Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TEN - 10
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.6%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels

TR Fan Site


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3808 record(s) found:

Levels: 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 >
nickname author's name levelname/info difficulty duration class size (MB) type rating reviews released
0330 Kidoguchi Misao Secret of One Cave/Cat 19 TR4 8.04 21 08-Jul-2001
0330 Kidoguchi Misao Escape from the Laboratory medium medium Base/Lab 21 TR4 8.24 25 31-Aug-2001
0330 Kidoguchi Misao Premium Venice 17 TR4 8.05 21 16-Sep-2003
$Sim$ Mikel The Silver Eye (Das Silber Auge) easy medium Egypt 49 TR4 6.43 15 17-Mar-2006
3ki3ro Nagae Takanori Armor of Hideyoshi medium medium Oriental 16 TR4 7.81 28 20-Jun-2001
3ki3ro Nagae Takanori Garden of a Twin Arch Bridge Coastal 16 TR4 6.46 24 14-Jan-2001
3ki3ro Nagae Takanori Kamifukuoka Lab easy short Egypt 14 TR4 3.60 23 06-Jan-2001
3ki3ro Nagae Takanori Lara's Adventure in Wonderland Young Lara 16 TR4 6.30 24 22-Feb-2001
3ki3ro Nagae Takanori Temple of Atawalpa Egypt 15 TR4 5.26 17 29-Jul-2002
3spn4life Nate Clinton Search for the Scion easy short South America 25 TR4 4.73 22 06-Aug-2009
3spn4life Nate Clinton BtB2010 - Legacy of the Lament Rose medium medium Venice 38 TR4 7.30 35 01-Jan-2010
6 of 9 Karsten Kleo City at Crocodile Lake easy short Coastal 19 TR4 7.24 31 23-May-2001
6 of 9 Karsten Kleo The Mansion easy medium Home 18 TR4 7.09 30 12-Dec-2001
6 of 9 Karsten Kleo Alone in Aragnia Egypt 43 TR4 8.27 29 27-Mar-2002
6 of 9 Karsten Kleo LB Advent Calendar 2003 - December 21st easy short Xmas 25 TR4 7.64 24 21-Dec-2003
911 Thibaut Waverly Hills Sanatorium easy short Mystery/Horror 54 TR4 6.05 22 19-Aug-2012
911 Thibaut Tomb Raiders Retold Atlantis 85 TR4 5.29 21 25-Aug-2012
911 Thibaut Tomb Raider - The Prophecy Mystery/Horror 112 TR4 4.25 13 10-Mar-2013
911 Thibaut The Great Wall Remake 79 TR4 6.33 21 11-Apr-2013
911 Thibaut Adventures of Lara Croft Egypt 57 TR4 6.50 17 08-Aug-2014