Tarragona: World Heritage 5
Walkthrough by D&G Productions.
Level 5: The Underground Empire
This level starts at the end of level 3.
You’ve come down the ladder from the Camp site and are now in a Sewer
The Sewer System.
Go on to the waters edge and a flyby will show you around the Sewer
System with a bunch of Gates and Keyholes. Dive into the water and climb out on
the opposite side, go into a passage NW and shoot the croc, then go in to get
the Ammo, return to the large room and go up the N wall for the Flares at the
gate. Now go into the passage E and hop over the sloped part to a room and dive
into the water, swim under the ledge E and then L into the small tunnel N, go L
and follow to a room where you can climb onto a ledge and get some Flares,
shoot a grate in the E wall and Runjump/grab over to
that CS, pull up in and follow to the room with the door in the L corner, standjump sharp L around the corner and get the Ammo before
pushing the button to open the door, go to the room with the dam.
Some Keys.
Look up in the E wall for an opening and Runjump
in there, follow L to come to a ½ MP where you look out over the room with the
dam, a MS ceiling in front of you, so standjump/grab
out and follow the MS into the far R hand corner, drop/grab into the passage
and follow picking up some Flares along the way and over a pit to another room,
drop into the water and go up the ledge in the corner, shoot a Croc and stand
SW to runjump over the pool to the ledge there,
follow to some Ammo (flyby) and drop/hang out of this passage. Climb R and up
the ladder a bit so you’ll see a ledge behind, backflip
and grab the Shotgun from the ledge. Then runjump out
to a ledge NW and get some Ammo inside, dive into the water and swim through
the narrow tunnel to another room, climb out and get a ½ MP there. Proceed into
the W passage, go past the closed gate into a sewer canal and go L over the
walkway. Around the corner L at the gate overlooking the first room, you’ll
find the Key. Head back to the gate and open it, go into the first room and R
to another gate that opened up there, inside is another Key, use it in the lock
in that alcove and a gate opens up.
The Crowbar. (you could skip this if you already got it
from a previous level.)
Go back through the last gate N and L/R into the newly opened gate, hop
over the 2 first pits and check the health before you safety drop into the 3rd
pit from the lower side. Turn n and hop over the water to follow the passage to
where you’ll find the Crowbar. Return and drop into the water, swim S and go up
in the SE. climb the ladder back to the passage and go N, over the pits and
shoot the grate up in the wall at the end, crawl into the Base.
The Base.
Follow the passage E to the Main Control room, shoot the Guard and pick
up his Lasersight. Then push the button on the N side
of the pillar and the E door opens. Follow in to a huge hangar, go to a door NE
and open it with the button, go in and shoot the next Guard to get his
Revolver. Go on to a corridor and head L to a big Storehouse with a big pile of
crates, the one you will walk into, the light coloured
wooden one, can be opened with the Crowbar, get the Key and open the next
panel, pick up the MP and spot that pushblock with
the sign on it, push it all the way and go in around, climb up the brown crate,
then the yellow one and drop behind that to get Secret #1, a Silver Skull. Go
back and out of the stack, go to the W wall and stand close to the box hanging
from the Portal Crane, shoot it and go close up to the Demigod that appeared,
duck and shoot him from that position.
He will leave some Ammo. Equip the Revolver with the Lasersight
and shoot the grate up in the W wall, grab the Crane cable and climb up facing
the opening in the wall and as soon as Lara’s armpits are on the same level as
the edge, turn around and backflip in (position is
rather exact). Use the Key there to open the door below and safety drop out, go
into the Control room to get MP and Flares and then push the button near the
door to open a gate up at the Portal Crane. Go out to the SW corner of the
crate pile and climb up there, go to the NW corner and down for a ½ MP, then
climb up again and to the middle of the stack where some Ammo is to be found on
a lower crate, then go to the E side of the Pile and up the blue Crane beam, go
into the open gate and down the ladder and climb up E crawl into the duct R of
the grate and drop into a short duct, overlooking the lower entrance passage. On
the ceiling is a MS, so stand R, turn slightly L and standjump/grab
the MS after checking your health. Once on the other side you can turn and
shoot the fool (it’s possible to take a MP by hitting “0” for a ½ and “9” for a
whole MP while climbing), crawl into the CS and follow to a climb up to a room
with a button over a trapdoor, you’ll fall into the Submarine dock.
Submarine Docks.
Explore the inside of the Sub docked in the W, climb up the sub and go
down the hatch in the front, get the Flares on the control panel and some Ammo
in the back, go back up the ladder and run off the W side, dive down and in the
dark metal W wall is a gap you can swim through to the next dock. Swim to the
NW corner and pull up on the tail of the Sub, backflip
to the walkway and go Runjump onto the Sub, go down
the hatch and in the back part of the Sub is Secret #2, the Jade Skull. Go back
up and dive into the water, go below the other sub and up through the open air
lock, go to the cockpit and get the Ammo, go back again and dive into the
water. Swim back through that gap to the Central dock, to the NE corner there
and pull up on the tail of the Sub, backflip to the
walkway and go to a door E, open it with the button and go to the E dock.
The E dock.
Dive in and explore the 2 Subs for the Goodies and get onto one of the
walkways by backflipping from the tail of the Sub, go
over to the Contained hanging from the crane and climb up, go to the N side and
standjump/grab up to the Storehouse above.
On the W wall, next to the pile of crates is a button, open the overhead
door with it, go in and shoot a grate on the L side, enter and come to a ladder
on the R hand side, go climb up to the top, then down a bit till you see the
floor behind you, backflip in and get the Ammo, jump
back over the ladder and shoot the grates, come to the next Storehouse on top
of the Portal Crane. Go S and when you come to the Crane beam, standjump grab to the beam and shimmy R till you’re over
the Container, drop and find the Uzis on the S end, turn L (E) and shoot a
grate up over the beam. Then grab up to the Crane beam on this side of the
Container and climb R to where you can pull up to the open grate.
Go all the way down the ladder inside. Get the ½ MP and climb up to the
first opening R, follow to the N end and climb up R there. Find the Ammo and
climb back out, go back S and into the E side passage near the ladder, hop
backwards onto the trapdoor, holding grab and safety drop into a Control room. One
of the 2 buttons opens a gate in the Storehouse, the other opens the exit, so
go out and L/L into the W corridor and L to the passage with the ladder.
(Detour for more Ammo and a MP if you want: go all the way up the ladder
again and out to the portal crane, go R and drop down onto the stack of
containers, go over the top to the lower grey one and get the Ammo, drop from
the side, go to the W side of the Storehouse and open the overhead door with
the button, it’s the way back to the first Storehouse, don’t go in but shoot
the Guard that shows up, he will leave a MP behind. Now you can go back to the
corridor E and up the ladder to the first opening behind you.)
Go up to the first opening in the wall behind you and backflip in, shoot the grates and have a look NE, runjump L to that lower crates and
climb the orange one around the corner and down on a lower grey crate, go down
the E side. Climb up R and follow out to some Ammo, return to the grey crate
inside and drop from the W side, follow to the E and make your way up the stack
of crates. On the N side and down some crates are Flares to be found, then go
over to the NW corner and jump to the blue Crane support, get the Ammo in the NW
corner and jump back, go all the way over to a single wooden crate SE, face SE
and standjump/grab up to the MS under the Crane
support. Go to the grated walkway S and drop onto it, then jump into the open
gate in the E wall, drop into a space between 2 pushblocks,
push the S all the way S and then pull the N one once, go through the E bypass
to the other side of that block and move it into the S passage too, now roll
and pull another N block towards the bypass and go around it to get Secret #3,
the Golden Skull in the alcove to the R (don’t go down that slope in the end of
the N passage, only leads back to the start of this part of the level). Go
pull/push all the blocks back to the N side and enter the S side passage. You’ll
find a Jeep there.
The Jeep.
Go down the E ramp and into the passage R. climb the crate just R f the
entrance and turn around, to see another stack of crates, the R hand one has
the Jeep Keys on top, so runjump on and get them. Go
back up the ramp to the Jeep and start her up, drive her down the ramp and R
into that huge Storage area. Go up a ramp and run over the 2 Guards there, stop
and get out of the jeep. Go to that Control room on the plateau and get a MP,
then some Ammo dropped by the other Guard and continue driving with the Jeep
through the corridors, go down the next ramp and park the jeep on the Guard,
this one leaves no Ammo, but there’s something else you need. Go up the lower
part of the ramp on foot and jump/grab to the lower crate S, step out to the
other side and get the Key there.
Get back to the ramp (on the N side of it is a single grenade you can’t
pick up) and go on with the Jeep. Pick up speed going up the next ramp and jump
over the lower passage, run over 2 Guards there and pick up Ammo and ½ MP,
again proceed and come to some dark cave tunnels (for some reason the lights on
the Jeep didn’t work). Just go slow and when you see another Guard (Ammo), go L
at the pit and speed up, because of the jump over the next pit, stay L in that
passage (small pit to the R) and go on till you come to a wider crossing like
cave, keep L and just follow. You have to manoeuvre
up a broken ramp and then down to some fences, drive through and R, over the
Guard (Ammo) and to a closed overhead door, get out of the Jeep. Shoot the
grates in the S wall and go in, shoot more grates and reach the Underground Gardens.
The Underground Gardens.
The flyby shows a Guard up on a bridge near a Control room, jump out of
the passage to the R hand rocks and shoot a Guard, from the rocks there, you can
shoot the guard on the bridge, that’s probably firing at you (jump up and
shoot). Pick up the Ammo left by the Guard on the rock and go N up the rocks
and shoot a hidden grate, crawl in and follow climbing up to a small control
room, push the button to open a gate in the garden, go back through the CS and
head over the bridge to the W. From the grey road there a runjump/grab
to a rock NW, get the Ammo and return onto the grey road, follow down to the S
and get up the ledge in the SW corner, to your L is that gate you opened.
Climb up L and grab the vegetation on the ceiling to go R around the
corner and to the vegetation on the side of the upper bridge, drop/grab and
climb to the R hand alcove, get the MP and grab up to the E wall again, now
climb L and up to the bridge. Turn to the SW corner and jump on the rock ledge
S, then to the W and follow to the N, a couple of jumps over sloped rocks and
shoot that grate in the corner, follow in and in the Control room you can make
use of the last Key, a door opens N on the bridge, Return outside and go L (E),
runjump to the pointy rock between the ledge you’re
on and the bridge and slide/jump onto the bridge, get the ½ MP dropped by the
dead Guard and exit through the open door to the next level….