Level by Perceiver


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk





After a brief opening flyby, pull up for later use the trap door to your right (face W), turn around and run forward a few steps to find a shallow hole to your right that allows you to crawl under the fence. Go E to the end of the alley for the LASER SIGHT. Go back W, turn right and climb up onto the corner crate. Pull up N onto the roof, run forward and hop down the other side to alert a guard posted down NW. He conveniently drops the HAND CANNON when he dies, so go ahead and combine it now with the laser sight.


Open the nearby trap door (face N) and pull back S onto the roof where you hopped down. Turn around and hop up N onto a higher roof and find two windows in the adjacent building that you can shatter with your pistols while stooping. Stand jump to grab the nearer opening, pull into the crawl space and drop down the other side into a garage. Note the fuse box in the W wall, but it serves no apparent function. The SW shelf is a pushable, so pull it four times E and once N so you can use it to reach the N scaffold. Pull up, shoot the window in the N wall and jump into the opening. Shoot the window on the other side and hop down onto another scaffold in the adjacent room.


Drop to the floor and find hand cannon ammo in the NE shelves. Go to the opposite SW corner and pull down the wall switch to open the door connecting the two rooms. You'll find another pushable shelf in this room, which you need to move clockwise around the central crates onto a darker rising tile. Finally, climb the stacked crates in the SE corner and jump from the highest one to grab the upper ledge. Pull up, jump over the railings to get to the W side and open the door on the right. Go inside and pull down the wall switch to raise the pushable you moved earlier.


Exit this room, loop around right and open the other door. Search the shelves in the corner for hand cannon ammo and get back down to the raised pushable. Move it S and push it over the edge. You hear the sound of breaking glass as it falls to the floor. Get down and drop into a partially flooded basement. Wade and swim S along the passage to a room with two side openings. Take the E opening and run down the ramp to a room with a grated floor. Back flip onto the slope, jump off to grab the N edge (taking a little damage from the spinning fan), shimmy right and pull up into the opening. Grab the PLIERS, drop down, run back up the ramp and take the S opening.


Turn left in the sewer area, pull up onto the ledge and find a first aid kit (large medipack) to your left. Hop back down E (don't slide down S) into the sewer, vault up S and pull down the wall switch to open the gate to your right. Run down the walkway to your left and find the E opening beneath the large pipe. Enter to find flares straight ahead and hand cannon ammo in the N alcove. Look up after picking up the ammo and see a locked grate. Shoot the lock with your hand cannon to open the grate and use the ladder to climb up to a storage room. The SW shelves contain hand cannon ammo; the other shelves are empty.


Open the door in the far corner and step out into a hallway. Follow around to another door you can open and enter a machine room where two guards attack at once. One of them is perched high up on a ledge and will likely take refuge from your fire behind a fence. I was able to target him with the hand cannon by standing in the NE corner. Go to the SW corner and pull up N onto the ledge. Run forward and pull down the wall switch to open a door back in the hallway. Get down, exit N and find the opened door to your right. Enter a small storage room and search the shelves for a first aid kit and flares.


Return to the machine room, go left down the steps and open the door. Follow the passage SW to a steam blower, crawl under the obstructions and continue to a ladder. Climb up to a larger room, shoot the guard and pull down the N wall switch to open the garage door. Exit to the alley where you began the level. Crawl under the fence as you did earlier and use the crate to access the roof of the N building. Go to the other side and jump to the higher roof of the next building. If you wish to divert for a pickup, you can go to the NE corner, look down and run off onto a flat spot for a first aid kit. To get back, jump in the water and let the current carry you S. Pull out W at a flat spot and climb back up to the beginning alley.


Repeat the steps described in the previous paragraph, but this time jump to grab the crawl space in the N wall as you did earlier. Pull inside, drop down into the garage and go N through the door you opened into the other room. Use the SE crates to get back up to the higher ledge. Run forward to the NE corner and open the door to a connecting bridge. Go across, kick open the far door and enter a dark building. Climb down the nearby ladder, drop to the floor and find a passage in the NW corner. Follow to a small room with a receptacle for your Pliers. Use them to turn on the lights and return to the larger area, shooting two guards along the way.


Run up the SE ramp and loop around to go through the N doorway. Search one of the shelves for a FUSE, go back and shoot the W window. Find the ladder on the other side, shift left and climb back up to the previous ledge. Run back across the connecting bridge, save your game near the other end and take a tricky running jump SE over the railing onto the corner of the roof. The tree limbs will break your fall somewhat as you drop down into a fenced-off area. Find the RED KEY hidden in a bush at the SE corner, go back a bit and slide down through a gap in the fence into the water. Swim S and pull out W at the same flat spot you used earlier.


Climb up into the beginning alley and turn right into the warehouse. Go up to the E wall and insert the Fuse in the receptacle. After a second or two you hear the sound of rushing water. Go to the NW corner and climb down the ladder you used earlier. Return along the sewer passage past the steam blower and obstructions to the E slope I cautioned you to avoid earlier. The area beneath is now flooded, so slide down to the shaft and drop into the water.


There's nothing to be found in the NW passage, so enter the SE passage and allow the current to carry you along. Swim up at the end and if you think you have enough time and air, swim W for a first aid kit. Otherwise, head E to a circular room, swim down and into the E opening, up near the end and surface. Pull out S, turn around in place and jump up to grab the ladder. Climb up to a warehouse and shoot the approaching guard. Make your way W and shoot another guard perched up on a crate near a keyhole. You'll find hand cannon ammo on one of the other crates nearby. 


Use your Red Key in the keyhole to lift the garage door and go inside for SECRET #1 and a first aid kit and hand cannon ammo in the corners. Exit to the warehouse and turn left to find more hand cannon ammo. Go to the water's edge and jump up to grab the S crack. Shimmy left around the corner and pull up into a crawl space. Crawl forward through a dark passage and drop down the other side for a level change.




Open the door and go down the hallway to open the next door at the corner if you like. Don't go inside, as there's nothing to do there yet, but continue around the hallway past an alcove with another closed door, then another closed door, and finally to double doors you can open at the end. Go outside into a pouring rain and continue S through an alley to encounter two guards, one of whom drops another RED KEY. Find a first aid kit in the shallow pond at the SW corner and go down the E alley to find the keyhole for the Red Key.


Open the nearby garage door and go to the left of the truck into a lower section. Loop around up the ramp and Lara will look down intently. Hop over the railing down to where she's looking and reach beyond the N grate for another RED KEY. Go back up the ramp and find your keyhole near the far wall. Open the garage door and go inside for SECRET #2. Grab the first aid kit and hand cannon ammo on the crates, go back outside, return to the truck and find a window you can shoot up in the NE corner.


Pull into the crawl space, shoot the next window if necessary and drop out the other side. Jump into the flooded track area and find automatic pistol ammo (for a weapon you won't get here) near the NE corner. Hop onto the flatbed car for flares and climb the crates. Face S and take a running jump without grab to land on a ledge next to a wheel with turning handles. Pull it about five times as the garage door ahead rises (it seems to vanish after the fifth pull). Jump down and easily get past the lowering door. Search the shelves in the storage room for hand cannon ammo and the BLUE KEY.


Pull down the wall switch to lift the S garage door and shoot the waiting guard. Exit W to the outdoor area, go forward through the alley to the next section and turn left into the NW passage. Enter the N building and follow the hallway to the NE door you may have opened earlier. If not, do so now and enter a room with a cigarette butt smoldering in an ashtray. Ignore the pushblock and empty shelf, and use the Blue Key in the S keyhole to open another door back in the hallway. This one is near the SE corner, so go there and enter a storage room for a cut scene of an outdoor fence.


Search the shelves for a first aid kit and save your game in front of the wall switch in anticipation of a timed run. Pull the switch to lift the fence you saw in the cut scene, reverse roll and exit the room while drawing your hand cannon. Stay right and start firing as soon as you encounter the guard on your way to another one of those wheels with the turning handles. (Yes, you should have time to kill him with four quick rounds.) Turn the wheel no more than three times to open the garage door ahead, side flip right and sprint through and left past the raised fence to end the level. (Don't get the bright idea, as I did, of eliminating the guard on the first run and then going back to do the run a second time, as the timer doesn't work after the first pull of the wall switch.)