London Hospital Research Department

Level by Ivan87

Walkthrough by DJ Full

Watch the opening flyby showing you the way out. Exit the room, go N and up the ramp for the disabled. On the 1st floor, optionally enter the closest door and the one on the other end of the room to find the bathroom. Continue through the main corridor to hit the button at the end for the camera to show you your final destination area. But you won't go through the chains you've just seen. They're just an allegorical image of Lara's neurons, I think. So enter the remaining door in the E wall, watch the camera showing Von Croy and Jean-Yves talking (optionally check the side bathroom for nothing) and push the far bookcase three times. Shoot the grate above you and pull up into the revealed crawlspace. Go ahead and shatter the barricade to make the way out. Keep to the left wall to fall into the pool. Get out and follow the next crawlspace. Drop to the bathroom and exit through the only one door to get pink TR3 glasses from under the sink. Continue to the next door and go across the another room to exit W. Follow the short corridor and open the door at the end to access the new place. Go upstairs and right, to the control room. Press the switch on the right of the entrance to open the door indicated by the camera. Go through it, and into the next room, to trigger another flyby - Lara has finally found herself. Approach her to get back to her mind and out of this dream.