Levels by Milan Pencic (Lima)


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, using notes provided by Tom



Level 1: SUBWAY 13


After a seemingly interminable opening cut scene, Lara appears in Compartment B of a moving train.  If you open the door and go out into the passage, you'll find that the doors to Compartments A and C are locked.  Return to Compartment B and pull up onto the luggage rack.  Crawl around to the right of the black suitcase, draw your pistols (called the barettas here) and shoot the grate in the wall.  Crawl into Compartment C, lower Lara to the floor and pick up the shotgun ammo and the SHOTGUN.  Return to Compartment B, get down to the floor and enter the passage.  Turn left and go to the open passenger area.  Open the door to the lavatory (as we Yanks call a WC) and pick up a drug (henceforth to be called a large medipack).  Just outside the lavatory is a trap door in the floor.  Open it and drop down.  Crawl toward the compartments and be mindful of the steam blower ahead. 


Shoot the grate and crawl past the steam blower.  When you reach the end of the crawl space, pull up into Compartment A and pick up the BLUE KEY.  Before leaving, pull up onto the luggage rack and shoot the grate on your right.  Crawl into a larger area and pick up a dice-shaped object called a SECRET KEY for SECRET #1.  Return to the open passenger area via the lower crawl space and open the door under the green exit sign.  Open the next door and enter another passenger area with dead bodies strewn about.  Pull down the wall switch at the end to your left, and insert the Blue Key in the nearby receptacle. 


In the next car you'll find an open doorway to your left.  Turn around, hop back and grab the edge, and shimmy to your left a good distance around several corners until you're able to pull up into a remote car.  Open two doors to your left, and in the next car open private Compartment 4 on your right.  There's nothing inside, but you can pull up onto the luggage rack to your right and drop down into Compartment 2.  There you'll find another BLUE KEY.  Return to Compartment 4 and exit to the passage.  Turn right and enter another passenger area.  Yech, more dead bodies.  Someone has shafted the guy in the seat to your left.  He's holding a GREEN KEY, which you can take by standing by his right knee at a 45-degree angle.


Go back in the other direction and insert the Blue Key in the receptacle to open the door.  That green stuff in the aisle in the next compartment is deadly.  Trying to get past by using either of the side luggage racks won't work, so take an angled running jump to the left between the cushions ahead.   From there, jump across the aisle to the other side, avoiding the glass shards.  Continue, going back and forth, using the action key as necessary to glide to a safe spot, until you reach the other side.   The exit door is blocked, so pull up onto the luggage rack to your left and use the hole in the ceiling to access the top of the train.


Make your way to the rear of the train (obviously by going in the direction opposite that in which the train is moving).  Jump over another dead body near the end (they're everywhere) and drop down from the rear of the train.  Insert the Green Key in the receptacle and enter a storage area occupied by some live bodies for a change.  Kill two workmen and pick up the RED KEY dropped by one of them.  Go back the way you came, over the top of the train and into the compartment with the glass shards and deadly center aisle, jumping back and forth as you did before to get to the other side.  Run to the far end and use the Red Key to open the door where you see all the blood stains on the floor.  In the next room some prankster has written "CAR 5" in blood on the wall. 


Pull down the wall switch at the end of the blood trail to open five trap doors along the roof of the train.  Loop around to the other side of the steps and enter the hidden crawl space in the floor.  Pick up the COMPARTMENT KEY and crawl back out.  The key doesn't fit in the nearby keyhole, so go back in the other direction and use the Compartment Key in the receptacle on the door to Compartment 3 on your right.  Enter and pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET #2, then continue by gathering flares and shotgun ammo. 


Go back to the previous car and use the open trap door to pull up onto the train's roof.  Run toward the rear of the train and keep moving as some boulder-like object rumbles toward you from behind.  Jump over the first two openings and drop down into the third.  Pick up the BOOK, the RED KEY beneath it and two stashes of shotgun ammo.  Pull back up onto the roof of the train and go all the way to the front, jumping past that boulder-like object on the way.  Drop down into the opening nearest the front of the train and run forward to insert the Red Key in the receptacle.  Run down the passage, open the door to the cabin and loop around to your right to pull down the wall switch.  You'll warp to the next level.


Level 2: SUBSTATION-13.C


Pull down the wall switch ahead of you, then reverse roll and hop down to open the door.  Exit the train by hopping down to the station floor and turn around to your left.  Go down the stairs and stand on that ornate circle ahead of you. Insert one of your Secret Keys in the receptacles to make some shotgun ammo materialize behind you.  Go back up, using either flight of stairs, and locate the stairs going up next to the train.  Use the break in the railing to jump onto the roof of the train, and shoot the grate in the wall on the other side.  Jump into the opening and run down the dark passage.  As you do so a huge piece of debris drops down, barring your way back.  At the end of the passage hang from the edge, shimmy to your right and drop down into the corner so you won't catch fire.  Without moving from the corner, turn to your right, draw your pistols and jump up to shoot the grate.  Pull up from where you're standing and come face to face with a giant rat prowling the ducts.  Kill it and continue forward to the end of the passage.  Shoot the grate to your right and safety drop to the floor below. 


Shoot the grate in the wall and climb up inside for another SECRET KEY (at least we know now they're good for something) in front of a steaming fan and SECRET #3.  Go back out and open the only one of the three doors that will respond to your efforts.  Enter the next room and shoot another giant rat.  Locate another one of those ornate circles and invest a Secret Key in return for some shotgun ammo.  Hold your nose, stoop down and pick it up, noting the nice graffiti on the wall.  Enter the other open stall and stand with Lara's back to the right wall.  Jump up to open the ceiling hatch and climb up.  The shorter passage leads to a flame trap, so go the other way and reach an opening to your right.  Take an angled running jump to the sloped surface and back flip to land on a ledge.  Shoot the giant rat while keeping yourself pressed against the wall so it won't push you over the edge.


Shoot the grate and proceed into the passage.  Drop down onto the stairs.  The door at the bottom is locked, so go upstairs and open the door.  Shoot a giant rat and approach the sliding glass doors that open automatically.  Enter the office and take the STATION KEY from the far desk.  Go back into the hall and use the Station Key to open the door to your left.  In the next office take the SUBSTATION MAP from the open copy machine and pull down the wall switch behind you to raise a platform outside.  Use the Station Key again to open the nearby door and return to the substation area. 


Use the raised platform to jump across to the other side.  Veer left and turn right into the narrow corridor.  Put that Station Key to good use once again and enter a red-carpeted room with a giant rat.  Start shooting at the cupboard doors (the one on the far right in each instance) and look inside for a large medipack, flares, another SHOTGUN and shotgun ammo.  Go back out, jump across to the previous landing and move the nearby cart onto the raised platform.  Lift the wall switch back up in the nearby room to drop the cart onto the tracks.  Go down there and move the cart one square onto the green device in the track.   It's not clear to me why this is necessary;  maybe it blocks the train from running over you later.


To get back up, go to the door across from the train, near the flaming can, and use your Station Key to open the door.  Go inside and use the Station Key again to open the door to your left.  Go up the stairs, return to the upper balcony of the substation and pull down the wall switch once more so you can use the raised platform to jump across to the other side.  This time, turn to your right and go up the stairs.  In the next room, locate a contraption low in the wall near the central column and stoop down to shoot it.  The floor grate gives way beneath you.  Quickly crawl away from the steam and locate a hole in the floor.  Lower Lara into the hole and shimmy right around the corner.  Pull up, step forward and pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET #4.  Don't drop down from the hole, or the fall will kill you.  Brave the steam blower once more and get back up to the higher grating. 


Go down either set of stairs and drop down to the tracks.  Go along the dark tunnel, following the tracks, until you reach an opening in the wall to your right.  After killing the giant rat, go inside and find a TORCH inside the alcove.  Go all the way back to that flaming can near the train, and light the torch.  Go back to where you got the torch and light the pile of sticks in the alcove.  Continue along the underground tunnel, lighting all the sticks you encounter along the way, and you'll eventually come to a doorway.    Drop your torch and draw your preferred weapon, as you're about to walk into a rat's nest.  The best strategy is to step forward slowly and draw them out one at a time.  Retreat into the tunnel and kill them seriatim at close quarters.  All told, you'll kill four of the brutes.  When all is quiet, walk down into the lair and shoot the grate on your right to release yet another giant rat.  Try not to shoot any of the beehive-shaped mounds scattered here and throughout the rest of this level, as many of them will unleash a horde of baby rats.


You can bring your torch and light the bundle of sticks down in the lair, but I'm not sure that accomplishes anything productive.  There's nothing in the passage where you shot out the grate, so exit that passage, turn right and go to the far corner of the lair.  Turn to your left and jump up to grab the pipe above.  In my case, I was magically transported to the top of the pipe.  Take a standing jump and grab the grill ahead.  Climb up to the top of the higher pipe.  Step forward onto the grill where you can see another "beehive" and jump up to grab the still higher pipe.  Pull up and engage a giant rat.  When it's dead, step up on the grilled stairs and at the end, jump up to grab the ladder.  Climb a long distance to the top, shift left and drop down onto the ledge.  Shoot the grate ahead and kill another giant rat in the passage.


Go around the corner and come to an opening overlooking another giant rat.  This is no ordinary giant rat, however, it's a super rat, and you'll spend seemingly forever killing it with your pistols (after expending all of your shotgun ammo, which for some reason seemed to be required of me) from this position of safety.  However, discretion is the better part of valor.  When it's finally dead, slide down the slope ahead and jump off at the last instant to grab the ledge.  Pull up and climb the long ladder ahead.  Pull up at the top and find yourself in a dark passage.  Walk toward the flaming can to alert two giant rats.  Use the nearby cart for protection and kill them. 


Go where they came from into another dark passage and kill two more giant rats.  Get up onto the block near the entrance to this passage and use it to access the top of the pipe.  Crawl along the pipe and turn right into the opening.  In the next room lower Lara down into the passage and step on the ornate circle.  Use a Secret Key for a large medipack.  Turn to your left and see two "beehives."  Shoot the one on your right for a replacement  SECRET KEY and SECRET #5.  Reverse roll and run in the other direction.  Turn right at the bend and find a giant rat that may be conveniently stuck in the wall.  Go up the stairs to alert two more giant rats. 


Run to the end of the passage and search the last cart on your right for the BASEMENT KEY.  Go back the other way, go up the short flight of steps and insert the Basement Key to open the door in the wall.  Step inside to end the level.


Level 3: Motel Rooms


Proceed along the passage and pull up into a wine cellar.  One of the kegs on the lower level has a reach-in switch, allowing you to retrieve a SECRET KEY for SECRET #6.  Reverse roll, and you find that the opposite keg can be moved.  Pull it back and go around where it was.  Push the wall button to lower the keg to your left.  Don't follow it down yet;  instead, go up the wooden steps to the higher level.  Facing the suspended crate from the side, jump up and fire your pistols to shatter the wooden barrier in front of the dark crawlspace in the wall to the right of the suspended crate.  Take a running jump to grab the edge of the crawlspace and pull up inside.  There appears to be some sort of a bug here.  The first time I played, the suspended crate stayed put throughout.  However, when I loaded from a savegame, the crate was swinging back and forth, making it difficult to jump and grab the crawlspace.  I assume the crate is supposed to be released when you shoot the wooden barrier in front of the crawlspace.  Drop off on the right side and shoot the glass jar to expose the BACK-DOOR KEY.  Get back on the other side of the crawlspace and climb down the ladder in the shaft created by the lowered keg.  Back flip just before you reach the keg.


Turn around and use the Back-Door Key to open the gate.  Go inside and up the long staircase to your right.  When you reach the top, push the button to your left to open the door, which closes behind you after you enter the hotel barroom.  Open the door on your right and check out the bathroom facilities for the BASEMENT  KEY inside the left stall.  Use it in the door you just came through.   A cut scene shows a hole being ripped open in the plate glass window and a cross-bearing zombie being released.  When control is restored, run around the zombie and into the street, where another zombie awaits. 


Run around it and head away from the fence down the street.  Locate the small enclosed glass house to your right and go around to the other side to find an opening.  Vault up inside and hop down into the hole in the floor.  Follow to a sewer and splash along it until you reach the end.  Pull up through the opening into an alley in the street area.  Step forward and find yourself on the other side of the wooden fence.  Locate the padlock in the chain link fence to your right and shoot it to open the gate.  Stand in front of the padlock and crouch while firing.  If that doesn't work, try reverse rolling repeatedly in front of the padlock while firing.  Go through and pick up the MOTEL KEY lying in the street. 


Return to the sewer, go back to the other end and pull out into the glass house.  Go back toward the zombie and turn left just past the flaming can.  Use the Motel Key to open the door and enter.  Shoot the vase on the left for a SECRET KEY and SECRET #7.  Go up the stairs to a plaza with a rearing horse statue and loop around to the left to find a hallway.  Follow it to the end and locate the open window to your right.  Pull up to find yourself overlooking the basketball court where you picked up the Motel Key.  Jump left onto the sloped roof and follow it all the way around.  Jump over to the blue-and-white striped awning on the other side of the wooden fence and jump still further to the red-and-white striped awning.  Shoot out the windows ahead and to your left, then take curved (to your left) running jump to get to the windows.  Hop down into the room and take the SECRET KEY from the glass table for SECRET #8.  Step onto the nearby ornate circle and use one of your Secret Keys for some shotgun ammo.  Get outside the windows and jump back to the red awning (save your game first, as it's a bit tricky), then to the blue one.


Shoot out the windows.  Go inside the hotel room and take a large medipack from the desk.  Stand with your back to the bathroom door and jump up to grab the right corner of the hole in the ceiling (otherwise, you might miss and land in the flames).  Pull up into a higher room and shoot out the windows.  Step out onto the sloped roof and pick up the MOTEL KEY.  Return to the room and use the Motel Key to open the door to the bedroom.  Shoot out the windows, step out onto the sill and jump up to grab the monkey bars.  A remote camera shot shows a zombie on the other side (but one floor below, as it turns out).  Monkey swing across to the far window and release.  Hop down into the hallway and turn left.  Follow until you reach an ornate circle where you can invest another Secret Key for a balmy herb (henceforth to be called a small medipack).


Go back along the hallway and find the partially open window.  Vault up and take a running jump across the street to land on a small sloped roof.  Shoot out the windows ahead, hop into the room and shoot out the other windows.  Hop down onto a green balcony and jump over to the next balcony.  Shoot the windows, pull up into the hallway and turn right.  Use a Secret Key for a small medipack if you wish, then drop down through the hole in the floor to move to the next level.


Level 4: Garage


Open the door and exit to a devastated hallway.  Jump and grab the crack in the far wall and shimmy right to the other end.  Allow Lara to find the climbable surface and get her feet "set," and you will then be able to drop down safely.  Pick up the nearby SECRET KEY for SECRET #9.  Jump across into the opening and go around to the left for another SECRET KEY and SECRET #10.  Get down into the water below, being careful not to land on the flaming block.  You can pull up onto the flaming block and risk getting set aflame while trying to jump into the area away from the water, but all you'll get for the effort is a Secret Key bank and some shotgun ammo.  Swim along the passage and turn left, whereupon you'll alert a sea hag.  Swim past her and fight the current along the passage until you can pull out onto some stairs.  Turn around and kill the sea hag, and don't be surprised when she comes out of the water to engage you on the stairs.  When she's dead, swim back along the passage and open the first door on your right that you come to.  Swim inside and up, and pull out into a piped area.


One pipe leads to a quick dead end, so follow the other one and when you reach the end, take an angled running jump to your right and grab the crack in the wall.  Shimmy left and pull up into the opening.  Turn to locate the jumpswitch in the adjacent wall.  Take a standing jump to it with a sharp curve to your right and activate it.  When you drop into the water you're beset by two sea hags, and the current keeps you from pulling up on the ledge in the far corner of this room.  A platform has been raised in the water, however, so enter the narrow underwater opening and swim around until you reach the next room.  Pull out into the pipe and kill the sea hags (if you can, I managed to kill one). 


The raised platform here allows you to pull up into the crawl space in the wall.  Crawl forward and turn right.  When you can stand up, use one of your Secret Keys for some flares.  Get back into the water, pull up onto the nearby corner ledge and take a running jump and grab to a ledge across the room.  Pull up and follow the passage past a fenced area to a wall switch.  Pull it down to move a piece of machinery in the next room.  Jump into the water in that room.  The other sea hag may be in there, and if she is, I found it impossible to kill her, so I did the best I could to avoid her and pull up above the raised platform into the pipe. 


Follow the pipe to the other end.  Turn around, angle slightly to the right and jump forward to grab the upper edge of the pipe.  Pull up and crawl forward to the suspended SECRET KEY.  Pick it up for SECRET #11.  Crawl back and safety drop to the floor.  Hop through the opening in the wall and look under the grated stairwell for some flares.  In the corner behind you pick up the STORE ITEM.  Go up the stairs and take a running jump and grab to the higher landing.  Continue up the stairs and find a receptacle at the top.  Hang from the edge here, release and grab the crate.  Pull up and lower Lara down the adjacent side.  Crawl under the pipe and enter the side passage.  Go around and use one of your Secret Keys for some shotgun ammo.


Hop back, stoop down and shoot the grate.  Enter the crawl space and run along the dark passage to a water hole.   Save your game and jump into the water.  When you reach a dip in the passage you'll encounter an extremely strong current.  It's possible to fight your way to the other side, so keep at it.  When you get there, save your game again and continue around the corner to your left until you reach an outdoor area where it's raining.  Swim into the first alcove to your left and swim down at the end.  Follow the long passage, making several turns, until you reach the wreckage of an automobile guarded by one of those damned sea hags.  Quickly pick up the GARAGE KEY near the wreckage and go back the way you came while being chased by the sea hag.  Pause long enough to grab some air when you reach the outdoor area, then continue to the area with the strong current and get past it to pull out to safety.  The cowardly sea hag hides so that you can't draw a bead on her, so forget about killing her and run along the passage.  Crawl through and return to the crate.  Safety drop to the stairs below, losing some health in the process.


Run back up the stairs, jump across the gap and continue to the top.  Use your Garage Key to open the door.  Enter the passage, turn right and drop down into a lower room (let's call it the garage) at the end of the passage.  Go to the table in the corner and pick up the CABLE.  If you go up the stairs and use your binoculars, you can see a chart in the next room through the dirty windows that reveals a code: 2 - 3 - 5.  Go back down to the wall switches in this room and pull down those three numbered switches to lift a plastic cover in the device behind you.  Reverse roll and go to the opposite wall.  Pull down the wall switch to open the door at the top of the stairs.


Go into the next room where the lights are flashing and pull down the lever to activate a machine.  Stand in front of the machine and pick up the MORDANT.  Side step to the right beyond the lever you pulled and hop forward.  Turn around and take the BATTERY.  The door at the bottom of the stairs is closed, so hop back across, head up the stairs and open the door at the end.  You're back outside in the rain, so go down the steps to your left and face the ladder in the wall across the way.  Take a running jump across the water and grab the ladder (just out of reach of the frustrated sea hag).  Climb the ladder and pull up at the top.  Run forward and use the Mordant in the barred doorway.  Shoot the lock in the same manner as you shot the padlock earlier. 


When the door finally opens, crawl inside and pick up the CAR KEY amid the pile of books on the floor.  Go back the other way, jump into the water and elude the sea hag as you swim back and make your way to the garage as you did earlier.  Hop down to where the Jeep is and insert the Store Item where the license plate should be.   Go around to the front of the Jeep, combine the Battery with the Cable to make the vehicle operable, then go up the stairs into the room with the flashing lights and jump to the rear as you did earlier.  Kill the worker, then go down the stairs through the open doorway and follow the passage.  Open the door and step forward into the next level.


Level 5:  Gas Station  


Go around to your left and pull down the wall switch to open the garage door.  Return the way you came as an earthquake briefly rocks your world, hop past the machinery and kill a worker, and go downstairs to the Jeep.  Get in and drive along the thoroughfare, running over a worker in the process.  Turn left at the intersection and stop the Jeep near the crate in the driving rain.  Get out, mount the crate and take a running jump into the open window toward the swinging skeleton.  Go up the stairs near the motorbike and turn left just beyond the cubicle.  Jump to grab the grate and pull up to the top.  Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing across the room.  Release onto the raised platform and pick up the TANK KEY and the GAS STATION KEY.  Safety drop to the floor and go down the stairs underneath the blue car. 


Kick open the door and run down the ramp into a lower room.  Shoot the grate on your right and crawl in for a SECRET KEY and SECRET #12.  Back out and shoot the other grate.  Enter and crawl around to the left.  Climb the ladder and shoot the grate when you reach the opening at the top.  Lower Lara down into a kennel area.  Maxa the Dog is not at home, so stoop down and shoot into his front door.  Crawl into the doghouse and beyond into a passage.  Use your Gas Station Key to open the door.  Turn around, hop back and slide down backwards.  Grab the edge and climb down into a spooky lower area.  Step on the nearby ornate circle and use one of your Secret Keys for some grenade gun super ammo.


Climb back up the ladder and take a rolling back flip at the top.  Follow the passage, get up into the crawl space at the end, and shoot the grate.  Lower Lara into the next room and take the various goodies from the work tables:  the GRENADE GUN, some grenade gun normal ammo, a replacement GAS STATION KEY, an extra BARETTA with baretta ammo, and an extra SHOTGUN with shotgun power and wideshot ammo.    Use the Gas Station Key to exit this room.  Use that extra weaponry to eliminate a quartet of workers (two normal grenades should do it).  Pull down the wall switch in the far left corner to open the gates outside.  Go down the first flight of stairs at the other end of the room.  Jump up to grab the ledge, then shimmy around the corner to your right until you're able to pull up.  Run over and pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET #13. 


Drop down to the second flight of stairs and continue down to a closed door.  Use the Tank Key to open it, enter a wide hallway and turn right.  Follow around the corner and pick up another GAS STATION KEY in the alcove to your left.  Continue to an ornate circle, where you can invest a Secret Key for a small medipack.  Go back the way you came, up the right side of the stairs (to avoid a runaway tire coming down from your left), and use the Gas Station Key in the door to your right.  Go outside into the rain and head straight forward past the gas pumps into the street.  There in the cliffs ahead you can jump into an dark opening and work your way through a cave to an ornate circle where you can use a Secret Key for some shotgun ammo.  Exit back to the street and turn right. 


Go into the tunnel that's filled with rubble.  Standing near the left corner, you can jump to grab the edge and pull up.  Go to the far corner and drop into the hole.  Pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET #14.  Get back out and return to the Jeep, which is parked beyond the gas pumps and the parked trucks opposite Maxa's kennel.  Get into the Jeep and drive around the parked trucks, past the gas pumps and turn right when you hit the street.  Drive over the dirt hump and the pit beyond to be carried to the next level.


Level 6: Tunnel


Drive through the short dark tunnel ahead and park the Jeep when you emerge on the other side.  Get out and stand on the left mound of dirt at the exit of the tunnel, facing back the way you came.  Angle slightly to the right and take a standing jump and grab to the ledge that overhangs the tunnel exit.  Pull up and crawl into the left side of the irregular crawl space.  Once inside, pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET # 15.  Crawl back out, hop to the ground and get back into the Jeep.  Drive it past an area with a fixed camera view, and when you reach the bridge with the rails on either side, drive immediately through the first railings on your right.  Follow a short distance to an opening in the cliff and drive down through the dark underground tunnel, bearing to your left along the way.  When you near the bottom a flyby kicks in.


When the flyby is over, get out of the Jeep and approach the water.  Don't jump or fall in, or the strong current will drag you to your doom.  Go to the far bank and note the blocks protruding slightly out of the water in the cave-like area.  Take a running jump to the nearest block and continue with running jumps, using the control key as appropriate to clear low ceilings, until you reach the last block.  At this point the current is weaker, so jump straight ahead and fight your way across to the opening in the far left corner.  Enter the passage and pull up into an underground area with two ornate circles.  Use them if you wish to obtain grenade gun normal ammo and grenade gun super ammo. 


Don't return to the water, but exit via the tunnel in the wall.  Slide down to the river bank near your Jeep.  At this point let's divert for a couple of secrets.  Run back up the sloped tunnel and to the bridge.  At the point where you rammed through the railing, hop back and grab the edge of the bridge.  Release and grab the platform below.  Pull up and crawl forward to the pipe.  Run along the pipe until you reach two SECRET KEYS for SECRETS #16 and #17.  Continue forward, if you wish, and stand on the ornate circle for a large medipack.  To get back down, reverse roll and run back the other way.  When you reach the bridge, turn to your right, hop back and grab the edge, and safety drop onto a ramp.  Follow the ramp back down and slide down very close to the Jeep.  Get in and drive back around to the opening at the bottom of the sloped tunnel.  Locate the ramp to your left, just as you emerge from the tunnel (the same one you just now used on foot), and follow it up to a tricky turn to your right.  Then make you're lined up properly and back up as far as you can.  Drive forward with maximum speed and drop down onto the pillar support below.  Continue forward and turn right to face the dark tunnel ahead.  Enter and drive up the ramp to be taken to the next level.


Level 7: Old Cemetery


Drive forward until you reach some steps and get out of the Jeep.  Walk up into the narthex and continue forward into the chapel proper.  Go all the way to the far end and pull down the wall switch to the left of the cross to open a trapdoor above you.  The ladder to your left, however, is broken, so you can't go up there now.  Go back to the carpeted steps and face the wall switch you just pulled.  Take a running jump to the first window on your left and grab the edge.  Pull up and shoot the window pane.  Look outside and locate the blue-tinted slope.  Take a running jump to it, slide down and grab the edge.  Pull up and take a rolling back flip to the next window.  Grab the edge and pull up.  Shoot the glass out and take a running jump and grab to the chandelier in the center of the chapel.  Shimmy around to the other side and pull up in a corner to avoid the flames.  Take a running jump and grab to the wooden rafter and pull up.  Step forward and pick up the SKULL, the first of nine you must find in this area.


Safety drop from the end of the rafters onto the steps and get back to the chandelier the same way you did earlier.  If you happen to miss the slope outside, you can run around the back of the chapel, locate a block on the other side and climb up to shoot out another window pane.  Jump to the third window, facing in the same direction as the blue-tinted slope, and shoot out the glass.  Turn around, hop back and grab the edge.  Shimmy to your left and pull up into the fourth window on this side of the chapel.  Shoot the glass and take a standing jump to the top half of that broken ladder to your left.  Pull up and take the BASEMENT KEY.


Climb down the ladder to the floor and go back to the carpeted steps.  Jump back to the window on your left, and this time safety drop to the ground outside.  Locate the trench and go down the steps.  Use the Basement Key in the receptacle to your left to open the large wooden door.  Enter and turn left.  Push the obstruction into the next room and enter to get the second SKULL in the far left corner.  Return to the main basement and shoot the coffin near the far wall.  Relieve the skeleton of the third SKULL. 


Leave the basement, go up the steps and around the chapel, and pull up into the cemetery on the other side of the chapel.  Go down the steps and follow the stone walkway left until you reach an intersection.  Turn right and go up the stone steps.  At the top look to your left for a freshly dug grave.  Hop down inside, shoot the coffin and rob the skeleton of the fourth SKULL.  Pull out and look down in the corner for another coffin.  Hop down there, shoot the coffin and pick up the fifth SKULL.  Wander around this area until you find another grave with a coffin which you can shoot for the sixth SKULL. 


Go to the far corner of the graveyard area and find a crypt you can open in the same manner as a floor trapdoor.  Go down and shoot the coffin.  Pick up the OLD CHURCH KEY and the seventh SKULL.  Pull back out and continue your exploration.  Look for a dead tree on the hill in front of the central building.  There's a scarecrow right beside it.  Search that scarecrow for the eighth SKULL hidden under its collar.  Finally, there's another grave near the chalk cliffs opposite the full moon.  Jump down, shoot another coffin and pick up the ninth and final SKULL.  Pull out and go up the nearby stairs.  Use the Old Church Key in the receptacle to your right to open the door. 


Go inside, light a flare and turn right into the doorway.  Watch out for the deep chasm ahead.  Use the pointed ledge to jump across to the other side.  In the next room, insert your nine skulls in the alcove receptacles.  A flame is ignited after you insert each one.  After you insert the last one, a flyby is triggered and the central sarcophagus slides to one side.  Drop down into the hole and descend the stairs to an underground chamber.  Take the SNAKE EYE from the plinth as Lara's theme music plays.  Get back up to the sarcophagus room and use the pointed ledge here to jump back across the chasm.  Run down the stairs toward the cemetery and the level changes.


Level 8: Out of Old Cemetery


Continue down the stairs and encounter the landlubber version of a sea hag.  Kill it and go to the far corner of the cemetery where you opened the crypt earlier.  It's closed again, so open it once more and drop down for a SECRET KEY and SECRET #18.  Pull out and go over the hilly area to find a really deep pit.  Hop down to the corner ledge below and take a running jump with grab to land inside the opening in the wall.  Go down the passage into a room with three ornate circles.  If you like, you can invest three of the four Secret Keys you should have in your inventory for red and blue shotgun ammo and a large medipack.  Return to the passage and jump back to the ledge.  Pull out of the pit and leave the cemetery, headed back toward the chapel.  On the way you'll encounter another Dracula-like sea hag. 


Use the block against the wall to climb up into the window.  Shoot the glass if you didn't have occasion to do so earlier and drop down into the chapel.  Someone has driven your Jeep down here.  What sacrilege.  Go up the carpeted steps and into the narthex.  Locate a moveable block in the wall near the entrance and pull it back and then push it to one side.  Enter a dark room with coffins in the side alcoves.  Shoot all four of them (although nothing seems to happen when you do) and locate another moveable block in the far left alcove.  Push it as far as it will go to find yourself in a much better lit area.  Jump into the water, swim a long way down to the bottom and pick up the CHURCH KEY.


Swim back up and surface.  Pull out quickly and shoot the translucent demigod that awaits you.  Go back through the dark room and into the narthex.  Turn right and go down the steps where you entered the narthex at the beginning of the previous level, and continue to the dead end that has since appeared.  On the floor around to your right is a SECRET KEY for SECRET #19.  Go back through the narthex and into the church, pull down the wall switch at the far end to open the trap door above, and repeat the sequence of jumps described in the walkthrough for Level 7 that took you to the Basement Key earlier.  This time, however, you'll find there a SECRET KEY for SECRET #20.  Get back down to the floor and jump from the carpeted steps to the window on the left.  Drop down outside the church and find a nearby small medipack where the chalk cliffs meet the church wall.  Go around to the back of the church and insert the Church Key in the receptacle to open the door.  Go to the Jeep, get in and drive through the open doorway and to your right.  Find a dark tunnel to your left, guarded by five zombies, and simply drive past them and into the next level.


Level 9: Broken Bridge


Drive forward and turn left in front of the closed door.  Continue through the passage and emerge in a familiar street.  Turn left and drive through the tunnel until you reach a wall of dirt.  Get out of the Jeep and pick up the SECRET KEY for SECRET #21.  Get back in the Jeep, use the dirt mound to turn around more easily, and drive the other way into a second tunnel.  Stop and get out of the Jeep before you reach the pit.   Walk down into the sloped pit a short distance and take a running jump and grab to the other side.  Pull up and walk forward.  Just before the next pit there's a block on your right you can pull out and move to one side.  Enter the concealed room to find three Secret Key machines you can use for (going from left to right as you face them) three stashes of shotgun ammo, three stashes of grenade gun ammo, and three stashes of red viper ammo.


Go back, and if you'd like one last spin in the Jeep you can drive it into the pit and down the dark tunnel until you reach a dead-end in front of some water.  Get out, step forward and trigger a flyby through the next area, the focal point of which is a long-necked dragon.  Don't fall or jump into the water, or you'll die.  If you explore this area you'll come across some strange-looking eggs scattered here and there in the shallow water.  Each one contains a snake, so shoot all four of them if you're looking for maximum kills.  A good place to start is the bridge abutment to the left of the dragon (as you face it).  You can pull up from the shallow water onto a flat spot in the concrete (but only on the side exposed to the dragon's fireballs, unfortunately), then slide down and take a running jump up to the segment of street to your left.  Explore the grassy plain near the abandoned truck for five small medipacks, which you're soon likely to need.


Come back and jump down to the lower portion of the same bridge abutment, face the dragon and take a running jump to grab the pole.  Climb up and back flip onto the pipe.  With the dragon to your left, run to the other end of the pipe and take a standing jump angled slightly to your right.  Grab the edge, pull up and allow Lara to slide down to a stable surface.  You can see an opening to your left in the side of the bridge, and that's where you need to go next.  However, you can't get there directly by hopping back, grabbing the edge and shimmying around the corner to pull up.  Instead, face the opening, turn slightly to your left and back flip onto the slope opposite the opening.  Jump off with the action key depressed so that you grab the top of the pipe.  You can now pull up into the opening.


Run forward and find the hole in the ceiling.  Pull up to your right onto a bridge where you're safe for the moment from the dragon's fireballs.  Run past the truck and enter the bus station.  Go between the benches in the far left corner and jump up to grab the right side of the pipe (near the flame).  Pull up and crawl through the opening to your left.  Pick up the SECRET KEY at the end of the crawl space for SECRET #22.  Get back out, pick up the RUSTY KEY near the bench and exit the building.  Go to the end of the street near the dragon and locate the key receptacle to your right.  Use the Rusty Key to open the gate and enter.  Just inside and to your left is a crowbar gate.  Run past it and enter the cinder block building.  The place is crawling with snakes, so kill all three of them.  Get up onto the higher crate against the far wall and pick up the CROWBAR.  Return to the crowbar gate and open it.  Lara will push it open and hang for an instant in midair, so immediately jump off with a left curve to land on a concrete remnant.  Quickly draw your shotgun and turn slightly left so that you're facing the chain just to the right of the bus that's balanced precariously on the bridge.  Shoot the rope attached to the chain (jumping up and down as you're firing helps) to release the bus, which will then fall onto the dragon and kill it.


Draw a deep breath, then turn around and take a running jump to the chain link fence.  Grab it and shift left all the way until you come to a ladder leading upward.  Climb up through the barbed wire, pull up into the opening and pick up the RUSTY KEY.  Climb back down and make your way back to the right side of the chain link fence.  It's difficult to transfer Lara from the ladder back to the fence, but it can be done, so be persistent.  When you reach the other side, back flip from near the top of the fence to the concrete remnant.  Take a running jump to that triangular slate slab just to the right of the crowbar gate.  Take a curved running jump from there to the slab jutting out from the end of the bridge.  Pull up and go back through the open gate.  Run past the cinder block building toward the full moon and use the Rusty Key to open the gate.


Go up the ramp into a new outdoor area and enter the small brick building.  Pull down the wall switch to open the gate to your right.  There's nothing there but a long way down, so exit the building and jump over the fence directly in front of you (and slightly to your right).  Hang from the edge of the cliff and safety drop to the ledge below.  Turn slightly to your left and jump up onto a flat area.  Crawl under the low ceiling to your left and continue until you can stand up.  Jump to the ledge ahead and allow Lara to slide a short bit onto a stable surface.  Continue along the face of the cliff until you reach a rock bridge, and go past it.  When you've gone as far as you can, take a running jump to a stable area a little higher up, and continue around to your right until you reach a personalized tile with a SECRET KEY on it.  Pick it up for SECRET #23.


Return the way you came, and when you can walk no further take a running jump up to the gap.  Crawl forward and when you can stand up, slide down to a crawl space.  Enter it and turn around to safety drop to the grate below.  Locate the hole in the corner and drop down to the floor.  There are two exits, but one leads to an enclosed area with a closed gate at the end.  Go the other way and locate the crawl space to your left.  Enter it and find yourself back at the lake.  Take a running jump to clear the water with the deadly current.  Lara will stumble a bit when she lands, but she should right herself and avoid tumbling into the water. 


Carefully walk out to the tip of this stony bridge and take a running jump to a sloped (but stable) pillar in the water.  Walk up to the highest tip and take a running jump to the next (and darker) pillar.  Turn right and take a running jump to the nearest bridge support.  Carefully work your way around to the other side and take a running jump and grab to the nearly rock formation.  Pull up to the top and turn to face the ivy in the cliff face.  Take a standing jump forward and grab the vines, then climb up to the top.  Continue forward into the darkness and slide down into a familiar area.  You're now on the other side of that closed gate you saw earlier, so turn right and follow the tunnel until you reach a pit.  Take a running jump across the gap and grab the other side.  When you pull up, you trigger a concluding flyby that gives you a glimpse of the coming action when the series continues.