Level created by Drobridski
Walkthrough written by LuxQSD
Video walkthroughs by
DoggettTV and Steven3517


Enjoy the charming intro sequence. Don't touch any controls aside from Jump as it will probably crash the game. Once the van approaches a pit make sure to press Jump to get over it.

SECRETS - 0 of 0



Note: The secret count at the end of the level is bugged and will show only 16/21 secrets. All secrets are shotgun shells that you cannot use so it's easy to keep track by simply looking at the amount of shells in your inventory.

Once you've finished snickering at Lara's cowutfit immediately turn around and head to the back of the van to pick up (1)shotgun shells (SECRET #1). (SECRET #2) More (2)shotgun shells are behind the vendor shack next to a palm tree. Go to the opposite side of the shack and pick up more (3)shotgun shells next to a shrub for (SECRET #3). Head to the cliffs to the left of the van and jump up to green platform above the passage Lara refuses to go down. Make your way up top to find (SECRET #4) some (4)shotgun shells.

Jump into the pool of water to the left of the vendor shack and dive down. There are yet more (5)shotgun shells (SECRET #5) in the passageway that leads to a long underwater hallway. The aforementioned hallway might seem linear, but it has two more entrances in the top right. Enter the first one and squeeze through the tight passage to enter a room with a lever. Pull it and pick up another box of (6)shotgun shells (SECRET #6) before getting out of the room. Ignore the second optional passageway for now and keep swimming all the way till the end until you emerge from the pool and into a big room.

If you take a few steps forward Lara will get distracted by a switch high above her. The corner under the switch has (7)shotgun shells (SECRET #7). The opposite corner of the same room has more (8)shotgun shells (SECRET #8) next to a small palm tree. Time to get to that switch that Lara was so interested in! You start off a sequence of jumps on a grassy platform in the SW corner of the room. The first three platforms are easy, but it gets tricky at the end. Make an angled jump towards the slide in the NE corner and grab the edge to the next one. Shimmy all the way to the left before pulling up. Slide and jump without grabbing to get to the next one. Once there jump one more time to finally reach the switch. Once pulled the camera will show that a door opened somewhere. While accurate, the switch did something more important for us; it drained the water in the pool we used to get here.

Jump back into the now drained pool and make your way over to the second ceiling passageway we ignored before. The grate in front of you is actually a movable block. Push it twice to get it out of the way and reveal a lever that must be pulled later on. From there move the block to the corner of the room that has a unique gold pattern. (The game will play a little tune to signify that you've done it right.) Don't forget to grab the (9)shotgun shells (SECRET #9) behind a tipped over vase to the left of the revealed lever.

Make your way back to the room where we drained the pool and head for the exit in the SW corner. You will emerge in another big room with four statues in the middle. Grab the (10)energy drink disguised as a small medpack from the center. Three trapdoors open up under you, but you should be safe no matter where you stood. Pull out your pistols and save your game because a (1)skateboard kid will come rolling in to ruin your day. Dispatch him however you can and yoink the (11)UZIS from him after the deed is done.

The south part of the room has two doors with roman numerals above them. The clues to this puzzle are in your passport. The Load Game page tells you how to decipher the text and the Exit to Title page gives you a refresher on roman numerals if you don't know them by heart. If you're feeling lazy then you're in luck because I already deciphered it for you! The left door says ALTAR OF SACRIFICE and the right door says PURGATORIUM.

There are more (12)shotgun shells (SECRET #10) behind a pillar in the SW corner of the room. You will notice two diamond shaped movable blocks. Keep them as they are for now as we need them to reach the next floor for the foreseeable future. Jump up to the next floor using the southern block. There are more (13)shotgun shells (SECRET #11) behind the palm shrub.

Proceed down the balcony and push the movable block once so you can reach the switch. Save your game and get ready for a timed run. Pull the switch and quickly drop down so you can push the block once towards the hole in the ceiling. Use the moved block to jump up to the second floor. Now rush to the north side of the room by going all the way around using the hallway with an ankle level dart trap. Once there hop onto the timed block and face the dark green wall. The green wall is actually another movable block. Push it once and you can take a breather.

Proceed all the way down the balcony and pull a switch located on a palm tree. Head into the nearby open door and pick up all six (14-19)Illuminati books disguised as large medpacks. The writing above the bookshelf says JOKE BOOKS. Head into the next small room that has the pushed green block. You will find more (20)shotgun shells (SECRET #12) in the corner. This will trigger a (2)weird alien slug maggot monster to spawn in the previous room. Dispatch it and push the green block so you can reach the switch in the other corner of the room. No need to pull it yet though. For now, decipher the text on the wall for a clue to the next puzzle. It says BAT ELK DOG BEE. The second letter of each word is what you need. A L O E.

Proceed down the next hallway and save your game. Slide through a fire and drop down into the puzzle room. The 6 books that you got earlier will keep you alive long enough to complete the puzzle. Quickly run into hallways that spell out ALOE and jump into the water before you burn to death. Alternatively  you can slide, jump and grab over the flames at the start so you don't catch on fire, but the author has noted that it's cheesy.

Once the puzzle is complete and you're in the pool dive down to the bottom and pick up some (21)CURRENCY. Get out of the pool and on your way out you will find another box of (22)shotgun shells (SECRET #13). You will emerge back in the drained pool room.

Do the jumping sequence again and pull the switch to fill the pool with water. Dive in and make your way over to the first ceiling passage and pull the lever that we ignored earlier. Proceed down the underwater hallway and back to the start of the level. Use your currency on the vendor stall and you will receive a piece of (23)RAW MEAT in exchange. Dive back into the water and make your way back to the room with four statues.

Climb back onto the south balcony once more and pull the grated block back over the switch. Save and prepare for another timed run. This time drop down to the ground floor and rush to the first floor northern balcony using the other diamond shaped block as leverage. There will be a switch in a short hallway right in front of you. Pull it and quickly rush to the east part of the balcony. Lara will look at a near invisible crack in the wall. Jump and grab it then shimmy all the way to the right, pulling up into the next trap chamber. If you are too late with the timed run the pillar will move and allow you to get minced by four dart traps while you're on the wall. Make another save on the safe platform before sliding down. You will be forced to run away from some toxic sludge. Navigate the obstacles and walk through the spikes until you slide down next to a switch. Pull it and leave the area.

You will once again emerge back at the pool area. Make your way back to the four statues room. For the next secret you will have to do the exact same timed run again. Once you reach the final hallway again you will notice that the toxic sludge is gone. Go down where it once was and into a crevice containing some (24)shotgun shells (SECRET #14). Back to the four statues room.

Make your way back to the second floor balcony, but this time check the corner of the south balcony for another box of (25)shotgun shells (SECRET #15) behind a plant. Head into the room just before the 'ALOE' puzzle using the opening provided by the movable green block. Pull the switch that we ignored earlier and the camera will show a fire light up somewhere. Go back down to ground level and enter the Purgatorium door (the right one). Use your raw meat on the fire to receive GOURMET in return. Before leaving pull the switch in the corner of the room. Enter the adjacent room (Altar of Sacrifice room) and put the Gourmet on the altar. The camera will show a passage open on the second floor. Before leaving the room pull another switch in the corner.

Go back to the pool room. There are two green breakaway tiles if you run straight from the entrance. The first one drops you into some spikes while the second one drops you into the hallway safe and sound. Go down the hall and you will see the two doors we opened with the switches moments before. Each room contains a switch that resets the trapdoors in the four statues room. One of the rooms also has (26)shotgun shells (SECRET #16) in the corner. Proceed further down the hall and you will find the underside of trapdoors we just reset. The solution to the next puzzle is pictured there. The roman numeral says 'N' for 'North'. I recommend screencapping the map to save yourself some confusion.

Go back down the hall and head back to four statues room once again. There is one more thing we have to do before we solve that puzzle. Make your way back up to the second floor and into the new passage we opened with the meat. You will enter the final treasure room. Drop into the pit and pick up the (27)shotgun shells (SECRET #17) in the middle of the room. Head back up and then down to the ground floor of the four statues room.

Make sure all the previous steps are complete as we're about to move the diamond shaped blocks we were using to ascend in order to solve the final puzzle. The picture you saw under the trapdoor is a map of the four statues room and the orange squares tell you where you have to place the diamond shaped blocks. Push one of the blocks north and place it in its designated position behind the pillar. The camera will show the treasure room if you've placed the block correctly. Push the other block all the way to the east side of the room, but before you complete the puzzle we need the block to access another secret. Push it in the passage in the SE corner of the room and jump on top of it to reach the platform with the barred window for a box of (28)shotgun shells (SECRET #18). Drop down and pull the block back out, placing it in the designated position to the east in order to solve the puzzle.

The treasure room now has two pillars we can use to reach the other side! Unfortunately, since we moved the blocks we need to use an alternate way to get to the second floor balcony. Head back to the pool room, into the water and back to the start of the level. Using the elevated block right next to the pool, jump up to the slanted platform on the wall and then grab onto the crevice in front of you. Shimmy all the way to the left and pull up. Be prepared to jump as you start sliding and you will reach the hidden passage to the second floor balcony. Before you drop down completely; look to your left and you will see another box of (29)shotgun shells (SECRET #19) partially obscured by a shrub. Feel free to slide into the balcony now.

Make your way over to the treasure room and drop down into the pit again. You will find some (30)shotgun shells (SECRET #20) on the block that the pillar was on before it moved. Now get out of the pit and jump on over to the other side of the room. Take a hard left and pick up the final box of (31)shotgun shells (SECRET #21) in the corner of the room. One of the (3)statues will awaken and you will have to fight it. I recommend using the uzis you got from the skateboard kid ages ago. Once the statue is dealt with, pick up the (32)EIGHTBALL from the center of the room and the level will end.

SECRETS - 16 of 21
(Bugged. Caps at 16.)



Simply watch the ending cutscene and read the message at the end. You did it! Well done!

SECRETS - 0 of 0



Use Lara's Home option from the main menu to access the bonus level. You might be hit by a wave of nostalgia upon doing so. You control pacman in the TR1 engine, which is a feat of wonder. Your goal is to avoid the ghosts and pick up all the PRIZES scattered around the maps. It is extremely difficult and I have not managed to finish it. I cannot beat the second level since the red ghost always tears me to pieces no matter what I do. The only advice I can give is to make sure that the ghosts are far away from you before you pick up the prizes as you still need to go through the entire animation of collecting them. You can still walk to center yourself on top of the items. Jumping has next to no effect, most likely due to the fact that the ceiling is really low, thus you can't get a speed boost. Good luck!

SECRETS - ? of ?