Lara in the Mountains
Level by Steve.
Unauthorized walkthrough by Dutchy.
View the Video, included in the Zip-file, so you’ll have an idea what it
is all about (in German I’m afraid).
“Everybody’s gotten sick, because some strange force captured the Unicorn
that has been watching out over this area for ages. It’s up to Lara to find it
and set it back free…”
The Sick Bear.
Dive into the river and go R, downstream and go down the waterfall on
the L side, there’s a pillar on the L wall you can climb. The rest of the
current seems to strong for Lara. Climb the wall and go climb up the mountain
there to finds a hole in the top of it, be sure to jmp to the ledge down at the
hole first and then climb down the ladder. A Big Bear is coughing,
Pneumonia for sure.
Bear: Who are you? What are you doing here?
Lara: I don't know myself until now. I saw a very bright light shining
in the village. Then I ran up to it but it was too late. Have you any idea what
this could have been?
Bear: No. Search me. You can't see a lot in my cave. And I could eat
like a horse! But you could ask the farmer who lives nearby...
Lara: Where (exactly) do I find him??
Bear: The way is locked by an avalanche. The only possibility is to swim
up the river, but the farmer has placed a grating in it which will be an
Lara: How could I open/remove the grating?
Bear: Umm...I won't tell you unless you help me!
Lara: What could I do for you?/ How could I help you?
Bear: Bring me some honey. I can't find any beehives in this snow. But
the farmer has a storage where he puts such things to keep them cold. When you
get me some honey I will tell you how to open the grating...
Lara: Well, I will try. See You. Until later!
Go back up the ladder and go down the E flank of the mountain and into
the canyon there, in the L wall a cave opened up. Inside are Icicles hanging
from the ceiling, so beware and go over to the Beehives, there’s a jar of Honey
there. Take it and go back to the Bear. Stand on the L side of the feeding-bowl
and put the Honey in.
Bear: Groooar! That tastes good! Where do you get the whole honey from?
Lara: I have my sources....But before you eat, say me how I come to the
Bear: Grrooor... well well. Go to the source of the river. There
somewhere you can open this lattice. But pay attention! The farmer hates it if
this lattice is opened, since the dirt clogs the whole channel. Therefore he
made a secret mechanism. How it works exactly I cannot tell you.
Lara: Ok, I will see how I get through there. I hope it tastes...
Bear: MMMMhhh....
Go back up and over to the far NW of the mountain area, you can jmp to the
canyon there and find a lowered piece of rock in the NE corner, follow the path
to the Puzzle area.
In this area are 4 hidden Boulders up in the E rock-face, in the
grass are 4 brick Tiles and 4 pits next to them, R of where you enter are 4
buttons, they will unhook the Boulders, but they will only fall if you pull a
pushblock hidden in the N wall (with the ring, obvious) onto those 4 brick
Tiles. So hit those buttons and go get that block, pull it backwards from the
pit onto the Tile, the block will lift to give you a good view of the boulder
coming. Go on like this, but at the 3rd Boulder you have to stand aside as the
Boulder will pass through the block (Ooops), so be sure to get out of the way. After
you’ve done all Boulders a door will have opened in the passage you entered
from (L, just before the CS), go in and use the Jmpswitch to open the gate in
the SE river, near Bear’s hill. Go back through the Rivers or over dry land as
you prefer and swim downstream through that gate to end up in the next level…
Climb out and go through the canyon to the house E, R and to a closed
door that needs a Key, go on to the back of the house and find a nice Bike,
look around to find the bright green plant near the crates and get the House
Key, hop on the Bike and go to the front door.
The House.
In the hall are 3 doors, open the 1st one to the r and find an old
(sick) man sitting in his chair, the conversation=
Farmer: Hatschi Sniff- huh? Who are you? What do you want?
Lara: Calm down, I won´t hurt you. I see that you are very ill. I can
help you but you need to give me an information.
Farmer: Cough, cough- what do you need?
Lara: I´ve seen a strange light within the valley...maybe you know
something about it,...
Farmer: Yes, I know the place....cough, cough, cough, (pause-) I´m too
weak....bring me my medicine, as I won´t live that long any more without it.
Lara: What medicine?
Farmer: ----
Lara: He seems to be fallen asleep. Quick, I should find something that
makes him healthy again...
Go out and into the next room R, R inside and find a pile of books with
the Kitchen book amongst them. When you examine it, it reads:
“ Ingredients for the “Illba Atualia Potion” a potion that will
cure almost all diseases. The patient should drink the mixture of plants.
Ingredients: “Pyrola Rotundifolia”, a plant growing underground, that
needs a high humidity, it can often be found in moist underground caves.”
Go SE from the book
and find the Book-switch between the book cases (opens a gate for later). Go to
the Hall and to the last door, follow through the Piano room to the NE room and
get the piece of paper from between the books, this reads:
“Mimosa Pudica”, a very fragile plant,
thrives in warm, quiet places, can sometimes be grown at home too.
Now get back outside
and hop on the bike, take it back to the other side (N) of the house. Past the
frozen pool is a steep hill and to the open gate SE, break the glass and get
the “Mimosa Pubica” extract, hidden in the plant to the R. Hop on the
Bike and go to the W river, dive in and swim back to that pillar near the Bear
hill. Go up the wall and follow the mountains to that place where you did the
Block puzzle, dive into the river there and look in the wall under that canyon
for a crevice you can swim in, R into the small tunnel and in the end R and
down the shaft, go up to a hole in a dark moist cave and get the “Pyrola
Rotundifolia” extract from the red plant.
Head back out and swim
the rivers downstream to where the Bike is, ride it to the house, and go to the
old man, you have the medicine now, combine the 2 bottles and pour the mixture
in the bowl, the cutscene shows the man talking to Lara.
Cough, cough...oh, what happened?
Lara: You were
unconscious for a short time. I got the necessary medicine
Farmer: Oh, thanks a
lot. May God bless you.
Lara: Right, now can
you give me this information? What is the light all about?
Bauer: Hmm...I´ve seen
the light you were talking about several times.
But I can´t tell you exactly what it was.
Try going to the bridge. I haven´t been there for a long time...anyway, it´s
going to collapse soon.
Lara: I´ll risk that.
Farmer: Be careful!
Lara: Goodbye
This room room with the bridge he talked about is next to the gate where the
1st level started, so back again through the river and over land to the far SW
corner, dive into the river there to swim across and get out, hop on the hill
next to the tree and find the passage now open. Run onto the bridge and wait,
just drop into the water and follow the narrow tunnel to a dark room with
wall-torches. In the NE corner on the back of the pillar is a Jmpswitch that
will set the centre pit ablaze and then get the Torch in the NW corner,
run into the back o the pit when the flame is down and turn to walk up slowly
onto one of the corners of the burner. Light the torch and standjmp back out as
the flame is down. Light all the wall-torches to get that gate open and light
the torch there, open the Pressure door??. Go up the passage in the back, crawl
to a closed off canyon and set the Unicorn free, go into the NW corner
to find the next CS and follow to the R, go up to the gate and see the freed
Unicorn in its element… Mission accomplished.
Dutchy 15/12/04.