Legacy of Xian – Croft Manor

Level and walkthrough by BigMedPack



A cutscene plays, leading you through the courtyard, into the main hall, and into the bedroom.

Feel free to explore the bedroom, when you're finished, leave the bedroom and guide Lara towards the main hall. In the upstairs, there are 5 doors, including Lara’s bedroom. Go to the door to the right of Lara’s room exit to the guest bathroom. In the tub, you will find a rusty key.


Exit the bathroom to go to Lara’s music room/ library. In the corner, behind the piano, you will find a secret passage to a crevice. Wall scramble up there and pull the lever, activating a secret door, revealing the roof key. Grab the key and head back out to the main hall.


If you notice, there are chandeliers you can jump on, jump on one, and jump towards the entrance window. Take a look at the wall and you will notice a jump switch. Perform a wall back jump + a wall scramble maneuver to get to the switch. This will open up the gym entrance.



There will be multiple maneuvers in here that lead to switches (3 total). Perform a wall scrambles to get up onto the platforms.


The platform furthest to the entrance (right): jump towards the pillar in front of you and perform a backward wall jump, grab the platform, vault up, and activate a switch to a secret room (You can go grab the secret in there in front of the fireplace now or later.) Safety drop back down to the right platform. This time, jump directly to the pillar, and wall scramble up to grab the ledge. Climb around, cross the bridge, and scramble up to the monkey bars. Cross the monkey bars to the end, drop and grab the ledge, then activate the button above the doorway to open another door.


The platform closest to the entrance (left): Once on the platform, turn to the wall with a crevice. Jump to the wall, climb inside, and guide yourself towards the button activating the other door.



Behind the diving board, is a button. Activate it to see the room you need to grab the key from. Grab the key.



There is a table with flares on it you can climb onto and grab.



Use the gun cupboard key you just got to go get the items from Lara’s bedroom. Now you can shoot out windows. Yay!



Now that you have pistols, you can shoot out the windows to get into the kitchen and unlock the doors to the dining room. Go inside the freezer to activate a secret button to get access to secret #2 - a shotgun.



Perform the obstacle course to open the door to a secret garden where you can get the boathouse key.



Run the boat course, it’s very similar to the tr3 quadbike course. In the bottom portion of the course, there is a dock with a couple of blocks on it. Park the boat here and climb on the tallest block to activate a cutscene showing the way to get up to the room with the laser sight. Perform a backward wall jump to get up there. Put in the key go inside the room and get the laser sight. If you break the window it will give you a hint on where to go. Go back down to the dock and jump in the water. Climb towards a spot of dirt you can vault upon to go over to the door switch area. You need to avoid catfish in the water here. Remove the pull block and get the harpoon gun and harpoons. Pull the lever inside to open the boat lift doors. Bring the boat inside the doors and go back to the switch room. Pull the lever and swim back up to the surface where the boat is now. Complete the course and go back to the dock where the boat was originally. Nearby there is a dock with uzi clips on it. Go ahead and grab those.



Shoot out the window to the attic with the harpoon gun and laser sight. Inside you will find spiders to shoot. Be careful, they are poisonous. Move around the crates in the left corner (from the entrance) of the room to reveal a switch. Push it to open up the door in the right corner of the room (hidden behind a push block). Go inside the room and put in the roof key. This will open the trap door. I figured you guys would get on the roof eventually so it’s just as well as to make it a feature. Explore the roof to find the 3rd and final secret of the level, Uzis. Head back down to the attic and in the bottom right corner (from where you entered through the window) remove the push block to reveal a switch. Don’t push it just yet. First, push the button at the bottom of the stairs to open the attic door. Now push the button referenced earlier. This is a timer that leads to the basement. Hurry fast!



Light a flare, this part is very dark. There are 3 harpoon spots to pick up from. Pull the push block to get in the aquarium. You’ll have to fight two sharks in here, once you’re finished with the sharks, pull the lever to get in Lara’s trophy room.



Grab the Dagger inside to activate the final portion of the level. Go outside and battle some enemies, one will drop a key to the gate. Use that key to get outside the manor and exit the level.