TR1 – Tomb Of Unk
by Unkwon
As the level starts,
turn to your left and pick up the Shotgun
(1) and shotgun shells (2) on
the floor. Proceed to the next room, where your welcome committee will come in
- greet four lions (1-4). Take a left, since the path to the right is blocked, and jump on
to the low wall. Walk over it and drop in a gap in the end, to the left, where
you pick up the Gold Key (3). You might have realized there are several moveable blocks on
this room, so just pull the off your way so you can reach a lever that's hidden
behind the very last one. This lever opens the door in the lions
This next room might only load the textures once you're inside it, but you
should have heard the apes
(5-8) as you approached the door. Be
ready to dispatch them. Then, time for a swim. Two crocodiles (9-10) will
attack you, so just emerge on the other side of this pool - you can kill the
crocs from here, if you want to. In this new room, use the key to enter a small
cubic room. Nothing to do? Jump in joy! You'll be
magically thrown to the top of this structure. Be careful with the teeth spikes
and pick up the goodies on the small columns - a large medipack (4), a small medipack
(5), some shotgun shells (6), magnum clips (7) and
the Magnums (8) themselves. Go through the available exit once you're done here.
Watch Pierre pop out from air as you
enter the next room, and shoot him. After a while, he'll go back to where he
came from the same way he came in. Beneath you, there are three moveable
blocks. Pull them so you can pick up what's beneath the last one - another Gold Key (9).
Then, climb up the higher column to reach the upper level where there are three
doors. Use the gold key on the first lock from left to right to open the third door.
There, you should pull one block from
the passage to pick up a Silver
Key (10), but you can't - the block is
somehow hollow. So, just walk through it and pick up the key. Drop down to the
lower room.
Use the key in the lock to open the passage to another hollow block. Same as
above - pick up the Rusty Key (11) from beneath it and then go back to the upper room. Use the key
on the remaining lock to open the middle door. Walk through the block to push a
lever to open the last door, which will lead you to the end of this level.
End of Level.
Kills: 8
Pickups: 11
Secrets: none