Level by Sponge


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk



Wait for the approaching tiger to get caught in the passage, shoot it at your leisure and go where it came from. Continue to some temple ruins and go up the steps. A flame tile prevents you from entering, so go around the temple to the right to find a parked truck in the back yard. Shoot three guards (one of them is hiding on the other side of the truck), go up NW between two large trees and find a GOLDEN FROG for SECRET #1.


Go back SE to the gap through which you accessed the back yard, get on the dead tree and take a running jump W to grab the corner ledge. Pull up between the pillars and pick up the GOLDEN FROG for SECRET #2. Drop to the ground, go around to the W side of the temple, get on the block and hop down to a pool area. Shoot another docile tiger and jump into the water to find a small triangular W opening. Swim inside and pull the ceiling lever to neutralize a nearby spike trap. Get back out and go to the SE alcove where it is now safe. Climb the ladder and find the dangling rope. Jump NW to grab it, climb up to make Lara stop swinging, slide down and face N, swing forward and jump off at the beginning of the downswing to land on the N ledge.


Walk around left and crawl to pick up the GOLDEN FROG for SECRET #3. Drop down to the pool area, climb the ladder again, jump to grab the rope and this time turn all the way around to face E. Swing and jump off toward the jump switch and land in a hole where lies another GOLDEN FROG for SECRET #4. Jump up to grab the E wall and back flip. Lara will turn in midair and skid to a halt. Turn around, slide down the slope backwards and active the jump switch to release a wraith. Jump into the water to douse it and climb the block near the water. Stand jump E to grab the ledge and pull up to take the POCKET KNIFE from the raised plinth (cut scene of the parked truck).


Get back down on onto the block and jump NE through the narrow gap. Hop down left, but don't get caught in the illegal slope between the building and the tree roots. Return to the parked truck, where you finally meet up with an aggressive tiger (one of two in this area). Go around to the front of the temple and up the steps, where the flame tile is still burning. Jump to the left and pull up S onto a tree limb. Turn around and take a running jump NE to a higher tree limb, then side flip N to the roof top and find a large medipack.


Lara looks up S, so stand jump there, grab the ledge, shimmy right around two corners as far as you can go, pull up and back flip onto a flat part of the roof. Stand jump higher W, shoot the small box, step forward and claim the LASER SIGHT and what's called the CROSSBOW, which counts in your stats as SECRET #5. Get back down to the ground (easiest and safest way is to go back E to the end of the roof, slide backwards and safety drop to the front steps) and go up in front of the parked truck. Stand on the tree stump facing W and use the Pocket Knife to cut the rope. The truck slides back against the temple, allowing you to jump on top of the truck and access the temple through the back door.


Shoot the small boxes for a small medipack and a large medipack. Climb the ladder to the left of the entrance and deal with two guards. Pull the wall switch not far from the ladder to open doors down below. There's nothing else to do up here, so climb back down and go through one of the opened E doors. Someone absconds with what was in there before you have a chance to do anything, so slide down S into a lower room. Take the KEY from the plinth to your right to awaken what looks like a severed hand but acts like a baby spider. 


Place the Key in the SE receptacle to open the large door. Enter, turn left and walk down the steps toward the dungeon. Stop at the last step and note the lava moat down below. Save your game and slide down toward the moat, jumping off at the last instant to encounter the thief you saw in the earlier cut scene (you may find it easier to slide down backwards). When he dies he leaves behind another KEY. Your counter-intuitive task at the moment is to shoot that spinning triangle within the helix until it explodes, creating a hole in the corner of the N wall. Jump there, run up the ramp and use the Key to open the door behind you. Crawl into a sitting room, continue into a hallway, turn right and approach the door to end the level.