entered the inner sanctum of the Ghost Palace, whatever that is. Back flip off any one of the slopes and grab the edge of the ceiling, right through what you would have sworn were solid spider tiles. Pull up into the next higher level. Locate the different-colored column face in the SW corner and take a standing jump and grab to it. Climb up, right through the spider tile ceiling, and pull up to the top of the column. Turn around and face the suspended tile (of the collapsing variety) in the center of the room. Position Lara in the front corner, save your game and take a slightly angled running jump and grab the edge of the tile. Pull up and quickly turn slightly to your left, then take a running jump off the collapsing tile to the open area in the NE corner. When you arrive you'll be greeted by a bat and some real ghosts, so draw your grenade gun, armed with super ammo, and blow them all away.

Run north and spook another ghost. Blast it into oblivion, then continue on until you reach the lava. To the right is a sloped column. Pull up onto the left side of it, slide down the other side briefly, then jump off to the slope ahead. Jump off this one as well, then the next one, and grab the edge of the column ahead. (If you swerve to the left in mid-air, you can land on top of the block without having to pull up.) Shimmy to the left and pull up in a crouched position. You'll see a cut scene of a target behind a closed window outside. When camera control is restored, you find that you're now standing in this cramped space. Sidestep to the left corner and take a standing jump slightly NE to the opening ahead and attempt to grab the edge. Voila! You're back on the roof area, standing on a closed grate.

Turn to the right and you'll see that the opening high up in the tower is now unobstructed. Head south along the roof line and climb up on the block in front of the opening. Take a standing jump and grab, and pull up into the opening ahead. Don't try to safety drop into the room below, as there's a spike trap down there awaiting you. Instead, walk up to the edge and sidestep to the right corner. Turn to face the white cross and take a standing jump and grab to it. There's a climbable surface you can use to get down safely. Pick up the turtel in the corner for SECRET #15, but avoid walking under the elevator block (look up) hovering over the opposite corner. Climb back up the wall, and when Lara's hands are at the top of the block just above the cross square, climb up one more rung and then back flip to the elevator tile. When it stops rising, step forward, jump up and grab, and pull up through an iron grate back to the roof area.

Go around this part of the roof in a counterclockwise direction and step on the tile that looks like it has a target painted on it. A block rises behind you, and a cut scene shows a door opening to expose the target you saw earlier. Draw your revolver combined with the laser sight, and shoot the target through the slot in front of you. The floor drops out from under you and you'll slide a long way down.  When you reach the bottom, stand still while a tire thuds beside you to the left. Turn to your left and run across this room past the second tire to the button across the way, avoiding another pair of descending tires. Push the button to open a trap door and release a couple of wraiths. Drop down through the open trap door and pick up the fifth Oglio Key from the light-colored square. A cut scene shows a couple of ghosts being summoned from the realm of the undead.

Run to the south and drop down through the opening to Ghost Palace. Jump down through the central hole and draw your grenade gun with super ammo to blow away the two ghosts. Then run down the trench and turn left into deeper water, and the wraiths will fly in and die. Climb back up into Ghost Palace, back flip and jump and grab to the higher level, and jump through the spider web to the east. You'll be met by a bat and a couple of ghosts, so use your grenade gun with explosive ammo to take care of them. Then head north and use your Oglio Key in the receptacle at the end of the tunnel (noting the digit 2).

Reverse roll, run back down the tunnel and jump through the spider web to your right. Make your way back down to the opening below the water fountain, and take a standing jump and grab to pull back up to Piazza Broletto. The little archway near the SW corner is now open, allowing access to level 3, but there's still one more secret to get in level 2. You may see Santa Claus patrolling this area as well.  Run through the pentagon-shaped tunnel to the east to return to Piazza Erbe. Run to the other end and turn left to return to the crawl space in the alley beside the small church. Go through and make your way back to the roof area the same way you did before. Step out of the grate and turn to the west to locate the arrow painted on the roof tile. Jump down to the translucent tile like you did earlier, then hop back and safety drop to the roof line with the wooden barricade. Run west along the barricade and continue along the connecting roofs. You'll see the tall structure in the distance ahead that you need to get to. Turn left and make your way south along the higher roofline. Take a running jump across the gap to the lower roof ahead, then turn right and run west along the familiar roofline until you reach the tall arrow-like structure off to your right. Take a running jump across the gap and climb up the east face of the structure.

Pull up, turn to the right and nudge Lara into the NW corner, facing north. Rotate Lara slightly to the left and take a back flip over the southern edge. Grab the jump switch on the south face and release. A door opens down below in Piazza Erbe.  You may see Santa Claus shooting a dog for you in the cut scene.  Get back there by turning to the south and taking a running jump across the gap to the long roof line below. Turn left and run east along the roof line until you reach the depression with the arrow. Stand in the apex and jump down to the balcony. Run to the other end, turn around and hop back with a grab to land in the balcony below. Safety drop to the ground and locate the door you just opened beneath the Piazza Erbe sign in the west wall and pick up the crossbow arrows and then the Crossbow itself for SECRET #16.

Exit the room, take a hairpin turn to the left and run down the pentagon-shaped tunnel back to Piazza Broletto. There are still some closed doors in this area, but you'll return to them later. For now, run across the plaza and angle over to the left to enter the open passageway just below and to the left of the Piazza Broletto sign. Step forward to inspect a painting on the wall of a building that looks like the Parthenon, and you'll be transported to level 3.



You begin the level by enjoying another long flyby that previews the events to come. Endure the plague of bats or birds or giant insects or whatever until they go away, then go down the alleys to the north and south and shoot the carts on wheels for some crossbow arrows and shotgun ammo. The tile in front of the picture between the two alleys is a portal that takes you back to level 2, so avoid it for now. Turn around and run south until you reach Piazza Sordello (not to be confused with Bordello). You'll find four phone booths to shoot, and there's a wheeled cart in the NE corner that hides some shotgun ammo, and one in the SW corner that yields a cake for SECRET #17.

Reverse roll from the secret alley and run across the plaza. Locate the pentagon-shaped tunnel in the middle of the north wall and enter a small park. Turn to the left, shoot the phone booth and pick up the turtel. A cut scene shows a door opening down a nearby alley. Draw weapons, turn to the right and shoot the giant flying bug. Go to the other side of the park and shoot the phone booth there. Then shoot the two wheeled carts; when the one on your left collapses in shards, the door in the alcove to your right opens. Pull up into the opening and drop down inside. Draw weapons and go around the corner to your right to shoot a dog in the kitchen. Then turn around and shoot the second dog. Pick up the Oglio Key on what looks like a freezer next to the stove with the boiling pot.

Run next door to the bedroom and pick up the revolver ammo near the bed. A stepladder magically appears near the window, and you can actually climb up on it. Do so and pull up to the second story room. Immediately draw weapons and kill the armed guard. Pull the switch on the north wall, and you'll see a cut scene of a closed door that won't open until more work is done.

Leave this area and return to the park via the open window. Make a hairpin turn to the left and run through the tunnel back to Piazza Sordello. Run across the plaza and into the alley in the middle of the south wall. Turn left and go through the double doors you opened when you picked up the turtel. The doors close behind you as you enter. Run straight ahead across the room, and a guard will step out from the right to challenge you. You've somehow been robbed of all your weapons, so run past the guard (who's probably shooting at you by now) to the far wall and pull the switch you'll find there. A lady Friend (who looks a lot like Lara) will be released to dispose of the guard. The guard dropped an Oglio Key as he died, but before you pick it up go into the south opening and pick up the cake, then reverse roll and run to the end of the opposite opening and use the Oglio Key you're presently carrying in the receptacle. Now, go back and pick up that other Oglio Key.  Look to the corner next to the closed double doors and note the raised stepladder. Use it to climb up to the second floor.

You find yourself in a long room that's mirrored along the south wall. Shoot all the desks that have mirrors above them (whether they look like mirrors or not). Then go to the one on the left, in the south wall, and jump right through the desk to the room beyond (take a side flip if you find that easier). Shoot the mirrored desks here as well and turn to the one in the east wall. Standing right next to the desk, turn to one side and take a side flip into the area behind it. Pick up the Crossbow for SECRET #18 and the arrows that are right beside it. This will release a guard and a dog outside, so dispose of them quickly. (You've probably been wondering what that huffing and puffing you've been hearing is all about; you won't find out until much later.)

Run to the opposite desk in the west alcove and take a side flip through it. You'll start sliding down a slope toward some water.  (If you find yourself sliding down backwards, quickly flip turn.) Just before you drop off, take a jump and swerve to the left in midair to land in the south alcove. Pick up the turtel for SECRET #19, then jump down into the water and swim through the tunnel until you reach the end, then turn upward and keep swimming until you reach the opening. Pull up into the next room. In the NW corner is a block with some revolver ammo. After you pick it up, turn around and face the block in front of the exclamation mark. Take a running jump to the it, then turn to the right to face south. Save your game. From about the middle of the block, take a side flip to the left, then immediately jump forward to the next block and jump ahead once more to grab the edge of the rising platform. Don't pull up immediately (otherwise, the platform will leave you behind); allow Lara to hang from the edge until the platform stops rising. Then pull up, turn to the left and jump up to grab the climbable wall. Climb up until you reach the opening where you can pull up to the roof area.

You'll be greeted by a blizzard of those silvery critters. After they get tired of you and leave, jump to the higher roof to the west and pick up the cake on the small raised platform. Hop back down to the east and note the structure ahead with the wooden decorations at the roof line and the window down below. Use your revolver and laser sight to shoot out both sides of the window, then take a running jump with a grab to land inside the open window. A cut scene reveals the menace within. Step down and shoot a giant flying insect and a guard, then run forward into the bedroom and shoot another insect. Turn left and throw the wall switch in the corner, giving you another cut scene of that closed door you need to open and locate.

Reverse roll, run to the other side of the room and back Lara up to the slope. Take a back flip to the slope and immediately jump off to grab the wall ahead. Climb the wall and pull back up to the roof area. Someone off to the right is shooting at you from the safety of a playpen. Draw weapons and approach your enemy, jumping up and down and firing at the apex of your jumps to kill him. Then vault up onto the platform to your right and jump into the playpen. Climb up the wall indicated by the arrow and pull up right through the grate at the top. Locate the switch in the wall to your right (and be mindful of the hole in the floor) that opens a door in the room below that's on a timer. It's not much of a challenge, though; just hop back after throwing the switch and allow Lara to slide down a series of slopes. At the bottom, run through the open door ahead with plenty of time to spare. But don't throw the jump switch just beyond the door, as it's a trap that will send Lara plummeting to her death. Instead, take a hairpin turn to the left and locate the wall switch. Pull it twice to re-open the door, then run around to push the button just inside the doorway. Immediately take a side flip to the left, then a back flip onto the raised stepladder to avoid the tire that careens down from your right. Turn to your right on the stepladder and activate the jump switch on the wall, opening the trapdoor in the floor next to the doorway. Drop down to the floor and save your game.

Run off through the open trapdoor (with an angle to your left to make sure Lara slides down forwards) and allow Lara to slide off the first slope. When she reaches the second one, jump off and swerve to the left in mid-air if necessary and grab the jump switch. Jump off the slope below and Lara will slide a bit more and come to rest on a stable flat spot. Turn to the left and locate the NE doorway that was opened by the jump switch. Walk forward as far as you can go, then take a standing jump into the doorway. Hop down into the room ahead and climb up onto the red block. Pick up the turtel for SECRET #20. Then jump straight up and grab, and you'll pull up through the grate back to the roof area.

Jump out of the alcove and go east to the other side of the roof. Turn right and pick up a cake from the first raised platform. Then keep going forward and around in a clockwise direction until you return to the playpen. Jump inside over the railing and climb back up the wall.

You can make life a little easier for Lara by backing up to the wall switch she threw earlier. Take a standing jump with a grab, so you'll land on the block below instead of beginning your series of slides all at once. Drop down two levels until you reach the grated walkway, then walk around until you locate the trapdoor you opened earlier. Make the same move you did (ignoring the jump switch this time, of course) before to reach the stable flat spot. Jump to the opening where the fourth secret was, but this time continue with a standing jump to the flat spot in the NE corner. Save your game. You'll have to make an angled running jump along the vertex of the flat spot you're on, and swerve to the right in mid-air in order to reach the next flat spot in the SE corner.

When you get there, turn to the right and safety drop through the triangular hole in the corner down to the next level. You'll slide a short distance and come to rest on another flat spot facing north. Take a standing jump ahead and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing forward and around to the left (giving the flames a wide berth), and Lara will drop down at the end onto another flat spot. Safety drop down into the nearby hole and pick up the revolver ammo and then the turtel for SECRET #21. Run east to the end of this short tunnel and pick up the Mincio Key, giving you a cut scene of the Level 2 portal just outside the double doors. Reverse roll and go around the fire trap toward the doors, which open automatically as you approach. Make a hairpin turn to the left around the tire and return to Piazza Sordello. Turn right and run north down the cobblestone walkway until you reach the closed double doors. Use the Oglio Key in the receptacle to the left of the doors to open them. Save your game and go inside.

Turn right and evaluate the situation. You see three wall switches and a moveable structure in the near corner. Two parallel ramps take up much of the rest of this room. There are several gaps in these ramps which are very significant, and the significance doesn't become apparent until you solve the puzzle. (If you do anything wrong, you'll need to reload and try again). Pull the structure back seven times until it comes to rest on the red tile with a white pattern in the middle. This causes a step ladder to materialize on a similar-looking tile in a gap in the ramp near the NW corner. Now, complete the puzzle as follows: Throw the middle switch, and a cut scene will show other step ladders being raised in strategic spots along the ramps. The next series of moves must be completed quickly, so hit the look key to eliminate annoying cut scenes where necessary. Flip turn to the left and throw that switch. A tire comes rumbling from the left down the ramp behind you, but you don't have time to stop and look. Quickly flip turn to the right and raise the middle switch, then immediately flip turn to the right and throw that switch, and finally make an immediate flip turn back to the left and lower the middle switch again. Turn to the right and run down toward the NW corner, and you'll see the tire completing its circuit by dropping down into the corner pit to trigger a cut scene showing some doors opening across the piazza.  If you wish, you can now save in another slot and replay this sequence at a more leisurely pace, watching the cut scenes this time so you'll know what throwing those switches did.

Exit this room and run straight ahead to the west, past the pentagonal tunnel on your right, until you reach the doors you just now opened, with a sign to the left saying "Palazzo Ducale." Go inside, wind your way up the stairs and draw weapons when you reach the second floor. Shoot the two dogs and a guard in the museum wing, and then locate the central exhibit which is moveable. Push and pull it so that it rests on each of the four corners of the room, revealing a turtel on the spot where the exhibit first rested. A cut scene shows the gate opening to the "Strange Garden." Now it's time to go back and pick up a vital piece of equipment in Level 2. Run back down the stairs, exit this building and run across the plaza to the alley in the SE corner. Run straight ahead toward the wall painting, and you'll be transported back to Level 2.


LEVEL 2 (revisited)

You emerge back in that bad weather in Piazza Broletto. Run east until you return to Piazza Erbe (wave to your friend as you pass by), and turn left to locate the closed double doors in the north wall. Use the Mincio Key to open the doors and go inside. Turn left and go through the hallway into the green-tinged room.  A wire-mesh fence drops down to bar your retreat. You're in an empty exhibit area where something very valuable has apparently been stolen. Go into the adjacent room and another wire-mesh fence drops down behind you. Locate the motorbike down the hallway to your right. Approach it to trigger a cut scene of a door opening somewhere, squeeze in between the bike and the wall and mount the bike. Drive it through the door that opened upon your approach and make a hairpin turn to the left (past the pentagon-shaped tunnel) until you see an open door off to the right, near your friend. Drive inside and dismount. Shoot the flowerpots on the blocks flanking the fire. The nearer one releases a flying bug; the other one yields a turtel. Run to the rear of this room and locate two more turtels on the raised platforms at either corner.

Go back to your bike and drive it fearlessly through the fire and smash through the flooring just beyond. Dismount immediately down below and jump into the nearby water to douse the flames. Climb out of the water, turn around and jump straight up to grab the wall above. Climb to the top, through a grate, and when you pull up you'll see a cut scene of a caped marauder and a pack of roving dogs. Draw weapons and hop back to the safety of the grate if necessary, and proceed to pick off the four dogs as they attack. Then vault out of this shallow pit and face the north side of the sloped column in the SE corner of the central structure. By this time you've probably attracted the attention of the caped marauder above, so be quick about it. Jump up and grab the top of the column, then pull up. Allow Lara to slide a bit down the other side, then jump forward and grab the edge of the ceiling.

Pull up and look off to your right. The caped marauder is perched on a block near the SW corner, and he's probably hurling explosive ammunition in your direction even as you look. You can run to the left (east) and jump over the gap in the ceiling (okay, now it's the floor) to get out of range and catch your breath while you watch him strut around on the block. When you're ready, draw powerful weapons and move forward cautiously, jumping to avoid the deadly explosive ammo while being mindful of the open spaces in the floor. Once you vanquish him, an identical twin materializes on the NW block, so do your thing with him as well. Then jump over to the second block and pick up the Photo Piece dropped by the twin brother.

Now you have to get out of this room. The exit is nearby, in the west wall, but the door is closed. Turn around and look across the room. Yes, that's a clock design in the east wall, signifying that you need to get back over there and negotiate a timed run. It's easy if you do it this way: Standing with your back to the clock design, on the leading edge of the first floor gap, take two hops back (the second of which opens the door ahead and begins the countdown). Then take a running jump across the first gap, a standing jump over the second gap, a standing jump over the third gap, a running jump over the wider floor section to clear the fourth gap, two standing jumps over the fifth and sixth gaps, and then a quick dash into the open doorway with plenty of time to spare.

Nothing much to do in the next room but shoot out the windows in the NW corner. Vault up onto the window sill and you'll hear the sound of a door opening. Drop down to the balcony, hang off the east edge and safety drop to the balcony below. Turn left and use the crawl space to enter another room. Approach the hole in the floor near the back of the room, and you may be lucky enough to catch another caped marauder prancing about below, near enough to the hole where you can eliminate him from above. If not, drop down into the lower room and do your dirty work from there. Then pick up the turtel in the NW corner to lower the step ladder that was blocking your access to the jump switch across the room. Throwing it opens the trapdoor behind you.

Jump into the water and swim down the tunnel to the east. Pull up to find yourself back at the motorbike. Ride it up the slope (the fire above is now out), turn left to exit this building and be careful not to run over your friend outside. Turn left again and return to Piazza Broletto. Drive straight ahead and locate the small archway near the SW corner with the painting on the far wall. Aim right at it and you'll be transported back to Level 3.


LEVEL 3 (resumed)

Drive straight ahead until you return to Piazza Sordello, then angle to the right and drive across the square until you reach the pentagon-shaped tunnel leading to the garden area you visited earlier. Go around the central column to the right and drive up the gray ramp directly behind it. You'll land with a bump in front of the open doorway to Strange Garden. As you drive inside you'll hear some spooky music and the rushing sound of something approaching. It's another swarm of those winged critters, whatever they are, but if you speed crazily on your motorbike through Strange Garden for a while, they'll eventually give up and move on. When they're gone, drive toward the east boundary of the garden, just past a large structure with vertical orange and white tiles, and get off your bike. Climb up onto the long purplish blocks ahead and safety drop down to the other side. Reverse roll and you'll see a gigantic car looming straight ahead.

Go under the car and turn to the right. Near the south end is the Nitrous Oxide Feeder. Pick it up and immediately take a side flip to the left in order to avoid the tire that comes rolling down at you from ahead. When the tire comes to rest, walk up to it, turn around and look up. You'll see a jump switch set in a depression in the car's undercarriage, so jump straight up from directly underneath and pull it down. You'll see a cut scene of a block being raised in the NW corner of the garden. If you come out from under the car on the east side, you'll see a bell suspended high above from an archway. You'll shoot it later to raise a nearby block when it's time to complete the level, for right now the bell is stabilized by two poles.

Climb back out of this area, using the helpful mound in the west wall. Jump down to the ledge and run down it to the right. Climb up the blocks to the north, first by making a series of angled standing jumps and grabs, and then by pulling up onto the two taller blocks at the top. If you have time to waste and want to get even higher, you can continue climbing up the spindle-like surface ahead, and even beyond into thin air, but there's nothing to do up there. You can't even turn around and enjoy the view, so why bother. Anyway, at the top of the second tall block, turn around and face to the SW. You'll see a series of collapsing platforms leading to a structure suspended over a fountain and pool. Save your game. Then make a series of jumps much like you did in the room with all the floor gaps. Start with a running jump to the first tile, followed by a running jump to the second, a standing jump to the third, a running jump to the fourth, a standing jump to the fifth, and finally shift Lara slightly to the left and take a running jump off the fifth tile to the flat surface within the brightly-lit translucent pyramid. Pick up the Uzis for SECRET #22. Then turn and face the direction from which you came, hold your nose and take a standing jump down into the water far below.

In the water, locate the opening in the west face of the central structure and swim inside. Standing in the air hole, where the water comes up to Lara's, uh, armpits, locate the jump switch in the south wall and activate it to raise a platform outside. You can get back outside by turning to the left and using the orange-colored wall to climb out. (But first, if you want to see a really neat effect, swim back to the outer pool and climb out. There are places in the wall where Lara can actually run inside like a ghost, and while inside she can get a glimpse of the garden outside, but she can't actually go all the way through.)

When you climb up through the dazzling light rays, take a running jump and grab to the south wall, then pull up and go to the tree in the SE corner. Climb up the tree and the supporting pole (don't jump, just stand at the base of the tree and press the action key), and locate the suspended platform to the south. When you're high enough (Lara's, uh, armpits need to be level with the upper surface of the platform), back flip over to it. Turn to the SE and locate the switch imbedded in the painting off in the distance. Take a running jump to the block in that direction and climb up to the switch. Throwing the switch gives you another cut scene of an area you've seen before.

Now get back down to the ground. You can do this by painstakingly climbing down level by level from where you are, but the most direct way is this way: Drop down to the previous block and the one below it (to the west), and turn to face toward the NW. Attempt to make a running jump to the ledge to the left of the tree with the pole you climbed up earlier. You'll miss, but you'll bounce off the yellow and white tiles and reach the ground without taking significant damage. Then run north to the other corner and climb up the NE blocks in the same manner you did earlier. When you get to the last block before the two taller blocks, turn to face SW. Take a running jump to the east ledge of the structure surrounding the fountain and pool. Make your way over to the west end of the north ledge and take a running jump NW down to the raised platform.

Climb block by block to the top of this structure. When you finally get there, you'll have a panoramic view of a castle-like building with a huge "M" on one face and the letters "A" and "N" on the other face. (Hmm, wonder what the letters on the other sides might be.) Take a running jump over to the raised platform, then turn to the left and take another running jump into the ledge which is part of the letter "M." I hope you're not afraid of heights, for you're now looking down into a very large and deep room. Jump down to the right onto the corner block just below the huge letter "A" and save your game.

Position Lara in the back corner, facing the far corner of the block and the sloped central column. Take a running jump and flip turn in the air so that Lara lands on the sloped surface and slides backward. Grab the edge and quickly climb down by intermittently grabbing and releasing the vertical wall while a caped marauder down below takes pot shots at you. When you reach the floor, run around the other side of the column to gain some extra time to replenish your health as needed and draw powerful weapons. Then step out and blow away the marauder. When that's done, go over and pick up the turtel near the north wall, then throw the switch on the north face of the column to trigger a familiar cut scene. Finally, locate the jump switch on the east face of the column to level out the surface at the top. Then climb back up the column and pull up. Take a running jump ahead and grab to land in the opening below in the north wall. Turn around and hop back to slide down the outside slope. Grab the edge and then release to slide the rest of the way down to the ground.

Now you have to make the trek back to the castle-like building. Repeat the moves described in the previous paragraphs, beginning with the blocks in the NE corner. When you get back to the raised platform, instead of jumping over to the ledge formed by the base of the letter "M," step forward and climb up the wall to the roof. Pull up and don't look down. Run forward and shoot the giant insect dozing near the apex of the roof. Then locate the rope beyond the far side of the roof and take a running jump and grab to it. Swing forward, and at the top of your swing jump off to land on the translucent platform ahead. Take a standing jump forward to the higher flat surface within the dazzling pyramid, then step forward and slide down the other side. Jump off at the last instant to another platform, only this one is collapsible. Quickly jump forward to what looks like the wing of a suspended airplane. Turn around and walk down to the protuberance jutting out to the south. Turn around and hop back, grabbing the edge as you fall. Climb down the surface with a cross etched in it, as far as you can go, and drop down to the structure below. Locate the hole in the middle and climb down the east face. Reverse roll at the bottom and throw the switch on the opposite wall. Hallelujah! The familiar cut scene now shows the gate opening down below in the garden.

Reverse roll and climb back out of this structure. Pull up at the top and walk around to face the raised shower stall toward the SW. Take a running jump over, then shoot the flower pot above and take a standing jump (standing one step back from the edge) up to the shower . Pick up the turtel for SECRET #23. If you turn to face east (other directions may work as well) and hop backward, you'll bounce (not slide) down to the ground without sustaining any damage.

Return to your motorbike (near the SE corner of this vast park) and drive it through the open gate below the exclamation mark (all the way back near the SW corner). Before embarking on the obstacle course ahead, you can dismount and do a little exploratory swimming for some crossbow arrows near the SW corner of the pool and a turtel near the NW corner. Then use your Nitrous Oxide Feeder as you begin, to make sure it's fitted and available to give you some extra boosting power over some of the difficult jumps to come. Save your game often, and be sure not to fall off into the water. Easier said than done. That last jump where you need to make an abrupt left turn to negotiate a ski slope-like ramp is a doozy, but then you have to jump across at the bottom to a small platform that requires a dexterous combination of the booster key (?/) and the brake key (alt). You'll get there eventually, but it's quite a wild ride there at the end. Oh, by the way, when you reach your destination, quickly dismount and drop into the water to douse the wraith that's been following you since you reached the top of the slope.

Pull up out of the water, leave your motorbike at the entrance for now, and walk inside the lava room. Locate the object to your right and move it out of the way so you can push the button behind it. Hey, there's your alter ego friend down at the other end of the ledge. Now go back out where you left your motorbike, and look for the colored tile to the left of the entrance that has the letter "M" on its side. These are the solid tiles in the lava room ahead, over which you need to maneuver the funny-looking object until it comes to rest on the other side of the "M" across the room. (You can "peek" and get your bearings along the way by hopping back and grabbing the edge of any solid tile, and then by hitting the look key to get a sub-lava view of where you are.) When you get the object all the way to the other side, at roughly the middle part of the south wall, the upper layer of lava disappears and you have a clear path you can use to ride the motorbike across.

But first, look to the east and note the ramp you'll be riding the motorbike across. Run over to the ramp, turn around and safety drop to the dark platform below. Run forward across what looks like deadly lava, and pick up the revolver ammo for SECRET #24. Turn around and run back to the dark platform. Turn around once more at the edge of the platform and jump up to grab the vertical surface of the ramp. Climb up and return to your motorbike. When you drive it back inside the lava room, you find that your friend seems to be missing and that a mean-looking dragon is now stationed in the spot near her former post. (A closer look shows that the ersatz Lara is actually walking around inside the dragon's throat, and her presence apparently keeps the dragon from spewing flames at you as you guide the motorbike along the wooden path.) Ride across the ramp and over the gap, and you'll crash through the flooring on the other side and drop down into a tunnel. Ride to the end of the tunnel, dismount and now abandon the motorbike, as you'll no longer need it.

Climb up over the blown-up picture of race-car driver Tazio Nuvolari. Pull up and pick up the second Photo Piece; a cut scene gives you a shot of Palazzo Ducale, and you'll unleash a trio of giant dragons. No friends around to help out this time, are there? Instead of flames, these lizards seem to breathe out those blasted flying critters that don't go away as easily as the ones you encountered earlier. However, you can get rid of them by running left into the open doorway under the Palazzo Ducale sign, and then by running left to the end of the hallway behind the stairs. Then go into the nearby bathroom and pick up the Uzi ammo, and continue forward with a hairpin turn to the right to locate the jump switch opposite the end commode. Activate it, then sit back and enjoy the extended flyby of Lara's friends arriving to the rescue, followed by a shot of a roof trapdoor opening close to a turtel, with a soldier posted as a guard.

You come out to the plaza to find the dragons huffing and puffing (yes, that's where the sound you heard earlier was coming from) but no longer offering any threat. Run east across the plaza and find the open double doors where you solved the rolling tire puzzle earlier. Go inside, turn left and run down until you can turn right, then climb up onto the purplish ramp and turn right. Run south all the way to the end, take a standing jump up the slope and locate the hole in the ceiling. Jump up and you'll be transported through a grate to the roof area. Turn and run along the roof line to the north, then turn left at the end and jump across the gap to the roof to the west. Locate and pick up the cake on the short column, then continue west until you're in front of the section lined with the pointed wooden barricade. Using the sloped platform to the right (as you face the wooden barricade), take a running jump to the other platform ahead and then turn left to jump inside the enclosure. Turn right and take out the soldier you saw in the flyby, then run over and pick up the nearby turtel.

Safety drop through the hole in the middle of this roof section, and draw weapons to kill two giant insects and a caped marauder in the museum wing down below. Then go into the room to the west, combine the two photo pieces to form the Photo Mantua, and use it in the frame against the wall. A cut scene shows a trap door opening somewhere close by. Turn to the right and climb up the wall. Step forward and around to the right to locate the open trap door in the roof. Drop down onto the top of a cage inside what looks like a car museum, with some mighty ugly-looking critters running around inside. Against the north wall is a well-disguised jump switch which looks like part of the car picture. First shoot the giant insect, then take a running jump and grab to the switch. Do you know what you just did? You opened the cage door, so draw weapons and take care of the three hungry uglies and another insect. When you're through, go inside the cage, around Tazio Nuvolari's Alfa Romeo and activate the jump switch you find there. An impressive science-fictionesque flyby shows you what's happening in the area outside.

Exit the cage, go through the open door in the NE corner and turn left to re-enter Strange Garden. Run east, in the direction of the giant car, and climb up the stack of blocks in the NE corner. Remember that long ladder you may have climbed earlier, that led up to nowhere? Well, now there's a raised platform beside it, so climb up, shift to the right and drop down into the platform. Turn to the right and take a running jump to the suspended yellow platform, then another running jump to the structure ahead. Pick up the turtel, and you'll hear pot shots coming at you from below. Turn to face west and hop back, grabbing the edge. Safety drop to the small triangular grate below, then sidestep to the left and activate the jump switch. Then turn to the right and walk carefully to the other end, then turn around. Sidestep to the left until you get to the edge of the other triangular grate, the one that's on fire, and hop back to grab the edge. Shimmy to the left a bit and then drop down to the top of the huge car. Draw weapons and walk forward across the white top, and shoot the caped marauder down below.

Safety drop down into the pit where the marauder was, and activate the jump switch in the dashboard (above the picture of Traio) to open the gate below the bell outside. Pull up out of the pit, stand at the edge of the slope facing east, and take a standing jump toward the gate and the bell, and you'll land on the ground outside and sustain a modest amount of damage. Run up to the wall, and just to the right of the bell you'll notice a block that's distinguishable from the others if you look hard. Stand right next to the wall where that block is, then take two hops back and one step back. Save your game, just in case. Use your revolver with laser sight to shoot the bell, and a block will rise, carrying you up with it, allowing you to jump across to the ledge in front of the bell. Go the open gate, step forward and slide down the slope, ignoring the blue flames, and you'll be transported to a different area. Turn to your right and pull up to Piazza Broletto. Run forward and turn left to enter the museum. Walk straight ahead in the direction indicated by the arrow, and you'll end this tri-level series with a flyby showing the Alfa Romeo having been returned to its proper display spot in the museum.