TR5 Custom Level: The Dream
Author: Raider Croft
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)
No-CD only.
Load the
first savegame to begin the actual level (do not select New Game).
If you ever
finished Tomb Raider III, the setting will be very familiar to you, we're "back" to
Climb up on
the right and you'll be atop the initial area. Follow till the end of the right
catwalk and take one running jump to the sandy catwalk on the other side. Run
around, jump down to a brownish structure and then take one running jump to the
central structure, to climb back up to the metal structure where you were. Fall
into the hole.
Swim to the
other side and climb out of water to reach this grandious valley. Jump to the
right and follow the narrow path until you reach the wall, then turn around to
see a wall Lara can climb. Take one running jump to it, but instead of climbing
up, first climb it down to reach a GOLDEN ROSE #2 and a
small medipack. Jump to the water and swim all the way around until the
waterfall. Pick up a small medipack under water before surfacing. Get out of
the water via the reddish ground by the left of the waterfall, then take one
running jump (don't hold down Action!) to the sloped sandy platform just
opposite to it, then jump to the right and, then, to the right again, so you
reach a climbable wall. Climb back up to the entrance of this valley and follow
to the right until the place where you got the second rose, but this time
around, climb up instead.
Follow the
catwalk, jump around the corner to the safe spot and hang on the edge to drop
down to the crack just beneath. Shimmy to the left, climb up, monkey swing to
the wall, drop and immediatly grab the wall and climb it up. Jump to the slide
to the right of this entrance, grab the edge and shimmy to the left so you can
climb up to a safety spot. Then, jump to the other side of this room with help
of the middle slope.
Jump into
the water and swim forward to this cave. There's another torch close by, and
you don't need it either. On the right side of the structure there's a ladder
Lara can climb. Once you're on the top of it, go to the right and swim on the
left side, dive and find an underwater tunnel. Swim through to reach one HEART.
Slide down and swim to the other side now, where previously there wasn't water.
When you
fall down the waterfall, climb up the nearby block, jump to one rock beneath
the waterfall and jump to one smaller right in front of it. Inside this hidden
chamber is the GOLDEN ROSE #3 and a
large medipack. Dive again and follow the water flow to reach the cavern again.
Swim until the entrance but don't fall - otherwise you'll have to do all the
way up again. Climb up to the rock in the center, near the waterfall, then take one running jump to the platform you jumped
before, using the middle slope. Take one running jump to that slide you used
before and climb down the wall, drop and grab the lower wall. Climb up to this
space and use the Heart on the wall. The doors up there are now open, jump to
the wall to your right and climb up there. Slide down and enter the small
bluish cave. Get close to the Timex stopwatch and you'll be done with the first
part of the level.
Either the
game will crash or the next level will load. In either case, you have to load
the second provided savegame now.
Go around
the fences to reach a small crawlspace on the wall. Crawl in and, when you come
to a gap, jump to the higher ledge. Drop into the water and pick up a large
medipack (you'll see a door opening somewhere). Return the way you came and
this time, fall into the gap. Crawl and cross through the door you just opened.
Climb the
ladder behind one of the four pillars to reach the water tower. Fall into the
water and climb up in the other ledge, from where you can jump over the fencee
to a small box on the other side. Run across this small field and enter the
storage depot. There's a small medipack on the drawer. Jump over the boxes in
the back of the depot and pick up a small medipack (the door to the other
building will open). There's yet another torch nearby, but it serves for no
actual use.
Enter it,
on the first drawer there's a small medipack, a large medipack on the second
one and a HEART close to the control wall (a door will open somewhere).
Exit via the main gates and slide down into the cave to the left. The door you
just opened is to the right, enter the small room and use the Heart on the
wall. A mysterious laugh will be heard and the game will be over.
End of Level.
Secrets: 3