Titan Express
Level by Daniel Tooke
Walkthrough by Yoav
The level starts with a flyby and some cool sounds playing: Lara stands in
wagon, draw the pistols and shoot the two small boxes, pick up uzi ammo. Jump,
hang and pull Lara onto a wooden box, turn around and get down the other wagon
side, shoot the ninjas and two small boxes, pick up small medipack, uzi ammo
and pull switch, jump to next wagon.
Secret here. Right by
the door of the first wagon, almost at the ceiling, there's a shootable grate
to the right. (Info courtesy of Treeble. Thanks!)
Shoot the two small boxes, pick up flares, hang and pull Lara onto
wooden box for a secret place, take shootgun, shoot ninjas and jump to
next open wagon. Shoot more ninjas, climb up on ladder to pool wagon. Look in
water, you see a key, you can't pick it up now it's death water. Shimmy to
other side, climb down and backflip to wagon, shoot ninjas, pick up Memo to
Repairman and LaserSight from small suitcase. Need the crowbar; well, we
not have it yet, don't press on switch yet, climb to pool wagon, jump to next
wagon roof, ninja climbs from left side, shoot him.
Go to end wagon, climb down, backflip, open door, shoot small box and
pick up uzi ammo. When you are in the wagon, Lara looks to her left side, there is
something in this place, we go there soon. Open door and in small room pick up
big medipack. Back to roof, look for ladder in one side wagon, climb down, get
in the wagon, shoot ninjas and small boxes, pick up Uzi, Brass Key and
flares, climb back to roof.
Proceed to open wagon
and jump to next one, pick up from suitcase Letter from Officer, pull
the forklift, pick up revolver, pull the switch and jump to next wagon
with two key holes. Use Brass Key, trap door opens, climb to roof, pick
up revolver ammo, jump to next wagon roof. Go to end, turn Lara to fall and
hang for secret two, pick up shotgun and go to wagon roof three.
Pull trapdoor, get in,
shoot two small boxes, pick up Cargo Access Key, use the door, go again
to wagon with two key holes. Use the key and jump to next wagon. You see explosion
barrels, climb to roof, do savegame, combine revolver+LaserSight and try to
shoot these explosion barrels.
Impressive flyby shows
what happens, jump to destroyed wagon, pick up crowbar, return all the way to
pool wagon, shoot ninjas and get in to wagon nearby, use crowbar and press on
switch. Flyby shows how the water gets out, pick up the Front Access Key,
return to beginning wagon, use the key, jump to engine (of a train). From there
jump and climb to roof wagon flyby shows...the level ends.