Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TEN - 6
TR5 - 32
TR4 - 3148
TR3 - 179
TR2 - 136
TR1 - 64

72617 reviews (20.4/level)
3552 (99.6%) walkthroughs
447 Hall of Fame levels

TR Fan Site


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25 record(s) found:

Levels: < 1-20 21-25
nickname author's name levelname/info difficulty duration class size (MB) type rating reviews released
Loch BtB2015 - Myth Rome/Greece 103 TR4 8.69 20 11-Oct-2015
Mr XY Kevin L. BtB2015 - To Atlantis challenging medium Rome/Greece 107 TR4 9.55 24 11-Oct-2015
Chronicles5 Mike McCracken BtB2015 - Arcadian Dream challenging medium Rome/Greece 112 TR4 9.29 25 11-Oct-2015
Mman Shaun Friend BtB2015 - Beyond the Labyrinth Rome/Greece 114 TR4 9.17 18 11-Oct-2015
Jesus C.Croft Jesus Clares BtB2015 - The Greek Files Rome/Greece 153 TR4 8.52 23 11-Oct-2015