Level by Dennis De Grande
Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk
After the opening flyby, ending with instructions to "make your way to the church uphill," run S along the shallow trench and drop down into the hole at the end. Slide down E to flush out a bat, note the closed SE gate and go N past an unlit wall torch to hear a door opening somewhere close by. Turn right into the E passage and pull out onto a ledge overlooking a deep pit. From the end of the ledge take a running jump slightly NE into a wall opening and jump up left to grab a crawl space. No need to pull up inside, just shimmy left around two corners and pull up. Walk W as far as you can and take a running jump W. You'll either land on a small triangular ledge or in a shallow hole just to the right of the ledge, where you'll find the UZIS and uzi ammo in the short N passage. Note the closed door ahead and pull S out of the hole.
Grab up right and shimmy left until you're just past the hole below. Drop down onto a small ledge, hang from the edge and drop still lower. Sidestep left and hop SW down into a shallow hole with revolver ammo and the REVOLVER. Get out of the hole, walk up N to the high ground and pull up onto a familiar ledge. Locate the ladder on the other (N) side of the ledge and climb down. There's another, longer ladder just a couple of steps away. Climb down to the floor of the pit and engage a waiting ahmet.
Hop up SW, enter the opening there and follow the short passage. Drop down into the hole and push floor lever to open a door up near where you began the level. Pull out of the hole, return to the pit and climb both ladders. Back on the ledge, exit W and pull up into the beginning trench where a weredog is waiting. Vault up N onto the higher part of the trench, turn to face slightly NW, back flip onto the slope and jump off to grab the block next to the door you opened. Pull up, hop with grab past the opened door and slide down to facing crawl spaces. Enter the S crawl space and drop down the other side to face a W crawl space.
Enter, drop down S, pull up W into yet another crawl space and turn left at the wall at which point you'll hear music. Turn left at the next wall, enter the SE niche for a small medipack and go back W where you can stand up. Follow to a slope and jump up to a small outdoor river where you're attacked by a knight. There's a closed door up NW and another closed underwater S door. Hop onto the NE triangular block, jump E to grab the higher block, pull up, turn around and pull up onto a ledge with a floor lever. When you push it you hear the sound of a door opening.
Take a running jump to the SW pillar, then to the S pillar, and finally to a flat spot SE. Hop SW into a shallow hole and shoot the wooden barrier. Enter the crawl space, drop down the other side and hop down to the floor. There's another crawl space in the NW corner, enter it and push the floor lever to open that underwater door you noted earlier. Get back up to the flat spot outside, jump down into the water and swim into the S opening. Swim down, turn left at the wall, turn right and pull out into a makeshift graveyard. Grab the large medipack, the small medipack and more importantly the LASER SIGHT (which seems to serve no legitimate purpose here).
Go back the way you came, pull out of the water and go around to the NW corner where that door is now open. Pull up inside to face still another crawl space, follow until you can stand up, walk out S and onto a ledge overlooking a deep room. Turn right and jump W onto a block facing a Ladder to Nowhere. Turn left and take a running jump S to land on a slope. Pull up and take a back flip to land on a safe ledge. Hop E to a higher ledge, hop up NE into the alcove, pull up N and pick up the IRON CROSS OF FAITH halfway into the passage (cut scene of a door opening while Lara's theme music plays).
Return to the ledge onto which you back flipped and climb the W wall ladder. Shift right near the top onto the Ladder to Nowhere and hop E to the ledge at the entrance. Exit N, crawl to your right and return to the rainy outdoor area. A door has opened E, so enter and follow the passage to -- yes, you guessed it -- a crawl space. Enter and come immediately to a three-way intersection.
Go straight ahead E and drop down into the hole for revolver ammo and a spare REVOLVER. Pull up E and hop down into a room where you have your choice of crawl spaces. First, grab the small medipack in the NE corner and pull up E into a crawl space that leads you to the SHOTGUN. Get back out to the previous room and climb the block against the N wall. Shoot the grate in the S wall, jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing S to the end. Drop, grab and pull up into -- yes -- the crawl space. Turn right at the wall, drop down into the hole and pull up into the W crawl space. Drop down into the hole, pull up into the E crawl space (is this getting monotonous or what), hang from the other end and shimmy right past the lighted torch (oh, blessed light) and pull up into the alcove.
Turn around and jump to the E ledge. Walk forward to the edge and jump up to grab the opening. Pull up inside and follow the passage to a hole. Drop down near a floor lever. Push it to open a door and return to the previous ledge. Walk to the S end, vault up into the passage and slide down E as a door opens to allow your progress. At the bottom shoot a weredog and the door closes behind you as you head S along the passage. Use the Iron Cross of Faith to open the E door and climb the block to your left.
Jump S to grab the crack and shimmy right around two corners to pull up into an alcove. Turn right (W) and jump up to grab the crack. Shimmy left over a fire pit and pull up into an alcove. Hop down W, turn left and open the trap door. Drop down and slide down a long slope to greet a waiting ahmet down at the bottom. Follow the passage to a depression with a small medipack. Ignore the E opening for the moment and climb the wall just to the left of it. Back flip near the top and go down for another small medipack.
Return to the E opening down below, jump into the water and swim N. Follow the passage to a trench where you can surface and wade up to the E wall. Jump up to grab the wall and climb up. Shimmy right and pull up into an alcove. Shoot one or more bats and a weredog and follow the passage to yep, another crawl space. Crawl in left and follow until you can stand up. Turn left and go up the ramp, pull up onto an outdoor ledge and run a few steps forward.
Pull up onto the block to your right, jump S to the next block and make your way up S toward the church, as you were instructed at the beginning. A cut scene will eventually kick in to end the level.