Levels by alan


Walkthrough by José




Pick up the nearby uzi clips and run up the ramp near the ladder, jump to the tall block in the corner, take a running jump to the next block and another running jump to the ledge with the large medipack and 3 X automatic pistols ammo, now jump onto the raised trapdoor and to the next pillar with the SECRET #1: the Silver Dragon.


Drop down and pull the wall switch in the central wall to open a door near the raised trapdoor you used to get the secret (ground floor). In the next room quickly jump into the pool (you haven’t guns) to avoid the brawler and the doberman, pick up the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS at the bottom and swim through the opening in the wall; at the end of the UW passage pull the lever to open a door in the wall with the clock textures and also release a killer. Swim back, surface and deal with the enemies; the killer will drop grenades, the brawler automatic pistols ammo and there are 6 X automatic pistols ammo near the edge of the pool too.


Now go to the open door in the corner, climb up the ladder, take a running jump to the pillar near the corner, jump to the raised trapdoor and another running jump to grab the ladders; shimmy left to the very end (Lara can’t shimmy around corners in TR2) and drop/grab the trapdoor below, shimmy a bit left, pull up and jump to the top of the pillar where the GUARDHOUSE KEY is. Drop down and go back to the starting room.


Look for the keyhole near the corner to open the door and in this new room shoot two killers, one of them will drop a large medipack; at the bottom of the ramp there are 2 X grenades and at the other side of the room uzi clips. Climb up the ladder, jump onto the wooden slope and jump to the pillar near the corner (the carpeted red tiles are deadly), continue taking running jumps counterclockwise to the next pillars until you reach the one with the button; press it to open trapdoors in the central pit. Climb down the ladder to the bottom of the pit and pick up the UZIs, now go up the ramp and there’s a tile with 7 X automatic pistols ammo, pull the wall switch to raise a trapdoor near the ladder and walk a bit more to get the RUSTY KEY and shoot a rat. Now you can take a running jump from here to grab the opposite edge of the pit and go out; if you run down the ramp to the bottom and try to use the ladders you’ll find two more rats.


Anyway before exiting this room climb up the ladder and higher to the raised trapdoor and get the SECRET #2: the Jade Dragon. Now exit this room and go back to the pool room where you got the automatic pistols time ago, look for the keyhole near the closed gate and open it.


Pick up 10 X uzi clips on the entrance tile; once you drop two dobermans and two killers appear out of nowhere, they’ll drop automatic pistols ammo and M16 ammo. From the raised tile take a running jump to grab the edge of the roof in the opposite side of the water canal, pull up, jump to the first wooden trapdoor, to the second one and to the ledge in the corner to press a button; go back to the roof and jump onto the flatter parts to the other side until you can take a running jump to grab the high crack in the wall, shimmy right to the very end, pull up, run off the edge onto the ledge below, climb the next one and pull the wall switch to open a door somewhere. Jump into the water, get out and again from the raised tile take a running jump to grab the edge of the roof in the opposite side of the water canal, pull up and this time climb the roof to your right and take a standing jump with grab to the opening with the open door to your left; shoot the windows to get the M16 GUN and a KEY called K3. The keyhole is to the right side of the big double gates in the canal, so use it and mount the boat.


Drive over the wooden mound and once at the other side dismount and look for a hole in the corner to your right, swim there and use the UW lever to open a door somewhere. Back to the water canal, swim a bit further and climb the small pier to your left, jump into the dark opening, pick up flares and advance to the back of the room to get uzi clips and pull a wall switch in a corner; this switch opens the door for a secret later. But after you exit this room note the sloped block near the entrance, you can use it to jump to the higher one and to the central one with the flat top; jump to the next ones and pull the switch in the corner to open a door somewhere.


For the secret: jump into the water canal and right/right to the wooden mound you jumped with the boat, look for a very small UW crawlspace in the corner and swim through to find the SECRET #3: the Golden Dragon, 2 X grenades and a small medipack. Swim back to the canal.


The other door you opened with the switch in the dark room is in the UW passage where you pulled the last UW lever, so swim there and over the open door. Pick up the small medipack and surface, shoot the rat and step onto the two wooden tiles in the corners to open the next doors, shoot two more rats and pull the well visible switch in the corridor to open one more door; now go to the other corridor and take sidejumps over three doors to find another wall switch, pull it to open a last door and go to the corridor with the first wall switch to get a second GUARDHOUSE KEY. Swim back to the canal and climb the second small pier to use this key and raise the gates.


In this new area jump over the balustrade to pick up flares, a large medipack and the GRENADE GUN, go to the other side and shoot the killers on the tall blocks, one of them will drop uzi clips. From the block you can climb jump to the block under the ladder and climb up. In the dark room shoot several rats and drop through the hole in the corner, drop through the next hole and when you pick up the lost PISTOLS the level ends.





Explore the area to find a large medipack and a wall switch near a corner, pull it to open the door near the starting position, go there, enter, pick up the automatic pistols ammo, climb to the very top of the building and pull the switch to open another door; climb down to the bottom, go out and shoot a killer high up on a gray ledge. Locate the open door and climb up the ladder; pick up 3 X small medipack, 2 X M16 ammo and harpoons. From the top of the ladder you can take a running jump to a gray ledge to your right, from here to a floating ledge with automatic pistols ammo and from here another running jump to the ledge where the dead killer is to get his small medipack; for an extra pickup you can jump to the sloped ledge and to the ledge in corner to get grenades; anyway jump back to the central floating ledge, to the next one and shoot a killer, pick up his shotgun shells and take a curved running jump to the ledge behind the corner, pull the switch here and safely drop to the floor.


The open door is in front of the door with the ladder, so go to that building, enter and note the bricked block to your left and the high wall switch. The block is movable, so move it under the switch, pick up the grenades the block hid and pull/push it to reach the high switch and open the last doors in one of the buildings. Exit and go always to your right when possible to find them; climb the blocks to the very top, to the roofs. Shoot the thug, pick up his small medipack and explore the roofs to find the SECRET #4: the Silver Dragon (not hidden), the BOATHOUSE KEY, a large medipack and uzi clips. Make your way to climb down to ground floor and go to the building with the movable block to use the key.


Nothing very interesting in this new room except the keyhole in the corner to your left and the nearby M16 ammo in front of it; approach to the edge of the pit and try to shoot the dog and the brawler in the room below from this safe position. Drop down and drop again into the hole near the bricked movable block to get a small medipack; I think this time the dog carried grenades too. Climb the wooden block in the corner, take a running jump to the next block and to the opening in the other corner, jump over the hole with spikes, over the blade trap and go into the niche in the corner to get the SHOTGUN, M16 ammo and a small medipack; time the sword of the warrior, shoot a rat and walk slowly over the spikes to pick up the STEEL KEY.


Go back to the room with the bricked movable block the way you came and locate the wall switch to raise the trapdoor over the hole where the small medipack was; now you can push the block near the edge so you can climb it and jump to grab the edge above; pull up and use the key in the keyhole you saw before near the corner. It seems that nothing happens, but a picture in the other side of this room has opened. Jump to the opening and continue to a high terrace.


Go left to pick up 6 X grenades, and from this tile take a running jump to the gray block near the corner and to the high opening to get the SECRET #5: the Jade Dragon. Go back to the terrace the way you came. At the other side of the terrace you can get a large medipack; meanwhile, some enemies appeared at the bottom of the deep pit so try to approach to the border, draw a cool weapon and shoot them from here. Finally you can take a running jump to the gray slope and slide to the very bottom of the pit, shoot the remaining enemies and search the corpses to pick up the STEEL KEY and grenades; there are flares and a large medipack around the central pillar too.


Use the key in the detonator next to the slope to open the nearby double doors, go inside and near the entrance there is a sort of jail with the HARPOON GUN. Continue to the next opening and slide down the slope, jump in last moment to grab the ladder and climb up to the top, hoist up, slide a bit and quickly jump with twist to slide backwards, drop/grab the edge of the bottom of the slope and shimmy to the very left, drop and carefully walk through the spikes; go behind the grate to get the SECRET #6: the Golden Dragon and 4 X automatic pistols ammo. Go back to the spiked tile and carefully jump to grab the ladder.


Climb up to the top, shimmy right and drop onto the slope to finish the level.





Slide a bit and when you look an opening in the ceiling, quickly jump to grab a ledge above, pull up and follow the passage to get the SECRET #7: the Silver Dragon. Go back to the slope, slide to the bottom and pick up the large medipack before entering the next room.


Go left to get 7 X grenades, drop onto the wooden ledge and shoot the killer from here, down in the corner pick up a large medipack and uzi clips; in my case, to get the M16 ammo the killer dropped I had to trigger the rolling objects in this ledge; there is automatic pistols ammo too. Jump into the pool and pick up the small medipack on the cross, swim into the hole to pull an UW lever to raise trapdoors, go to the bricked ledge in the corner and pick up 17 X shotgun shells, jump/grab the ladder opposite the raised trapdoor, climb a bit and take a backflip with twist to grab it, take a running jump to the next one and pull the switch to open trapdoors somewhere.


Go back to the bricked ledge and this time grab the ladder on the other face of the pillar, climb to the top and turn right, climb the block and if you jump over the gap to the corner you’ll find uzi clips. Anyway drop into the gap and pick up 2 X flares, drop into the dark room, shoot the rats and pick up the shotgun shells. There are ladders left and right from the entrance, climb them to get the LIBRARY KEY and 6 X grenades at the tops, there is M16 ammo under one of the ladders too. Now climb the longer ladder in the other corner, advance and a door will open; you are back in the pool room.


Jump into the water and this time climb the opening in the wall near the base of the cross, shoot the brawler, pick up his grenades and explore the corners to find harpoons; use the key to open the opposite door and climb up the ladder. Jump to the dark opening and shoot a doberman and a rat, pick up 2 X shotgun shells near the table and climb up the ladder in the dark corner; you are now at the top of the pool room.


Take a long running jump to grab the ladder under the wooden crate, climb to the top and move the crate under the button so you can press it to open the next door. Pick up the large medipack, enter (beware of the falling bag) and shoot two killers; one of them will drop uzi ammo and the other one a sort of RELAY called P1. Go into the next room, again beware of the falling bags and go left to pick up grenades, a bit further between the glasses there is a small medipack; now go to the corner and use the sloped wooden pillar to jump back and forth and reach the top of the next one, continue jumping/sliding/jumping to the very end and press the button to raise trapdoors over the entrance; now go to the corner with the ladder and climb it to the top, use the trapdoors to shimmy right to the other side and place the P1 item in the relay box to dry the pool in the previous room, go there and pull the switch to open the door in the corner; now you can climb to the top of that yellow structure, note the hole in the ceiling, jump to grab the ladder and climb up to the very top.


In this dark room light a flare, pull the switch and go back down, and back to the room with the movable crate: the water level has risen. To get the next secret, dive deep to the room where you got the library key time ago and at the top of a high wooden pillar in the corner pick up the SECRET #8: the Jade Dragon, swim back to the previous room, surface and locate the opening with the open door in the corner.


Advance and don’t try to pick up the large medipack in the middle of the corridor, but take a running jump over it (it’s a trap); continue and shoot the glass on your way, you’ll soon reach an area with multiple fans; advance and shoot a thug, pick up his shotgun shells and in the room with the chain go through the wooden passage, this time you can pick up the large medipack, press the button at the end to open a door somewhere. Go back to the room with the chain and jump over the slope onto the tile in the corner, jump up to grab the edge of the sloped block, pull up and jump back, turn left, jump/grab the edge above and shimmy right past the open trapdoor, pull up and pick up the large medipack. For a secret: drop/grab the edge and shimmy right to the center of the last tile, drop down, turn around and pick up the SECRET #9: the Golden Dragon with 4 X shotgun shells, go out, back to the room with the chain and repeat the same movements to go up to the high ledge, this time jump through the hole in the ceiling where the open trapdoor is.


In this new room take care of the falling bags, note the receptacle in one of the walls and go through the opening in the corner; in the room with the deep pit, climb as high as you can and take advantage of this position to shoot the rat, the doberman and the thug on the other side, now use the breakable tiles to reach the other side (easy) and when you are there pick up the automatic pistols ammo the thug dropped and drag the wooden crate near the corner to get grenades and a small medipack. Now go to the opposite side of the ledge, take a running jump to grab the ladder and climb up to the top. Climb the block in the corner to get a CHIP called P2, go to the opposite side and drop through the hole to get back to the room with the receptacle; use the chip to open the doors.


Climb up the ladder, pull up, shoot the killer who awaits, pick up his uzi clips and the goodies near the balustrade too: 5 X automatic pistols ammo, 3 X uzi clips, 5 X M16 ammo and 2 X small medipack. Now drop into the hole opposite the entrance but sliding backwards, grab the edge at the bottom of the slope, drop/grab the crack below  and shimmy left until you can pull up, run to the end of the passage to get the SECRET #10: the Golden Dragon and 4 X shotgun shells, go back to the pit and jump into the void to land into a pool below.


On the wooden ledge pick up 4 X grenades and a large medipack, continue climbing clockwise to engage a Boss; he will drop 3 X large medipack when die; take a long running jump to grab the ladder, climb up and finally pull the wall switch to open the exit door in the pool (there are flares to your right on a lower ledge); jump into the water, go through the UW passage and pull the UW lever at the end to open a final door and exit the level.





Walk to go out of the spiked tiles and for an extra pickup pull the wall switch in the central structure to open a door in the corner with a small medipack. Go to the opposite wall, up the steps and continue over the grate and taking a running jump to the block attached to the wall; turn right, climb and pull the wall switch to open a door somewhere; roll and take a curved jump to the next ledge (bad placed door below if you didn’t get the medipack before), climb the block, drop and go through the opening to your left to get the SECRET #11: the Silver Dragon. Go back outside and safely drop onto ground floor.


Now go to the pit near the spikes and drop down to find the door you opened, pick up the ORNATE KEY, shoot a tiger and go back all the way up to the ledge with the wall switch as you did before, to the opening leading to the secret but this time take a running jump to the stone ledge attached to the wall and continue to the keyhole (another bad placed door here, so be careful). Open the door and enter, climb the block to your right and negotiate the way onto the breakable tiles running and jumping (beware of the low ceiling) and when you reach the last one, curve left and run off with grab to land into the opening in the wall. For an extra pickup you can jump to the block in the corner to get M16 ammo, but you’’ll need to do a tricky jump with grab to land inside the opening again.


Pick up the small medipack and the automatic pistols ammo, slide down the ramp, turn left and climb to another open area. Shoot two vultures and if you want approach to the edge of the slope and shoot several spiders at the bottom, but spot the golden keyhole thinking that you still haven’t a new key to go down there. Jump to the ledge in the corner with the ladder if you want to get some flares; now go to the edge of the slope and take a running jump to the high opposite opening, go inside and left to pull a wall switch and open a nearby door; above this block there are uzi clips, but you’ll need to go around. Drop to the floor below where the keyhole is and go through the opening with the open door.


In this sort of swamp try to cross taking care of the spikes, the rolling balls and the disks; at the other side side climb the block and pull the wall switch to open a door somewhere. For a secret: climb the block to your right, and take a tricky curved walking/running jump over the sloped block, grab the edge of the next one, shimmy right, pull up onto the grate, jump over the next sloped block and jump to the grate in the corner; finally jump to the high rocky ledge in the corner to get the SECRET #12: the Jade Dragon. Drop down and go back to the room with the golden keyhole.


Now run straight ahead to the ladder in the opposite wall, climb up and climb up a second ladder, jump through the gap and slide to the bottom of the ramp; jump with a left curve at the end to avoid a rolling ball, shoot the small spiders, climb up the next ladder and pick up automatic pistols ammo at the top. Now pull the movable block once and climb down the ladder, walk through the spikes, pick up the small medipack and climb the blocks to go back to the room with the golden keyhole.


Use the flatter parts in the grassy slope to go back up to the top, climb the ledge in the corner and the ladder to get a KEY called K2. Go back down to use the key in the golden keyhole. For the next secret, slide a bit and jump to grab a ladder where a rolling boulder is, in the ceiling, climb up and get the SECRET #13: a Golden Dragon and 4 X uzi clips. Climb down the ladder from one side (left or right), drop/slide and jump left or right to avoid the boulder and the spiked hole.


In the next room shoot a couple of tigers, pick up the small medipack near the spikes and move the movable block so you can climb it and pull the high switch. It seems that nothing happens, but a trapdoor openened in the corner where the spikes are; go there, drop into the hole and pull the wall switch to open a door high up in this room.


Now go up, to the block near the entrance, pick up grenades and continue running/jumping/climbing counterclockwise all around the room until you can use the high zipline and reach the open door. For some extra pickups, if you want you can take a running jump to the ledge in the corner (no grab) to get 2 X large medipack, flares, a small medipack, 2 X uzi clips and automatic pistols ammo. Jump back to the ledge with the open door (right side).


Drop down and climb the high opening to your left, jump to the left side of the ramp, approach to the wall and slide down the ramp backwards, grab the edge of the hole in the corner and hopefully the rolling ball will drop down without touch you; now time the rolling wheel in the room below to drop down and time all the traps to reach the hole in the corner; drop down, slide, jump onto the breakable tile and jump again to the opening ahead; take a running jump to the ledge in the corner with the large medipack (low ceiling), now jump onto the breakable tiles and left to the opening in the wall.


For the last secret: turn around and drop/grab the edge, shimmy to the very left and drop down onto the spiked floor; shoot a bunch of small spiders, walk to the corner to get the SECRET #14: the Golden Dragon and 4 X uzi clips; walk to the next corner and climb up the ladder, pick up the grenades, a large medipack and M16 ammo and take a running jump to the breakable tile and another jump to the entrance opening.


Now jump up to the hole in the ceiling, pull up and use the switch just in front of you to release a couple of T-Rex; quickly go outside and shoot the beast, jump into the pool and swim through the small crawlspace in the corner. In the corridor with the rolling wheel, for an extra pickup swim right to get M16 ammo, swim back to the previous passage and time the wheel to swim left this time. Surface, pick up the small medipack and follow the only possible path to a cave with several small spiders; grab the crack in the corner, shimmy right, pull up and continue climbing to an outside area; advance left to the chopper and left again to finish this adventure.


December – 21 – 2021