Level by Franky


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk



Lara begins in a water-filled shaft with an alien ahmet perched down below. You can turn around and surface for air before lighting a flare and swimming down to find a narrow S opening. Follow the passage to a maze entrance and continue straight past the crossings. Swim up, surface and pull out into a passage. Pick up the flares, get a cut scene of a closed trap door in the maze and pull down the wall switch at the end of the passage.


Go back the way you came, jump into the water and turn right at the crossing, and follow to the opened trap door. Pull out into a room with a wealth of pickups: the UZIS, the CROSSBOW, the REVOLVER, the LASER SIGHT, explosive arrows, revolver ammo, uzi ammo, and 2 x large medipack. Pull down the E wall switch to open a door at the top of some steps and jump back into the water.


Continue to the crossing, keep going straight (W) and follow until you can pull out into a passage, at the end of which are the steps you saw in the cut scene. Go up to the opened door and hop down some block steps to a passage where you can hear the ahmet alien stomping about on the other side of a closed door. Continue E down the passage, turn the corner, push the button to open the door and enter quickly before another alien ahmet attacks (you don't want to engage it in the passage). Hop onto the nearby ledge and shoot it safely from there.


When it's dead, go back along the passage and open the door where the other alien ahmet waits. Lead a merry chase back to the room where you shot the first ahmet and deal with the second one in the same manner, together with a third alien ahmet that showed up shortly thereafter in my game. Return to the other room and find that the two blocks marked "power" on either side of the water shaft are pushblocks. Push the left one once to reveal SECRET #1. Turn around and pull the other block, jump over it and pick up the PORTABLE DATA with the code 2399. Don't step further into the alcove, or you'll get a nasty surprise.


Go back to the room with the dead ahmets, stand facing W on the fifth row of tiles and jump up into an antigravity field to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing to the W opening and drop down past a phantom door into the upper passage. Follow past another phantom door into a storage filled with pushblocks. Turn right, then left, pull the middle block once and move it E to reveal a plinth that you can shoot for SECRET #2. Go back to the opening, safety drop to the previous room and go over to the E wall. Jump up with an antigravity boost to grab the opening, pull up into the passage and follow around to an opening that overlooks a room with that alien ahmet you've been hearing for the past little while. Shoot it from up here if it's within range, otherwise drop down and engage it at closer quarters.


Find the keypad next to the S door and punch in the code from your Portable Data to access a stargate room with three alien ahmets. Go to the NW corner and pull down the wall switch, then go up the steps and jump into the stargate after heeding the on-screen warning to save your game.


You emerge in a dark room with a poisonous atmosphere, so quickly turn right, hop down to the floor and loop around right behind the stargate to find a wall switch that opens the S door. Sprint there into a passage with breathable air. Pull down the wall switch to lower a block in the stargate room, return there long enough to pick up SECRET #3 and the GREEN ENERGY CRYSTAL on the right side of the ramp (opposite the wall switch). Sprint back to the S passage, and the next door opens upon your approach.


Enter the next room to activate a pair of droids, evade them (although they're not harmful) as you turn left and hop up onto the block in the NE corner. Push the timed button to open the door in the opposite corner behind you, take a rolling back flip and sprint there. Once you get inside the door stays open. Go around the corner, light a flare and follow to a two-way intersection. Turn right, go past the door that opens automatically and enter a room with engine pods and two alien ahmets. Look up at the ceiling near the entrance and look for a strip with a different texture. Face W underneath it, jump up into an antigravity field and grab the ceiling, then monkey swing to the W opening.


Drop down and follow the dark passage to a button that obliterates one of the engine pods near the NE corner. Go there for SECRET #4 and the PURPLE ENERGY CRYSTAL. Exit this room N, follow the passage to the first crossing on your right and go past the automatic door into a snack bar with droid waiters. Go behind the cabinet near the NE corner to find flares and a large medipack. Pull down the wall switch to open the S door and on the way there shoot the empty display case in the W wall for SECRET #5. Enter the S passage, wait for the next door to open and step into a hallway to engage another alien ahmet.


The doors in this hallway all open to bedrooms when you get close to them, and they all stay open except for the last one on the left. They all seem to be identical and hold nothing of interest, but the first one on the right as you enter the hallway has a jump switch in the stall that moves a block aside in that last bedroom on the left. Go there to find SECRET #6 and use the jump switch over the entrance to re-open the door.


Return N to the snack bar and go across to the NW to find that the door there is now open. Turn right at the wall, follow the passage and turn to your right into the first crossing. The door opens, so enter a room with raised structures, droids and an alien ahmet. You can shoot the last structure on the left to gather the final SECRET #7. There's nothing more to do here, so leave, turn right in the hallway and follow to the next wall. Turn right, go through the opened door into an alien garden and search the near left quadrant for the BLUE ENERGY CRYSTAL and revolver ammo. Search the other partially flooded quadrant for the hard-to-see ORANGE ENERGY CRYSTAL.


Exit the garden, go straight ahead past the next opened door into a section with divided rooms and note four colored receptacles. The only accessible one is the blue one, so place the appropriate crystal, which makes the green receptacle to your right accessible, and so on. When all four crystals have been placed, enter the next room and kill the alien ahmet. Go down the W passage, hop onto a block and push the button to activate the stargate. Go up the ramp and jump into the stargate to finish the level.