Levels by Tomo


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Steven3517's video walk



Your relatively brief adventure begins with a relatively lengthy FMV that establishes a story line for those who may be interested. When it ends after nearly four minutes, you're taken to the first level, which serves only as a cursory training exercise.




You can't save in this level, so the only way you'll learn its name is by completing it. Go around the ledge and vault onto the block marked with the numeral 1. Stand jump to grab the crack with the numeral 2, shimmy right to the corner and hold down the action, walk and right arrow keys simultaneously. When Lara shifts her position in readiness for a jump, also hit the jump key and she'll jump over to grab the crack over the numeral 3. Shimmy right around two corners and press the action and down arrow keys. When Lara gets into position, continue holding down those two keys while pressing the jump key, and Lara will jump to grab the crack over the numeral 4. Ledge jump up by using the up arrow key and pull into the opening above the numeral 5. Walk forward and take a running jump with grab into the alcove ahead. Pull down the wall switch to open the gate below. Drop down into the water, pull out and enter the opened gate to your right. Press the escape key to begin your adventure proper.




Begin in a dark train yard in the midst of a steady snowfall. The word "checkpoint..." flashes across your screen, which means that you can return to this spot later if you wish by pressing the F7 key. You still can't save, however. Get on the block next to the blinking light and jump to grab the roof. Shimmy left as far as you can, press the action, walk and left arrow keys, followed by the jump key to make Lara perform one of those lateral jumps you learned earlier. Grab the crack, shimmy left around the corner past the dark wall and perform a backward jump and grab with the down arrow and action keys, followed by the jump key. Pull up into the alcove, Jump up to grab the ladder and back flip into a control room where you can grab the INTACT FUSE from the panel and open the door to your left.


Hop down to the train car and drop to the ground. Follow the tracks away from the blinking light (inexplicably, there's no compass in this game) and go all the way to the end to find a crowbar gate to your left for later. Your explorations have attracted the attention of a dog, and at least you have pistols to kill it.


Go back the way you came along the left side of the tracks and turn left into an alley. Loop around right on the other side and shoot out a window. Hop into the storage room, light a flare and search the interior portions of the shelves for a small medipack and flares. The small cabinet in the corner contains more flares. Push the wall button just to the left of the window and hop out quickly before you're besieged by mice. Turn right and hop into a hole next to the building. Crawl through the short crawl space and vault up into a fenced-off area. Go up the steps, open the door for a new checkpoint and turn right into another storage room.


Hop onto the window ledge for more flares and search the small cabinet for a NEWSPAPER containing helpful information. Exit and go across to a companion room. Grab the shotgun ammo from the shelf and go around the car to find a small chest containing the SHOTGUN. Turn around, shoot the fuse box in the other corner and pull down the wall switch for an outdoor cut scene. Finally, place the Intact Fuse in the wall panel to open the garage door. (If you do these two things in reverse order you burn and die when you approach the fuse box.)


Go outdoors and turn left toward the car to trigger a brief FMV. Note the opening in the fence to your right, turn left and go past that floating blue contraption which periodically changes shape and also doubles as a save crystal and as a secret. You'll find the CROWBAR between the car and the wall. Push the nearby wall button in the panel to turn on a flashing neon sign. Stand next to the blue light and press the action key to save your game if you like. Take a few steps back (if you stand too close you die), draw your shotgun and wait for the change from a larger to a smaller object. Fire twice in quick succession to demolish the device and step forward to pick up the fallen "mysterious pyramid" for SECRET #1.


Return to the now-lighted garage and reclaim the Intact Fuse from the panel (sorry, the lights go out again). Return through the other doorway to the crawl space, go back through the alley to the train yard and continue across to the crowbar gate you noted earlier. Open the gate and go inside to shoot a couple of bats. There's another blue device nearby, but leave it alone for now. If you use it to save your game now and then have to reload for any reason, the mine cart may or may not still be there. Vault up onto the far ledge and memorize these controls before mounting the mine cart: the jump key applies the brakes (most helpful on curves and inclines), the action key causes Lara to swing a wrench, the crouch key causes Lara to duck under low clearances, and you dismount by pressing the jump key together with the right or left arrow key as desired.


You'll go up a short incline and come down a much steeper one. You'll be tempted to slam on the brakes, especially as you near the curves ahead, but refrain because you need to be going fast enough to clear the gap over a lava pit after you've rounded the curves. After clearing the gap, you'll come to two more sharp curves. Apply the brakes after clearing the second one so you'll have time to swing your wrench at the pole, changing the rail alignment so that you turn left at the crossing instead of continuing ahead to your doom. You'll go down another steep incline, so make liberal use of your brakes until you stop underneath a bright light.


Dismount and, since there's nothing to do here at the moment, get back into the mine cart and continue up the incline. Duck under a few low clearings and be prepared to swing your wrench at a switch pole as you approach another crossing with certain death straight ahead. Go down some steep inclines, braking liberally, and come to a stop beside a lava lake. Dismount left and use the nearby block to climb up to a longer ledge. Remember the route that follows, as you'll repeat it soon for a timed run. Go left a bit, turn right and jump up to grab the crack. Shimmy right as far as you can and perform a right lateral jump to grab a higher cliff. Pull up and go around right to face a slope across the gap. Take a running jump to it so that you slide down facing forward, jump near the bottom to grab the crack ahead, shimmy left and perform a left lateral jump without grab to land on the next ledge.


Turn left and locate the slightly lower crack in the rock wall. Stand jump to grab it, shimmy right around the corner and drop. Reverse roll and turn the valve to open a nearby door. Safety drop to the tracks and go into the tunnel. Take a quick left and go up the steps to the opened door and enter for a much-appreciated checkpoint.


Push the timed panel button and exit down the steps to the tracks. Jump right onto the block you used earlier and repeat the route described above until you reach the ledge following the left lateral jump. This time, run forward and over the edge to your right onto the bridge below. Sprint across the bridge and through the timed door before it closes. If you don't make it, the run is repeatable and is actually timed quite generously. When you get through, loop around left in the next room and search the small chest for the STOREROOM KEY (a cut scene shows you where to use it) and grab the small medipack from the shelf.


Go back across the bridge to the closed gate. Not to worry, just jump up to grab the ledge you jumped down from a few seconds ago. Pull up, go left to stand jump and grab that crack you used before and safety drop to the tracks. Get back into the mine cart and you'll soon come to another stop. Dismount to find yourself right back where you started. You may want to save your game here on the way out (but be forewarned that you'll soon be returning to the mine cart), but since your shotgun ammo is limited you may also decide to leave the secret for later.


Exit to the train yard and go about halfway along the train. Hop onto a lower flatbed and make your way to the highest part of the train. From the far edge take a running jump toward the blinking light to grab a ledge where a door has opened. Pull up and ignore the wall panel to your left. Jump the gap to your right, hop down the other side and come to the closed door you saw in the cut scene. Use the Storeroom Key to open it and enter. Note the strange red light emanating from the fan to your left. Search three small cabinets for a large medipack, 2 x shotgun ammo and the TNT KEY. Lara will search the shelves, but all in vain.


There's a passage with an open door at the other side of this room. Go there, exit to a fenced-off balcony and loop around right into a dark alley. Use the short block at the end to climb up onto the roof. Loop around right, light a flare and jump to a cave. Follow down the steps and drop down at the end into the cavern with the mine cart. Get into it and ride along the same path you took earlier, but this time don't swing your wrench at the switch pole. When you come to a stop beneath the bright light, dismount left and jump into the icy water.


Swim in the direction the mine cart is pointing and pull out onto the low ledge. Turn right and take a running jump over the slope without grab into the wall opening. Follow to another opening and drop down onto a bridge. Follow the bridge as it changes to a ledge and continue up and around until you reach an opening that faces a ladder. Take a running jump to grab the crack and ledge jump up to grab the ladder. Climb up a bit, shift left, drop down and pull up into a higher passage that leads to a crawl space. Crawl through, and when you can stand up jump to grab the next ladder ahead. Climb to the top, turn left, hop to the opening and follow to a cave with a floating blue contraption. Go ahead and save your game here but don't go for the secret yet.  


There are two ways to proceed, a fairly easy way and a near-impossible (at least to me) way. First, the hair-pulling way:


Ignore the nearby tightrope and return to the ladder, but instead of climbing back down, stand at the corner and turn slightly left, light a flare and take a walking/running jump forward over the obstruction with a sharp left curve to land in an alcove (it took me many tries before I succeeded). Push the button to open a door near the tightrope you ignored moments ago. Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing across the gap to the other end. Drop down near a passage and follow around past the opened door into an interior passage. Pull out at the end into a mine shaft where two miners have met their doom in some fashion.


Next, the easy way:


Use the tightrope to get across the chasm. Go around left, use the monkey bars to reach the alcove, press the button and return. Piece of cake.


Stand in front of the plunger and use the TNT Key to cause an explosion at the far end of the shaft. Run forward and hop past the debris into a small room. Turn right and locate the pushblock. Push it forward, go around and pull it back to reveal an upper passage with a TORCH. Hop down, drop the torch for a moment and go around the pushblock to find more flares that you may be needing by now. Retrieve the torch and hop back past the debris. Light the torch with the burning bush (Moses anyone?), hop back to the pushblock alcove and light the wall torch there. Go across the room to the faux pushblock and light a second wall torch to trigger an FMV.


Don't watch the FMV all the way through, or you'll die (nasty trick, builder). When you hear Lara crying "Take me out of here!" and you see another checkpoint appearing on your screen (the only indication that the FMV is over and you're now free to move), run forward to the wall, turn right and allow Lara to slide down to a dark mine shaft.


Light a flare and run down the shaft as you hear a beast growling in the distance, and when you enter the clearing draw your shotgun to deal with the charging bear. Run through the opening with the flaming wall torch and hop down to a lower area. Run forward and pull up left into the crawl space. Crawl forward and drop down the other side into a room with a floating blue contraption. Use it to save your game, but don't shoot it yet. Run forward to the console a bit to your left (Lara looks at it as she approaches) and stand in front of the keyboard while pressing the action key.


After a brief cut scene you can run past the gyrating door, light a flare and open the glass doors for more flares. Go back through the crawl space by which you entered and drop down the other side. Run through the mine shaft, vault up higher, turn right and approach the grill you saw in the cut scene. Push the button on your right to open the grill and go to the glass doors on your left and open them for a large medipack. Stand near the button and see something in the distance to the right of the hanging vines. Draw your pistols and fire until you're rewarded with a cut scene showing dangling electric wires.


Go back around through the crawl space, save your game (those blue contraptions are reusable) and turn left toward the area where the water has been electrified. Turn left at the entrance, jump up to grab the crack and shimmy right around corners until you can ledge jump back onto a platform. Jump forward toward the panel and grab a second INTACT FUSE to turn off the electricity. You can now splash safely through the water back to the save crystal. Use the shotgun to shoot it as you did the first one and pick up the "mysterious pyramid" for SECRET #2. The gyrating door to your left has opened, so go on through and follow to an opening.


Take a running jump onto the slope ahead. Slide and grab and shimmy right just around the corner. Drop to grab the crack below, shimmy right around the corner to the far wall, drop to grab a lower crack, move one grab away from the wall and perform a back jump to grab the opening behind you. Pull up and follow around past a new checkpoint to a couple of squishy blocks. Get past them and jump into the water hole. Swim through the passage and up through a ceiling hole. Emerge in an underwater room and go behind the middle column to find an underwater lever. Pull it and swim left between the columns to find a small triangular opening in the far wall where a door has opened. Swim through and follow up until you can surface and pull out in front of a pushblock. 


Push the block as far as you can into the next room, go around and push it into an alcove to reveal a crawl space. Crawl through until you can stand, follow the passage around to the pushblock and push it twice to clear the crawl space (just in case) and to reveal a ladder. Jump up to grab the ladder and back flip into a passage. Go around and search the small chest for flares, then jump over the ladder hole and continue around to a floor hole. Drop down to a lower passage and come to a rapidly moving stream.


The water is shallow, so step in and walk to a steep slope. Allow Lara to slide down past another checkpoint and fall into icy water. Turn right and swim quickly to a familiar corner ledge. Pull out, turn right and jump into the dark cave. Follow to the opening, drop down to the metal ledge and follow it and the connecting passage to the higher opening. Take a running jump to grab the crack beneath the ladder, ledge jump up to grab the ladder, climb and shift left, drop and hop into the higher passage. Follow through the crawl space, jump to grab the next ladder and climb up to the tightrope area. Save your game if you like, then shoot the floating blue contraption and pick up the "mysterious pyramid" for SECRET #3.


I found that the easiest way to proceed from here is to jump into the water close to the lower ledge, pull out and make your way back up as described in the previous paragraph. When you emerge from the crawl space, side flip onto the metal ledge adjoining the tracks. Get into the waiting mine cart and ride it up the incline, ducking and braking as necessary, until you reach the next stopping point at the lava pool. Get out, get back in to restart the cart and continue until you return to your starting point in the cave. Dismount and shoot the nearby floating blue contraption for the final "mysterious pyramid" and SECRET #4.


Exit to the train yard and go through that connecting alley to the next area. Run past the yellow car and follow straight ahead to a closed door. Use your two Intact Fuses to open it and go on through to end the level.