Levels by MrSeanCroft


Walkthough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walks.





Click here for the video walk.


As the level begins, Lara is locked in an open-air cage. Not to worry, the W wall, left side is an unmarked ladder, so climb up and slide down the other side to trigger a flyby through the compound below. Two guards and a Lara look-alike converge on you, and a monkey shows up to watch. If you don't shoot at the latter he'll leave you alone. You can pull the dead body, but there's nothing underneath it.


Jump into the pool and pull the W underwater lever. Pull out quickly and shoot the aroused crocodile, then go around to the N side of the pool and Lara looks at a door just as it opens automatically. Enter, shoot two dogs and loop around right for shotgun ammo. Grab the small medipack in the NW corner, exit and go across to the dark SW opening. Shoot a bat, go around the invisible collision just past the entrance and pull the wall switch on the right side of the column to open the NW door in the pool. The marked ladder on the other side doesn't work, so climb the unmarked ladder on the W face of the column. Pick up the shotgun ammo on the shimmering ledge and get back down. All containers are empty, so exit to the compound and jump into the pool.


Enter the NW opening and swim past the TNT crates into another section of the pool guarded by a crocodile for the one and only SECRET. Surface for an abrupt change of scenery, pull out S or W and shoot the croc first, then go around the ledges for shotgun ammo, the SHOTGUN and a small medipack and swim back to the compound. Pull out of the pool and go to the NE corner to find a pushblock. Pull it back, push it aside and enter the alcove to find a wall switch that opens a gate and triggers another brief flyby. Climb the nearby blocks, stand left and use only the action and up arrow keys to grab the tallest block, pull up and jump with a left curve to avoid the swinging blade. Grab, shimmy left and pull up into an upper courtyard.


Loop around right and push the button to stop the blade from swinging. Enter the S crawl space and don't stand up too soon in the next room, as ceiling spikes have been activated over the entrance.  Drop down through the opening and descend the steps. Hop through the opening and shoot the baby dinosaur that retches in the manner of a mummy. Run through the weeds in the caged area and drop down to a lower room next to a dead body which again is not covering anything. Grab the small medipack in the nearby corner, go around the central structure to meet up with a baby dinosaur and two adolescent dinosaurs and find the (of course) LOAD near the NW corner.      


Grab the shotgun ammo at the SW corner and retrace your steps back toward the compound with the swimming pool. For maximum kills and an extra pickup, vault up onto the ledge with the button and run to the other end away from the fire to trigger a flyby and cause more enemies to materialize. Jump from the opened gate to the slope, slide and grab and drop to the floor. Shoot two guards, one of whom drops the UZIS. Open the W gate with the key you acquired and follow through, shooting two baby dinosaurs on the way to a finish trigger that takes you right back to the beginning of the level with all accumulated pickups. Of course, there's nothing more to do here now, so exit and start a new game, this time choosing the second level.


Level 2: TOWN


Click here for the video walk.


Run toward the friendly monkey to trigger a rather useless flyby through the immediate area. Turn left halfway up the ramp for shotgun ammo. Go to the back of the room to find two soldiers. Pick up the shotgun ammo and uzi ammo they drop and find a small medipack near the corner. Go to the other SW corner and pull down the wall switch near the dead body to lift a trap door in the main courtyard. 


Go there and look for the jump switch on the E wall near the stacked crates. There are three pushblocks in the area, so move the nearest one (next to the well) so that you can use it to jump and activate the jump switch. If you approach the S pushblock that's blocking a keyhole, you'll alert a bat and a soldier up SW. Go up the ramp, shoot the wooden barriers and continue to where the most recent soldier was posted. Another soldier will attack from the darkness ahead, and a third one will stay just out of range so ignore him for now.


Get on the triangular ledge to the left of the entrance and take a running jump E to grab the column. Pull up and use the wall switch there. There's nothing on the plinth in the far corner, so don't bother hopping the column tops to get there. Safety drop to the floor and go to the opened trap door. Drop down into a dark alcove and hop down SW, avoiding the flame tile. Shoot a soldier and pull down the wall switch to extinguish the flames on that one tile. Ignore the dead body and go around to the S side of the room to find a KEY.


Use the lower crate to jump to the higher crate in the corner for a small medipack. Pull out of this room and return to the courtyard. Pull the block out of the S alcove and find that your Key doesn't fit into the keyhole there. However, the Key does work in the receptacle near the SE corner, so open the door to an area overlooking a deep pit. From the second step, take a running jump to grab the monkey bars and monkey swing across the pit. Drop down and run forward to a lake patrolled by two sharks and two crocodiles. Clear the area, then jump into the water and look for a small medipack near the pagoda. A little bit further on is a KEY on a raised green slab.


Pull out W onto the tree stump, get up to the ledge and monkey swing back across the pit. In the courtyard, use the Key in the S keyhole to open the gate around the column to your right. Enter a dark room, shoot the soldier and pull up on either side of the ramp. Get on the motorbike and drive it through the wooden barriers and out to the courtyard. Drive it up the ramp and over the gap at the opening, run over the soldier you ignored earlier and continue to a desert area. Turn right near the far wall and drive down SW into a lower area toward the waiting helicopter to end the level.