Lara As Agent

Level by Piotr Zalewski

Walkthrough by DJ Full

Advance through the corridor, killing a SAS and picking up a small medi. On the junction, go right and pick up the uzis from the pedestal. Now check out the opposite side room and find a lever switch to open the door at the end of the central corridor. Go through it, kill another SAS, pull up into the crawlspace and reach the junction. Go into the right passage and turn right again. Get into the next hole, turn around and safety drop to the command center. Pull the lever to open the door at the other end of the last corridor. Go through it, pick up a large medi from the left alcove and drop down to the next room. Get closer to the exit and it opens automatically. Kill a SAS behind it, enter the next door and find a shotgun in the room behind it. Return to the main corridor and go W. Sprint to the staircase to avoid the sentry gun. Upstairs, pick up some uzi clips and pull the lever to open a trapdoor in a room next to the once visited command center. You need to backtrack all the way there and descend to the lower corridor. Then, pull up to reach the other room. Open the door in the passage, descend to the next part of the base and kill a SAS down there. Due to the missing climb anim, you need to dozy up to the next passage. Pull the lever located there. The end.