Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TEN - 10
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

73966 reviews (20.4/level)
3605 (99.4%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels

TR Fan Site


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3807 record(s) found:

Levels: < 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 >
nickname author's name levelname/info difficulty duration class size (MB) type rating reviews released
AgentXP TR3OD: Escape from Paris medium medium Remake 414 TR3 9.50 8 08-Nov-2024
Masked Goon One Night at the Library medium medium Library 37 TR2 9.25 6 31-Oct-2024
Alphonse Tombo Rider easy short Joke 20 TR4 3.88 4 29-Oct-2024
Lahm86 Prisoner medium medium nc 74 TR1 9.50 5 29-Oct-2024
shabaobab Tomb Raider The Lost Artifact Reimagined - Act 1 medium long Remake 389 TEN 9.63 2 24-Oct-2024
step0to1 TR1 Valley 2 challenging medium South America 103 TR4 4.75 2 02-Oct-2024
Sachiko Koshimizu Sachiko Quest very challenging medium nc 57 TR4 4.00 1 01-Oct-2024
Alphonse Mouth Clinic easy short Joke 18 TR4 2.55 5 23-Sep-2024
Shaleigh7787 Kamil Rzeski Crystal of Miracle - Part 1 very challenging long Rome/Greece 140 TR4 6.00 1 21-Sep-2024
TRLE Maker Treasure of Arkant medium very long Egypt 198 TR4 7.90 5 11-Sep-2024
PedroCroft_ Joao Pedro Search for the Lost Temple (revised) challenging long Castle 353 TR4 8.50 1 09-Sep-2024
KcLaan Kees Aztlan - The Lost Citadel medium medium nc 91 TR4 8.55 5 29-Aug-2024
TRGabri96 Gabriele Panzeri Peruvian Jungle medium medium South America 154 TR4 7.83 6 25-Aug-2024
step0to1 TR1 Valley 1 challenging medium South America 38 TR4 4.25 4 07-Aug-2024
Checkm8Croft Bartoli's Control Center easy short Ship 59 TR2 5.94 4 04-Aug-2024
Sheepy Cyanide The Scroll of Cagliostro medium long City 560 TR4 7.08 6 30-Jul-2024
GMac Resonance medium medium nc 130 TR4 8.75 4 28-Jul-2024
John Sutton John Sutton Return to Deadman's Keep medium long Coastal 820 TEN 8.08 3 26-Jul-2024
shabaobab Lost in the Canyons 2 - The VR Missions Volume 1 Demos challenging medium nc 148 TR4 9.08 3 26-Jul-2024
Alphonse The Crystal medium medium Alien/Space 53 TR4 7.90 5 16-Jul-2024