Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TEN - 10
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74061 reviews (20.4/level)
3609 (99.5%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels

TR Fan Site


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3808 record(s) found:

Levels: < 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 >
nickname author's name levelname/info difficulty duration class size (MB) type rating reviews released
Opaque79 Ryan Sexton Another Temple easy short Egypt 29 TR4 8.20 10 02-Apr-2024
Opaque79 Ryan Sexton Temple of the Midas Hands medium short Rome/Greece 58 TR1 8.50 6 02-Apr-2024
Traio Antonio Aspidetr Easter Time 2024 - Madonna of the Crown Sanctuary challenging very long Easter 219 TR4 7.50 4 01-Apr-2024
Shadoofus Kacper T. Silent Venice, Deadly Venice medium short Venice 84 TR4 7.81 4 01-Apr-2024
Sponge Mario Respondek Aspidetr Easter Time 2024 - A Pizza Place in Berlin medium short Easter 53 TR4 8.06 13 31-Mar-2024
Professor Aspidetr Easter Time 2024 - A Pizza Place in Berlin medium short Easter 53 TR4 8.06 13 31-Mar-2024
Fathom The Rage of Hraesvelgr challenging long Cold/Snowy 80 TR2 8.68 7 31-Mar-2024
Fabio Stern Ratanaba medium medium South America 153 TR1 7.71 6 10-Mar-2024
Marcos Marcos Gustavo Mensa The Stone that killed Goliath medium short Mystery/Horror 82 TR4 7.96 6 07-Mar-2024
Mohrruebe The Curse of Jayavarman II. challenging very long Cambodia 236 TR4 9.33 6 04-Mar-2024
Sheepy Cyanide Ruins of Kazak medium short Remake 112 TR4 7.25 8 24-Feb-2024
Shadoofus Kacper T. The Venice Plaza medium short Venice 49 TR2 7.91 11 20-Feb-2024
Sabatu Vaclav Socha Sabatu's Tomb Raider 4 - Catacombs of Alexandria (Demo) challenging medium Remake 110 TR4 9.38 6 11-Feb-2024
Sabatu Vaclav Socha Sabatu's Tomb Raider 2 challenging very long Remake 315 TR2 9.55 5 11-Feb-2024
Sabatu Vaclav Socha Sabatu's Tomb Raider 1 Gold - The Atlantean Armor challenging long Remake 222 TR1 9.43 7 11-Feb-2024
NeuroticNinja Dave Smith The Lodge medium medium City 88 TR4 7.89 7 07-Feb-2024
mathew9r Mathew Hart Return to Aldwych medium medium nc 227 TEN 8.63 8 06-Feb-2024
JaayStation James Townsend Tomb Raider 1 Reimagined - Part 1 challenging long Remake 905 TR1 8.20 5 01-Feb-2024
Bjorn Bjorn Schrijen Adventures of Lady Croft medium long nc 278 TR4 8.73 10 29-Jan-2024
Nicholas Bryfogle The Celtic Caves medium medium Cave/Cat 61 TR2 8.14 7 27-Jan-2024