Level set by TRLE Maker

Walkthrough by Treeble


In the initial room, you can find a small medipack and flares to your left (and a scorpion inside the nearby vase), and a ladder behind one of the columns on the opposite side of the room. Climb to the chamber above and throw the lever to open the doors below.


Run through the open doors and gather the shotgun shells and flares from the alcoves surrounding the shallow water pit. Proceed further into the temple and find a crawlspace in the 'NW' corner. Throw the lever to power up the place, then return to the water pit to kill off a newly arrived ninja. The double doors on both ends of the room are open and you can do them in any order you like, but I'd suggest starting with the 'E' pathway (ie. the straight corridor).


When you run in, the second set of doors lock you in. Dive into the water and explore the four corners. One of them is empty, but you will find an underwater lever in the one to the right of the door, the SHOTGUN straight across from this one, and a crawlspace in the last one. Swim through and pull out of water to find the only SECRET of this level: a large medipack, shotgun shells and flares. Swim back to the previous room.


The underwater lever lowered a trapdoor blocking the ladder, so climb it and dismount to the left at the top. Jump to the lever and throw it to open the underwater gate. Dive into the water and swim through the tunnel to an area patrolled by two scorpions. Cross the open gates, which also shut you in, and run through the hardly effective trapped chamber —you can retrieve a small medipack from the center of the room if you like. Throw the lever at the end and follow through the side passage, pulling a wall switch to open the nearby gate. Climb the ladder on the opposite end of the room and walk to the edge of the passage.


Do a running jump towards the ledge and get the HAND OF ORION while a ninja shoots a few bursts at you from below. Pull the nearby switch to reopen the entrance doors, dive into the water and head back to the previous area, dealing with the ninja as you see fit. Cross the shallow water pit, which is now occupied by another ninja, and go down the slope past the opposite set of double doors.


You'll notice a spark of electricity in the middle of the room, where a wire is touching the water, so, as you've guessed, avoid touching the water at all costs. Jump to the safe tiles in front of you, timing your jump around the flame emitter, and then jump to the column to the right to find a switch. Jump past the burning tile to the next tile and look right, further into the chamber, to locate the next safe spot you want to reach with a running jump.


Pull the switch on the left hand wall, then jump back and notice there's another switch protected by a flame emitter. Jump to the tile when it's safe, and you can stand still safely in the very corners of the tile until you can pull the next switch and quickly jump back. The switch near the entrance is now safe to pull, and it opens the gate in the North wall, so jump over to pull it and back to the open gate.


In the North room, monkey swing over the electrified water, minding the flame emitter halfway through, and drop to the crack in the wall. Shimmy around the corners, being mindful of another emitter on the opposite side of the wall, and you'll eventually reach a lever. Throw it and you'll notice the water will lose it's sparkly blue shade, meaning you're now safe to splash your way back to the previous room and get the HAND OF SIRIUS from the pedestal. There's also a small medipack near the switch in the 'NW' end of the room, should you need one.


To return, enter the North room and find the nearby open gate. Hop over the spike pit and pull the switch in the end to lower a trapdoor, then pull up through it and you'll be right in front of the hand receptacles. Kill the ninja before unlocking the door, then go down the steps to a chamber where you'll find the EYE OF HORUS near a sarcophagus; removing it from the pedestal opens the exit gate. The vases placed in the corners of the room contain two mummies and a large medipack.


Through the next open door, mind the spike pit and observe the rolling ball at the top. It will trigger when you step on the tile tagged with a scarab on the wall, so quickly retreat over the spike pit to safety. At the top, you need to throw the four burning switches hanging from the center. Starting with the one right in front of you, wait for an opening in the flames to pull each switch in turn. Once you pull the fourth one, the nearby gate opens.


Climb up the ladder at the end of the passage and go place your cartouche into the receptacle. You don't have one? No problem —kill the two ninjas, in their last effort to try and stop you, and take their BA CARTOUCHE instead. And as an added bonus, you get to take home their own jeep, too!