Level by José.

Walkthrough by G&D Productions.

Mentioned savegames are in this Saves Folder.


3 Secrets; not going for Secrets…, you can skip the dark blue parts.

Make your way through the openings with deadly icicles (slowly and stay close to the wall) OR go through the openings where there are two lanterns on the wall, and come to a pit with fire.

For a Secret later; If you go for the secret be sure to trigger the deadly icicles in the opening with the purple light (SW).

Those trapdoors aren’t trustworthy, just run jump over them to the other side.

To open the wooden door, go left and hang from the edge of the floor over that red tile in the pit and pull back up (don’t drop). Go to the S side and push that Buddha shrine, a snowmobile will become available for later.

Through the wooden door a flyby starts, showing you the big vases on top of the columns. First make a little pickup tour, go left (N) and to the pedestal, a Medipack appears on it. Along the W side of the frozen pool under those crates is 2x Revolver ammo; a Yeti is triggered, as well as two tigers. You might also trigger a screenshot of the area of the S side of the building.

The Sight.

Climb up on that sloped wall where you see some grass growing. Then jump from grass area to the next grass area to the pedestal in the NE corner and grab the Sight. Just step on the snow and get transported back. 

The Revolver and a Timed run back up.

Go to the big tree SE of the pool you can run down onto a block below, run jump E and swim up against the current to climb out E. Grab the Revolver.

Only if you stepped through the doorway with the purple light before, the block behind the pedestal is down. Pick up Secret #1, a Shankha. Get out

Run jump SW onto the triangle ice ledge next to the block at the other side of the river. Follow those blocks and ledges all the way to the other side and pick up more Revolver ammo (somewhere along the line you have to fight a bald eagle), a run jump long way down and in the end run jump (no Ctrl) over to the Timed lever N. Pull, roll and hit the look key to get out of the camera, run jump to the next block and keep following the blocks with appropriate jumps to get to the block that went up, turn right and grab up (save.0).

Nitrous Oxide Feeder. 

Go to the frozen pool, shoot those big vases above the frozen pool and a ball will drop and open up a hole in the ice. Face the bridge (S) and hop in backwards, swim a bit left and pick up the Nitrous Oxide Feeder, get out quick (face S).

Campsite, Shotgun.

Now go get the Snowmobile (S side of the building) and put the Nitrous Oxide Feeder on it (while facing N), ride it straight and right around the pool so you are lined up with that snow ramp near the river canyon. Hit sprint and jump over to the campsite. Go to the tent and pick up Gurung Bread (small medipack) and next to the tent are crates and inside those is the Shotgun. A Baddy shows up; take care of him. Go through the doors (push them open) in the wall and watch the flyby.

Phurba Dagger.

It’s your choice which direction you want to take, but we went left around.

So, left we go, follow to the corner of the Temple complex and shoot the spiders, collect Bow and Arrows from the pedestal, those are there as a hint, those red pillars also indicate there’s a task to perform. Look up on the Temple wall and shoot that Bell, the Phurba Dagger now appeared on the pedestal where the Arrows were. Get it and place it on the pedestal at the corner of the Temple wall (under the bell) and get a screen of the Temple door (task#1 completed). Continue S.

When you come to another red column left, be careful, there’s a hidden pit…

Hop in backwards at the column grabbing the edge and drop/grab to a crack, you will then spot the jump lever, use that to let a key appear up at the top of the pit.

Secret: Behind the plants SW is a hidden passage with Secret #2, a Quartz Skull. Go out.

Pick up a Spyglass (hint), Flares and a Medipack in the corners. Face N and jump onto the bounce pad, jump and grab the crack, ledge jump up and shimmy right around along the outer wall to get to the other side of the pit. On the pedestal is the Eyes Key, use that in the keyhole and get a screen of the Temple door (task#2 completed). 

Quicksand, the Jade Key.

Continue and around the corner a huge Lizard will come for you (or he tries to escape), shoot him and pick up the Jade Key. Side step left a bit, walk a few steps into the muck and run jump straight onto the ledge with the Medipack (marked tile), pick it up. Turn right and run down from the ledge landing against the wall with the keyholes, where you can use the Jade key underneath the surface and get a screen of the Temple door (task#3 completed), turn left and wade up E.

For a Secret, run jump back onto the ledge where the Medipack was, run jump S into the muck (a spot with the same marking), walk back a bit and get Secret #3, a Salt Rock. Turn right and wade out E.


Go in and keep left/right/left and you’ll come to the outer edge, hop around the corner onto the slope to land in the next section. Just keep left and you’re through.

Medicinal Herbs, Buddha Key. 

Jump through a rock wall E and just coming out of that are some baskets, there’s also a bowl of Medicinal Herbs, take that with you and around the corner is another one of those red pillars. Pick up the Ancient Text left of the Monk and read it. So, give the Herbs to the Monk and he will reward you with the Buddha Key (I wonder where he hid that). Use it in the keyhole and get a screen of the Temple door (task#4 completed).

The Garuda Plaques.

Go to that large pit N, to the right is the Garuda Plaque on a pedestal. Rats appear, hang into the pit with the switching ledges and shimmy left/right to get them all over the edge. Now pull up and watch the task at hand, we need to get to that ledge with the pillar as we need to place the Plaque there. What I did was concentrate on the long central row of ledges, hop back from the edge and take an additional step back, run jump when you figure the ledges will appear and do a running jump to the second, followed by a right curved running jump to the ledge with the pillar, task #5 complete and the Temple door open up. I did a run hop onto nearest ledge and a run jump to grab the outer-sloped wall, shimmied right to get across the pit, but you are free to attempt the jumps over the ledges

To the right is another Garuda Plaque, take it with you and go around the next corner, to the left, just before reaching the Temple door is a kind of shrine… If a Wraith is bothering you, this is the place to get rid of it. Go into the Temple Complex, we have to find 4 Seraphs to open the Temple, in no particular order…

Temple Complex, NW Pagoda, Seraph I.

Two Tigers may attack. Head left and to the front of the Pagoda, on a pedestal is Lara’s Tablet, when you examine it you will read “Walk Slowly”. To open the doors, go around the building to the back and there’s Shotgun ammo next to a chain pulley on the other pedestal is the Shotgun. Use the pulley, kill the big bird then run to the other side of the Pagoda and be careful, the floor is hot. Jump over the crates to the back and pick up the Medipack. Now walk slowly through the Spikes and pick up the Seraph. Jump the crates to the front and a run jump without Ctrl into the opening where a block lowered.

NE Pagoda, Targets and a Pushblock, Seraph II.

Go to the E side and in front of the building is a pedestal with 2x Shotgun ammo. A camera shows what to do next. Go right (N) and just around the second corner, look up and use the jump lever on the wall. Go back to the front and enter the building.

Go into the Pagoda and pick up 2x Flares, left in the corner is another Laser Sight (hint), a Revolver can be found SE and Revolver ammo NW. In the last corner (NE) you get a clue for the next puzzle.

We need to raise a block to get up to the Seraph E, shoot a Gem from the mouth of the Lions up in all 4 corners of the room, trapdoors open up in the middle of the room. Go to the NE corner and in the screenshot you now can see a different looking tile on the bottom of the trapdoors.

Go get that pushable cabinet from the SE corner and push it down into the SE corner of the pit under the trapdoors. The block E goes up, go up and get Seraph II. A Wraith will come for you, so quickly leave, run right to the lake and hop in, then climb out W. Shoot the big Lizards.

SE - The Lake, Seraph III.

Hop into the Lake again and swim around to find 5 plants where air bubbles come up, hidden in those plants are 5 bowls of Medicinal Herbs (we don’t need those, they only unlock a pillar so do with them as you please). There might be a Lizard or two around also. Under the waterfall S is a Medipack to be found.

A tall block goes up after swimming through those air bubbles, you can now jump to the central island and get Seraph III.

SW- The Village, A Jump Lever and Ice ledges for Seraph IV.

In the SW corner of the complex is a Village, there’s even a market along the outer S wall, there are several shootable crates, one is hiding a Medipack and the other Flares. 

You also will find a trapdoor there (for later). To open that trapdoor we need to get to a jump lever on the wall of the NW house, go to the Temple, climb up to the ledge around it and at the NW corner you can run jump and grab the roof of the second house from the left (at the flowers). Shimmy right around till you see the pool, pull up and back flip roll to grab the roof behind you. Shimmy left towards the corner and at the flowers, pull up and back flip roll to grab the roof behind you. Shimmy right around till you get a view of the pool again, pull up and back flip roll to grab the roof behind you. Left around the corner and back flip roll to grab the roof behind you, this is the house… Go around to the other side and drop/grab to operate the jump lever, that trapdoor opens at the market. Head S and climb down the ladder.

Icy break ledges.

Run jump to the one right, hop to the next and side flip left, turn left and hop to the next, turn right a bit (face W) then another hop followed by a side flip right, hop W and run through the corner of the pillars, a running jump SW to a far tile and side flip left onto the ledge. Pick up the Grenade Gun, Seraph IV and Grenades at the other end (save.1). Those vines along the N wall are now climbable, use those (be careful to follow them exactly) and back flip onto the ledge near the exit. Stand in the middle and hop with a right curve to the opening there (save.2).

Go up the ladder and to the front of the Temple (NE) and use the 4 Seraphs (you have to turn sideways a bit to place them, while facing the door every time)

The Temple, The Shangri L'Artefact.

Inside and to the left and right are 4x Revolver ammo pickups. On the central pillar are 2 levers, on the pillars SE and SW two more, they are all Timed and will stop fire blowers for a while. So, I did the one on the SE pillar and then the two on the central pillar, and last the one SW. Quickly get between those fire blowers and get the Swastika Key (face the pedestal diagonally), immediately back flip away (save.3).

Go upstairs (SW or SE) and use that Key on the N side of the central block, two large Hammergods appear, shoot them and step on the red tiles at the S side of the central block to start a flyby of an artefact appearing above the block, go get that Shangri L'Artefact.