BtB 2015-24- The Path To Olympus.
Level by BtB 2015
Walkthrough by G&D Productions.
5 secrets, tasks related to the Secret are in dark
2015, Somewhere in the Aegean Sea…
There’s air above the bell tower, swim down and
around the bell tower to the roof in front of the chapel and find
Perseus’s Sword (crowbar) in
between the seaweed.
Swim into the opening at the right hand side of the
building (near the bottom under a small roof), keep swimming straight (N)
through the church and in the back is a passage (left or right) with an
opening in the wall (N) where you can get air again. (If you swim to the
left there is Orange Juice (small
medipack) on the bottom in between the seaweed as soon as you come into the
church hall.)
Get out and see the crowbar lever. Use the Sword on
it, a trapdoor opened where we go next. To the right are
Flares, and
Orange Juice at the other end of
that passage. In the W passage is a table you have to move all the way to
the N, in front of a broken wall you can then kick down.
In the end of that passage is the trapdoor opened by
the crowbar lever. Dive down and the current takes you to an underwater
gate, open it and swim up to the staircase. On top of the staircase are
closed gates we have to open.
Go left over the rocks to where you can jump onto the
low pillar in the water, jump up to the terrace on the right (W), go in and
push a lion button. Back out, get back onto the staircase and jump to grab
the pillar in front of the S terrace, get in there and left around the
corner is a lever for a timed trapdoor over the spike pit, turn left, run to
the pit and stop (Shift). Jump up to climb on, turn left and jump to grab
the crack in the wall, shimmy left around the corner and ledge jump up to
the floor above to push the Lion button and a gate opens.
Get back to the stairs and through the gate and
inside a Gorilla will attack. Follow the caved in passage and slide down
into water. Follow through to the Realm of Poseidon.
The Realm of Poseidon,
Cog I.
You can do the next quests in a different order too.
Take a right and go into that opening N, left is a floor lever, I heard a
gate.. Probably the one all the way up above this passage in the top of the
Go out, remember this route: Climb the block next to
the statue (S side, with the vases) and jump to grab the crack in the tall
column (SW). Shimmy left around and ledge jump up, then back flip with a
twist and grab an arch, ledge jump up a few times to the rock ledges above.
In the tall grass a bit left are Uzi
clips. To the E you can see a Cog mechanism; we need three Cogs, so
let’s go look for them.
Scale Puzzle and a
There are several ways to do the next room; this is
how I did it:
Jump over to the ledge on top of the tall columns and
jump into that opening N (gate opened by that first lever). Climb the block
left and then grab the opening in the (N) wall. Drop out the other side and
a flyby starts, turn and in front of you are Torches. Pick up a
Torch. Hop down to the floor, go
right and spot a grey tile left of the balcony E, drop the Torch on it. Turn
around and go up the sand hill W and climb up to the balcony. Inside Lara
looks to the right, in the fountain is the
Small Vase (waterskin). Go through NE and drop down. Use the button
to open a trapdoor, climb the grate fence and back flip to the floor.
Just inside to the right is a sloped block, backflip
on it and jump to grab the balcony, go to the lever S and it’ll flood the
main room.
Go out, swim around the blue white dolphin pillar to
the back, keep swimming almost at the surface and Lara will stand up in the
corner of the pillar. Climb to
the top, hop to the grey column NE and from there jump to the balcony N
witch a scale and the Large Vase, there’s a scale and also a hint on the floor, that not
completely filled vase, must be about 4 litres. Hop back to the grey pillar,
run off the SW corner so you’ll land back in the corner of the dolphin
pillar. Here you can use the Vases (you can also go to one of the fountains
in the side rooms).
Fill the large skin,
combine the 2 skins and there will be 2 litres in the large one, empty the
small one and combine again to get that into the small skin and refill the
large, combine again so one litre goes into the small and leaves the 4
litres in the large skin.
Get back up the
dolphin pillar,
jump to the column and to the balcony with the scale, put the 4 litres in
the scale. Nice music, but what happened? A pillar went up S so you can
leave later…
Hop into the water and
climb out at the E balcony, go inside and left, to a sand hill N, grab up to
the crevice above and shimmy left. Back flip onto the balcony and use the
lever S to drain the main room again. Drop down, turn around and go left
(NW) and go down to a lever that will raise a pillar near the entrance, thus
bringing the Torch up (if you put it onto that lowered pillar). Climb the
fence and backflip and go get the Torch and ignite it in this room. Take it
with you to the Main Room and go to the other side (W). You can hop onto the
balcony from the left corner of the sand. Ignite the wall torch on the
balcony to re-open the gate and go in. Ignite the two wall torches in the
fountain and the gate in the Main room opens up. Leave the Torch on the
balcony, go back in, as we have to go first back up to the flood lever on
the balcony above (block NE and back flip). Swim to that open gate N, grab
the Cog there and swim to the
exit (S), a pillar raised there when you did the scale puzzle so you can get
Boulder Run, Cog II.
Get down at the other
side and jump to the ledge on the columns, then over to the left side rock
ledges (W).
for two Secrets (can also be done earlier or later): Walk to the right
towards the dark corner (NW), face W and hop back to grab the edge,
drop/grab down to a crevice with
Secret #1,
2x Uzi clips. Pull up holding the
crouch key. Couldn’t find a way back up, so safety drop down and go left
into the SW corner and walk up into the dark corner as high as you can get,
run jump and grab the ledge E and go left around to pull up at
Secret #2,
the Uzis. Drop down and make your
way back up to the W side rock ledge. Climb the block at the statue and use
the column and the cracks to get up and jump over to the W side.
Go inside, watch a
flyby and walk straight to the waterfall, bit tricky, but you should just
walk down a bit angled and fall straight down into the room below, in deep
water to soften the fall (closed door). Go to the front of the room and
throw the floor lever, the gate opens and a platform goes up in the upper
part of the room, make a note of the lion face in the alcove S.
Go back to the back
room, spot 2 more lion faces (all together there are 3) and grab up to a
crack in the NW pillar, ledge jump up to the ledge with the column and jump
to grab a crack in the right hand wall (N). Jump up twice to an alcove and
hop onto the raised pillar in the same corner as where you came up. Now you
can jump over the platform you raised to the S balcony (get a hit of the
lion face). Use the left hand lever there (lion face in the room below),
jump back over the platform to the N side and use also the left hand lever
(lion face in the room below). Take a right to the front room and jump over
to the S side where you have to use the right hand lever (lion face in the
room below), you’ll get a screen of a door opening up. Jump down into the
deeper part of the water below and go to the back room (down from the
waterfall again) or go back to the other side of the room where you can go
down the cracks to the ground floor.
Through the door and
jump over to the stone bridge, take a right and climb up to the floor above
using the pillar in that passage. Pick up
Flares and hop into the opening
Look left, light one of those flares and spot an alcove in the dark, jump
there to get
Secret #3,
3x Uzi clips. Jump back to the
Go to the right (W) end
and jump onto the block, then to the left onto the top of the arch. Run jump
to grab the crack S and ledge jump up to the next inactive spike ledge, go
left over some trapdoors to a lever. Use it; slide back down onto the
bridge. Make your way back up the same route (by climbing the pillar
straight ahead and so on), now go right after the ledge jumps and follow all
the ramps up to the Cog. The ramp suggests a Ball, so save while facing N
and pick up the Cog. Do a run
jump towards the N slope with a bit of a left curve so you can sprint down
the slope, several spike traps you’ll have to avoid, follow down to those
trapdoors and slide down to the bridge. It will crumble when that ball comes
near, so slide as far as possible and jump to grab the other side (savegame.0
/ video 24-boulderrun.wmv). Jump back E and exit to the Realm.
Symbol Puzzle, Cog III.
Go to the open gate S
and get a flyby of the rooms. In the first part of the room you can see a
pushable ornament S, go through the “glass” wall what looked like a mirror
and look E, best with the spyglass from standing W. Look left and right and
on the left you can see the only out of order symbol, the diamond. Pull the
pushable out, move it left to the trapdoors along the E wall and place it on
the third trapdoor from the left.
Ball of Yarn.
Go to the back of the
room and right (SW), grab up to a crack S, shimmy right and jump to grab the
ledge above, shimmy left because of the spike trap before you pull up. Turn
around, jump to the pedestal and grab a
Lenght of Yarn. Drop down, go
through the “mirror” to the N end of the room and do the same to get
More Yarn, combine both parts
into a Ball of Yarn and drop
down, go S trough the “mirror” again to the back and into the opening, use
the Ball of Yarn on the yellow tile to de-activate the spike traps.
Open the trapdoor, drop
the pushable.
But first turn right
and grab up to the ledge in the pillar, turn around and jump to grab the
balcony, jump to the S side and use the lever, you can see something of a
trapdoor, but nothing else. Get back to the other side, down to the floor
and when you go check the mirror room you can see the pushable is gone. You
could also hear a trapdoor slide open.
Now go where you
disabled the spikes, pick up the Yarn and go down the hole to the lower
section (trapdoor opened when you went back to the mirror room and IF it
isn’t go back through the mirror and return). Find the pushable right (E)
and push it onto the tile as suggested if you look to the left. The gate
opens left (W), get in there and follow up to another room full of spikes,
climb the cracks on the right and shimmy to the right around the corner to a
balcony with 5 levers.
Spike Room, 5 Levers.
They control the
spikes; you’ll have to create a path through. Use 1-2 and 4-5 from left to
right, drop down, go through to the other side of the room and into the
passage. Climb up right and jump over to the ledge in the room, then to the
column with a Laser Sight and
Cog III.
Using the Cogs.
Go back E, out to the right (S) and up the cracks,
though the spikes into the Mirror Room and get out straight ahead (N) back
to the Realm. Make your way back up to the ledge on the columns, go E and
jump a bit left to the ledge, go up to the mechanism and place the 3 Cogs. A
new cave opening below the ledge is now accessible, slide down backwards
from the ledge opposite the 2nd and 3rd Cog and drop
to a block, jump into the cave. Swim through the narrow gap and get out near
a door, loop around left or right to use the button at the other side (W)
and the door opens. Go through and come to a room with a strange blue
tornado. Shoot a vase right for
Secret #4,
another Uzi.
Now go up the stairs and grab Zeus’ Thunderbolt. You’ll end up in a different place, a pottery workshop. Go straight down the stairs; follow the street to where two Centaurs attack. Kill them and return to the room where you came in. To the right is a passage (N) where a pillar went up now, climb up to the room above, pull/push the table into the doorway of the next room. Climb up and grab the trellis (monkey climb) Follow that over the street to the house on the other side and drop onto a balcony. Go further and jump left over the fence to grab the roof N, shimmy to the left and pull up. Crawl into the passage and follow to a crowbar lever. Face S and use it, a door opens below where you shot those Centaurs. Get down to the street, to the W and grab Ambrosia before going into the door left.
Jump over to the
platform in the big room, pick up the Very Ancient Scroll and examine it.
Apollo, you must help Paris to kill Achilles, he isn’t immortal… Remember
it, Zeus.
Kill Achilles.
To the right in the
sarcophagus is the Bow with Arrows, left of
it are even more Arrows and also
an Apple, pinned to the wall with an arrow. Someone’s been practicing… Turn
around and go to that ladder in the alcove S, up and back flip onto the
ledge. Jump straight over to the walkway and then a run jump out to the
right to get to that wooden platform. Onwards to the balcony E and you’ll
get a screen of Achilles’ or at least what’s left of him over the years.
Pick up some more
Arrows, and from where you stand,
aim for the lower part of the legs (heel) and shoot with arrows. If you hit
him correctly an explosion occurs and he’s killed.
Hop back onto the
wooden platform and safety drop down, a path of light appeared to the
opening W, so jump over and grab the edge and at the end jump over. Slide
down and step on the hot grate left to pull the lever. The gate opens up W;
save before going in, the floor will collapse. Slide and jump over towards
Two Fire Dragons will
attack too, so better get far away from them and run to the N side where
you’ll find two sets of Thunderbolt ammo. Don’t use the Thunderbolt from close up or you’ll
die too. I shot the two with pistols… You are safe from Medusa’s attacks on
the S end of the platform. From the S side, when she is firing to the left,
sneak and jump into that opening right (E), face S at the pole, go up and
back flip roll to grab the ledge. Stand behind the block to be safe for a
looking W you can see a lava flow, just left of it is a pickup, and that’s a
Now go down N onto the
ledge you can see, jump from that ledge a bit left to the next and then a
left curved running jump up to the block at the N wall. Go left a bit to
jump right around the wall to the ledge, grab up left and ledge jump up to
the floor above. Go out S…
using that lever… from the SW tip of the ledges, run jump with Ctrl to land
right of the lava flow, jump over to the other side and grab
Secret #5,
Pandora’s Box. Jump back to the
battle floor and make your way back up N. Once Medusa is dead this Secret
will be burning and is unavailable.
Go back up to the ledge
with the Hammer and use the lever to kill the B…. Medusa. Now the whole
place stars shaking..
Go in and to Pegasus, give him the Apple from the
pedestal left and ride him down the hole to the lava, up the S slope and
take a right up the steep slopes.