Levels conceived and begun by mugs (Pat Chancey), completed posthumously by Sponge


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk





Begin in a setting reminiscent of one of the builder's earlier levels featuring an amusement park. If Lara draws her pistols she'll eventually target some bird or maybe a bat flying high overhead. The odd-looking containers scattered throughout the area can be shot, but they contain nothing. Some debris falls from the ceiling as you approach the NW alcove. Further N, near the closed doors, Lara looks at the glass-enclosed flute player. Hop W over the counter and shoot the chest for the WEAPON (crossbow). You can shoot the five targets here, but doing so doesn't appear to accomplish anything.


Go to the NW fenced area where the debris fell. There's a panel on the left side of the fence that you can shoot to gain entry to the area beyond via the broken bar. Continue W past another broken bar in the fence ahead and emerge in the village square. Lara looks up at a church steeple. Shoot the container to the left of the pumpkin stand for painkillers (small medipack). You can also shoot the barriers blocking the doorway of the opposite N building, but you need a key to gain entry.


Climb the right side of the short building below the Fun House sign and jump SE onto the scaffolding for crossbow ammo. Exit E through the broken bar and loop around right to another shooting gallery. Jump up to shoot the NW panel, hop up into the opening and find a wall switch that opens a nearby door. Get down, continue E past the next broken bar to the beginning area and head S toward the red-tinted hexagonal opening. Roll underneath a gap in the fence and go to your right past a burning barrel where the door opened.


Go down the steps and pull up onto the red train caboose. Find the NE jump switch and activate it with a curved jump to open a nearby trap door on the roof of the small SW building. Go there, hop down into a cramped storage area and shoot the barrier so you can pull down the wall switch that lowers a trap door at the end of the caboose. Grab the nearby health pack (large medipack), pull back out and find the water hole revealed by the opened trap door. Treat it as a crawl space and lower Lara down into the opening.


Drop into the water and swim to the E grate. Grab the BUNDLE OF KEYS, pull back out and open the rear door of the caboose for a look around, although there's nothing to do or pick up inside. Exit W up the steps and turn right in the alley and up more steps to the office door. Open it with your Bundle of Keys and step inside. Go past the hallway into a locker room and Lara looks left at the shower stalls. You'll go there later, so for now pull up onto the lockers against the S wall for the LASERSIGHT. Combine it with your crossbow and exit this building.


Roll N under the gap in the fence and return to the main opening area. Run all the way to that flute player and kick in the wall grate next to the glass enclosure. Crawl inside, shoot the wooden barrier around the corner and emerge on a wooden walkway. Note the cut scene. A giggling bozo zombie trudges toward you, but he's easy to avoid, so go around him into a more open area and look up W to find the floating balloon you saw in the cut scene. Draw your crossbow and zoom in to shoot it, and the CIRCUIT BREAKER appears on the floor ahead of you. Shoot the nearby panel and step forward for crossbow ammo.


Exit through the S crawl space and hop up E onto the blue-tinted shooting gallery opposite the one where you got the crossbow. Jump up and down while firing your pistols at the red dot above the wall panel and the grate will eventually lift up. Jump to grab the opening, pull inside and place the Circuit Breaker in the wall receptacle at the far end. A cut scene shows a pool of dirty but safe water similar to what you saw below the grate you just lifted. Exit the shooting gallery and go across SW to that broken bar just beyond the fallen rubble. Go on through, turn right, shoot the wooden barriers, step into the dirty water and pull the boat back. Go around it for the PLIERS and a cut scene of the locker room you visited earlier.


Exit E through the broken bar to the main area. Turn right toward the hexagonal opening, roll under the fence and go up the steps into the office building. Turn left past the hallway into the shower stalls Lara was looking at earlier and use the Pliers to pry the TAROT HOUSE KEY off the left end. On your way out of the office building, use the Pliers to open the N door on the left in the hallway. Loop around right in a control room and pull down the wall switch to open another door across the hall. Go there and look inside the office for glow sticks (flares), ONE CENT and painkillers.


Exit the office building, roll under the fence and go a bit NE to a fortune telling machine next to a stand containing ice cream cones. Place One Cent in the slot and receive some advice that's worth about what you paid for it. Pick up the FORTUNE CARD at your feet and head back W past both broken bars to the village square you visited earlier.  Open the door to the N building with the Tarot House Key and go inside. Go on in to trigger a brief flyby featuring a rather dangerous fairy that hovers over you and soon attacks. There's nothing to be done but kill her, sorry.


Pull down the timed N wall switch to raise a block behind you. Quickly get up on it and jump N to grab the makeshift walkway. Pull up and jump up to grab the ceiling at the corner. Monkey swing W across the room and turn left to release and grab the central structure. Face the W jump switch and take a running jump to activate it and open the door next to the wall switch. Enter and follow the passage around either side of the enclosed room to another wall switch that opens the door you passed by. Enter the central room and take BEA'S DIARY from the glass table. Exit the room for a level change.




Allow Lara to fall through a hole and slide down to a pathway near a closed gate. Follow the path for a view of the house in question and a cut scene of the interior. For a pickup, loop around left and jump up to the purple growth for painkillers. Slide back down, climb over the hedge, shoot a couple of crows and approach the house. The front door is closed, but you can find uzi ammo at the N end of the porch.


Head NE past the tree and note the closed N gate. Go around to the back of the house and find a health pack on the back porch. The door, however, is padlocked, but you can go around to the S side of the porch and use your Pliers to open the storm doors. Be sure, however, that you apply the Pliers on the section near the NE corner lest you fall to your death on the pile of sharp stakes below. Go down the stairs into the basement and crawl under the stairway for painkillers. Turn the nearby valve to start a flow of flammable fuel near the sharp stakes.


Go to the NE corner, face the wall and sidestep left through a fixed camera until you reach a wall switch that opens a door at the foot of the stairs. Enter the room to trigger a demonic entity who ignites the fuel and sets the stairs on fire. Pick up the BACKDOOR KEY and look for another way back outside. Light a flare and look for the pipe on the S wall. The section near the SW corner acts as a jump switch, so activate it to pull part of the pipe loose.


There are more hidden jump switches in this area. Exit this room, turn around at the entrance and jump up to grab another pipe section. Next, go to the W wall just to the right of the wash basin, squeeze past the swivel chair and pull down a third pipe section. Finally, turn around and go through the short E passage. Straight ahead is another pipe section you can pull down to flood the room. However, the storm doors are now closed, but to re-open them you can swim N through the narrow opening and pull the underwater lever inside. Grab the painkillers on top of the shelf near the N wall on your way out, pull out of the basement to find someone waiting for you with some words of advice.   


Go around him and open the back door with your key. A spooky flyby accompanies your entrance as the door closes behind you. In the NE alcove next to the fireplace is ammo for the REVOLVER that has miraculously replaced the crossbow in your inventory. Ignore for now the S wall switch and go through the beaded doorway next to it. Stand in front of the plinth bearing a purple object and press the action key to cause something to happen in the main room. Hop over the table into the window alcove for a health pack, exit this room and take the OLD LETTER that has appeared on the small table. There are a couple of small spiders crawling about on the rug, but you can t target them so just avoid them.


Go up the stairs next to the beaded doorway and enter the kitchen on your left for a cut scene of the tarot cards on the table down below. Hop onto the table and pick up the OLD TELEGRAM for more information. Grab the health pack in the window alcove and go back downstairs. Pull down the S wall switch (1) you ignored earlier, go back upstairs to the kitchen, hop over the table and pull down the wall switch (2) on your right, leaving the left one alone. Go back downstairs into the room with the beaded doorway and find another wall switch (3) to your left. A door opens upstairs next to the kitchen, so go there and enter the bedroom.


Take the ATTIC KEY from the credenza with the books, pick up the painkillers next to the bed and exit the bedroom (the wall switch just opens and closes the bedroom door). Loop around left and use the Attic Key to open the trap door overhead and release more small spiders. Climb up into the attic and Lara immediately looks to her left as the trap door closes. Go to that smoking table, stand at the other side facing SW and press the action key to release a flock of crows.  


Hop onto the nearby cluttered table and stoop to pick up the painkillers. Go to the SW section of the attic and stand in front of the old record player to grab the partially burned SPELLBOOK PAGE. Go around the small table to the S side where books are piled on the floor underneath and pick up the SACRIFICIAL DAGGER to trigger a flyby of a swampy area where someone has a boating accident. Head to the W section of the attic to find uzi ammo on the table to your left and another old record player with painkillers hidden in the pile of books. Finally, go to the N section of the attic and stoop in front of the brightly light pile of books for the DRIED FLOWER PETALS. The front door opens and someone strolls inside.


Go to that smoldering pot in the S section of the attic, stand against it facing N and place the Dried Flower Petals in the pot. Go around to the bellows and step on them a couple of times to ignite the pot and re-open the attic trap door as you hear the sounds of some altercation in the distance. Drop down to the landing and find that the S door to the bathroom is open. Shoot the devil dog and pick up a new WEAPON (cut scene of an outdoor area) as a small spider nibbles at your heels. Pay your respects to the poor victim in the bathtub and take the EMPTY BOTTLE from the sink to open a window and allow a horde of bats to fly inside the house. Stoop under the sink until they go away.


Jump into the tub with the unfortunate victim and convert the bottle to a BOTTLE OF BLOOD. Exit the bathroom, climb back up to the attic and empty the bottle facing E into the now-flaming pot. Without any fanfare a small bottle of RESURRECTION POTION appears, so grab it and return to the bedroom down below where the window opened. Step out onto the balcony to a fixed camera, note the police car parked outside and use the nearby table to jump up and grab the roof. Shimmy right around numerous corners (strange sliding animation) to the back of the house, where you can drop down onto another balcony for the CLOCK KEY, bringing another swarm of bats.


Use the vines on the wall to climb past the balcony, release and slide down to the ground. Go through the back door back into the house, loop around right and up the stairs to the kitchen, hop up to the window on the left and use the Clock Key on the cuckoo clock to move the nearby cabinet aside. Enter a small bedroom and shoot the chest to reveal the VICTORIAN DOLL (cut scene of an outdoor fire). Go back downstairs, exit through the back door and continue W past the stone arch while Lara looks at the opening to her right for later.


Step up to the pier to trigger a bear trap, shoot a crow and save your game before crossing the broken breaktile bridge. When you get across, look SE for the boat where the guy had his unfortunate accident. Right above it is a strange-looking device. Draw your weapon and shoot it for SECRET #1, then head N toward the building and trigger another bear trap in the fern at the right corner. Go around to the back of the building to find uzi ammo on the porch. Turn around and head E past the building and target a couple of crows. Hop the giant flowered lily pads to the E wall and pull down the switch. You hear the sound of something happening, but you don t know what.


Return W to the building, go to the pier remnant and use the SE lily pads to jump onto the waiting boat (left of the motor). Jump from the other end toward the flaming pot you saw in the cut scene. Place the Resurrection Potion in the pot, head into the dark NW corner and around for shotgun ammo and approach the green light to summon the immortal Cerberus (who behaves like a bull). Your way out has been blocked, so treat the green light as you would a bull's eye. Stand with your back against it, wait for Cerberus to charge and side flip out of the way at the last instant. 


When the coast clears, Cerberus has vanished and a fearful waif has risen from her grave. Stand facing her and give her the Victorian Doll, whereupon her countenance brightens and she scampers off happily. Go back into that dark NW corner for a cut scene of an apparition that has appeared behind you. Don't go back there, or he'll awaken and pester you. Instead, continue through the passage for a health pack and a cut scene showing the exterior of a building, use your Pliers to remove the dead tree and exit to the swamp.


Return to the building and that corner fern where you triggered the bear trap earlier. Just beyond the fern, kick in a wall panel and crawl into the basement. Pull up NW into a triangular opening and find a wall switch that opens a door down below. Get down and go S into a meat storage room. Watch out for the deers' antlers, as they ll poke holes in you, and find a health pack in the NW corner. In the NE corner is a wall switch that opens an upper door. Exit N, shoot a devil dog and use the steps to jump S to grab the opening above. Pull up for a cut scene of what looks like and indeed turns out to be a dead body.


The camera up here is fixed, making it difficult to move about. First, crawl into the NW corner for revolver ammo, then stand in front of the corpse and pull it back to reveal the SHOTGUN. Get back down, exit E through the crawl space and return S through the opening to the cave where the waif was resurrected. Confront the hooded zombie and use your shotgun to kill him. Pick up the CRYPT KEY he dropped and return N to the building and the broken pier. Use the lily pad to get across E and return toward the main building.


Turn left into that passage Lara was looking at earlier. Continue to a clearing where you'll find revolver ammo in the alcove to your left. Hop back out of the alcove, face N and jump up to grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing across the swamp, release at the end and grab the opening, pull up and follow the dark passage for flares. Turn around to see an upper W opening. Jump up to grab it, pull up and find a wall switch that opens a door and awakens a devil dog.


Drop back down and go past the spot where you picked up the flares. Turn left to face the opened door and use the rope to get across the swamp. Note the receptacle to your right, deal with the devil dog and head up the steps to a hallway with a fixed camera and many small spiders. Turn left into the next room, note the sleeping devil dog in the alcove and pull up SE into a higher alcove with shotgun ammo and the UZIS. This registers as SECRET #2. Drop back down, shoot the awakened devil dog and enter the SE passage. Use the Pliers to remove the dead wood from the opening, but don't drop down yet. Instead, turn around and return to the passage where you landed after jumping across with the rope.


Place the Crypt Key in the receptacle you noted earlier and the door to your left opens. Enter a new area while the door closes behind you and deal with three devil dogs. Go up the steps of the elaborate crypt, turn around and look up to see silhouetted against the sky one of those odd-looking devices you shot earlier. Shoot this one as well for SECRET #3, then go back to the entrance, pull up into the vine-covered opening for a health pack. Get down, run along the left side of the crypt and locate an unmarked pushblock in the S wall opposite the large tree.


Push the block twice to reveal a crawl space. Enter for a TORCH, stand with the back to the wall, toss the torch through the crawl space and retrieve it. Return to the front of the crypt and look at the building you came from. To the right of the entrance you can see a flame behind a grate at ground level. You can light the torch right through the grate, so do that and go light the two bowls behind you to open one of the doors to the crypt. Enter the crypt and go to the NE alcove where you see a small vase. Side flip over the bars, shoot the vase and pick up the IRON KEY.


Exit the crypt and loop around left down the alley to find a keyhole at the end. Use the iron key to open the wooden door, but before entering go back down the alley and look up to see a crack in the crypt wall. Back flip onto the alley slope, jump off to grab the crack, shimmy right and enter the crawl space. Pull up into a higher crawl space, find the ladder to your left and climb up to a ledge that encircles the interior of the crypt. Walk carefully and close to the wall to the golden plinth and take the GOLDEN SPIDER for SECRET #4. The silver plinth has a health pack. To get back down quickly, continue around clockwise, hop to the flat spot safety drop onto the raised scaffold and to the floor of the crypt.


Return to the door you opened with the Iron Key and go inside. Light a flare and explore the interior area for shotgun ammo and a health pack. Step outside to a fixed camera, hop down into the clearing and look up E to see one of those odd-looking devices cleverly hidden between the two large trees. Shoot it for SECRET #5 and go past that central bowl into the plant-obscured SE passage. Turn right, hop over the bush and continue up the ramp to a closed gate. Hop up right for shotgun ammo, go back down and return to that central bowl in the clearing.


Face W, bring up the Sacrificial Dagger in your inventory and place it in the bowl to trigger a flyby. The resurrected waif seems to have brought you something, so return to the closed gate where you got the shotgun ammo and accept the POSSESSED NECKLACE that she hands you through the bars. Return to the central bowl, toss the Possessed Necklace into the mix as well and wait a few seconds as electric bolts shoot down from above. Then shoot the necklace that has appeared above the bowl and prepare to do battle with reindeer man (now you know why there was so much shotgun ammo lying around). 


When your foe has expired, return to the SE passage and this time turn left. When you approach the dead wood barrier it moves aside so that you can slide down and follow the ramp up to the waiting Jeep. Instead of ending with a flourish you're transported on top of a moving train. After waiting a while for something else to happen, I hit Alt-F4 to exit the game.