Levels listed... TR5 - 33 TR4 - 3180 TR3 - 179 TR2 - 138 TR1 - 65 73449 reviews (20.4/level) 3585 (99.7%) walkthroughs 454 Hall of Fame levels 1252 levels rated >= 8
Top 100 Levels
Create a Classic 2019 - Monastery of Talion by PhryneCroft Rating: 9.00 released 05-Nov-2019 download
Vendetta (Demo) by Symo96 Rating: 9.00 released 30-Mar-2021 download
The Ancient Jade Mask by Danath Rating: 9.00 released 11-May-2021 download
Goliath is Back! by Marcos Rating: 9.00 released 21-Oct-2022 download
Tomb Raider: Resurgence by Danilo Rocha Rating: 8.98 released 14-Feb-2021 download
Jurassic Park NG by GMac Rating: 8.98 released 15-Jan-2010 download
BtB2020 - Beyond the Caves of Nyalam by Tolle87 Rating: 8.98 released 14-Jun-2020 download
Ruins of the Lost City by Feder Rating: 8.97 released 07-Nov-2017 download
South Pacific Contest - Dangerous Paradise by Mr XY Rating: 8.96 released 01-Jul-2007 download
LB Advent Calendar 2017 - Another Christmas Spell by several builders Rating: 8.96 released 24-Dec-2017 download