Levels by Ale8730
Walkthrough by Phil
Lambeth, using notes provided by Tom
Lara drops down onto a
stone slab high up in a steep shaft.
Turn right and take a leap of faith down to the SE corner. You'll fall into a slightly deeper area so
that you won't die. Note the closed
trap door and wade out onto the stony beach.
Activate the jump switch in the S wall to open the trap door. Side flip left and swim down into a shaft
where you see another closed trap door.
Pull the nearby underwater lever to open it, then swim down to a still
lower area. Look up to find the ceiling
lever and pull it down. Go back up for
air, pull out onto the stony beach and find that the N gate is now open.
Hop up onto the grated
area N and find three jump switches.
Two of them are traps, so activate only the far one on your left. The next N gate opens, so jump up to grab
the crawl space and pull up into it.
Crawl forward and crawl forward to trigger a looping flyby. Hit the look key to stop it and run forward
to the water. There are two shafts in
the sloped floor, both of which are presently blocked by trap doors. Activate the jump switch in the E wall to
open the trap door in the NW corner.
Swim down that shaft and open the N door near the bottom by pressing the
action key. Pull the underwater lever
at the end of the passage to open the trap door at the bottom of the
shaft. Go back for air, then swim all
the way down the shaft, open the E door, swim inside and pull down the ceiling
lever in the next room.
Swim back up for air and
find that the trap door in the shaft near the E wall has been lowered. Swim down the shaft. There are two doors to be opened here. Beyond the S door is a large medipack.
Open the S door and pull the underwater lever to open the E gates. Swim into the short passage and pull up into
an outdoor area. Push the floor lever
to open the gates behind you. Hop up onto the N ledge, turn right and drop down
into the palm tree enclosure. Pick up
the NATURE STONE next to the palm tree
and pull back out onto the ledge.
Pull up N to a higher
ledge and turn right to pull up onto a slope.
Back flip and keep the jump key depressed as a flyby takes you on a
visual journey up the tall shaft. Use
the winding staircase to get as high as possible, then take a running jump and
grab N to the next block. Pull up left,
twice, and follow the stairs to the end, take a running jump W, and finally a
running jump and grab to the golden bridge.
Pull up and head W down the passage.
Pull up left and follow to another outdoor area. Push the floor lever to open one of the trap
doors, then activate the jump switch before jumping into the water below. Go down the shaft near the E wall and find
that the first gate in the E passage is now open. Pull two underwater levers (Lara might balk at the first one, but
keep trying) to open a path to a dark room.
Pull out, light a flare and place the Nature Stone in the W
receptacle. The gate opens to your
right, so enter and slide down to the next level.
This level is extremely
dark, but it's also mercifully short.
After you slide down the slope, light a flare and note the TORCH at your feet. Activate the jump switch to your right to open the gate, pick up
the torch and light it just inside.
Drop the torch briefly to push the floor lever to open the NE gate, then
pick up the lighted torch and jump into the NE passage past the waiting mummy.
Open the next gate by pulling down the wall switch, then continue
through the passage (passing several caged mummies along the way) into a huge,
dark and mostly empty room. As you
enter, note the flame high up in the W wall.
Explore the interior room for a number of flare
pickups (I stopped counting at 10). You
will also awaken a few more mummies as
you run about the room. Be sure to go
all the way to the NE corner for a NATURE STONE. After you've shot as many mummies and picked
up as many flares as you want, go over to the W wall beneath that high torch
and climb the wall. Pull up and locate
another TORCH on the ledge near the NW
corner. You can light it to find your
way around better up here.
Go all the way around to
the E side and locate the jump switch.
Jump up to activate it, then climb back down to the floor (all the walls
here appear to be climbable). Exit SW
and find that the N gate in the previous room is now open. Hop down into the depression and climb the E
wall up the long shaft into some daylight.
Pull out, insert the Nature Stone in the receptacle to open the gate,
and step through into the next level.
You emerge in a bright
outdoor area. Hop onto the ledge and
pick up the shotgun ammo, then jump into
the E water hole and pull down the ceiling lever. Swim W and around the corner to pull down a second ceiling
lever. Pull out E through the opened
gate and push the floor lever to open another nearby gate. Pick up the SHOTGUN
lying next to the bowl stand. Crawl
back into the water, turn around and pull out W. Turn left and go out through the opened gate. Run through the passage and jump into the
water. Swim left around the corner and
pull out onto the steps that jut out from the water. Jump N to the ramp and run up to the top. Drop down into the trench and push the floor
lever to lower one gate and raise another, then climb back out SE.
Run straight down the ramp
and jump into the water on the left side of the underwater fence. Swim down to find a NATURE STONE hidden in the SE corner. Pull back out, run up the ramp, drop down
into the trench and push the floor lever back to its original position. Pull out SE, turn around and take a running
jump and grab N to the ledge. Pull up
into a new area. Move a couple of the
crates away from the NW corner and insert the Nature Stone in the receptacle
you'll find there. A trio of trap doors
opens to your right, so go there and drop down into the water. Pull the underwater lever to drain this area
and open the SW trap door. Drop down
into the water and open the door in the NW corner (which you then blithely toss
away). Swim inside and up a long shaft,
and open the door in the NE corner.
Pull the underwater lever inside and quickly swim back down and up for
air. Return to the previous room and
open the door in the N wall. Swim down
and follow the trench to a maze-like underwater area.
There's a large medipack in the SW corner, shotgun ammo in the NW corner, another large medipack
in the near NE corner and another large medipack
as you continue swimming E. In the far
NE corner is a ceiling lever to pull down, look S for more shotgun ammo and return for air. If you wish to come back, there are two more
shotgun ammo pickups as well as another large medipack.
When you're through exploring here, return to the shaft and swim into
area where you can see some plant growth.
Pick up the ERBA SACRA in the
small enclosure. The name, but not the
symbol, shows up in your inventory. Swim down the nearby shaft and follow to an opening where you can
pull out into an outdoor area.
Jump up and down to shoot
the suspended ball, then enter the N alcove for the CARICA
(which I assume is Italian for key).
Use it in the keyhole to open the E gate. Enter the small enclosed area.
There's another CARICA sneakily
hidden in the plant against the N wall.
Pick it up (you may have to side flip to get between the other plant and
the open gate) and use it on the facing keyhole. I'm not sure what that accomplished, as I didn't need to use
the second Carica to continue in the level.
Get on the cement slab and pull up E onto a ledge. Turn left and follow the long passage to a
dead end, turn around and pull up into a higher passage, and run N up the
ramp. Continue making your way upward
until you hear the familiar warning sound.
A pair of horizontal blades are spinning overhead, so pull up after
they've gone by. You hear another burst
of warning music as you step forward E, then three boulders start rolling down
toward you. The one directly in front
of you is slightly ahead, so it's a fairly easy task to weave your way between
the first and second boulders as they roll past you. Once beyond them, continue E up the slope to find another area
with blades and boulders.
What I did was to face SW,
hop onto the ledge to trigger the boulders and immediately run forward to the
safety of the upper step before the boulders reached me. From there, jump into the opening in the W
wall and follow the passage to a pair of dangling balls. Shoot them both to open a gate, then
continue through, pick up the large medipack
and safety drop (or jump into the water below if you trust your accuracy and
want to avoid taking any loss of health) to a previously explored area. Get into the small garden area, stand in
front of the bowl facing E and use your Erba Sacra to open the gate. Step out onto an invisible surface and be
taken to the next level.
You're in another garden
area. Fight your way through the weeds
until you reach a gap at the E end of the fence. Note the raised platforms and a fixed platform in front of a
keyhole in the NW corner. Safety drop
to the floor at the cost of some health.
Push the floor lever to raise most of the platforms overhead. Turn around and look up to see a crawl space
in the wall. Climb up to it, pull
inside and crawl a ridiculously long distance to a CARICA,
then crawl back, get onto the wall and shift right or left, then climb all the
way back up (right through the fence, since the platform is still down in front
of the gap). Get on the E platform and
take a running jump and grab to the fixed platform W. Pull up and use the Carica in the keyhole to lower a trap door
down below. Turn around and run off the
edge of the platform, grab the wall and climb back down. Jump into the NW water hole and swim until
you can pull out into an area with a bunch of overhead platforms. The one in the SE corner can be opened, so
stand in the water at the near edge, facing E, and jump up to open the trap
door. Pull up to the next higher level
and do the same thing in the NW corner.
Pull up to the next higher level and note the phalanx of boulders
N. Pull up onto the ledge, walk slowly
up the ramp toward the middle boulder, and the moment they're triggered simply
back flip to safety.
Climb back up onto the
ledge, go up the stairs as the cage lifts, and take the LANCIA DEL DESTINO from the top of the
pillar. Go back down, stand on the lips
of the floor mask facing S, and use the Lancia del Destino to be warped to the
final level.
Look behind the NE palm
tree for some shotgun ammo you don't
need, then find a hidden EBRA SACRA in a plant near the SE wall .
Use it in the bowl, facing N, and the gate ahead and to your left
opens. Go inside and find another EBRA SACRA in the plant near the E wall. Use this one in the nearby bowl to lift the
last gate, then go inside to bring the level to an unceremonious end.