Shadows of Eternity
Levels by CSP Team
(June, 2007)
Walkthrough by Harry
[Note] I
found the first level very dark. The only way to see sometimes was to maximize
my CRT's brightness and contrast controls. And it helps to play in a dark room
with no other lights. Parts of later levels are also dark but flares are
available. The intra-level speeches were copied from the author's notes. [End
You start with a fixed screen of pictures and a
long speech.
"I'll tell you the a story... Everything began in 1986. I was spending my
vacation in Norway's mountains. One day - I remember it was a rainy day and my
mood was also cloudy - I got lost. It was somewhere in the middle of the caves
and I thought I would never find my way back. While I was wandering I found a
book, very valuable book as I realized later. The book was very thick, leather
bound and I estimated the age of it at a half of the millennium. The curiosity
was it wasn't written up but absolutely blank. Despite of the hoary age it was
in pretty good condition and it was touching me with very mystical impression.
Fortunately it didn't take a long time and I saw the rain again - the way back
Then the level loads.
Level 1:
Caves (Norway)
Level by Sakul
Young Lara slides down a slope and lands at the
base of a waterfalls. You get a long flyby of the area. Turn around and go
south into the cave behind the waterfalls. Pull down a jump switch just behind
the waterfalls on the east wall. Some wall torches ignite. Go to the crawl
space in the south wall and pull up. Pull up into an upper east alcove. Jump to
grab and pull up into an upper west alcove. Pick up a small
medipack and safety drop to the ground. Exit the cave and the
Go north and notice the circular door in the west
wall. To the right of the door is a big button. Press the big button and the
door opens. Enter the dark cave and go to the ladder on the column in front of
you. Jump up and grab the ladder. Do not climb but shimmy to the left around to
the back of the column. Climb up and shimmy to the left and around the corner.
Climb down to the bottom of the ladder and back flip into an alcove. Press the
big button on the east wall. Safety drop to the floor and go to the south-west
corner and enter the open door.
Go forward and notice a ladder on the south wall.
Go west and south and jump a gap to the south ledge. Grab the wall crevice and
shimmy to the right as far as possible and drop onto a ledge. Look north and
see many spikes. Use the floor lever in the corner and the spikes disappear.
Run and jump to grab the north ledge and pull up. If you fall, go east and
evade the four mummies to find the ladder and
climb back up to try again. Notice the spikes in the north-west corner. You can
sprint through them and get a little damage. If you want no damage, go east and
pull up onto a ledge on the east wall. Go north to the end and jump up to grab
the ceiling. Monkey swing to the east and drop onto a ledge. Press the big
button on the north wall and monkey swing back. The spikes are gone so go to
that corner room.
You see a closed door and a lava pit to the south.
Step on the timed platform next to the door and platforms rise over the lava
pit. Run and grab the first platform. Pull up and run and jump to the next
platform and then to the south ledge before the platforms drop. Pull down the
jump switch on the east wall. Pick up the torch
from the floor. Hop onto the south raised floor and the platforms rise again
over the lava pit. Run and jump the timed platforms to the north ledge. Go
through the open door and enter a dark room. Go behind the central column and
light the torch. Light the two wall torches on the column and gates open in the
north and south walls. Drop the torch since you cannot use it in the tunnels.
Enter the north gate and follow the tunnel to the
end. Ignore the medipack and grab the ladder at the north wall. Climb up as a
rock rolls beneath you. Climb up a few tiles and back flip over the rock. Pick
up the small medipack and go south to exit the
Enter the south gate and follow the tunnel to a
ledge over a deep pit. Jump to the south-west slope. Slide down and grab the
edge. Shimmy left to the end and back flip onto a ledge. Safety drop on the
east side to a lower ledge. Stand jump to the west onto a lower ledge. Go north
and safety drop on the east side to a lower ledge. Then safety drop to the
ground. Dive into a water trench and swim into a larger pool. Swim into a
triangular underwater tunnel to the left of the block in the middle of the
floor of the pool. At the end, open the underwater door. Swim upwards to the
surface and pull up. Go south and the camera view changes to show you under a
ledge and two floor levers on the top of the ledge.
Pull up onto the ledge and use the two floor
levers. Look south and you can see another ledge with two floor levers and two
big buttons under the ledge. Press the south-west big button and get a cut
scene of the block dropping in the pool. Pull up and use the floor lever. Go to
the east side and use the floor lever. Go underneath and press the big button.
You hear a gate open. Jump onto the structure in the middle of the area. Enter
the open gates and pick up a small medipack from
the pedestal. Hop back to avoid a blade trap. Pick up a Key from the pedestal and get a cut scene of two doors with key
locks. Pick up the Book from the pedestal and
get a cut scene of the circular door opening again. The fourth pedestal is
Go to the water and swim back through the
triangular underwater tunnel. Pull down an underwater lever that was hidden by
the block. That switch raises blocks and trap doors in the room above. Of
course, the things are timed. Swim east to find a low ledge and get out of the
water. Go to the north wall and climb a block. Pull up to the ledge above.
Stand jump south-east to a ledge and then stand jump south-west to a ledge.
Pull up to a trap door, Jump west to a ledge and go north. Run and jump to grab
the ledge. Pull up and stand jump east to grab a ledge. Pull up and run and
jump south-east to a trap door. Turn and jump to the south-west to grab a
block. Go to the end and pull up to a ledge. Jump onto the final trap door and
jump to the exit ledge. If you missed the last trap door, you can still run and
jump with a curve to grab the exit ledge.
Go into the tunnel and back to the room where you lit
the wall torches. Go east to exit the room. Either drop to the floor and evade
the mummies to climb the ladder to back flip to the entrance. Or jump south to
the floor lever and shimmy back to the entrance. Go east to the cave. Go to the
south wall and see a water hole. This was covered earlier. Dive into the water
and swim south through a diamond shaped tunnel. At the end, swim east into a
flooded room with many pillars. Swim to the floor and go north to find an
underwater lever in the north-west corner. Pull down the timed underwater lever
and swim to the north-east corner to enter the timed underwater gate. Swim up
and into the west alcove for secret #1 and a large medipack. Then swim up and into the north-east
opening. You enter a channel and the current carries you to the north and into
shallow water. Go north and safety drop into the water below.
To the west are the closed locked gates. Look south
to the right of the waterfalls for a ladder. Climb the ladder to the top. Face
south-west and side jump to the right onto a rocky slope. Slide down the slope
and grab the edge. Shimmy to the right and release to grab a lower ledge. Pull
up into the crawl space. Crawl to the end for secret
#2 and a small medipack. Crawl out and
drop into the water.
Go west to the gates and use the key to open the
right side gate. It actually opens before the animation is complete. Dive into
the water and swim west. When you see bars, swim up to surface. Swim south to
pull up onto the south ledge. A rolling ball drops on the west ledge. When it
stops rolling, go up the ramp that the ball rolled down. At the top, turn
around and pull down the jump switch on the north wall. You hear a gate open.
Go north and get pass the ball. Go north through the open gate. Enter the room
and the door closes. You can see moveable globes and a lava pit. On the north
ledge is a green-lit room. If you try to jump over the lava pit, you will catch
First, climb the blocks at the south wall and get
into a dark room. You can see green-lit, red-lit, and blue-lit tiles on the
floor. In the east wall corners are two crawl spaces. Take either crawl space
and crawl until you can stand up. Pull up into a higher crawl space in the east
wall. Crawl to the end and pick up secret #3
and a small medipack. Crawl back to the room
with the colored tiles. Drop down to the ledge near the lava pit.
Move the blue globe onto the brown tile in the
south-east corner behind the gray blocks. Go west and use the left floor lever.
Go east and see that the globe has risen. Move the globe onto another brown
tile to the west. Go west again and use the right floor lever. Go east and see
that the globe has risen again. Climb the blocks and move the blue globe onto
the blue-lit tile. You get a cut scene of a green-lit room. Get down again and
use both floor levers to reset the blocks. Repeat the process with the red
globe onto the red-lit tile. Repeat the process with the green (silver) globe
onto the green-lit tile. The final cut scene shows two ropes over the lava pit
and in the green-lit room.
Ignore the rope over the lava pit, as it is a trap.
Run and jump from the east ledge where the blue globe was initially located.
The floor below is darker than the rest of the lava pit. It is safe to jump
when the fire emitter is down. Go to the green-lit room and use the rope to
swing across the deadly red water. Press the big button on the north wall and
swing back to the ledge. Go east and enter a newly open door. Watch out for
wall darts as you run to the end of the tunnel. Climb the ladder and go right
and then left in the tunnel. Follow the wall torches down the steps and at the
end, press a big wall button on the east wall. A trap door opens to your left.
Drop into the hole and land in water. Swim to the east and open the underwater
door. Swim down the long underwater tunnel and pull up onto a ledge.
You are over a deep lava pit. Jump south to grab
the ladder and shimmy to the left. Back flip, roll, and grab the next ladder.
Shimmy to the right. Back flip, roll, and grab a ledge. Pull up and grab the
crevice in the west wall. Shimmy to the right as fall as possible and drop onto
a ledge. Pick up the torch from the pedestal in
the south-east corner. Stand in front of the pedestal and face west. Walk one
step forward and throw the torch. The torch should be on the other side of the
crawl space but not over the ledge. Crawl there and pick the torch up. Stand
jump to the north-west and light the torch on the fire. Save the game for a
difficult torch throw. Stand on the south-west corner of the ledge and throw
the lit torch into the crawl space in the south-west corner wall. When it makes
it, grab the edge, and shimmy to the left and into the crawl space. Pick up the
lit torch and throw it into the next room.
Pick up the torch and go south. Loop around to the
left and set fire to the rope and winch in the corner. The rope burns and a
rock rolls down the slope and breaks a grate over a water hole. Go to the
burning rope alcove and pull up onto the slope where the rock was. Drop into a
hole on the other side for a small medipack.
Get out and go south to the water hole. Dive into the water and swim into the
underwater tunnel in the south-east corner. At the end, swim up a long vertical
shaft to a section with three branch tunnels. Swim down each branch tunnel and
pull an underwater lever. Then return to the shaft and swim up to surface for
air. Pull up on the left side of the north ledge. Back flip to a slope and jump
forward with a left curve. Back flip again and you should land in a hole in the
south-west corner.
Pull up into a crawl space in the south wall. Stand
up and go south through a doorway. Save the game again in front of a slope.
Slide down the center of the slope and run into a small room as rocks roll
behind you. In the room, run to the left just in case to avoid any rocks. The
floor starts to rise and after a long elevator ride you are in an outside area.
Follow the path and the level ends.
You get another fixed screen of pictures and a long
Lara :
"At that time I entrusted my father with my discovery. As he saw the book
his eyes sparkled, but he didn't show anything and indicated that he doesn't
know the purpose of the book. As late as 10 years later he told me following
legend. 800 years ago there exists a fellowship that owned the secret of
eternal life and immortality. This power was provided by magic artifact -
Circle of Life - neither origin nor creator was known. Because they were smart
they hide this artifact at an unknown place to protect it against a possible abuse.
For the case of need they wrote up the book explaining the way to find Circle
of Life. However the book was written with the invisible ink and can be read
only under light of magic flame which must me fired up on the special pedestal
made by them... As my father told - the pedestal was discovered by
archeologists in 1926 somewhere in Europe and much later it was bought by
Prague Jewish antiquarian Joseph Lowy. Its power - to read invisible text - is
treated as a fairy-tale which is trusted by hardly anybody. And now the book
lies in my hands. I'll try to find the pedestal and if it is possible I'll make
out the text of the book. And if it really exists than I can destroy Circle of
Life... "
Then the next level loads.
Level 2:
Corridors in Prague (Czech Republic)
Level by Aretfactor
You are older and now have flares and binoculars
for light. Go to the dark south-east corner and pick up the Book. You hear a gate open. Go south through the open
gate. Slide backwards down the east slope and safety drop at the end. Go south
and drop through a hole to land in water. Pull up on any ledge and enter either
doorway in the west wall. Look east between the doorways and pick up red shotgun shells. Then go west and pick up flares from the pedestal. Go west to exit the room.
Just follow the corridors and steps up to a large room. You get a flyby of a
large chessboard.
Go west and stand on a block with no pillar to see
the chessboard. There are two raised blocks, a bishop and a knight. Face east
and number the rows as E1 to E8. Turn left and number the rows as N1 to N8. You
are near (N1,E1). The bishop is at (N3, E1). The knight is at (N5,E2). Bishops
can only move diagonally so you have to fake that move. Move the bishop from
(N3,E1) to (N1,E3). Knights can only move one square straight and one square
diagonally so you have to fake that move. Move the knight from (N5,E2) to
(N6,E4). This should put the black king in check even though black never got a
move. You get a cut scene of the north wall with a red tapestry. That is the
exit and the gate is open.
Go north and enter the middle archway. If you enter
the east or west archway, you have to shoot two bats
near the east and west walls. Go into the central archway and jump a pit to
pick up red shotgun shells. Hop back and safety
drop into the pit. Go north-east and pull up into a room. There is a key lock
at the east wall. Shoot the two pictures in the north and south walls. Enter
the north wall tunnel and drop into a room. Light a flare to see the red shotgun shells in front of the right side barrel
to the north. Go to the west wall and pull back a moveable block from the wall.
The flare makes it obvious which is the correct block. Enter the tunnel and
pull out another moveable block. Go through the tunnel to the next room. Go to
the north-east corner and pick up the Bronze Key
from the pedestal. Exit the room and go to the key lock.
Use the key to open the gate. Go east and enter a
room with a pole and a hole at the south wall. Climb the pole and back flip to
an east ledge. Evade the two skeletons and
ignore the wall switches. Go to the east side and climb the ladder down to a
pit. Go north and be careful of the wall darts. Pick up red shotgun shells from a skeleton on the floor. Turn the corner
and evade a mummy. Pull down a jump switch on
the south wall to open a gate. Enter the gate and evade another mummy. There is a doorway in the north wall. Lure the
mummies back to the ladder where you entered this area. Then sprint back to the
north wall doorway. This gets the mummies out of the way for a timed run. Enter
the room in the north wall and turn to the left. Go behind the column in the
south-west corner and save the game in front of the timed wall switch.
Pull down the wall switch and side jump to the
left. Run and pull up onto the block in the south-east corner. Roll and run and
jump to west. Run with a curve and jump to the column in the north. Try to land
on the left side. Turn to the right and run and jump to the east column and
enter the timed door. Stop inside the door as there is a large drop in front of
you. Jump north-east to a ledge and the door opens again. Wait a while and
shoot two bats. Go north-east to a hole and drop
onto the floor below. Jump to a north ledge for Uzi
ammo. Go west on the same ledge and pull down a jump switch. You get a
cut scene of a gate opening. Safety drop to the floor below. Safety drop to the
next floor and go north. Jump onto the north ledge for red
shotgun shells. Safety drop once more to the ground floor. There is a
closed door in the east wall. Go to the north-east corner and enter the open
Safety drop to a ledge. Jump to a north ledge for a
large medipack. Run off the ledge to the
south-east and land on a lower ledge. Drop to the west side for a lower ledge
and finally drop to the floor. Go north and pull up into an opening. Jump north
to a column. Look down to the north and see a big button for later. Then jump
north to grab a crawl space in the north-west corner. Pull up into the crawl
space for secret #4. Drop into the room and
pick up grenade normal ammo and revolver ammo from the pedestals. Crawl back and drop
into the room. Evade the mummy and press the big
button. You get a cut scene of a door opening. Roll and pull up onto the
column. Jump to the south opening and run and jump to grab the south wall
column. Climb the blocks back up to the room with many floors. The newly open
door is to your left.
Enter the door and slide down a slope to the
bottom. Enter the north tunnel and pick up the shotgun.
Notice the lines on the sides of the tunnel walls. They indicate wall blades.
Face south and hop backwards. When you hear a noise, run forward to avoid the
first set of wall blades. Turn around and go north. Just crouch and crawl for
the next two sets of wall blades and they go over your head. Crawl into a lower
west wall crawl space for blue shotgun shells.
Next are three floor scissors traps. Then hop up onto a west ledge. Go through
a crawl space and stand up on a ledge. Go north and pick up a Key from the pedestal. Go south and stand on a block.
Run and jump to a lower south ledge. Jump south to the next ledge and pull up
into the room with many floors.
Jump onto the block to the west. Pull up to the
floor above. Just use the blocks and pull up back to the top floor where you
entered. It is very simple. Jump into the door in the south wall and exit this
area. Run and jump to the lower west column for red
shotgun shells. Safety drop to the floor. Exit south and follow the
corridors back to the ladder. The mummies are still there waiting for you.
Climb the ladder and shoot the two skeletons off
the ledge. Pull down the two wall switches on the north and south walls. Jump
back to the pole. Back flip to the south room, evade a skeleton
and pick up flares from the corner. The north
room is empty, except for a skeleton. Jump back
to the pole and slide to the bottom.
Go south and safety drop into the hole. Run down
the stairs and follow the corridor to the end. Pick up crossbow
normal ammo and return to the key lock. Use the key and pull up onto the
block that rises beside you. Stand jump to grab a south ledge. Then run and
jump into the north opening. You enter a room with a block in the middle. Go to
the right for a small medipack. Go west and
climb a pole. Back flip to an upper floor. Go east and pick up the Bone Crystal off the floor. Jump to the east wall
opening. Then jump back to avoid two rolling rocks. Return east and run to the
bottom of the stairs. Run on the bottom stair and then run back to the ledge to
avoid another two rolling rocks. Return to the stairs and go east to use the
Bone Crystal to open the gate in the south wall.
Enter the south tunnel and the door at the end
opens as you approach. Enter the room and the door closes behind you. Shoot the
three vases on the three blocks in the room. Look west to see a door. Go behind
the column to the left of that door. Save the game in front of the timed wall
switch. Pull down the wall switch and run east to a low block. Hop onto it and
turn to run and jump to grab a column that has risen to the west. Pull up and
stand jump to grab the balcony above you. Shoot three
skeletons off the balcony into any convenient hole. Go north and climb
the pole. Back flip to an upper balcony and shoot two
skeletons off the edge. You now have two choices.
Choice 1: Stand on the edge of the east balcony
between the two fences. Face the pole to the north. Use wide shot ammo in the
shotgun and use the LOOK key (Key Pad 0) to look up to aim at the top of the
pole. Shoot and a wall section will break in the upper north wall behind the
top of the pole. This method has no health loss.
Choice 2: Enter the room in the north-east corner.
Press a big button and get a cut scene of a block rising. Climb the pole in the
corner and back flip to a north ledge. Go west and shoot a vase and a wall
section. Enter the next section and shoot a vase. Stand with your back to the
hole and draw your pistols. Hop back and shoot to break an upper wall section
behind the pole. Then you drop onto the block below. You need full health to do
Climb the pole and back flip into the opening. Drop
into an octagonal room and pull down the jump switch on the east wall. You hear
a water gushing sound. Exit and slide down the pole and back flip to the
balcony below. Look over the edge and see that the lower floor is flooded. Go
to the middle of the south wall and save the game in front of the timed switch.
Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of an underwater door opening.
Back flip twice and over the fence. You drop into the water. Immediately swim
to the right and enter the timed open door in the west wall. Swim to the
south-west corner and pull up onto some steps.
Death is
firing at you and he cannot be killed. Run forward and take shelter at the base
of Death's column. Run west and enter a room and see a skeleton. Hop on to the
block in the north corner. Run and jump south to grab a ledge. Pull up and go
to the right. Stand jump to a ledge on the west wall. Jump and pull up to an
upper east ledge. Turn to the right and jump to pull up onto an upper south
ledge. Run and jump to a north ledge for a small
medipack. Run and jump to grab a higher south ledge. Run and jump to an
east ledge and enter the tunnel. Pick up a torch
from the skeleton.
Run off to the hole in the east. You land on
Death's column. Jump down and go east into an alcove. Enter the tunnel in the
south-east corner and use side jumps to get through two circular slicers. Drop
into a room and light the torch on any south wall torch. Enter the next room and
shoot the skeleton into the pit. Then use the
lit torch to burn the rope in the south-west corner. The rock drops and rolls
down the slope. Then pick up an invisible small
medipack off the pedestal in the room. Climb the block that the rock was
on and go through the crawl space. Stand up and follow the corridor to a pit.
Safety drop into the pit and go west. Evade two mummies
and run around the four swinging chains. Jump over the water pit and you
are safe from the mummies.
Dive into the water and swim to the lower
north-west to pick up the Old Key from the
skeleton on the floor. You may see the chessboard room through the west wall
windows. Swim to the south-east corner for a small
medipack. Swim back to the hole and pull up into the west ledge. Go west
and pull up to the next floor. Go to the end and use the Old Key to open the
gates. The key lock is in the south-west corner. Enter the gate and follow the
corridor to a ledge over the chessboard room. Run and jump to the west ledge
and shoot a bat, which may or may not appear.
Run and jump over the floor scissor traps where the skeletons are located. Run
and jump into the west doorway.
Follow the corridor and see a closed gate in the
north-west corner. Before that, enter the opening in the west wall. You enter a
room of boxes. Move all the boxes away from the column in the center of the
room to reveal two wall switches. Pull down the two wall switches and exit the
room. Go north and enter the open gate. Dive into the water and swim south into
a flooded room. Swim to the lower south-east corner and pick up revolver ammo from the floor. Swim north and surface
to pull up onto a north ledge. Pick up Uzi ammo
and dive back into the water. Swim south and into a crawl space in the upper
south wall. Pull up into a small room. Slide down the slope in the west wall
and the level ends.
Level 3:
Level by Aretfactor
You slide down a slope and land in a corridor. Pick
the Book off the floor and you hear a gate
open. Go north and drop into a corridor. Go east through the open gate and stop
at a hole. Face the tunnel and grab the edge of the hole. Shimmy to the left
and release. Immediately jump up to grab the edge and pull back up into the
tunnel as two rolling balls go beneath you. Drop back into the hole again and
into another wide corridor. Go north and see a trench and a moving spike wall.
Face south and stand at the right side and drop to grab the edge. The spike
wall starts to move. Quickly pull up and move south to avoid it. When the spike
wall has passed, safety drop into the trench. Go west and pick up a Key on the floor. It is on the floor between the two
circles on the wall. Go west and use the key in the key lock. Side jump to the
right and jump up to grab a crevice. Shimmy to the left and pull up onto the
Go north through the open gate. Pull up onto the
north ledges although the boxes will get in the way. On the last ledge, pull up
on the west side to the upper floor. Go east and drop into a trench. Follow the
trench to the north and east. Shoot two empty vases and pick up the shotgun from the floor. Carefully pass two swinging
blades. At the third swinging blade go left into the alcove. Crouch to pick up red shotgun shells. Shoot the grate in the upper
north wall and pull up into the crawl space. Drop on the other side and
immediately run into any corner. Shoot two big spiders,
as they cannot harm you while you are in a corner. Press two big buttons in the
north-east and north-west corners respectively. Pick up a large medipack in the south-east corner. Go back
through the crawl space. Get pass the fourth swing blade and enter a small room
with an open trap door.
Drop into the trap door and go north down some
steps. Enter a room with a shiny floor and shoot three
ninjas. Pick up red shotgun shells from
the skeleton at the bottom of the steps. Go east and pick up blue shotgun shells from the skeleton. Circle the
room and notice four gates, four closed doors and four wall switches. There are
four empty vases to shoot if you want to.
Go to the east wall and use the wall switch to open
the door. Enter the room to pick up flares and
Go to the south wall and use the wall switch to
open the door. Enter the room to pick up a small
medipack and exit.
Go to the west wall and use the wall switch to open
the door. Enter the room and jump the boxes to land in the north-west corner.
Pick up a Key (call Load) and jump back over
the boxes and exit.
Go to the north wall and use the wall switch to
open the door. Enter the room and enter the north corridor. Use the key to open
the gate. Enter the tunnel and go to the end. Turn north and see a deep room
with many breakable platforms. Safety drop to a ledge and pick up flares. Save the game in front of the wall switch.
Pull down the wall switch and hear some music. Turn and run and jump north to
grab a breakable tile. Pull up and run and jump north to another breakable
tile. Curve to the left and run and jump to the north-west breakable tile. Run
to the end and jump with no grab and you should fall into a water hole in the
corner. It may take a few tries. And there may be other routes.
Get out of the water and go to the east. Pull up
into the archway and go up the stairs. You see a closed gate requiring two
items. There are two side tunnels near the gate. Go south into the south tunnel
and follow the tunnel to a room with a deep pit. Go to the north wall and drop
to grab the edge. Release and drop to grab the edge of a crawl space. Pull and
follow the crawl space to a small room. Face south and press the big button on
the wall to the left of the entrance. You hear a gushing water sound. Crawl
back through the crawl space and drop into the water.
Swim to the bottom part of the pool. Then swim to
the east wall and swim though a crawl space near the upper south-east corner.
Pull up onto the east ledge. Shoot the vase on the pedestal and pick up Bone Crystal #1. Swim back through the crawl space
and swim to the south-west corner. Swim south through a wide tunnel and then up
a vertical shaft to surface. Pull up onto the east side ledge. Pull up to the
column beside you. Run and jump to the column to the west. Stand jump to the
next column. Run and jump over the pit to grab the west ledge. Pull up and go
to the right. Safety drop into a corridor and go west to follow the tunnel back
to the gate.
Go north and follow the tunnel to a room. Go to the
north-east and onto a ledge over a room. Safety drop into the room and dive
into the water. Swim to the south-east and pick up Bone
Crystal #2 from the floor. Swim up the north-east corner to get out of
the water. Jump to the central platform and stand on the south ledge. Shoot
three large vases that you see at the north, east, and west walls. A block
rises behind you in the entrance. Pull up to the block and then pull up back
into the small room. Exit by the south tunnel to get back to the gate.
Place the two crystals and the gates open. Go to
the east wall and press the big button. You hear a loud noise. Go west to
return to the deep room and notice many changes. Hop down to the floor and
climb the blocks to reach the tunnel above the column at the west wall. Follow
the tunnel and it widens into a corridor. Continue and go up mores steps.
Somewhere in the trip, you can pick up red shotgun
shells on the floor. Continue up the steps until you reach another
narrow tunnel. Follow the tunnel and jump over a pit. Pull up on a south wall
Go south to a wall and hear a dragon. Pull up onto a ledge and locusts attack. You may see an exit tunnel to the far
south corner for later. Go south and go to the east to face the dragon. Run to
the right side of the dragon and jump over a pit. The dragon cannot shoot fire
behind him. Go east and pick up flares. Go to
the south-east corner and pick up the Silver Key.
Go behind the dragon for blue shotgun shells.
Go to the north-east alcove for blue shotgun shells.
You can see red shotgun shells next to the
dragon. I could never get them, as the dragon would push me off the ledge.
Run west and jump over the pit. If you catch fire,
you can run to the right and loop around to find water. Otherwise run to the
south-west into the south tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a key lock on the west
wall. Use the key and a trap door opens to the north. Safety drop into the hole
to the dark area below. You will need a flare. Go east and follow the ledge to
jump the water. Follow the ledges and you should find red
shotgun shells on the floor. Continue following the ledges and look for
a grate in the lower south wall next to a pipe. Shoot the grate and enter the
crawl space.
Go south and see a water trench. I found nothing in
that area. Stand at the start of the water and jump south to grab an upper
ledge. Pull up into a small room. Hop onto a box in the north-east corner and
pull up into a tunnel. Go east and go through a crawl space. Stand up and pull
up onto a ledge. Go forward and safety drop into a library. Go south and pass
an opening on the right. At the end you can see a closed door. Continue south
and enter the second opening. Go to the end and loop around to the left. Press
the big button on the wall. Return to the first opening and the door is open.
Enter the door and you are in front of a crawl
space behind the closed door. Go through the crawl space and pull up onto a
south ledge. Ahead of you are a series of roller blade traps. Wait until the
first roller passes you and go forward. Wait for the next roller and go
forward. Slide down again to pick up red shotgun
shells from the skeleton. Wait for the next roller and slide down. Wait
for the last roller and slide down and go south onto some steps. Go south
through a doorway and follow the tunnel. You enter a section of many pillars
and large vases to shoot if you want. Basically go east and arrive onto a
Drop down onto a wooden ledge. Go to the south-east
corner for red shotgun shells. Drop down to the
next wooden ledge. Back flip the fence to land in a room with a table and
chairs. Ignore the stairs and go south into a room with a pool. Dive into the
pool and swim into the hole at the bottom. Follow the west underwater tunnel to
the end and pull up onto a ledge. Go up the ramp to an opening. Jump east to
the balcony above the pool. Follow the balconies to the left and pick up the Key on the east balcony. Dive into the water and
return to that opening at the top of the ramp. Stand jump to the south-east
balcony. Shoot the big vase and jump to the next balcony. Jump south to grab
the crevice in the wall. Shimmy to the left and pull up into an alcove. Shoot a
big vase and jump down to the north balcony. Stand jump over the fence onto the
north-east balcony.
Use the key in the key lock and you hear a gate
open. Run off the east side of the balcony and turn to the right to see the
open gate. Enter the room and jump over the east fence for red shotgun shells and crossbow
normal ammo. Go to the wall switch on the south wall. Pull down the wall
switch and exit the room. Return to the room with the furniture and go down the
stairs. Follow the tunnel to enter the open gate in the north corner. Follow a
corridor to the east and enter a dark room. Shoot two
ninjas. Go to the podium in the center of the room. Place the book onto
the podium and the level ends.
You get another fixed screen of pictures and a long
tells: "I'm sorry I had to break in the apartment, but I didn't want to
encourage attention. I know someone is following me up and I don't want to
risk. I set the pedestal on fire and put the book in the alcove. The wind
raised in the room and turned over all the pages of the book. I was thrilled -
the legend was real... Thanks to the light of the flame text appeared in the
book. Unfortunately it was written in a language I didn't understand, perhaps
it reminded Latin. Still in Mr. Lewy's apartment I tried to contact an old
friend of my father - former professor of language sciences - Walter D. King. I
agreed I could visit him and invited me to places where he was spending his
retirement - the islands of Tanah Papua. I hoped he'd be able to make out the
text. Unfortunately my fears came true: After I hung up a couple of masked men
broke in and attacked me. Then there was only dark... I remember nothing until
I woke up in a basement of a castle. Without any book. I must get from here
somehow and find the book... "
Then the next level loads.
Level 4:
Monastery (Austria)
Level by Miro
[Note] I
had a problem where I saved under the water and reloaded. Then Lara had a
useless left arm. I reloaded from the previous level and only saved the game
when Lara opened the gate with key. After a save and reload, her arm appeared
to be correct. I read a forum note that this problem happens when you exit a
level holding a flare. [End note]
You start by falling into a well. Swim down into a
large flooded cave. Swim to the north and surface for air. Pull up onto the
north ledge and go east to see a locked door. From there look south and see a
tunnel in the far lower south. Swim there and swim up into a cave. Pick up the crossbow, crowbar, and Sculpture
from a platform. Swim west through an upper crawl space. Swim north-west and
down to pick up crossbow explosive ammo and a key on a ground. Swim north and east to follow the
underwater tunnel back to the first cave. Swim north and surface for air. Swim
north and pull up onto the north ledge. Shoot the skeleton
into the water. Use the key to open the door.
Enter the corridor and shoot a bat. Walk to the east and stay near the wall to
trigger blades from the floor. Go to the end and shoot another bat. Go up the south steps. Continue into a tunnel and
shoot a bat. Go to the end and push the box into
a room. You enter a room with many boxes. Go to the west wall and push a box to
the south to reveal a pushbutton. Save the game for a timed run. Press the
timed pushbutton and get a cut scene of a timed box rising. Wait for the box to
drop. Press the timed pushbutton a second time and there is no cut scene. Roll
and run to the east to pull up onto a high box. Turn around and jump over the
hole to the west. Hop onto the timed box and pull up onto the column beside it.
Pick up the Sacristy key from the box and get
down to the ground floor. You can also climb the ladder on the north wall to
get up to the timed box.
Go to the south wall and use the crowbar to open
the door. Exit into an outside area. Go north-west and shoot two guards. You can see the well you fell into at the
start of the level. Look east and notice a trap door beside of the building. Go
south-west and follow the path to enter a building. The first room has a long
table. Go north and enter a kitchen room with a short table. Lara will look at
the floor grate to the north-west corner. Go east and push open the doors.
Enter the room and hop onto the south-west cupboard for a small medipack. Hop onto the east cupboards for blue shotgun shells and crossbow
explosive ammo. Return to the first room.
Go west and exit out the door into a courtyard with
a cross. To the south are closed blue doors. Go to the south-east corner and
open a blue door. You see a hallway and steps. Do not enter this area yet. But
this door does not open from inside, so you open it now. Turn around and go to
the south-west corner and open a blue door in the west wall. You enter a
hallway with thirteen numbered rooms. Go west and open the doors to the rooms.
Room I - empty
Room IV - empty
Room II - empty
Room V - pick up revolver and
shoot a guard
Room III - pick up large
Room VI - empty
Turn the corner and go north. You pass a gold gate,
a black door to Room XIII, and a key lock. Turn the corner and go east to find
more rooms.
Room IX - Pull back the bed from the wall. Get into
the crawl space behind the bed and go to the end. Pull up into the upper west
crawl space. Go to the end, drop, and get into another crawl space. Stand up in
a cave of some kind. You can see flares under the south wall opening but you
cannot get them from here. Crawl under the west wall and go south to pull up to
a column. Drop on the other side and go to the corner. You get secret #5, small medipack,
and flares. Return to the crawl space but do
not enter it. Go north-west and then west to see a column by the wall. Pull up
to the column. Run and jump to a south column and shoot two bats. Go south and drop into a hole. Go east and drop into a
tunnel. Follow the south tunnel into a crypt and shoot two
bats. Go south to the only coffin with a lid. Open it and pick up Bible #1 and a Cross.
You can see a second Bible in the coffin but you cannot pick it up. Go into the
east tunnel and pull down a ceiling trap door. Pull up into a room. Open the
door and shoot the guard. Exit into the hallway.
Room XII - you have just left it so continue east
in the hallway
Room XI - empty
Room IIX - empty
Room X - empty
Room VII - pick up a small
Kick open the door to the east and exit back into
the courtyard. You face a red block. To the left is a doorway to a small side
room in a church. You can enter there but go east to push open the main church
doors, as the door do not open from the inside. Enter the church for music and
go north to the pulpit. You can see a closed door and a key lock in the west
wall. Stand on the south side of the short brown post. Combine the Cross and
the Sculpture to make a Crucifix and place it on the brown post. You get a cut
scene of a trap door opening. Go west and use the Sacristy key to open the
door. Enter the small room and shoot a guard.
Drop into the open trap door and follow the tunnel
to the east. You enter an underground crypt. Most of the coffins are empty.
Push open the middle coffin at the north wall from the west side. Pick up Bible #2 and destroy an awakened skeleton. Go south and enter the open doorway into a
cave. You are on a ledge over a deep lava pit. Lara looks at a grate in the
ceiling. You can do nothing here yet so exit back through the tunnel and the
trap door to return to the church. You will return to this cave later.
Run up the stairs at the south side of the church.
Push open the doors in the south wall and emerge onto a balcony. Go west and
enter a large library. Go around the bookcases to the center of the room. Climb
the central bookcase, as the books are climbable. To the north you can see an
empty podium that needs an item that you do not have yet. To the west are
stairs that lead down to the golden gate that you saw earlier. Grab the ceiling
and monkey swing east to a bookcase. Go north for secret
#6 and pick up two flares. Drop to the
floor and return to the outside balcony.
Follow the balcony to the east rooms. The first
room has chairs in it. Enter the second room and see boxes. Go behind the boxes
to the east wall and shoot a guard. Enter the
doorway into another room. The stairs to your right lead down to the door that
you opened from the outside. Go north into another room with boxes. Shoot all
the smaller boxes, especially the smaller box at the west wall. Push the top
large box at the west wall to the north. If it does not move, you forgot to
shoot the smaller box behind it. Pick up a Bible #3
and a Rope. Exit this room and go down the
stairs at the south wall. Exit by the door back into the courtyard. Shoot a guard who shoots at you first.
Go north and enter the second doorway back to the
kitchen room. You are back in the room where Lara looked at the corner floor
grate. Stand on the grate and use the rope. Lara seems to wind the rope but a
rope appears below the grating. Exit and return to the church. Go to the small
room and follow the trap door and tunnel to the crypt. Return through the south
door to the lava pit. You can see the rope hanging from the grate. Use the rope
to swing across the lava and onto the ledge in front of the gray column with
horizontal lines on it. Turn south-west and run and jump with a left curve onto
a ledge behind the gray column without lines. Go to the south-west corner for secret #7. Pick up a large
medipack and crossbow explosive ammo. Go
back to the gray column. Stand jump with a right curve onto a lower ledge to
the north-east. Pull up onto the block in front of the gray column with lines.
Climb the gray column with lines and shimmy to the
right to drop onto a gray path. Enter a wide tunnel and go east to enter a
tunnel with a V-shaped water trench. Dive in and swim to the east and north to
pull up onto a block with a timed pushbutton on the east wall. Press the
pushbutton and get a cut scene of an underwater trap door opening. Dive into
the hole to the north and swim down a vertical shaft into a small room. Swim
down a hole into the lower small room. Pull down an underwater handle on the
ceiling. Swim down a hole into the next lower small room. Pull down an underwater
handle on the ceiling. Swim down a hole into the next lower small room. Pull
down an underwater handle on the ceiling. A trap opens in the corner. There are
three underwater handles to pull in total. The next small room below has the
timed trap door. Swim back to the surface for air and save the game in front of
the timed pushbutton. Press the pushbutton and side jump into the water to the
left. Swim down the vertical shaft and swim through all the holes and small
rooms again. In the bottom small room, swim through the timed trap door into
the room below. Swim into an east underwater tunnel and see a hole to surface
for air.
Continue to swim east and up a vertical shaft into
a room with tall gray columns. Pull up onto the north-west column and stand
jump into the west wall alcove. Use the crowbar to pry the valve from the pipe. Jump east to a column for a small medipack. Safety drop to the ground. Enter the
tunnel in the south-east corner. Climb a wall ladder and place the valve. The
room fills with water. Swim back to the room and pull up onto the central
column. Pull up into the tunnel above your head. There is a closed gate to the
north. Go to the middle of the tunnel and climb the west wall.
Pull up into a dark room with skeletons on the
floor, boxes in the corners, and water trenches around the sides. On three
walls you see white squares. Place the three Bibles in the three squares. You
hear spikes pop above your head. Destroy the three
skeletons and jump into the south wall trench. If you do not destroy the
skeletons, they can fall into the water and still hurt you. Swim east to the
end and loop around to the right. Pull up and climb a wall ladder. Pull up into
a tunnel. Sprint to the end to avoid floor blades and a skeleton. Hop onto the block and pick up the 13th chamber key. Go back to the entrance and climb
down the ladder. Swim back and take the first branch to the north.
Swim to the middle of the trench and down a ramp.
Swim down the ramp and continue to swim up a second ramp. Swim down a long tunnel
and pull up into a small room. Climb a wall ladder and emerge onto a ledge
overlooking the room. You can see the spikes in front of you. Run and jump to
grab the platform. Pull up and pick up a small
medipack. Run and jump west to the ledge and enter the open door. Sprint
through the tunnel to avoid damage from the floor blades. Hop onto the end
block and pull down a ceiling trap door. Pull up into the yard next to the
Follow the path back through the house. Cross the
courtyard and enter the south-west door. Go west and north to the key lock for
Room XIII. Use the key to open the door. Save the game before entering the
room. The floor tiles with skeletons are fire traps. Jump over the skeleton to
the west and pick up the Papyrus from the
floor. Jump back and exit the room. Go north and east to exit the hallway. Go
to the church and up the steps at the south wall. Go onto the balcony and go
west to return to the library. Go to the middle of the library and place the
Papyrus on the middle empty podium. You get a cut scene of a door opening to
your right. Enter the room and shoot a guard.
Pick up revolver ammo from the body. Run west
to a tunnel in the corner and the level ends.
Level 5:
Level by Miro
Save the game as soon as the level starts. You
start by sliding down a slope. Slide down onto another slope. Slide down a
little and jump to grab a wall ladder. Climb up and shimmy to the right. You
cross a wall and get secret #8. Keep shimmying
to the right until you reach a wall ladder. Climb down the wall ladder to the
floor but the animation is hand-over-hand and not the normal climbing position.
Hop onto a block for red shotgun shells, large
medipack, and crossbow poison ammo.
Climb the wall ladder and shimmy left back to slope. Continue sliding down into
a room and shoot a skeleton harpy.
Inside the room are four moveable globes in a
shallow trench. They are yellow, red, blue, and green. To the north are four
tiles with the same colors. Push the green globe onto the red tile. Push the
blue globe to the east into a notch. Push the red globe east into a notch. Move
the yellow globe onto the yellow tile. Push the green globe onto the green
tile. Move the red globe onto the red tile. Push the blue globe onto the blue
tile. You get a flyby showing symbols on a wall. Then the flyby goes up a
ladder to floor levers with the same symbols and many closed gates. I cannot
draw these symbols in this walkthrough so write them down.
Climb the ladder at the east wall to a higher room.
In that room are seven floor levers with the symbols and the closed doors.
There is a mistake in that you can exit this level very quickly. Go north and
see a closed gate. Step onto the tile to the right of the gate entrance and the
gate opens. See later in the description as to what to do after the north door
is open. If you are a masochist, continue now to play honestly.
Go north and see seven floor levers and symbols.
Number them as 1 to 7 from left to right. This converts to the wall symbols
lines as (1,2,3,4), (2,5,6), (3,5,7), (2,6,7) and (1,3,4,6). The other wall
symbols are not on the floor.
Use floor levers #1, #2, #3, and #4. Actually a
door opens for just #1 and #2 but ignore it. Go to the south-east corner and
enter the open door. Sprint to the end and you can get there before the flame
emitters start. Pull down the wall switch and carefully go back through the
flame emitters. Go north and reset the floor levers.
Use floor levers #2, #5, and #6. Go to the west
wall and enter the open door. A trap door drops as you enter the room. You see
four walls switches on the south wall. There are many death symbols on the
floor and many trap doors above your head. Save the game for a small
demonstration. Pull up to the column in the north-west corner of the room. Look
south and see a column with a blue top. Above and beyond that is a ball. Jump
to the blue tile and the ball falls. It lands on a death tile and you catch
fire. The idea is to set the trap doors so that the ball falls harmlessly.
Reload and go to the wall switches. Numbers the switches from 1 to 4 from left
to right. Pull down wall switches #1 and #3. Climb the column and jump to the
blue tile. The ball rolls onto the safe tile at the north wall. I had no clue
here so it was trial and error solution of the 16 possible switch positions.
The entrance door is closed. Jump over the tiles and pull up to the ledge in
the south-east corner. Pull down the wall switch and turn around. Go north and
jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing to the open door and exit back to the
room with the levers. Drop onto the lower ledge and jump to the central column.
Then run and jump to the north ledge and go east to pick up a large medipack. Go south and jump onto the other
central column. Run and jump to the south ledge and pick up the torch off the platform. Drop down to the floor with
the torch. Light the wall torch on the lit wall torch on the west wall. Then
drop the torch where you can find it again and reset the floor levers.
Use floor levers #3, #5, and #7. Go to the
south-west corner and find the open door. Pick up the lit torch and enter the
room. Run through the wall darts to the middle and pick up the crossbow and crossbow
explosive ammo. Continue to the west doorway and run down the stairs.
You enter a crypt. Use the torch to light four wall torches and a trap door
opens in the north-west corner. Turn around and destroy an awakened skeleton. Dive into the water and swim down to the
west. You can see three underwater tunnels. Ignore the middle and right
tunnels. Swim into the left tunnel and swim to the end and pull up onto a
ledge. Notice the symbol on the wall. This wall switch is safe to use. The
other two tunnels end in a wall switch with the death symbols. Pull down the
wall switch and swim back to the crypt. Pick up the lit torch, just in case,
and run up the steps and run through the wall darts again. Enter the room and
reset the floor levers.
Use floor levers #2, #6, and #7. Go to the
north-east and find the open door. Enter the room and go to the red tile in the
south-west corner. This opens a timed door in the east wall. Run, jump and
sprint into that door. Inside turn to the right and pull down the timed wall
switch. Quickly exit and go to the right to enter the next timed open door. Go
to the right and pull down the timed wall switch. Turn and run out the door and
fall into the timed open trap door. If a door closes, step onto the blue tile
on the block to the right side of the door to open the door so you can get out
of the room. Save the game when you make it. You do not want to do that again.
Run down the tunnel and run up the steps. Near the third set of steps, shoot a skeleton harpy. At the top, pull down the wall switch
to open the gate. Exit onto the balcony above the floor levers room. From here
you could get the torch, but you got it earlier. Drop to the floor and reset
the floor levers.
Use floor levers #1, #3, #4, and #6. Go to the
north-west and find the open door. Enter the room and go west. Run up the steps
and then run and jump east to a ledge. Run and jump to the east and onto a
slope. Then jump south to grab the edge of a slope. Shimmy to the right and
eventually back flip to a ledge at the south wall. Then jump up to grab the
higher north ledge. Stand jump to a ledge on the north side of the column. Pull
down the wall switch to open a gate in the south-west corner ledge. Jump to the
ledge and pull down the wall switch. Jump east to the lower ledge and safety
drop to the ground. Exit the room back to the floor lever room. The door in the
north wall is open.
Here if you used the mistake to open the north door or opened it honestly. [End
Enter the north door and go north to shoot a skeleton harpy. Continue north to a closed gate
needing two items. Go to the east wall opening and enter a room. There are four
reach-in openings in the east wall. Reach into the left one for a small medipack. Reach into the third one for Goblet #1 and awaken a skeleton
to destroy. Exit and go the west wall opening and see two circular slicers.
Turn to the left and save the game in front of a timed switch. You should have
full health just in case a slicer nicks you. Pull down the wall switch and hop
up into the first opening. Run and jump with grab to the opening with the
slicer. You should land in front of and very close to the slicer. When the
slicer opens, roll, and you should be on the other side and unharmed. Hop down
and climb into the next opening. Run, jump and grab to be in front the next
slicer. When it is safe, roll, and hop back into the small room. Pick up Goblet #2 and return through the slicers. Place the
two goblets and the north gate opens. Run forward and pick up the book from the podium to end the level.
You get another fixed screen of pictures and a
tells: "I can finally visit the father's friend - W. D. King, I'm sure he
will help me to make out the text of the book. "
Then the next level loads.
Level 6:
Aqua Caves (Tanah Papua)
Level by Artefactor
You start by sliding down a hill. The book from the
last level is not in the inventory. Go to the north-west and safety drop into a
hole. You land in a tunnel. Go west and into an opening to another cave. Shoot three spiders and go down a ramp. Continue west and
turn to the left into a doorway. Drop into another cave with a water pool.
Stand on the rock in the middle of the pool to safely shoot a bear. Dive into the water and swim down into a hole.
In the cave below, pull down the underwater lever on the north wall. You get a
cut scene of a gate opening. Roll and swim down to the floor to pick up a small medipack. Swim back and pull onto the west
ledge. Go forward and into the open gate.
Enter the gate and it closes behind you. Go north
and pick up a shotgun behind a rock. Pull down
the timed wall switch in the corner and get a cut scene of a large gate
opening. Let it time out for now. Go south into an alcove and pull up onto the
west block. Go forward about two steps and stand jump to the block in the lava
trench. Pull up into a tunnel in the south wall. Run into a room for secret #9. Pick up red
shotgun shells and flares off the corner
platforms. The middle platform is a spike trap. Return to the lava trench and
shoot the large vase to the west. Stand jump to the ledge and go north. Enter
an open area and see the closed gate from the cut scene. Shoot two bats and go to the south-east for red shotgun shells. Go north and drop into the pit
for red shotgun shells. Go north to gate and
pick up a small medipack from a skeleton. Now
return through the lava trench area back to the timed wall switch.
Save in front of the wall switch for a very tight
time run. Turn left and sprint to the south. Jump onto the block in the alcove
and go to the south wall corner. Turn to the right and pull up. Turn slightly
to the right and run and jump but no grab to the lower block. You should hit
the side wall and land on the far north-west corner of the lower block. You
should land straight after hitting the wall so just stand jump to the higher
west ledge. Turn to the right and run north and keep to the right side of the
ramp to avoid hitting your head on the ceiling when you jump. Just before the
slope goes down to the right, jump north and try to land on the far ledge of
the block in the pit. Stand jump forward onto the ledge and run forward to get
through the gate before it closes. The gate stays open after you make it.
Pull up into the north wall crawl space. Drop on
the other side into water. Swim and pull up onto the ledge in the north-west
corner. You get a flyby of the cave showing many upper rock bridges. If you
swim back into the water, you can find a closed underwater gate in the
north-east corner. The fish are harmless. Stand jump to the south ledge and
pull up onto the column in the middle of the water. In the north wall, you can
see an opening, a waterfalls, and an opening with a gate. Run and jump to grab
a crevice in the west wall. Shimmy to the right and drop onto a ledge. Turn
around and jump east onto the top of the waterfalls.
Turn around and stand jump into the opening to the
upper north-east. Enter the cave and go east. Shoot a large vase for red shotgun shells and a small
medipack. You may see spikes pop up to your right. Continue east through
the cave and eventually reach a flooded cave. Shoot the strange looking crocodile in the water. Dive into the water and pull
up onto the floating block. Run and jump with no grab to the north-east block
for red shotgun shells. Jump back to the first
block. Look down in the south-west corner and see another crocodile. You can
use LOOK (Key Pad 0) to aim the crossbow and destroy the crocodile now before it annoys you later.
Dive into the water and use the underwater lever on
the south wall. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Swim east and pull up
onto a ledge. Go forward and enter the open gate. The vases in the room are
empty. Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Exit
this room and dive into the water. Swim north and pull up to the ledge. The
vases in the corners are empty. Enter the open gate and shoot the large vase on
the platform. Pick up Golden Star #1 that was
under the vase. Exit the room and dive back into the water. Swim to the
south-west corner and pull up onto the corner ledge. Climb the blocks into a
large room. Then safety drop back into the tunnel below. Go west to exit the
cave. You can also get back by jumping from the lower floating block.
Go back to the exit and save the game. Stand jump
to the top of the waterfalls. If you drop short, you drop into a rock and are
stuck to reload. You can see a crawl space to the east but you cannot reach it
because of the slopes. Run and jump to grab the ledge above it. Pull up and go
south. Stand jump onto a mound and shoot three
bats. Look west and see a closed gate needing two items. Stand jump to grab the
bridge above you to the west. Pull up onto the bridge. Use the pistols and Lara
will aim to shoot several bats to the far west.
Run and jump west to a ledge. Go to the south-west corner ledge and pull up
into a tunnel. Stay on the right side where the tunnel is lower to grab the
Enter the tunnel and shoot a shadow (spider?) on the floor. Jump over a pit and into
another tunnel. Go south to a small room. Shoot a spider
and spikes pop up on the floor as you enter the room. Shoot the vase on the
block for a small medipack. Pull down the wall
switch and get a cut scene of a gate rising near a water pool. Exit the room
and go north into the dark. You slide down some slopes and land in front of the
gate needing items. Go east over the bridge to the mound. Slide down to the south-east
corner and enter the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a ladder and climb up. Follow
the cave and see spikes pop up to frighten you. Jump over a pit and go through
the open gate. Shoot two crocodiles that attack
Go to the water and go west. The block by the kayak
is a spike trap. Run and jump to the north block in the water. Run and jump to
the block by the north wall. Jump and pull up into an east tunnel. Go to the
end and shoot an Indian. Press the big button on
the wall and dive into the water. Go through the open gate in the north wall
and go west to pick up Golden Star #2. Swim
back and pull up onto the south ledge. Go south through the cave and climb down
the ladder. You can go north to shoot two spiders
but the crawl space just drops you back into the water. Go the other way and
jump back to the bridge.
Go west and use the two Golden Stars to open the
gates. You get cut scenes of the gates opening. Go through the gates and go to
the right and pick up a shotgun. Go north and
see spikes pop up on the floor and shoot two bats.
You are on a ledge over a flooded room. Go west and pick up red shotgun shells. Dive into the water and swim
north to pick up red shotgun shells of a ledge. Turn left and follow the ledge around to
find an opening in the south wall. Ignore it and swim back to the east entrance
ledge and pull up. Turn around and shoot the two
crocodiles that you have attracted. Now swim into the south wall
opening. Swim south and pull up into a jungle-like area.
Go to the south wall and pull down a wall switch.
You get a cut scene of an underwater door opening. There is an alcove in the
west wall but there is nothing there to get. Get into the water again and swim
north. Pull up onto the east ledge and then pull up into the corridor. Return
through the two gates to the bridge area again. Jump into the water and swim to
the open underwater gate in the north-east corner. Continue swimming to the
east and avoid the two sharks. Continue through
a narrow opening and swim to the east where you can see the surface of the
water. Surface and pull up into a tunnel to the north. Run north towards a door
and the level ends.
You get another fixed screen of pictures but no
speech. Then the next level loads.
the author has supplied some notes about the quadbike control.
Get in
quadbike: At first, you must have a quadbike key. Go near a quadbike and press
CTRL key. Sometimes you can get in only from one side.
pedal: CTRL
forward (gear 1): SHIFT
backward - Reverse: Key for running
Get off:
ALT + right or left narrow
Level 7:
Plains (Tanah Papua)
Level by Artefactor
You start by sliding backwards down a small slope.
Grab the edge, pull up, and back flip onto a flat ledge. Pick up a large medipack and safety drop into the hole. The
vases in the corners are empty. Go south through the doorway. You can see a
large upper ledge, which is over a deep room. Jump down to the upper ledge.
There seems to nothing on the upper ledge. Go to the north-east corner and drop
down onto a block to the west. Jump onto the columns to the west and south
until you safety drop to the floor with no damage. Shoot an Indian that is walking around.
Go to the south-east corner and pull down the wall
switch located on a block. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Notice the
quadbike to the west. Go to the west wall and climb all the columns to get back
to the upper ledge. Go to the west wall and enter the open door. Hop down into
the room and go to the north-west corner and pick up the Quad Key. Exit to the upper ledges again. Go down the
columns again or just run off the east ledge to fall into some water by the
east wall. Pick up flares and swim to the north
to get out. Go to quadbike and get on. You have two choices:
Choice 1: Drive east and north. When the floor
slopes upwards, drive to the left to avoid the water and onto a breakable
Choice 2: Loop around to the west wall. Drive north
and east to see a low gap in the short wall. Drive in there and continue
driving around a block and over an Indian. Then
drive through another gap in the short wall and onto a breakable floor.
You drop into a cave. Drive to the east and follow
the ramp upwards. Watch for the pit on the narrow path. You can take a shortcut
at this point by going to where the rattlesnake is located and save some
backtracking later. But I will continue the way I think the author meant. At
the top of the ramp, drive east and up a hill. Notice the rattlesnake on a high
south ledge. Drive up the hill and over an Indian.
Drive down the hill to the east. Drive over a rattlesnake
for secret #10. Drive north and stop by a
skeleton to pick up a small medipack. Then
drive north and into a temple. Be careful of the water and drive to the east
and into a narrow doorway. Drive up the dark slopes and run over many bats. At the top, stop on a ledge over the room with
the water.
Drop onto a west block and safety drop to the
balcony to the north side. Go behind the block on the south balcony and pull
down a wall switch. You get a cut scene of a block rising near the rattlesnake.
Go to the north-west corner and hop onto the block. Use the east columns to get
back to the quadbike. Turn the quadbike around and drive down the dark slopes.
Drive back to the desert and over the hill and park next to the raised block.
Get on the block and shoot the rattlesnake. Jump
up to that block and go south to enter a doorway. You could have jumped up here
earlier and saved some backtracking.
Save the game in front of the east slope. Run down
the slope and jump with a right curve into the water as a rolling ball follows
you down the slope. Pull up onto the ledge at the bottom of the slope. Time the
fire emitter and run and jump to an east ledge. Jump to the corner ledge and
face the column to the west. Stand at the wall side and jump up to grab the
column. You can pull up and be safe from the fire emitter, if you stay in the
corner by the wall. I ignored the small medipack.
When the fire emitter stops, run and jump to grab the ledge to the west with a
vase. Pull up, shoot the vase and run and jump to the next west ledge. You will
miss and drop into the water. Swim west and pull up into a small room. Pull the
wall switch in the corner and get a cut scene of an underwater door opening.
Get into the water and swim to the east. Pull up to a block and go east into
the water again. Swim east and pull onto the block at the entrance slope. Go up
the slope and exit back to the quadbike.
Drive the quadbike up the hill and back to the
temple. Get off the quadbike and go into the north-east corner alcove for a large medipack. Notice the gate in the north wall.
Jump into the east side water trench and enter the open underwater door in the
west wall. Swim north and up to surface. Pull up into a room behind the gate in
the temple. Run north into the dark tunnel and slide down the slope as the
level ends.
You get another fixed screen of pictures and a long
tells: "Walter D. King managed to make out the text. The Circle of Life
was hammered from an unknown alloy before the Roman Empire. The one who owns
the Circle of Life is immortal and can bring to life dead demons who he is in
charge of. We found out that the Circle of Life might be found in Egypt or at
the South Pole. I'll go to Egypt first then. "
Then the next level loads.
in Tombs (Egypt)
Level 8:
The Abyss
Level by Hofer
You start in a desert area facing a temple to the
north. Walk north into a gray rock to pick up a Key.
Hop back ands shoot three scorpions. One of them
approaches from behind you. These scorpions can also poison you. Go north and
walk into the gray rock by a tree to pick up the Silver
Key. Again shoot three scorpions before
they poison you. Go to the west and light a flare to see a light colored rock.
Pull it from the wall to reveal a key lock. Shoot an attacking vulture. Go to the east wall and light a flare to see
a different colored block. Pull back the block to reveal a key lock. Shoot an
attacking vulture. Use the two keys in the key
locks and the doors open in the north wall. The doors slide to the side to
Enter the open doors and go to the end of the ledge
and shoot three bats. Return to just inside the
entrance and run and jump to the opening in the west wall of the south-west
corner. You will not make it and fall onto a slope. You slide down the slope
and land in front of a tunnel. Enter and turn to the right and pick up flares. Then follow the tunnel to the east and reach
a hole. Jump over the hole and continue onto a ledge over a large lava pit.
Ahead of you are two ropes.
Run and jump to grab the first rope. Spin to the
right and swing and jump onto the south wall ledge. Shoot a big insect and enter the tunnel. Pick up a Silver Key and Uzi ammo.
Use the rope again to swing to the north ledge. Shoot a big insect and enter the tunnel. Pick up a Winding
Key and small medipack. Use the second
rope this time and swing to the east ledge. Follow the tunnel and climb a
ladder. Pull up into a tunnel and go west. Use your favorite method to get past
the circular slicer. Jump over a pit and get past a second circular slicer.
Jump over a pit and continue into a dark room to shoot two
bats. This room is above the lava pit.
Climb into the west tunnel on the right side. The
left side is a spike trap. Light a flare and look to the left for a moveable
block. Pull out the block and move it aside. Inside the tunnel you can see a
key lock. Light a flare and go west to see another moveable block. Pull it out
and move it aside. Inside the tunnel you can see a key lock. Now go west and be
careful of the spike trap as denoted by the skeleton. Drop down to a small room
and shoot two bats. Go west to a closed door.
Drop in a trench before the door and pick up Uzi ammo
and a small medipack. The door opens so enter
the room for secret #11. Pick up red shotgun shells, blue shotgun shells, and a large medipack. On the back wall is the author's
Now return to the side tunnels and use the two
keys. Enter either small side room and go north to an opening over looking the
lava room. Run and jump with grab to the ledge below. You could go south and
jump but then you would have to get past the swinging chains. Go north into an
outside area with a waterfalls. Wait near the door and shoot two dogs and go to the east for blue shotgun shells. Go to the waterfalls and go
east. Shoot a dog and a vulture
and pick up a small medipack. Go to the
waterfalls and get into the water stream. Swim through the underwater tunnel to
the west. At the first blue plant, stop and pick up a Golden
Vraeus hidden in the plant. Continue swimming and enter another outside
area. Pull up to the west bank and shoot a scorpion.
Jump the stream to the east bank and shoot three
scorpions before they poison you. To the east is a building with a
closed gray door.
Return to the water stream under the building to
the west. It is deeper and you can swim again. Swim a little and pull up onto a
ledge. Turn around and jump to grab a ladder. Climb to the top and pick up the Scarab Talisman. Jump down to the ground and go to
the south-west corner and shoot a demigod. Go
south-east and pull back the moveable block to the left of the golden statue.
Place then Golden Vraeus and the gray door opens slowly. Enter the door and
place the Scarab Talisman. The circular door opens in the south wall. Enter the
circular door and shoot two small demigods and three bats.
Go east and face a deep pit. Drop into the water
below. Dive to the bottom and look near the middle of the south wall for a
tunnel. You will need a flare to see it. Swim to the end and swim up into a
small room. Pick up a Goblet from a block and
return to the water. Swim back through the tunnel to the big pool. Pull up on a
ledge at the west wall and shoot a bat. Jump to
the south ledge and then to the next east ledge. Jump to the north wall ledge
and shoot a bat. Crawl under the overhang to the
east and shoot a bat. Run, jump, and grab the
south ledge. Be careful for the low ceiling that can hit your head. Jump to the
east ledge and enter the next room.
Carefully jump to the floor. There is a receptacle
in the east wall. Most floor tiles are green but there are four brown tiles.
Two brown tiles are in front of movable blocks. Two brown tiles are in the
middle of the room. Put the moveable blocks onto the brown tiles in the middle
of the room. If you stop the blocks on the brown tiles in front of them, beetles pour out of the wall. If you do activate the
beetles, there is a pit to the south-east corner where you get rid of them.
When both blocks are moved, a gate opens in the upper east wall. Place the
Goblet in the east wall receptacle and three ropes drop from the ceiling. Go to
the west side and climb the blocks. Use the ropes to swing into the east wall
tunnel. Drop into the room and run to the east and the level changes.
Level 9:
Lost Eden
Level by Hofer
You start in a room similar to the last room in the
previous level. Turn to the left to pick up a large
medipack and shoot two scorpions. Go
behind the golden statue and use the floor lever. Go north to the gate, which
is very slow in opening. Jump north onto a column and wait to shoot a low
flying vulture. Run and jump to the west ledge.
Go to the south corner for flares. Go north and
pick up blue shotgun shells and a Key in the north corner. Notice a key lock in the
west wall but for a different key. Return south and jump back to the column.
Now jump to the east ledge. Go to the south corner
for blue shotgun shells. Go north and pick up red shotgun shells and a Winding
Key in the north corner. Notice a key lock in the east wall. Use the
first key in that key lock. Return back to the column and jump to the west
ledge again. Go north and use the Winding Key in the key lock. Return back to
the column. Run and jump to the north bridge for a large
medipack. Continue north and jump over the gaps. At the end, enter the
open door onto a ledge. Run around the ledge and find Uzi
ammo and a small medipack in the piles
of rubble.
Carefully go down the blocks to the floor and shoot
two demigods, one at a time luckily. Go to the
south wall and see a key lock on the block. Pick up Uzi
ammo from the top of the block. Go to the north-west corner and drop
into a hole. Drop into a lower room and shoot a small
demigod. Go south to a closed gate. Turn around and pick up the Old Key from the floor. Climb back up to the block
with the key lock. Use the Old Key in the key lock. Return to the lower room
and the south gate opens. Exit into the area below the bridges.
Run south to a small sand hill and shoot two dogs that run towards you from the south. Go south
and to the left to pick up the Scarab Talisman.
Then shoot a vulture that flies at you. Go to
the west wall to the right of a wall ladder for Uzi
ammo. Go to the east wall to the right of a wall ladder for Uzi ammo. Go west towards a bull statue. Pick up the Red Crystal from a nearby red plant and shoot another
vulture. Go to the south-west corner and place
the Red Crystal. Go to the south-east corner and place the Scarab Talisman. Go
north to shoot a demigod. Climb the east wall
ladder and pull up into the open door.
Enter and pick up flares.
Then follow the ramps to a deep pit. Use binoculars and you can see a water
hole in the pit. Stand on the left side and swan dive into the water hole. Swim
up and pull up into the pit. Light a flare and go around the room and pick up flares at the west wall. Pick up Horseman's Gem #1 near the east wall. Dive into the
water and see a closed gate to the north. Follow the south tunnel to a similar
room with a closed gate in the west wall. Surface and pull up into the room
above. Go west behind a short wall and turn to the left to pick up Horseman's Gem #2. Go west up the ramp and enter a
room with a large staircase. Go north up the stairs and avoid four spike balls.
At the top, the east doors open for you and you are back in the room below the
Climb the east wall ladder again and go up the
ramps to the pit again. Now there are ropes hanging from the ceiling. Run and
jump to the first rope. I had trouble swinging and grabbing the second rope so
I jump onto the second set of side ledges. Then I jumped to the ledge with the
doors. Place the gems and the doors open. You face a deep room with three
floors. You can see closed doors to the far north. Jump onto the top floor and
shoot two vultures. Watch out for a hole in the
floor that leads to the middle floor. Climb down the ladder onto the middle
floor. Shoot two demigods and go to the north
edge to pick up a Key.
Go to the south edge and climb a ladder down to the
bottom floor. Shoot three scorpions and two dogs on the platform. Go around the edges of the
platform and find red shotgun shells, blue shotgun
shells and a small medipack. Use the
floor lever and climb the ladder up to the middle floor. Climb the ladder back
to the top floor.
Use the four floor levers behind the four columns
and the north doors open. Shoot two scorpions on
the ledge. Jump onto the north ledge and run and north over the woodpiles.
There would be fires here if you did not use the floor lever on the bottom
floor. If you did not, you can still run and jump over the fires in safety. You
are in an outside area with a water pool to the north. Go behind the tree at
the east wall for revolver ammo. Go behind the
tree at the south-west corner for revolver ammo.
Go to the closed doors in the north-west corner. Use the key in the key lock on
a block in front of the doors and the doors open. Shoot two dogs that bite you when you are using the key. Enter the doors
and pull the right side block out of the way. Go behind the block and run west
for secret #12. Continue to pick up revolver ammo near the author's name. Exit back to
the pool area. Shoot two crocodiles in the pool.
Dive in and swim into the north underwater tunnel. Swim to the end and pick up
the Winding Key. Swim back and pull up out of
the water. Turn around and shoot another crocodile.
Go to the closed doors in the north-east corner.
Use the key in the key lock on the block to open the doors. Shoot another two dogs. Enter the doors and face a deep pit and
swinging chains. Use stand jumps and grab between the columns. You can shimmy
on the columns to avoid the chains. Jump to the east ledge and slide down a
slope. Run behind the colorful pyramid and the level changes.
Level 10:
Level by Hofer
seems to be two major bugs in this level.
1. Light
a flare and when Lara throws the flare away, the game crashes to the desktop.
2. Use
explosive ammo and the game locks and the computer has to be rebooted.
You start on top of a slope. Slide down the slope
and land in front of a small central pyramid under a green ceiling cone. Follow
the west corridor to a slope and see a red ceiling cone. Slide backwards down
the left slope and grab the edge. Pull up and back flip to land on a column in
a deep pit. Stand jump to a lower north corridor. Go east and drop into a hole
for a small medipack. Climb the wall ladder to
the top. Turn left and pick up the Key. Go to
the right and safety drop back to the starting area.
Follow the east corridor to a slope and see a blue
ceiling cone. Slide forwards down the right slope and slide onto a column in a
deep pit. Stand jump to a lower north corridor. Go west into a room. Jump over
the hole, which has beetles if you jump into it.
Climb the wall ladder to the top of the first dark brown section. Back flip to
land on a ledge. Pick up flares and the laser sight. Jump back and climb the tall wall ladder
to the top. Go to the right and pick up the Winding
Key. Go to the left and safety drop back to the starting area.
Enter the north corridor and use the keys in the
key locks. The doors open at the base of a slope below you. Slide down and jump
to the north ledge and enter the open doors. Go forward to see three holes in
the floor and three closed doors. The holes are connected to a small room below
that seems to contain nothing. Stand jump into the west doorway and the door
opens. Hop back and side jump to avoid a rolling spike ball. Stand jump into
the north-east doorway and the door opens. Hop back and side jump to avoid a
rolling spike ball. Stand jump into the south-east doorway and the door opens.
Run up the slope and pick up flares.
Go north and enter onto a bridge over a deep room.
You can see a closed gate needing a key in the upper east wall. Go to the end
and look down onto a small temple. You attract the attention of two vultures to shoot. Safety drop to a lower ledge on
the east or west side. Then safety drop to the ground.
Pick up the Silver Key
from the platform in front of the temple. Go to the north-west platform for blue shotgun shells. Go to north-east platform for a small medipack. You cannot grab the ladder in that
area. Go to the south wall and climb the blocks to jump onto the middle ledges.
Follow the ledges to the north and jump onto the roof of the temple. From there
you can jump to grab the ladder in the north-east. Climb to the top and jump to
a lower east ledge. Follow the ledges on the east wall back to the entrance and
shoot a vulture. Now follow the ledges on the
west wall to the end. Stand jump to grab an east column. Pull up to the top and
shoot a vulture. Grab the ceiling and monkey
swing to the closed gate in the upper west wall.
Use the Silver Key and wait until the slow gate
finally opens. Enter the alcove and pick up the Old
Key. Run out of the alcove onto the ledges below. Safety drop from the
ledges to the ground. Shoot four dogs and go
north to the closed doors in the temple. Use the key to open the gates. Enter
and you are on a bridge over a water pool. Go past the first swinging chain to
the middle of the bridge. Ignore the side ledges, as they are an exit.
Jump down into the east side water. Evade a crocodile and swim into the hole in the middle of the
east wall. Turn right, left, and swim up to pull up onto a ledge. Go north and
hop onto a block to pick up a Red Crystal. Back
to the water and swim down. Go right and right and swim into a hole for revolver ammo. Swim up and go right and right and
follow the tunnel to a room with a central structure. Stay near the floor and
swim east and turn to the right. Swim into an opening to the right and swim up.
Pull up onto a platform and shoot a scorpion. Go
behind the column in the room and climb the ladder. Pull up to the top of a
slope. Slide down and jump forward to another ladder. Climb up and pull up onto
a flat tile. Do not slide down the slope into the room below. It is a dead-end
trap with beetles and no escape. Monkey swing to
the west, release, and grab the edge below. Pull up and slide down onto a
ledge. Jump back to the bridge.
Jump down into the west side water. Evade a crocodile and swim into the hole in the middle of the
west wall. Swim forward for a small medipack.
Roll and stay near the floor. Swim behind the structure and into an alcove to
pick up the Scarab Talisman. Swim out and swim
straight up to pull up onto a ledge. It is a simple climb on the blocks to
reach the highest block at the west wall. Run and jump to grab the opening in
the east wall. Pull up and slide down onto a ledge. Jump back to the bridge.
Go south on the bridge to just before the swinging
chain. Slide backwards down the slope to grab the edge. Release and grab the
column below. Pull up and run forward to a lower ledge. Go south and place the
Red Crystal. Decide whether you want to climb blocks (west side) or ladders
(east side). Dive into the water and return to the bridge again.
Go north on the bridge to just before the swinging
chain. Slide backwards down the slope to grab the edge. Release and grab the
column below. Pull up and run forward to a lower ledge. Go north and place the
Scarab Talisman. Decide whether you want to climb blocks (west side) or ladders
(east side). Dive into the water and return to the bridge again.
Go north and through the newly open doors. Hop down
to the ground and shoot two dogs. Go north to
the second fat tree and wait to shoot a circling vulture.
Go to the north-west corner of the area and shoot a demigod
and pick up a Silver Key. Then go to the
north-east corner of the area and shoot a demigod
and pick up a Key.
Go north towards the closed doors. Go to the west
where you see a cat statue. Enter the tunnel beside it and see a closed gate.
Nothing seems to happen so exit back near the closed doors and shoot a demigod. Go east behind a cat statue to another
tunnel. This gate opens but exit back near the closed doors and shoot a demigod. Both gates are now open so enter the two
tunnels and use the two keys. Return and enter the open doors in the north
wall. Go down the steps and see closed doors needing two items in the north
The level gets very dark now and the flare bug is in effect. Save the game, use
a flare to look around, crash, and reload the savegame and go around in the
dark. [End note]
Before you go into the side corridors, go to the
south-west corner and see a hole in the floor. Go there and climb down a
ladder. You pass an alcove with fires. Continue down and at the second alcove
with fires, back flip into a tunnel. Go to the end secret
#13 and a large medipack next to the
author's name. Turn around and see a tunnel in the upper east wall. Follow that
tunnel to a large dark room. Go behind the north-east column for revolver ammo. Then return back to the ladder and
climb up to the top. There is a hole in the south-east corner but it is a death
Go east to the edge of a deep pit. Stay on the left
side and face the further column with a fire on top. You can see a broken
column before that. Run and jump to the east to land on an invisible platform
where the broken column is located. The platform cannot even be seen with a
flare. Walk forward and stand jump to the column with the fire. The fire has no
harmful effect so jump to the east ledge. Enter the next room and go to the
south-west corner. Dive into the water hole. Follow the tunnel to a large
flooded room. Swim into a lower north-west wall tunnel and pick up flares. Swim
back for air. Return and swim to the upper north-east tunnel. Follow the tunnel
to pick up Horseman's Gem #1.
Continue in the tunnel to a large room with a few
tunnels. Swim down into the dark area to the west. Go west and swim into a
tunnel to the upper south-west corner for Uzi ammo.
Exit and swim up and south-west for the entrance tunnel and air. Follow the
same route but this time swim down to the tunnel in the south wall. Swim inside
and turn to the left and up for air. Dive in again and follow the tunnel to
another room and tunnel for a small medipack.
Return back for air and pull into a dark tunnel. Follow the steps up to the top
and slide down a slope back to the starting room. Go west and exit to the
ledge. Again jump on the left side onto an invisible platform. Stand jump to
the column and jump to the west ledge.
Now go to the west area. You see many bridges on
front of you. Run and jump to the first bridge. Hop back and grab the edge as a
spike ball rolls in front of you. Pull up onto the bridge. Do not go up the
ramp, as it is a fire trap. Repeat the jump and drop back for the next four
bridges and rolling spike balls. Finally jump to west ledge and enter a room
with three closed doors. Drop onto the lower area where you see channels in the
floor. In the middle of the room are moveable blocks.
Take the north-east moveable block and move it in
the channel onto a brown tile. The north doors should open. Pull up there and
shoot a demigod. Enter the room and hop onto a
block for a large medipack. Exit back to the
lower area.
Take the south-west moveable block and move it in
the channel onto a brown tile. The west doors should open. Pull up there and
shoot a demigod. Enter the room and hop onto a
block for a small medipack. Exit back to the
lower area.
Move all four blocks in the channels onto the brown
tiles in the corners. The south doors should open. Pull up there and shoot a demigod. Enter the room and hop onto a block to pick
up Horseman's Gem #2. Exit back to the large
room and go to the east entrance.
Go east and jump over the bridges again. Go north
and use the two gems to open the doors. Follow the corridor to the north end of
the room. Hop onto a block for Uzi's. Stand
jump north to the next higher blocks and the level ends.
Level 11:
Level by Hofer
Flares and explosive ammo are working again. [End note]
You start in front of a fence and facing a tall
wall to the north. Behind the fence is a water pool. Go to the north-west wall
corner for a large medipack. Turn to the east
and shoot three scorpions. Pull out the moveable
block from under the pharaoh’s picture and move it aside. Get into the hole for
Uzi ammo and the Silver
Key. Go to the north-east wall corner. Pull out the moveable block from
under the pharaoh’s picture and move it aside. Enter the tunnel and get past a
circular slicer. Follow a ramp to the higher ledge. Go east and pick up a Red Crystal near a plant and blue
shotgun shells. Go to the south-east alcove and use the Silver Key to
open the gate. Wait for it to open and enter the gate. You are in the area with
the water that you saw behind the fence.
Ignore the ladders for now and jump into the water.
In the west wall there are closed gates. Go west and pick the Scarab Talisman from the middle blue plant. Swim down
a hole in the floor and follow the underwater tunnel to the east. You
eventually swim down to a T-junction. In both branches are closed gates. But
both branches go to the same place. Swim into the north gate and it opens for
you. Swim in and up into a trench. Swim to the east and pull up onto a ledge.
You are in a large area with many columns. Go to the south-west corner and
shoot a demigod. Go to the north-west corner and
shoot a demigod. Pull up onto a short column.
Jump to the taller east column and pick up the Key.
Jump the columns to get to the upper east ledge. Grab the ceiling and monkey
swing to the west. You are on a ledge overlooking the water again.
Jump into the water and swim to the island. Climb
the ladders to the top. Go west and see spikes pop up ahead of you. Run and
jump over the spikes to grab the west ledge. Go south and use the key to open
the gate. Go through the gate onto a ledge over the area where you started. Go
to the north ledge and search the ledge for two Uzi
ammo and flares. Then place the Red
Crystal and the Scarab Talisman in the receptacles on the north wall. The doors
in the north wall slowly open.
Save the game before you enter the doors and drop
off the ledge into the room. There is a closed fence in the north wall. There
are also four closed doors in the north wall. There are four spike balls at the
south wall. Go to the north fence and the spikes balls start to roll. The door
in front of the spike balls open, the spike ball rolls inside, and then the
door closes. The first spike ball to roll is the nearest one to the east.
Quickly follow the spike ball into the open door before the door closes. Stay
away from the floor channels, as the other spikes will also roll into them. If
you miss all four of the doors, you are stuck and just reload to try again.
Once in the room, go south and pick up Horseman's Gem #1 beside a fire near the gate. The
fires in the room are harmless. Pull up to the column with the fire at the west
wall. Run and jump to the north-west corner column and pick up Horseman's Gem #2. Safety drop to the ground. Go
south in the central trench to pick up flares.
Then go through the north doors to a deep pit. Approach the edge and hear two
gates open. Return to the room and go west and north to the open gate. Shoot
the big insect and go inside for a small medipack and place a gem in the east wall. Exit
and go east and north. Shoot the big insect and
go inside for revolver ammo and place a gem in
the west wall. Exit and return to the pit.
Use the rope to swing across the pit. Save the game
before you enter the room. The tiles with faces on them are spike traps. Some
are instantaneous and some have a delay of a few seconds. Work you way north to
the pole at the north wall. Save the game, as the pole is on a delayed spike
trap. Climb the long pole and back flip to the north. You are in an outside
area and under a bridge. Shoot two scorpions
that approach from the west. Go to the south wall and climb onto a block. Jump
to grab the bridge and pull up. Shoot a vulture
flying from the north. Face west and back flip onto the outer east slope of the
bridge. Slide down and grab the edge. Pull up, back flip, and roll to grab the
edge of the rocks to the east. You may need to shimmy a little, but pull up
onto a flat area. Follow the trench for secret #14,
blue shotgun shells, and revolver ammo and see
the author's name. Exit and safety drop to the ground.
Go south again and get back onto the bridge. Go
north over the bridge and down a ramp. Shoot three bats
and carefully jump over the broken floor. There are holes that drop you into a
lava pit. At the end you overlook a deep lava pit. Run and jump north to grab a
ledge. Pull up and climb onto the highest blocks. You can see closed doors in
the lower north wall. To the east and west are lower corridors. Drop to a lower
block on the west side and climb down a ladder. To the west you can see a
tunnel and a receptacle. Go east through a room and jump over the lava pit to
enter the east corridor.
Follow the tunnel ramp in the north-east corner to
the bottom. Shoot a demigod and pick up a Golden Vraeus from the body. Jump south over the lava
pit and land in a small room. Place the Golden Vraeus in the receptacle. Jump
back and return up the tunnel ramp. Near the exit, shoot a demigod and pick up a Golden
Vraeus from the body. Go west through the central room and into the west
tunnel. Place the Golden Vraeus in the receptacle. Go to the end of the tunnel
and look up to see the doors open. Jump over the lava and climb the ladder.
Pull up to the highest blocks and go north to jump onto the north ledge.
Enter the open doors and see swinging chains. Keep
near the walls to get around the chains. Jump to the ladder and climb to the
top. Pull up and back flip onto a higher ledge overlooking the swinging chains.
Go east to pick up a large medipack and shoot two wild pigs. Go to the south-west corner and pick up
a Horseman’s Gem hidden in a green plant. Go to
the far north wall and pick up Uzi ammo. Face
the pyramid to the south. Jump onto it and slide down to a ladder. Climb down
the ladder to the bottom and back flip into a corridor. Go north and jump over
a lava pit. Go forward and shoot four bats.
Spikes pop out from the walls on the next north ledge. Run and jump into the
tunnel in the upper west wall. Use the floor lever and return to see the spikes
retracted. Jump down and continue north.
Jump over another deadly pit and into an alcove.
Place the gem in the receptacle. Face south and see spikes in the pit and a
gate opening. Jump over the pit and pull up into the alcove with the open gate.
Run and jump to grab a north ledge and pull up. Go forward and shoot two dogs. From the entrance go to the west wall and
jump over a triangular mound to pick up the Silver Key. Go into the north-east corner alcove and use the key in
the key lock. Exit and go south and pass a closed gate in the east wall.
Continue to the south-east corner. Jump over a triangular mound and land
in the corner to pick up the Key. Go west to the
corner and look to the left for a key lock. Use the key in the key lock. Return
east to the open gate. Go through the gate and shoot four
scorpions. Run east towards the room with the red and blue floor tiles
and the level ends.
You get a fixed screen of pictures but no speech,
just music. Then the next level loads.
Level 12:
Southpole (Antarctica)
Level by Miro
You start in a cave. Go east and north and exit the
cave into an outside area. Shoot a guard and
pick up the grenade gun. Go to the north wall
and see a cave. Drop into the cave and notice that the cave splits into two
parts. Go the right side first. Shoot the blue crystals if they are in your
way. Go through a crawl space and stand up in a storage room. Go east and use
the crowbar to open the fancy box. Step inside and pick up a valve from the pedestal. It looks like a cogwheel.
Exit this room through the crawl space and enter the left tunnel.
Go north and stop at a wall. Stand in the higher
right corner to pull up into a higher tunnel. Continue north and jump over a
spike pit. Go to an opening and shoot the guard,
if possible, before you climb down into the area. Pick up grenade normal ammo from the dead guard. Go to the
north-east and climb down a ladder into the pit. Go to the north-east corner
and shoot the lower wooden wall. Crawl inside for secret
#15, small medipack, and grenade normal ammo. Crawl out and go south into an
ice cave. Climb onto a block and watch out for the spike as you pull up into
the room above. Shoot a guard and use the floor
lever in the south-west corner. Drop back into the ice caves and climb the
ladder again. Go through the tunnel with the spike pit and exit the cave back
into the starting area.
Go south and see a water hole. Pull up into the ice
cave to the right of the water hole. Go west and pick up the Old Key and continue to climb down a ladder back to
the starting area. Dive into the water hole and follow the underwater tunnel to
a flooded room with a green wall. That wall was operated by the floor lever.
Had you come here without using the floor lever, there would have been a deadly
propeller at the end of the room. Swim to the south-east corner and down a
hole. Swim north and just follow the underwater tunnel. At the end, swim up and
pull up onto a ledge.
Use the key to open the gate. Enter the room and go
south. Place the valve (cogwheel) in the gear train on the south wall. Turn
around and go to the north-west corner. The north crawl space contains nothing.
Go north and climb the blocks. Enter the open gate at the top. Go east and
ignore the side tunnel. It just leads back to the start of the blocks. Go east
and slide down the slope and into a tunnel. Go north and shoot a Yeti. You enter a tall ice cave. Look up to the east
wall to see a jump switch. You can see a closed gate in the north wall. Go to
the south-west corner and shoot the blue crystals.
Save the game before entering the south-west water
hole. Swim down and go north and then east to face a series of wall spikes.
Stay near the floor to swim and you should clear the spikes with no damage.
Follow the tunnel and pull up next to a ladder. You can shoot blue crystals if
you want. Climb the ladder to the top. Jump up to the north to grab a higher
ladder. Climb up and shimmy around the ladders to the left as far as possible.
Drop onto a ledge and go west onto a ledge over the ice cave with jump switch.
Go south to pull down the jump switch and drop onto the cave floor. Go north
and enter the open gate.
You are on a ledge with many spike traps below you.
Stand on the north-east corner of the ledge and face to the north-east. Just
tap the UP ARROW key and you should drop into the water below and miss all the
spikes. Pull up onto the north ledge. Run into the next room towards the Circle
of Life on the pedestal and the level ends.
You get a fixed screen of an ending picture, a
short speech, and music.
tells: "So I succeeded. I discovered the Circle of Life. I think it
couldn't do any good job and then I can finally destroy it."
A long list of credits appears and the game ends.