- Arcadian Dream
Level by BtB 2015
Walkthrough by G&D Productions.
Watch the opening flyby.
As this is a non-linear level with
connections everywhere, there will be of course numerous ways to get through.
This is how we did it. Our route may not be the shortest, but you’ll get it
Do shoot the vases everywhere (even the
ones in the water) as you never know what you’ll find.
5 Secrets; tasks related to the Secrets
are in dark blue; there are 5 Keys to find so you can open the Secret rooms.
Apartment Key 2.
From the Valley
go left a bit and up the stairs to the upper level and on the left in the far
SE corner of this level are Uzi clips.
Turn around, go to that grassy area with the columns
and between the columns you can find Flares
in the grass. Look N (spot that blue door in the tower on the right) and go to
there to the opening in the floor. There’s a jump lever in it we will be back
for soon. For some pickups, first head NE and on a balcony with a market stall
E is Orange juice (small medipack), proceed to the N and under that windmill is Magnum ammo. Turn around,
go right around the building (NW) and spot a wooden
door there.
Go S along this side and when you go through a narrow
part with a door to the right; look left on the grate for Arrows. Further S is an Atlas statue with Uzi clips in the grass next to it.
Secret: Left is a house with a little
door with a porch, you can grab up to the roof. Grab up to the higher roof on
the left (N) and shimmy around to the other side, drop and jump along the left
side to the far roof where you will find Courtyard
Key 5. Drop from the roof, go to the NW where you can now open that wooden
door, inside is Secret
#1, Thunderbolt
ammo, Ambrosia (Medipack) and 2x Kaboom arrows (alcove E).
Get out, go SE to that hole in the floor you saw
Turn around, hang into the hole and use the jump lever
you find there. Go left, outside to the Valley and right up the stairs again
and on the right is that now open blue door. Go in and you get a fixed camera,
pick up the Shotgun ammo and go to
the table. Face W and jump up to grab the ladder and shimmy around the corner
to the end and pull up. Get the Apartment
Key #2 from the pedestal.
Look to the S and hop over the roof to that ledge,
from there jump over to a portal on columns and follow through left. Grab the Ambrosia and Magnum ammo and get back.
Jump back to the grassy ledge at the roof, hop over
the roof to where you got the Key and get down to the ground floor (shimmy
around the roof, drop to the balcony).
Apartment 2,
Laser sight.
Go down the stairs to the Valley and loop around the
left, then take a right to a small area with some doors and keyholes. The door
on the right (N) is Apartment 2 so use your key there. Better start jumping
back as a lion appears. Kill it (poor animal), once inside go up the steps and
on the landing left shoot the vases to get a Laser sight. In the cabinet NW is Magnum ammo.
Open the door
to Cog #1 and for the Magnum.
Get out of the Apartment and on the square take a
right (W), take a running jump straight ahead over the lower yard to the roof,
shimmy around the corner and pull up at a closed gate. Turn and jump to that
crawlspace behind the flowers (N). Crawl through and jump over the waterfall.
(The wooden door N is for a Cog, you’ll have to come back in a bit).
Get the Magnum
ammo (NW) and follow through to the opening at the other side of the other
waterfall (SE). Use the lever and the door you opened you can see is on Lara’s
Vase (Waterskin).
Go back and jump down into the water and swim into a
crawlspace right (N) and get the Large
Vase. Turn around swim straight S and climb out into the lower yard. Climb
up the wall on the left and go to the right into the open door. Go up the steps
and find another blue door.
Before going opening it, shoot the windows right (N),
the vases too so you can walk to the right hand edge and turn a bit right,
stand jump grab the plants on the ceiling and follow to the end to use the jump
lever, opening a wooden door. Climb back up E, turn around and jump to the roof
W again, shimmy to the right and pull up at the gate, jump and grab the
crawlspace behind the flowers again and follow through, hop over the waterfall
and find that open wooden door N. Check the health and get out the Magnum, go
upstairs and take Cog #1. Two
Gorillas attack (I just ran out).
Also upstairs in a corner is a locked
door to a Secret.
Go out, straight into the water below and swim through
to climb out of the water (S), climb up left and take a right into the open
door, follow to the small blue door and now open it.
Up some steps again (to
the right at the lower square is a door to a Secret, we need a key first) and jump over. Go left to the end and
grab the edge to shimmy to the left along the crack and get the Magnum.
Hang from the floor, in the lower corner and then
safety drop down. Walk to that fence S and turn around.
Look up above that staircase below, there’s a bell you
can now shoot. The Globe, Atlas was holding, will open a gate at the bottom of
the stairs next to you, so go down there. Shoot a vase on the right for Magnum ammo, then enter the gate and to
the right are Flares. Hop over the
pit with the ball, turn right and stand back against the wall, hop onto the
slope, jump and jump again to grab the upper floor. A vase there hides Shotgun ammo, now jump the slopes to
get to the pedestal with Cog #2 (N).
That flat tile in the middle has a trap, so better jump the slopes to get back
again to the other side and get down. Go to the staircase.
Door, Apartment Key 1.
Go up the staircase and almost at the top, grab up on
the left. Go through the dark opening there (W) and run up the stairs a bit and
then turn to shoot the lion. Notice the door with
the lock here. Up the stairs and
around the corner of that passage is a TIMED lever. But we better go check out
the route and get some goodies first.
From the lever go back down the stairs, out E and take
a left, at the pink tree (timed route) left again. Go straight and watch out
for the collapsible tiles there, best leave those intact. Jump to the left for Magnum ammo at the fence, jump back and
then jump/grab over the abyss and shoot the vase for Shotgun ammo.
Hop back once and to the left is the TIMED gate. Go
further (W) and hop to the right, behind the couch are
Kaboom Arrows.
Hop over and face W, take a running jump with a bit of
a curve to the left and get more Shotgun
Look up left and climb up to a
crawlspace behind the plants to get Courtyard
Key 4, drop down again.
Now we can go back to the timed lever so go all the
way to the N (be carful with the tiles as you need to
run over them to save time in the timed run, but you’ll have to break one to
get back) and then at the stairs down take a right.
Secret: Back on the small courtyard
where you shot the lion, open the door with Courtyard Key 4, inside is Secret #2,
Magnum ammo and Thunderbolt ammo. Get out
and go left up the stairs.
Better light a flare and then pull the lever, roll and
go to the right down the stairs, through the passage up the stairs to the left,
run over the tiles and jump and take a left through the gate. Pick up the Apartment Key 1 from the floor and get
attacked by some gnats (save and reload to get rid of them).
Use the jump lever behind the tree, on the left of the
potted plants to open a trapdoor and get into the water. Swim through the
spikes and at the end up and climb out on the right (S).
Water Temple Scroll.
Go straight ahead and use the lever and the door on
the left opens. So go through to the Water Temple, take a left and behind the
Poseidon statue is a pedestal, grab the Water
Temple Scroll.
Vases hide within water shrines
Count the litres and count the lines
Or meet your end if you should fail
To bring a balance to the scale.
Ancient Sword (crowbar).
Jump in the water below; get out at the E or W side
and then leave N. Up the stairs and you are back on the courtyard with the
apartments. Use the Apartment Key 1 at the blue door left.
Go up the stairs and get the Ancient Sword on top of the landing (you’ll get a screen of a door
in the Valley, later).
Cog Mechanism.
We go back where we just did the timed run, so out the
apartment, take a right and go into that small blue door S again, through the
next blue door, up the steps and safety drop down to the street below. Go to
the abyss (W) and jump over to. Turn right (N) and spot a waterfall, there’s a
space behind it. Face the left side and just run jump through to grab a ledge,
to the left is the passage to the Cog Mechanism (later, or you could place the
two you have).
From the ledge at the abyss, jump NW to
the corner ledge, turn around and jump to grab the sloped alcove S. Shimmy
right to an alcove with a gate, grab Courtyard
Key 1, shimmy back to the sloped alcove, pull up and back flip with twist
to grab the corner ledge.
Near the fence N you can find Shotgun ammo, jump back SE. Go left to a lever E,
open the shortcut gate with it (easier access).
Open a Gate to
the Apartments.
Step out into the lower street, go left and at the
pink tree to the right is Orange Juice.
Proceed N through the street, up the stairs and left into a small courtyard. In
the alcove W are Flares, pull/push
the table to the S side and climb up onto the roof, jump N onto the walkway and
go right, in the corner turn left and pull up to the roof on the right. Backflip onto the small roof and go up, shoot a vase for Shotgun and Shotgun ammo and use the lever to open a gate on the courtyard near
the apartments (the one from where you jumped to the crawlspace). Get down and
shoot the Lion that showed up.
Back to the street and left, right around a corner
into a small courtyard. Up the stairs is a small
door that needs a Key.
Elemental Eye (of 2).
Go into the opening on the left (N) from the
courtyard, open the white door with the sword, shoot the two Gladiators, #2 is
a bit late. When you enter the room go to the lava flow, go to the right and to
the back left. Hop on the block under the Lion head with flames and run jump
onto the roof S with a left curve, grab the edge, go right and back flip to the
ledge OR jump to the roof on the left and shimmy around and back flip.
Jump N into the left side of the opening without Ctrl
and when the flames are down. Stand almost left facing the slope, slide and hop
up left. Jump over to the ledge S, grabbing the edge, shimmy right before you
pull up. Jump the last ledges to the Lion button NW and push it to stop the
flames on the Eye. Drop down, go out and loop around right to grab Elemental Eye #1.
Go out, take a right and right again to the street,
follow back to the left (S) and just past the pink tree go left up the stairs.
Drop into the lower yard and climb up E.
Secret: take a right into the blue door,
follow through the next blue door, up the steps and take a right there, open
the door with Courtyard Key 1 and go in for Secret#3, the Bow. To the right are more Arrows, some of which of the Kaboom kind and Orange
Eye #2.
Go out, go back left to the Apartments and take a
right to leave E to the Valley. Take a left and go the cave in the back,
straight into the one with the lava flow. Look up and shoot that bell to raise
platforms, kill the Gladiator and then go to the right around the corner and
grab the Magnum ammo.
Back flip onto the slope right and jump via the slope
up onto the ledge E and at the end take running jumps over the raised platforms
and a last jump with a slight curve to the right in a small alcove. Push the
lion head button there and better first jump back and then drop down. Go S and
take a left and get Elemental Eye #2.
The use of both doors in the entrance hall will become clear later.
Use the Sword,
Small Vase.
Go out (S) and all the way to the other end of the
Valley, open the door with the Sword, get in and jump in the water. Swim left
and then right into a passage there to get a Small Vase (small waterskin) at the back.
Swim back and climb out NW, shoot the vase to get some Magnum Ammo. Roll and run jump to grab the lowest point of the
crack over the pool (in the S wall) so you can shimmy to the left and use the
lever that lowers a small pillar.
Get out the poolroom to the Valley and go towards the
pool left and jump in. Swim through, around a corner and then take a right and
another right and use the underwater lever there. Swim back and go first
straight and then to the right (SW) there you can find some Uzi clips.
Swim right keep right going E and get air. Turn
around, swim back in and right to get the Flares,
swim back and take a left (E) to get back to the pool. Climb out S and shoot
the Gladiator, then use the lever S.
the Water Temple.
Go through the open doors and go to the right and in
the alcoves in the wall behind the statues the small pillar is gone. Go through
and jump in the pool, climb out and up the stairs to the next room and watch
the flyby.
The Elemental
Room Puzzle, repair the Floor
Jump over the deadly floor to the ledge with the vase,
as that lever you saw in the flyby is to get access to the room above where the
Elemental Eyes can be placed on raising blocks in the puzzle floor. So let’s do
that first, jump NW to the alcove from the tile with the red glow (N). Save and
pull the lever, hop back to run jump back to the red tile, run to the E and
curve left before the pillar to jump into the alcove, curve right and jump to
the small pillar in the E alcove. Get on, hop onto the tall pillar and jump
onwards to the ledge sticking out of the top floor. Use the two Elemental Eyes
there to raise the blocks in the floor below. Drop through the hole in the
middle of the floor.
(You can also solve the next puzzle in a different
Fire Section,
Elemental Tablet, Run the Gauntlet.
Move the Vase onto the ‘red’ tile N, jump to the
stairs and follow in, run over an in-active spike floor to a ledge with the Elemental Tablet. Grab that and proceed
to a lava pit. Nowhere to go it seems because of some lowered trapdoors on the
other side of the pit. So turn back and save at the spike floor, run over the
right hand side, run jump with a roll from the yellow ledge to land on the
brown, now breakable floor. Drop through and from here you’re on your own, jumping
right and left avoiding lava pits and a ball, a sliding floor with Cutters,
more lava and finally you can jump onto a sloped blocks. Jump two times and
grab the spike bridge (savegame.0), sprint to
the other end and go up the slopes avoiding balls, Swords and lava pits.
Take out the
Finally slide down into the Hall with a Giant Serpent.
Skeletons are on the loose so deal with those first (kaboom!).
Run to the alcove you can see in the middle of the
opposite E wall and run jump in as straight as possible and Ctrl at the last
moment. Use the big button there to stop a flame in a passage NW. Look when the
Serpent fires a bolt and then quickly run jump out to grab the ledge. Go just
after the next bolt and run a bit right into the passage NW (flames are gone
here). Grab the ceiling to get over a lava pit and up some stairs, follow up to
a terrace behind the Serpent. Save at the button that will destroy the beast
and quickly side flip right; turn right and step inside a bit.
Down the steps a bit and grab the ceiling to get over
another lava pit.
Back in the Hall, jump into the alcove
in the middle of the W wall to find Courtyard
Key 3, for a Secret we’ll get in a bit. Jump back to the ledge.
Go to the S end of the room onto the newly raised
pillar and jump to the exit where those trapdoors will now go up. Jump to grab
the ladder and go up. You are back where you got the Tablet the way straight is
closed, so the doors you saw when getting the Elemental Eye#1 and #2 are open
Secret Detour: Using Key 3; from
climbing up the wall and arriving at the spikes, take a right (W). Go through
the door, down the steps to a courtyard in the lower streets. Go straight over
the courtyard and up the stairs, left into the corner to open the door to Secret #4,
the Thunderbolt (acts as Grenade
gun) and 3x Ammo for it. Go back out
down the stairs to the courtyard, straight back up into the room with the
crowbar door and take a right to the crossing in the Fire section.
Go straight through the door (E) and then right into
the Valley. Go a bit further a right into the open double doors (orange
building) to the Elemental Room.
Drain All,
part of the Scales Puzzle; raise pillar I.
Move the vase on white tile (E), jump S to the stairs
to the Water Temple and down into that first room with the staircase, go into
the lower now drained pool and find the tunnel S opened, go through (crawlspace
roll) to the Hall of Poseidon. Run to the opposite side and go through that
tunnel to reach another lever. Climb up the hatch that will open behind you and
reach the first scales room. Under a vase you can find Uzi clips. There’s a lever in the NW corner operating the trapdoor
you just came up through, no need to use it if the trapdoor is open.
“Count the litres and count the lines”
The symbol on the wall at the small pool consists of 1
line = 1 litre.
Fill the small vase, combine it with the empty large,
fill the small vase again and combine again with the large, you’ll now have 1 litre in the small vase.
Put that in the bowl on the scale and see a pillar go
up somewhere.
Make your way back to the Elemental Room by going down
the trapdoor, head N and crawl through and climb out of the dry pool in the
room with the staircase and go up the stairs to the Elemental Room.
Flood the
Pool, part of the Scales Puzzle; raise pillar II.
Move the vase to the S onto the ‘blue’ tile and get a
screen of the pool flooded, that’s S where you just came from, so go to the
staircase room.
Jump S and get into the pool, swim into
the opening on the right (SW), up and then into a crawlspace and pick up Courtyard Key 2. Swim back to the
staircase room.
Swim over the pool to climb out S go through to the
hall of Poseidon (end up behind the statue). Hop into the pool there.
Swim into the side room on the left (E), get out
straight ahead and shoot a vase right to get Thunderbolt ammo. To the right you can find
another scale.
“Count the litres and count the lines”
The symbol on the waterfall consists of 4 lines…
In the shallow pool under the
symbols you can fill the large vase (probably was full from the last task),
combine the 2 vases and there will be 2 litres in the large one, empty the
small one and combine again to get the 2 litres into the small vase. Refill the
large, combine again so one litre goes into the small and leaves the 4
litres in the large vase.
Put that in the bowl on the scale
and see another pillar go up.
Scale Room 2,
part of the Scales Puzzle; raise pillar III.
Go back W to the Hall of Poseidon
and swim straight into the other side room (W), straight ahead and get out and
grab more Thunderbolt ammo. A Beast
attacks; coming out of the poolroom, deal with it.
The symbol here has 3 lines= 3litres. So fill the small vase if it isn’t
still form the last time and put that in the scale. Yet another pillar goes up.
Timed Platform, Total Flood Lever.
Swim back to the Hall of
Poseidon, take a right and swim to the room behind the lady statue and swim
over to the S ledge and get out the water. First go to the right and behind the
pillar are Uzi clips. Then go to the
left side to that lever, save. The lever will raise a platform above; you have
to jump over the 3 pillars you raised to the platform and onto the ledge above
(plenty of time).
On the ledge shoot a vase for Uzi clips and throw the lever in the alcove to completely flood
the place even further.
Swim out to the Hall of Poseidon
and over to the N side.
Secret Detour, go
down a bit and into the opening N, up to the apartments, take a left and jump over the lower part to grab the roof W as before. Shimmy right
to the open gate and jump to grab the crawlspace behind the plants N. Follow
through, go into the wooden door N and upstairs in the corner is the door you
can open with Courtyard Key 2. Go in for Secret #5, the Uzis, 2x Uzi clips and Ambrosia.
So, that’s all Secrets and one tasks
less to worry about.
Get out of here,
hop into the water below at the falls and swim through S, climb out and climb
up left. Straight a bit and a right down the staircase to the Hall of Poseidon.
Swim through the passage behind
the statues (N) and in the staircase room all the way up to the ceiling. Climb
Get Shotgun
ammo, Uzi clips, Ambrosia and finally a Second Elemental Tablet.
The Place drained again… Good, I was starting to get
worried because there was one tile the Vase didn’t get to yet. Drop into the
pool below and get out N through to the Elemental Room. Jump to the puzzle
Room, Green Tile; Earth Temple, Cog #3.
Move the Vase to ‘green’ (W). This will change the
position of the grassy ledges in the Earth Temple through the gate W. Go in,
take a right and jump over to that ledge (N). Pull that ornament once towards
the other tile, but leave it in between the two, the pillar in the other side
of the hall (S) will lower and makes it possible to jump there. Pull the object
there also once so it is between the tiles. Jump and grab up to a crack in the
left wall (E); jump up again to grab up to the upper floor. Shoot the three
skeletons that will come to say hello.
Take a right, follow through the E bypass passage,
passing a gate right (this gate opens and closes moving the object S). At the
end of this bypass passage, grab some Shotgun
ammo on the right, then jump over to the W
floor, pick up another Shotgun SW.
Go through The W side bypass to the S end of the hall,
just run off to the pushable object below and push it
onto the E tile (the upper gate to the Elemental Room opens, giving you an
additional way in and out of here).
Get back up to the upper floor (crack E), turn around
and jump to the W side, into the bypass passage and at the N end jump over to
the E, into the bypass passage and go left (E) into the Elemental Room, down to
the puzzle floor and pull the vase from the green tile, changing the position
of the grassy ledges.
Use the Timed lever NW again to get up the timed
pillars to the top floor and go W into the Earth Temple, you can see the ledges
now reach the gate W. Jump over and go around to the S side, run down to the
object and move it onto the opposite (W) tile, opening a gate up N.
Go back up to the upper floor (crack), right through
the passage to the N side and down to the object. Move it onto the W tile now,
the gate where the grassy ledges reach opens up. Jump to the grassy ledge, go
into the gate right (W) and jump to the ledge with the pedestal to get Cog #3.
Go through the opening N, up the pole, back flip of
and get Ambrosia on the left (the
gate there leads to the Earth Room in case you need to go back). Go back down
the pole to where you got the Cog.
Tablet #3.
Jump and grab that platform in front of the open gate
W, get into the room with the 6 Lion buttons and deep pit in the middle.
Just use all the buttons, one by one, take out the
animals and check the cages for Shotgun
ammo, Thunderbolt ammo, the lion cages seem empty.
A gate opened SW, go up the stairs to the room with Elemental Tablet #3. There is Ambrosia in the alcove right, 2x Arrows next to the entrance (NW).
Use the Cogs,
the Lyre of Artemis.
Go up the stairs (S) and around the corner avoid the
traps, go left and then right, down some steps and arrive in a familiar place,
the abyss with the waterfall. Jump to the passage right, turn around and jump
sharp right around the corner to the ledge. Go E through to the next part and
where that timed gate is turn to the left to run jump through the left side of
the waterfall N, grab the ledge. Go left to the Cog Mechanism and place all 3
Cogs you should have (or only the last one). You’ll get a flyby of the route to
the Lyre.
Go out, straight to that lever you used to open the
gate, stay inside this room though and take a left, go to that waterfall and
jump onto it. Light a flare and grab up right for Orange juice and Shotgun
ammo. Drop down, turn around and go to the end of the ledge. Grab the
monkey swing and follow close to the wall because of darts, through the open
gate and drop. Grab another monkey swing going left, keep an eye on the health
and drop in a higher passage. Around the corner a slide and jump right onto the
grassy floor, watch out for that break ledge. Pick up the Lyre of Artemis and some Arrows
behind the statue.
Use the Lyre.
Jump to that sloped block S when the flame is down,
slide jump and do that again to get to the safe ledge. Climb up N and grab the
monkey swing, go back to that waterfall and down to the ledge, left out of the
gate to the lower street and straight E up the short
stairs, hop up left, open then hatch in the ceiling and climb up left. Place
the Lyre in the statue and a door opens up in the village, the level above the
apartments. There are Kaboom arrows under the vase.
Go down through the trapdoor, down the steps and loop
right around and go up the steps to the apartment area. Drop down to the lower
yard, climb up E and go straight out to the valley, go to the right up the
stairs to the upper level and then left to the church. Go to the right to the
square with the Atlas statue and take a right again (N). The front doors of
that grey building further down, opened, go in to the balcony and left down the
stairs to a labyrinth.
the Arcadian Apple.
First go in left SW, follow
to the back for a lever lowering a pillar. Thor is released, so run back fast
and take him out with about 5 explosive arrows (or use
the Thunderbolt, but only from a distance). Kill the additional Harpy and go back
and then to the far NE corner, go through and keep left to get to the second
lever lowering a pillar in the main entrance. Beasts are set free, get away
from them and take them out. Also do the additional bonus Harpy.
Get back to the beginning of the maze and now you can
enter the main passage near the lantern (W), and reach the hall where you can
place the Elemental Tablets after
killing the lions. Nothing dramatic, just go through the door W, up the stairs
to the garden and get the Arcadian Apple.
And the adventure ends.
G&D - 01-09-2015