Tomb Raider Underworld Remake (Demo)

Level by Danielinhoni

Walkthrough by manarch2

Run W along the burning corridor and then N. Behind a block is a Little Medikit. Further in this corridor jump up a ramp and use the NW lever in the dark. It takes a long time before the door opens, head through and crawl W. Get up again, jump to SW block and then down N around the corner. Get into the second crawlspace, jump over the fire pits and at the end of the carpet turn N and jump to another lever. After pulling it come back and a door E has opened. Run downstairs and climb down into the next room. Follow to the very far SE corner to push the last lever. Climb back to where you climbed down, jump to the W ledge, shimmy to the blocks S and follow two more platforms until you finally can jump S to another stairway. Run upstairs and the level ends.

End of the level.
Kills: 0
Secrets: 0