Level by Agnes.
Authorized walkthrough
by Dutchy & Gerty.
Here’s a little MAP of the streets if you
Level 1: Hell’s Kitchen.
You’re in the
backstreets of a spooky city. Look behind you. There’s a grating you can shoot,
but I’m not sure it does anything, shoot it anyway. The nice little dumpster in
the corner is pushable, but there’s nothing under it.
The Streets/ Revolver.
Head N through Main
street and shoot some Dogs at the Alley with the yellow car to the
L, go on N. A little onwards to the L is a Cash machine in the wall,
remember that and go L into W-street at the next crossing. To the R is a
small alcove with a Jmpswitch, throw it and it will open a gate in E-Street,
notice the gate opposite the Jmpswitch and one more in the NW corner of this
dead end. Go E and straight into E-street, to the R and up in the wall is a
grating you can shoot from standing on the opposite sidewalk. Grab up to get
the Revolver from the hole. To the N, behind the little red Deux-chevaux
Citroën is the gate you’ve opened, there’s one more gate behind the boxes E and
there’s a Gun behind it (later).
1st Store room/
Enter the open gate
and shoot the Thug to the L, shoot the box on the crate and get the ½
MP. Then climb the crate S and runjmp up to the 1st floor walkway to the N,
there are Chains swinging from the ceiling here, climb the lower crate on N
wall and look in the E wall for the grating you can shoot from here. Go E and
jmp into the SE window behind the chain, jmp/grab around the corner to pull up
into the duct. Follow the ducts to the top of the store room go UP (nothing
down there) the stairs and climb the crates on the S wall to get the Lasersight.
Find the fast way down by running down into the direction of that N crate below
and drop back to ground floor and out to the street.
The Streets.
Go to the R and R
again at the crossing with Main street, notice the trapdoor in the entrance in
N wall where the street goes around the R into N-street. There’s an
Alley to the L with a yellow car, go in and talk to the Bum there, then go to
the end of the alley and shoot the grating, get behind the pipe and throw the
switch in the NW corner. This will open the gate E in N-street, so go back out
of the alley and L, through the gate to N-square and follow into the
alley to the R, shoot the Dog and in the alley are some boxes to shoot.
Get the Shotgun that looks like an AK-47 and a ½ MP from between
the crates.
Go out of this alley
and straight in front of you is a gate which needs a key and that key fell
through the grating in the road to the E, you can see it there. Go into the
alley R of the gate and climb the steaming vent (stay to the L a bit) and on
the roof you’ll find some Money and you’ll get a cutscene of that Cash
machine in Main-street. Drop down from the roof and head W, at the corner head
S down Main-street in the direction of where the level started and to the R is
the Cash machine, put your money in and go S, to the R into the alley with the
yellow car and see some blocks went up.
Climb up and jmp/grab
up to the walkway W. Go to the E side and jmp over the fence (I did a sidejmp)
to the walkway in Main-street, follow to the N and around the corner to the S,
go L into the building and grab some Ammo in the end of the passage (the
passage to the W and down the stairs leads to a closed door, that will open
after a timed run later). Go back out to the walkway and look up to the N wall
to spot the grating on top of the ladder, shoot it with the Revolver/Lasersight
and jmp over to the other side, jmp to the roof near the N wall and quickly get
past the steam to the W side, climb down from the roof, get the Flares
there and go back up, go up the ladder into the CS.
The Offices.
Drop into the room and
shoot the Thug that will drop some Ammo, go to the N side door
and it will open, the L side door inside is an office where you can find a ½
MP at the N window the other office is empty. Go back out to the room and
down the stairs in the W, on the next floor is another Thug, the offices
here are empty. Go on down to the end of the stairs and get the Ammo
from under the stairs, go into the E room and shoot the Thug, at the E
window is a button that will open a window somewhere. In the N offices you can
find more Ammo. Head back up the stairs one floor and go into the N
door, into the L office.
Back Alleys.
Drop out of the window
to a walkway over a square, drop down from the walkway and head for the
dumpster in the NW corner, squeeze between the dumpster and the wall and push
it aside to get Secret#1, the MP. Go to the fenced off area E
with the burning barrel and climb the wall L of the barrel, onto the r hand
walkway and jmp around the corner to the NW, on the R hand wall in the corner
there, is another ladder, go up and R. around the corner to a grating up in he
wall, shoot it (Revolver) and grab/climb up in. Follow to a ladder down into a
shaft. You can climb the opposite ladder to get some Flares and then go
down to follow the duct to the CS.
Crawl to where you can
shoot the grating and drop out onto a walkway, run off onto the crates below
and go around to the E wall to shoot some boxes, the last one holds Ammo,
turn L and push that crate away from the switch behind it, this switch opens
the trapdoor to the Sewers.
Climb up to the E
walkway and runjmp/grab over to the W side, go into the L room and find that
trapdoor you’ve opened.
Into the Sewers.
Drop in and swim E,
(the S end leads only to dead end manifolds in the streets) go L into the fist
tunnel and straight, up into a shaft at that Key you saw before. Climb out and
get it. Dive back in and go straight, first R is closed off, at the next crossing
to the L and then L again at the crossing with the box ahead, then to the R (at
the shaft up ahead where you could get some air) and follow to the shaft up to
a fenced off room, shoot the fence and all the boxes in the next room.
Little Timed run.
In the NW corner is a
switch that will open a timed gate up on the steps SE, so pull, roll and run to
the steps, go up fast and pull out a gun to shoot the Thug as you enter
the next room. Use your key on the lock and get the next key from the L side
room, shoot the other 2 Thugs that appeared back in the room and head
down to the sewer again, swim L at all crossings and up into a room with a
trapdoor. (If you go downstairs to the red door W (L of the timed switch) it
will open on approach, go L to come to the now open door to the R that leads up
to the passage near the offices. But I though this to be a detour.)
The Streets.
Open it and come up in
that entrance in N-street. Go E and to N square, open that gate L and go down
Level 2: Underground
Be careful, Lara can
actually be killed by that train if you sprint in front of it, so better take
it slow.
The Station.
In the station to the
L is a closed door where you can see a Key, go on to the W and at the trapdoor
(in the track) is a ladder in that alcove on S wall, go up and to the R, walk
slowly down to the gate and a Boulder will smash down through the gate, drop
down into a shaft and land in a water filled room, get the Ammo in the
NE corner and climb up the ledge, shoot the white part of the UW pipe and the
room will flood even more. In the NW corner, over the ledge you just stood on
is an UW lever that will open a gate down in the NW corner of the room, go in
there to get the Key. Look for the now open gate in the S wall (over the
pipe you shot) and swim up to a shaft, shoot some Bats on your way up to
a cave with a pool and a bridge spanning the cave.
The Cave.
Dive in and swim to a
ladder on the W side, climb up the R hand side and go to the crack and briefly
release the “Ctrl” key to hang with your hands, so you can shimmy R to the
ledge with the switch. Throw the switch to open a gate at the S end of the
bridge (for later). Dive back in and swim SE to a crack L of the corner pillar.
Get some air and save in front. Dive into the crack and swim L (to the S is
nothing to do) go N and (straight you’ll see a closed gate) first R, keep going
R to a shaft up to a room with a trapdoor, open it and shoot the Thug
waiting for you up there, go to the end of the passage to throw the switch that
will open that UW gate back in the tunnels. Dive back in and go R at all
crossings to end up in a long tunnel where that gate opened, in the end you go
up to another room with a trapdoor, climb up to the tracks again.
Go back to the Station
and open that red door with the Key you have at the pillar opposite the fence.
Get the Key inside and you’ll see a gate opening up. Go to the crossing
with the trapdoor, to the R and shoot the box for the Flares inside,
head to the sloped N end of the track, turn around and backflip to the track,
jmp/grab the Jmpswitch. This will open a gate on the SW track we go to later.
Go W over the rack,
past the trapdoor to the R and shoot the stray Dog, go straight to a
caved in part of the tunnel ahead, climb up in the R hand corner and go get Secret
#2, that stack of Ammo in front of the window. Down to the tracks
again and go to the S track, through that open gate and notice the Danger sign.
Turn around at the
start of the slope and take 5 hops backwards up the slope, then sprint back down
past that gate and wait for the Boulder to stop. Jmp over the Boulder and look
up R at the gate, climb the wall and go into the tunnel to get Secret#3,
a MP and Ammo. Head up the sloped track to the S and go over that
bridge through the cave you’ve visited before. Watch out for the passing train
and go R/R again and through that gate you opened taking the last Key.
Chain jumps.
Shoot the box in the
next room to the R to get the ½ MP and shoot the N fence to go onto the
broken track to a pit, drop backwards of the edge and go down to the sloped
part, drop and slide, grab the edge and pull up, backflip/roll/grab the chain,
go down a bit and turn around, backflip to the ledge between the 2 chains.
Standjmp/grab to the next chain and go up 3 steps, turn around and
backflip/roll off, immediately jmp when you land on the sloped track and land
under the vertical hanging track, climb up to the track above.
(If you go R here and
run around the corner below, you’ll bump straight into a burning barrel, NOT
So go L at the
crossing and follow the tracks (shooting 2 stray Dogs, be careful, if
they push you into that train there, you’re stuck inside). You’ll come to an
abandoned station, go to the N end and jmp over the rubble to climb up into the
L hand CS, drop out of the tunnel in a lower passage and go N.
The abandoned Store
Shoot the Thug in the corner of the passage and go into the Store
room, just to the L of the track at the entrance is some Ammo. Notice
the blue part in the floor to the L and go into the lower S side and look for
the shootable piece of pipe W and in front of the push crate. Pull the crate
once through the steam and go around it to use the Jmpswitch to raise that blue
block N in the room and all the pipes in the room are gone. Go climb the S
stack of crates between the 2 top crates and push the L one into the corner
(first a pipe blocked this move), get the ½ MP and head N to climb that
blue crate, pull the E crate onto the blue one and go around to use the switch
that was behind the crate. A Boulder will drop into a shaft somewhere.
Go back out to the passage W and follow to a small cave, on W wall is a
pushcrate, push it into the corner and head into the CS where you saw the
Boulder fall before.
down into the shaft and go S through the water, shoot some Bats (from standing
on higher ground and go R, then L to use your Key at the gate.
The Waterworks.
Step into the large
room with a lot of pipes and water, dive down and swim to the centre of S wall,
behind the block with the pipe is some Ammo, then go to the SE corner
and climb up to an alcove with a pipe, under the pipe you’ll find a ½ MP,
dive back in and swim SW, climb up to the alcove there, turn around and runjmp
to the ledge with the “Employees Only” sign. Drop/hang from the L side and go
all the way L and around the corner Lara will get her feet up, from that point
a backflip/roll/grab to a pillar behind you and shimmy to the ledge L, get up
and use the switch to flood the room.
Swim over to the
triangular hole in S wall and go in. Arm with Shotgun or Revolver, save and
slide down into a room where that Guy lives you heard laughing all the
time. Shoot him a couple of times circling him (try to hit him in the side) and
the run of to a corner and you should hear him drop. Always different the
outcome of this fight, so give it a couple of tries and finally you’ll end up
with the Key he drops. If you happen to run out of Ammo, there’s
some behind the SE brick structure. The Key will fit the W lock and the level
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