Levels by 911


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walk





After the introductory conversation, go around the bookshelf to your right to find the REVOLVER on the small chest. The laser sight is physically attached, but it doesn't show up in your inventory. Exit to the balcony and jump NE to the striped awning above the cafe for flares. Safety drop to the pavement and open the W doors of the building in which you started. The stairs lead back up to the beginning room, so turn around and open the larger doors of the S building.


Enter, climb the ladder opposite the empty shelves and shift left into the alcove for a large medipack. Exit the building, loop around right into the alley and turn left into the opening underneath the Opera Backstage sign. Shoot a guard and a dog and go down the NW ramp. Pull down the wall switch to open the door and alert another guard. Enter the room for a small medipack and search the shelf for shotgun ammo. Return to the previous room and climb the blocks to an upper ledge.


Jump to the SW opening and continue through a fenced passage to a larger room with a tightrope. First, drop to the floor and go toward the N opening to flush out a dog and a guard. Search the shelves in the next room for 2 x shotgun ammo and locate two pushpieces. Push the NE one to reveal a new room and loop around left to find a wall switch that lifts a gate somewhere. Search the shelves in this room for 2 x uzi ammo. You can see objects in the overhead duct, but there's no way to access them from here.


Go to the other (NW) pushpiece and push it three times to reveal a stairway. Go up the stairs to an upper area, turn left and run through a fixed camera to more stairs. Go up, loop around right for flares, go back downstairs and search the immediate area for a large medipack and revolver ammo. Go back W through the fixed camera, turn left at the parked vehicle behind the fence and climb the corner blocks. Jump E to a ledge surrounding a pool and jump into the water.


Swim through the opening and down, follow the passage to its end and pull out into a shallow trench. Pull out W to engage a guard and make your way around to a wall switch near the SW corner that lifts a gate. Search the shelf to your left for a VALVE WHEEL and swim through the passage back to the pool. Pull out, safety drop to the floor, go down the SW stairs and all the way S. Pull up SW onto the ledge, use the block to climb up near the tightrope and continue past it into the next area. Jump E over the gap in the wooden scaffolding and continue E. Jump the ledges clockwise, clearing the fences, until you go through a N opening to encounter a guard.


Loop around left to a wall switch that lifts the gate to your left for a short cut back to the previous area. For now, go back the other way into a room with a pushpiece and a shelf with shotgun ammo. Pull the pushpiece onto the grate and go around it into the revealed crawl space. Enter and crawl down into that duct you couldn't access from outside. Pick up the GOLDEN KEY and explosive arrows and return to the previous room. Go to the short-cut door you opened by pulling down the wall switch and jump the ledges counterclockwise this time. Jump W over the gap in the wooden floor and follow the passage to the tightrope. You can either make your way slowly and precariously across the tightrope or use the blocks below to get across the gap much more quickly.


In either event, turn left once you're across and emerge on a ledge that overlooks a room you may have looked into earlier. Jump up to grab the underside of the catwalk and monkey swing E to drop down in front of a ladder. Climb up and shift right around the corner to drop down near a crawl space. Hop onto the top of the catwalk for flares and crawl into the W alcove for a large medipack. Grab the nearby shotgun ammo and return to the NE crawl space.  Enter and flip out at the other end into a familiar passage.


Loop around left through the short-cut door and drop to the floor below. Exit E to the outdoor area, turn left and run S down the street to attract a dog. Turn right at the S opening and follow the alley to a stairway. Go up the stairs, shoot another dog and loop around left to open the E doors to a wine cellar. Loop around left and pull down the wall switch to lift a gate somewhere. Go past the wine barrels and shoot the lock on the gate to open it. Enter for the GARDEN KEY and exit the wine cellar.


Turn left, go N down the stairs into the fountain square where you began the level. Go to the NW section to alert a dog and pick up the flares in the corner. Return to the fountain square and go to the E wall where you can see a gated area. Turn right and find a receptacle for the Golden Key. Use it to open the gate to your left and enter to see another tightrope stretched overhead. Continue through the W opening, shoot another lock and go left past the opened wooden gate. Go to a crate-filled room and pick up the large medipack.


Enter the lower W crawl space for shotgun ammo and ignore for now the N opening (which takes you to a level change for which you're not yet ready). Return to the crates and enter the upper W crawl space. Flip out into the next room and search the shelf for the CROWBAR. Find another crawl space up in the NW corner and flip out onto a crate for 2 x uzi ammo and the UZIS. Return and go through the previous crawl space to the previous room, E and back up the stairs to the room with the tightrope. Use it to get across, note the closed gate and turn left to an outdoor balcony.


Jump SW into the opening in the next building, go down some stairs and search the shelf in the alcove for uzi ammo. Continue E, shoot a dog and come to a hub area. Pull up onto the N arch for uzi ammo and shotgun ammo, hop back down and open the N and E doors. Go into the E room and around left to find a shelf with shotgun ammo. Pull up onto the crate to your left for flares, the NE crate for the SHOTGUN and the NW crate for uzi ammo and an extra set of UZIS.


Exit this room and go through the N doorway to a familiar outdoor area. Turn right to the fountain square and continue NW under the hanging greenery to an area you visited earlier (where you encountered a dog and picked up flares). You can open the E doors opposite the palm tree, but they lead to a room you've already explored, so return to the fountain square and go down the SW alley and through the S opening where you'll find a gate you lifted earlier. Activate the reach-in switch to raise a block behind you and use it to reach the upper ledges.


Grab the small medipack and go through the E opening and up the stairs to a room with another small medipack and the LASER SIGHT. Vault up into the window for revolver ammo and    hop across with grab into the window of the next building. Drop down into what appears to be a familiar room but isn't. Explore the crates for uzi ammo, flares and a small medipack, pull down the NE wall switch to lift a gate (the other wall switch only opens a door to previously explored territory), climb the E ladder and shift right to drop down for more uzi ammo.


Hop S over the floor hole and follow around to the end. Climb down the ladder, pick up the shotgun ammo and continue along the passage to a level change.




Follow around to a pool area, jump in the water and swim down for flares. Note two underwater openings, pull out N and go up the stairs to a wall switch that lifts a gate. Return to the pool, jump in and swim into the S opening. Follow up a shaft, pull out and grab the large medipack. Go back, swim through the N opening, pause for uzi ammo in the alcove to your left and continue to the end and up a shaft to trigger a cut scene of an agitated and approaching guard. Pick up his small medipack and search the SW crate for shotgun ammo. The shelf is empty, so go up the stairs to find more shotgun ammo and a pushpiece.


Pull the pushpiece away from a wall switch that lifts a gate somewhere. Go back downstairs to the water hole. Jump in and swim back to the pool. Turn right and pull out N where the gate opened. Proceed to another pool room and shoot the guard there. Pull down the wall switch to open the door beside you and follow the passage to a storage room. Search the shelves, and although Lara appears to be collecting goodies, no images appear on your screen. Pull down the wall switch to lift an underwater gate and return to the previous pool room.


Jump into the water, pick up the explosive arrows at the bottom and swim into the E opening and up the shaft. Pull out near a railed enclosure similar to those you've already seen, pause for the revolver ammo and go up the stairs to another railed enclosure where a gate opened. Jump up to grab the underside of the catwalk and monkey swing S to the first corner. Drop down for shotgun ammo, grab the catwalk again and monkey swing around to the NW corner. Drop down, follow the passage and shoot a guard along the way. Pull down the wall switch at the end to lift the gate beside you and shoot a dog.


Find the stairs in the next room and go up to shelves where Lara once again seems to acquire goodies but no images appear on your screen (I didn't bother to check my inventory before and after to see if anything was added). Pull down the nearby wall switch to lift another gate. Go back the way you came, use the monkey bars to get across to the SW corner where the gate opened and drop down. Follow the passage to another railed enclosure and climb down the ladder at the end where's there's an opening. Shoot the guard, pick up his small medipack and search the three shelves for more goodie-acquiring animation.


Go down the E passage and pull down the wall switch to open the gate to the hub pool room, but don't go there yet. Go back and down the N stairs to a room with a Persian rug and three shelves. This time you're rewarded with visual evidence of 2 x uzi ammo. Find the pushpiece and push it all the way S, revealing stairs on your right and an opening on your left. Enter the W room for a large medipack, revolver ammo and a golden rose for SECRET #1. Go back to the E stairs and follow to a room with crates and a second GARDEN KEY.


Return to the hub pool room, jump into the water and pull out S. Run through the passage for a brief return to the first level. (You'll be coming back here a number of times before you're done.)


Level 1: STREETS OF ROME (revisited)


Climb the ladder, wind your way along the upper ledges, jumping the first gap, and drop down through the second gap into the room below. Go through the N opening to the fountain square, continue through the NE alley and turn right at the closed gate. Go through the N opening and follow around to find another closed gate. Place the two Garden Keys to open the gates around the corner and watch the ensuing flyby. Go through the opened gates past the building you saw in the flyby, turn left at the opening that leads to a water hole and go through the SE alley to begin the next level.




Follow the alley to some stairs that bring you up to the church yard. Go across the yard and up the stairs on the right side for flares and look across S to see a blocked opening in the wall. There's a similar block preventing access to the church building, but above it is a suspended bell. If you haven't done so already, combine the revolver and laser sight and shoot that bell to lift the gate blocking the S wall opening. Jump there and take a running jump across the gap to grab the next S opening.


Pull up and hop down into a library. Use the reach-in switch in the NW corner to lift the gate blocking the church entrance. Go back the way you came, enter the church for a flyby through the interior and vault up onto the central slab. Turn each raven plinth one time to trigger a cut scene of doors opening outside. Go though the only available opening (SE). Follow around to a reach-in switch that lifts one of the foyer gates, go back and through the NW opening into a room currently under construction with crates and scaffolding.


Begin by pulling the pushpiece away from the NE opening so you can go inside for shotgun ammo. Use your pistols to shoot the bell inside the crawl space with no indication of what (if anything) may have happened as a result. Use the nearby crate to your left reach the S scaffold, turn around, jump to the higher N scaffold and use the reach-in switch in the E alcove to lift a gate. Exit the alcove, face S and jump up to grab the upper duct. Pull up, reverse roll, hang from the other side, release, grab and pull into the duct. Crawl W into the next area and loop around right through the parallel duct for a small medipack, uzi ammo and flares.


Return to the crawl space opposite the first duct and continue to the W opening. Flip out into a room much like those you've already seen. Go to an alcove formed by the crates in the NW corner and shoot the bell inside. There's nothing else to do here, so return to the duct and crawl to the E wall. Lower Lara through the opening and safety drop to the floor. Get back up to the higher N scaffold as described in the previous paragraph and jump across to the NW scaffold. Follow the passage to an intersection where a gate lifted earlier.


Continue straight N and up the stairs to a ledge with a swinging battering ram. Stand right or left of the battering ram with your back against the wall, and when the ram starts its backswing take a standing jump to grab the scaffold. Shimmy right or left around the corner and climb down to the floor. Grab the flares under the other scaffold and hop through the gaping hole in the N wall.


In the church courtyard, climb onto the low NE roof and take a curved running jump into the opening in the E wall. Hop down into a small office and search the small chest for uzi ammo. Open the S door and go down the stairs to a room with multiple shelves. Search them all for an animation fix but no discernible goodies (why have the damn things, then, in the first place?). Pull the pushpiece from the alcove, push it aside and use the reach-in switch to lift a gate in the room with the battering ram. Go back upstairs, drop down through the window to the church courtyard and go through the gaping hole in the wall.


Climb the SW scaffold and hop to the W opening where the gate lifted. Go up the stairs and around to a room with three reach-in switches. Use all three to open doors back in the room with the crates and scaffolds. Return to the room with the battering ram, climb down the near scaffold, go over and climb the other scaffold, pull up in a corner, time a jump to the E opening and follow to the intersection. Turn right, go up the stairs and jump up to grab the underside of the duct. Monkey swing nearly all the way across the room S, drop down onto the duct and shoot the two bells in the SE and SW alcoves where the doors opened.


Jump back to the N duct in the center of the room, get down to the scaffold against the E wall and shoot the bell in the lower S opening where the door opened. You should be rewarded with a cut scene showing a gate opening in the N wall of this room. Drop to the floor, go through the N opening and follow the passage to an outdoor square. Night has fallen. Go through the SE opening and follow to a hub room of sorts.


Hop into the E alcove and use the reach-in switch to lift the N gate. Hop back down, go through the S opening into a small room with crates and scaffolds. Grab the shotgun ammo and climb the SW crates for uzi ammo. Note the inaccessible alcove with the bell, exit this room, go up the N stairs where the gate lifted and emerge on an outdoor balcony. Hop left and go through the N opening. Go downstairs and loop around left past a fenced enclosure to a reach-in switch that lifts a gate somewhere.


Turn right and follow the passage W to a room where a horde of rats stream through the gate ahead. Pry the GOLD COIN off the gate, reverse roll and beat a hasty retreat to the previous room, loop around right and go upstairs to the balcony. Drop down to the courtyard and run through the SE opening. Turn left into the next room and find that the alcove with the bell is now accessible. Go inside, shoot the bell and pick up the uzi ammo. Exit this room, turn right in the hub room and run through the passage to the outdoor courtyard.


Go through the SW opening to the room with the crates and scaffolds, go straight across into the S opening into the church foyer you visited earlier. Go through the NE opening and up the stairs to a plinth with a golden rose for SECRET #2. Return to the foyer, exit the church W and go to the lower courtyard with the palm trees. Two pathways E have been opened. Go down either end and come to a floor hole. Climb down the ladder, reverse roll and run forward for a level change.




Jump into the water hole, swim down and into a hexagonal duct, turn right, then left, then right again to the wall and up the shaft to 

a room where rats pour out of the walls while you turn a valve wheel to open a door somewhere. Return to the duct, go right  (E) and up the shaft to the room where the door opened. Grab the flares and shotgun ammo, shoot the small box for crossbow arrows and go through the doorway to find another valve wheel that opens another door and triggers a rather elaborate flyby.


Return to the water hole and the duct, turn left and swim up the same shaft as you did earlier, pull out and climb the deceptively marked ladder in the W wall to a crawl space. Crawl through the duct, pause for flares and continue into the next area where the door opened. Turn left, crawl under the beam for explosive arrows and return. Go the other way (S), turn right at the wall and follow to an opening that overlooks the duct you crawled  through. Jump onto the duct, grab the underside of the higher duct and monkey swing N and E and drop down into a passage.


Follow around and up the stairs to a grated floor. Continue into a small room with a VALVE WHEEL. You don't turn this one, you take it with you by prying it off with your crowbar. A cut scene shows you where it's to be used. Return to the opening, jump into the water and swim down the hole at the S wall. Follow to the hexagonal duct, turn left and left again into the opening and up the shaft to pull out near the ladder you used to get here. Climb to the top for a pit stop at The Church.


Level 3: THE CHURCH (revisited)


Return to the church yard, go down the stairs at the W wall and follow the passage to jump back to the first level.


Level 1: STREETS OF ROME (revisited)


Turn left, go through the opened W gates and return to the fountain square. Go through the NW opening under the hanging vines and continue to the small cafe square with the palm tree. Open the E doors if you didn't do so earlier, enter the room and pull up into the SE crawl space. Flip out into the next room, enter the lower W crawl space and take the N branch you bypassed earlier. Flip out at the other end and follow the passage for a level change.


Level 4: SEWERS OF ROME (revisited)


Follow around and jump into the water to get rid of the rats. Near the middle of the W wall is a floor hole with a strong current. Swim into the narrow NW opening and follow around, go down and then up to pull out into a room with a valve wheel. Turn it for a brief cut scene and return to that floor hole. Swim down and through the opening and wind up in a larger duct. Swim straight across into the opening, surface and pull out into a larger room.


Find shotgun ammo in the SW corner and place one of the Valve Wheels on the central block to open an underwater trap door. Pull up onto the block and shoot the small box for a large medipack, jump onto the scaffold for shotgun ammo and jump to the N opening. Run forward and climb the ladder to a room with four inoperable valve wheels and uzi ammo in a corner. Climb up NE and pull up into the crawl space. Flip out at the other end into a duct, pick up the large medipack and follow around for uzi ammo. Go to the nearby opening and hop down to a water-filled trench.


Wade to a ledge, vault over it and continue S to another ledge. In the next room is a valve wheel that works, rewarding you with another brief cut scene. Pull up into the crawl space next to the valve wheel and drop down into the SW corner for explosive arrows. Get back out, return the way you came through the trench and climb the blocks at the end. Go back through the duct and climb the ladder to the crawl space. Drop down out at the other end (if you flip out you might lose some health from the fall) and get back down to the previous room with the water hole. Jump in and swim to the main duct.


Turn left, take the second right, another quick right and left into the E opening. Follow around and pull out into a room similar to a previous one. Quickly grab the uzi ammo in the far corner and place the second Valve Wheel while rats nibble at your heels, jump back into the water and follow the main duct SW where the gate opened near a couple of giant fans. Swim forward and make your way upward until you can finally surface and pull out to trigger one of those dreaded Medusa skulls that use deadly bolts instead of snaky hair to vanquish their foes.


It's right around the corner, so save your game, ready your combined revolver and laser sight and try to shoot out the eyes before they have a chance to become fully activated. When you're successful and the skull explodes, go around the catwalk, jump the gap and enter the N room for flares. Drop down into the room where the skull was and go to the lower S area for a small medipack and revolver ammo. Open the floor trap door facing W and climb the N ladder down to a passage leading to the sewer. Note the burning tightrope, turn the valve wheel to open the N door up in the skull room and get back up there. 


Enter a room with four valve wheels and pull into the crawl space for a large medipack and a rather pointless LASER SIGHT. Get down and turn only the second and fourth (counting from left to right) wheels to turn off all the flames protecting the tightrope. Get back down there and use the tightrope to get across to the W opening. Just getting onto the tightrope without falling immediately is a bit of an ordeal. Stand in front of it, hit the action key to start Lara's rope-crossing animation and then hit the down arrow key first, making Lara's feet shuffle back and forth, before hitting the up arrow key.


When you get across, go into the room ahead for the SATURN STONE. Endure the tightrope challenge a second time (getting onto the tightrope is easier on the return trip, but you may have to fight your way past several joints in the pipe on your way back) and return to the ladder. Climb up to the skull room and jump up to grab the catwalk on either side. Pull up and jump over to the S side. Return to the water hole, jump in and swim down and back to the duct. Keep going straight N to the grated wall, turn left and up the shaft to a previously explored section of the sewer. Continue through the small W opening near the water's surface and find the lowered trap door.


Pull out and follow the N passage to the CROSSBOW and the S passage to a golden rose for SECRET #3. Swim back to the main sewer, pull out onto a ledge and head for the E opening. Follow toward the ladder in the next room for a level change.


Level 1: STREETS OF ROME (revisited)


Pull up into the crawl space ahead and crawl forward and right into the room with the crates. Enter the higher W crawl space, flip out into the next room and go outside to the square with the palm tree. Return to the fountain square, go through the wide NE alley and turn left at the opened gates. Go past the opened S doors and into the S opening ahead. Follow the passage to the next level.




Go out into the twilight and turn the corner into a short alley. The first room on the left has a small box you can shoot for revolver ammo. The next room directly N has another small box containing uzi ammo. The SE room has a scaffold you can climb after getting the shotgun ammo in the NE corner. Jump into the window alcove for uzi ammo and use the tightrope to get across W (or, you can return to the first room and climb up without having to bother with the tightrope).


Jump to the open window, step outside and jump NE to a roof structure, and from there jump E to a scaffold that leads to an open N window. Hop down to the ledge and turn right. Take a running jump into an open window and go up some steps to a small box containing another CROWBAR. Jump back to the ledge and, if you like, you can drop down to the room below for uzi ammo in the doorway. Pull back up from the SE corner and go through the E opening into an outdoor area similar to the one you visited earlier. The nearby door is barred, so jump across S and turn left into the alcove for shotgun ammo.


Take a curved running jump SE to grab the window, pull up for a spare SHOTGUN and note the iris door in the next room. Turn around, jump down to one of the adjacent roof sections and note for later the barred opening and ladder at either end of the S roof section. Safety drop to the street and go through the N opening. Pull the chain for a flyby of the iris door and the opening above you with the bars now removed. To get back up there, run toward the S wall and loop around left to find a ladder on the column. Climb up, shift left around the corner, release and slide to the roof section, jump across the next sections N and into the open doorway.


Loop around right into the next room for flares in one corner and a small medipack in the other corner, go to the far wall and pull the chain to open the barred door near the S wall outside. Return there, enter the room, pull the chain and the iris door opens. For a short cut back there, pull into the NE window, slide down the other side and enter the E opening. Pick up the small medipack and revolver ammo near the base of the statue and find more flares in a S alcove. Place the Gold Coin in the statue base receptacle (cut scene of an outdoor closed gate) and exit this room.


Turn right just outside the doorway, hop up onto the block and pull up into the crawl space. Follow around and flip out onto a corner block. Hop down and pull the chain to open a barred door. Return through the crawl space and exit W to the street. Turn right and run into the S opening. Follow around to trigger a flyby through the next area. But first, it's time for another brief visit to Streets of Rome, so turn left and follow the SW passage for a level change.


Level 1: STREETS OF ROME (revisited)


Turn right onto the balcony for crossbow arrows and go down the steps to find revolver ammo in one corner and a small medipack in another corner. Go halfway up the steps and look up W to see three bells to shoot. Shooting the top one opens the W door at street level. It's unclear what shooting the lower two does, but shoot them anyway. Go through the W passage to find two closed gates. Loop around right and go down the steps to bring out a guard. Proceed into the room below and pull down the wall switch to open the adjacent door.


Enter a pool room, jump into the water and grab the revolver ammo on a corner ledge. Swim down the floor hole and through the connecting passage to another pool room. Surface, pull out W and follow the passage around to a wall switch that lifts a door elsewhere. Return to the first pool, use the NE steps to get out and go back down the SE passage past the opened doorway into a small room with two wall switches. Pull them both down to open a door and to raise a trapdoor so you can use a monkey swing.


Return to the first pool room, loop around left past the opened door and search the shelves in the next room for 4 x uzi ammo. Pull down the wall switch to raise a block in the pool that you can use to access the ceiling monkey bars. Monkey swing W across the pool and drop to the floor. Follow the short passage to pull up into a mirror room. Approach the mirror, grab the shotgun ammo you can see in the corner, and note the location of four wall switches. Pull down all four in no particular order to open the W door and go up the stairs to a plinth with the CHURCH KEY as Lara's theme music plays.


Return to the pool room, swim across to the steps and continue through the SE passage, turn right into the church foyer and loop around left to exit E, go up the steps in the small square and follow the passage to return to the previous level.


Level 5: TRAJAN'S MARKETS (revisited)


Come out to the street, go through the SE opening and continue past two closed gates to the next square. Shoot a dog, turn right and go to a dead end for a small medipack. Return to the square, loop around right and open the doors to a room with crates (for later). Turn around and go through the wide W alley to a building with revolver ammo at the top of the steps. Enter the narrow SW alley to the left of that building and pull up into the crawl space.


Follow around and flip out into a pool. Swim through the NE opening, pause for the shotgun ammo and surface to pull out into a room with crates and a valve wheel. Turn it to partially drain the pool, grab the nearby uzi ammo and shotgun ammo and return to open two sets of double doors in the S wall. Go through the opening on the left and wade to the end for shotgun ammo. Go back through the opening on the right and shoot a guard in the next room.


Hop into a hole in the NW corner for uzi ammo and climb the crates in the NE corner. Take a running jump S to grab the crate across the room, pull up and monkey swing to the SW crate. Take a running jump N onto the slope and jump off to grab the ladder. Climb up to the rung that meets the lower rung in the facing wall and take a rolling back flip to grab the opening. Pull up and follow around to another opening in the railing. Take a running jump N to alcove with a spare set of UZIS and jump back the other way after shooting the waiting guard. Continue to some stairs and follow to an upper room with flares and crossbow arrows.


Go into the W side room and open the floor trap door. Drop down and crawl around until you can stand up near a pushpiece. Pull it once to get it out of the way and return to the previous room. You can now pull up into the SE crawl space, so do so and crawl around to an area patrolled by a guard who drops a large medipack. Turn both valve wheels to open a trap door and return to the previous room. Go through the NE opening and around the ledge to the NW corner. Monkey swing over the railing and drop down.


Pull up into the crawl space and lower Lara down the other side. Climb down into a fenced passage for a second CHURCH KEY and return to the monkey bars (unusual animation getting back up into the crawl space). Get over the railing and use the nearby slope to drop to the lower floor. Go through the flooded passage and use the crate against the W wall to jump and grab the crawl space in the wall. Pull inside and flip out at the other end into the church square.


Go NE through the alley to the next square and to those double doors you may have opened earlier. Loop around left for revolver ammo in the corner, get the uzi ammo in the other corner and climb the ladder to an upper room. There are two open windows. For a secret, drop out of the W window and go the next square. Turn left into the W alley and loop left all the way around the building into a short passage with a golden rose for SECRET #4. A few steps further on are an extra CROSSBOW and explosive arrows.


Return to those open double doors in the square and climb to the upper room. Drop down through the E window and shoot a dog. You can open the SE double doors, but the stairs inside lead to nowhere productive. Jump into the water, swim past the ugly face and continue through a smaller opening to a level change.   


Level 4: SEWERS OF ROME (revisited)


Swim forward into the next room and through the small opening in the SE corner. Follow around to a pool, surface and note for later the slopes and wall crack you can't access from here. Return to the small opening and turn right into another small pool where you can pull out. Climb the blocks to an upper ledge and run past a couple of wall torches to a floor hole for an extra SHOTGUN.


Return to the ledge and jump to grab the higher opening in the N wall. Release and grab the crack below, shimmy right around two corners and release to grab another crack. Shimmy right around another corner and pull into a crawl space. Follow around to the end, flip out onto a slope below, jump without sliding onto the next slope, slide and jump off to grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy left and pull up into the opening. Hop down for flares and climb the ladder a bit to back flip into a higher opening.


Hop to the girder and go through the N opening. Jump into the trench and wade to the end. Pull up right into the crawl space and lower Lara down the other side as rats pour out to nibble at her vitals. Pull up into the N passage and turn the valve wheel to open a door as the rats continue to pursue. Beat a hasty retreat to the crawl space, wade through the trench and jump from the ledge to the SE opening to evade the rats.


Drop down the other side and swim back to the room where you can go S (not N, which leads to a level change) and pull out into a previous room. Go down the S ramp past the opened door and come to a new section of the sewers. Jump across the water to the E ledge and enter the circular crawl space. Follow around for a large medipack and crossbow arrows, then continue around the corner for revolver ammo. Return the way you came to the circular opening and turn right along the sewer ledge and through the passage for a level change.


Level 5: TRAJAN'S MARKETS (revisited)


Climb the ladder ahead and loop around left for shotgun ammo. Follow the passage for a large medipack and continue to a floor hole. Drop down and follow the passage to a ladder. An overhead trap door opens as you approach, so climb the ladder to activate a Roman statue that tosses electric bolts in your direction as you pull out. Engage him at close range with your shotgun, and when he finally collapses use the two Church Keys N and S for a flyby featuring that ugly face you swam past earlier.


Pull up onto the E ledge and pull up higher into the window. Safety drop to the street and enter that nearby N doorway. Climb the ladder to an upper level and go left to the E window. Drop down to the street and jump into the water with the ugly face. Go left and swim through the E opening to a level change.


Level 1: STREETS OF ROME (revisited)


Swim forward and pick up the VENUS STONE. The gate ahead opens, so swim forward and surface near the W opening. Pull out into the church square and run forward past the opened gates into the W alley to the fountain square. Take the first left and loop around to a golden rose for SECRET #5. Grab the shotgun ammo and revolver ammo in the alcoves and return to the fountain square. Turn right and return to the church square. Go to the front door and place the Saturn Stone and the Venus Stone for an unpleasant level change. A trio of hydras is activated, but the good news is that you're now done with all the back and forth and can enjoy the remaining levels without any required return trips.




This is a short level that deals with that trio of hydras. You can take refuge in the E water hole and douse the flames if necessary. When they've all been vanquished, the church door is blown open, allowing your entry. Loop around into the right alcove for a large medipack and into the left alcove for revolver ammo. Slide down the E ramp to be taken to the next level.




A groggy Lara finds herself in a dungeon-like area. Pull up into the crawl space at the end of the short passage and follow around to the other end. Flip out into a small chamber with a small medipack and a button that opens a floor trap door near the first crawl space. Return, flip out, drop into the floor hole and slide down to a lower area guarded by a lion. Pick up the flares, push the wall button to open the door behind you and go on through.


Pick up the shotgun ammo and flares in the next room and note four closed gates and a closed door above three wall buttons. Push the button on the left to open the NE gate and release a lion. Push the button in the middle to open the SW gate and release a warrior. Push the last button to open the SE gate to a cell with no enemy but containing an extra SHOTGUN. The SW cell has a small medipack. The NE cell has uzi ammo and a pushblock in the corner. Pull it into the cell and aside. Enter the connecting passage to the NW cell and see three pushblocks in the wall ahead.


Pull the one on the right two times, the one on the left once, and push the middle one into the corner. Enter the passage, pick up the shotgun ammo and follow to a small room with a wall button that opens a floor trap door in the previous cell. Return there, drop down and follow to a lava room with rising and lowering platforms. Stand at the end of the entrance ledge, hop back, wait for the first platform to start rising, stand jump to it and take two running jumps off the next two platforms to a room with a chain.


Pick up the flares and pull the chain for the briefest flicker of what is presumably intended as a cut scene. To get back across, hop back from the edge, ignore the nearest platform and time a running jump down to the middle one, followed by a running jump to the entrance ledge. Pull out through the floor hole to a mild earthquake and return to the room with the three wall buttons to find that the door above them is now open. Hop into the opening and the door closes behind you.


You're in a hub room. Go through the S opening on your right and proceed onto a ledge where you can shoot three lions sleeping peacefully in the den below you. Note the central cage and return to the hub room. Go through the W opening on your right into a larger room. In the W wall between two pots is an alcove with a chain that opens the N door in this room. But first, turn around, run past the column support and turn around again to locate a ladder.   


Jump up to grab the ladder. If Lara doesn't want to climb, try again and wait until Lara reaches the top of her jump before making the grab. Climb up a bit, shift left and drop down onto a ledge where you'll find uzi ammo, flares and a large medipack. Push the wall button to open the E door down below and drop to the floor. Enter the E cell, shoot the warrior and push the wall button to open a floor trap door. Grab the spare UZIS and the small medipack in the corners and return to the larger room.


Loop around left to exit to the hub room and turn left into the S opening where you shot the lions down below earlier. Go around the cage into the far S opening and come to a pool room. Vault up onto the ledge, face the pool and take a running jump to grab the swingpole. Swing around and jump off to land on the far ledge, hop down into the cell and pull the pushblock out of the far right corner. Move it aside, go around it into the next room and pull the chain to open another floor trap door above the cage.


Enter the NE crawl space and the trap door ahead falls open as you approach. Lower Lara down the other side and drop down into a cell. Hop into the NE corner for shotgun ammo, exit to the lions' den and turn around to greet the warrior. Pick up the nearby shotgun ammo, go to the W wall for a small medipack and pull up onto the bridge. Go through the N opening to the hub room, turn right into the larger W room and then left into the N side room where the floor trap door opened. Pick up the shotgun ammo, push the wall button to open the last door (S) in the larger room and return there.


The slight earthquake returns as you go into the small S room and find a water hole. Jump in and swim around to a pool. Continue through the narrow NW opening and follow around to an air hole. Pull out, jump to grab the ladder, shift around two corners to the other side and back flip onto a ledge. Grab the shotgun ammo, enter the W passage and turn around at the other end to pull up higher. Look for uzi ammo and more shotgun ammo near the E wall and follow the S passage to a ledge overlooking a pool.  


Hang from the edge, shimmy right past the obstruction and pull up on the other side. Grab yet more shotgun ammo and mount the ladder. Shift right around the corner, climb down and shift right again to drop into the passage. Pick up the explosive arrows and an extra SHOTGUN. Jump into the water, swim into the W opening, follow around, surface and pull out near a mirror room. Your objective is to touch only the five large squares on the floor as revealed in the mirror, and you'd best save your game before beginning. Walk W onto the first such square, stand jump SW to land on the next one, turn and jump NW to land on the next one in front of the middle skeleton, take a running jump slightly SW to the next one next to the mirror, and finally take a running jump NW to the one in front of the door, which should now open if you did everything right.


Pull the chain in the next room and swim back to the pool. Continue through the narrow NW opening and pull out into another small room with a chain that provides the briefest of flickers. Return to the pool, pull out onto the platform that has been raised in the E wall and pull up into the passage above. Follow to a room above the cage, where the trap door opened earlier. Drop down and take the GEMSTONE PIECE from the plinth. Climb back out, exit to the pool room, jump back in and swim to another raised platform against the N wall. Jump W to the ledge and follow both passages back to the floor hole.


Drop down, jump into the water below and swim through the SE opening to pull out E. Follow to the larger room, go straight across into the N side room, drop or climb down the floor hole to a lava room where a row of platforms are rising and dropping intermittently. To get across, simply wait for the nearest one to rise and run across to the other side. A door slams shut behind you, confining you in a small cell where it seems there's no way out.


However, there's a corner pushblock that you can pull into the cell to reveal another cell with a second GEMSTONE PIECE. When you pick it up a trap door opens overhead. Use the ladder in the S wall to climb out into the hub room. Exit N and climb the next ladder to an upper room with two openings. Take the N opening and follow the passage to a room with a complete GEMSTONE. Return, go through the S opening and come to a room with two receptacles. Combine the two pieces you're carrying to form another GEMSTONE and place them in the receptacles to open the S doors. Go on through to end the level.




Run forward and attract the attention of a warrior, who drops the COLOSSEUM KEY when he dies. You can put the key to good use immediately by continuing E to the closed doors and inserting it in the receptacle to trigger a flyby through the next area and what looks like another hub room. Take a peek through the gate at the immense colosseum before concluding that there's nothing further to do in this room at this time. Go back W to alert a second warrior and look up N to see an inaccessible opening in the middle alcove.


This is getting us nowhere, so return to the entrance of the hub room and look left to see a number of floor tiles similar to the ones in the mirror room you negotiated in the previous level. The game plan is similar here, so jump only onto those five tiles to open a floor trap door against the E wall. Hop into it and follow to an underground room with a chain. Pull it to open the E double doors in the hub room and return there. Go on through and loop around right to the NW opening.


Hop inside, crawl forward and flip out into a cell. Push the wall button to raise blocks in the previous room and in the opening room where you met the second warrior. Return to the latter and climb the N block to access the high wall opening you noted earlier. Pull up into the alcove for a golden rose and SECRET #6. Get down, deal with two warriors and return to the E room. Climb the SE block, enter the passage and follow around to a floor hole. Climb down the ladder to an underground area, pick up the uzi ammo behind you and push the block to reveal a side passage.


Enter the next room, push the wall button to lift the gate above the third raised block and take the UZIS and the CROWBAR from the plinths. Climb back out, return to the previous room and climb the NE block to access the opening where the gate lifted. Go through the short passage, hop down into the two-tiered room and face a row of three huge buttons. Push all three of them to open the higher SE gate. Go there and follow to a room guarded by two warriors. Push two buttons, one in the E wall and the other in the N window alcove. A block rises somewhere, so exit to the previous room and go down the ramps to the lower tier that operates as another hub room.


Go past the gate on your left, which closes behind you, and follow to a small pool. Jump in and swim up to a submerged room with flares, a small medipack, uzi ammo and shotgun ammo. Swim down the phantom square in the NW corner, pick up the uzi ammo and follow the passage around to an air hole. Pull out for a golden rose and SECRET #7. Return to the phantom square, swim up and find another air hole in the previous room. Surface and pull out to find a button that extinguishes flames around a chain.  


Swim back to the two-tiered room, pull out and go to the block on your left that you may have noted earlier. Use it to access the upper ledge, note two closed gates and jump the ledges N to the chain you saw in the cut scene. There are actually two chains here. Pull them both to open the S gates and go there for flares and arrows on one side and UZIS in the other. There are also two buttons, so push them both and a cut scene shows a door opening.


Drop down from the ledge, go N down the hallway and past the opposite gate (which again closes behind you). A warrior is hiding around the corner in the next room. Grab the large medipack on the raised slab, push the button to re-open the gate, go into the next room, push another button to lower platforms somewhere and turn immediately to shoot the approaching lion. Return to the hub room and go up one of the ramps to the upper tier and past the opened N gate (which of course closes behind you).


Pull up left, hop down the other side after noting the ceiling monkey bars and go around to push a wall button that opens a gate high above you. Pick up the uzi ammo at your feet, go back to where you hopped down and jump straight up to grab the bars. Monkey swing around the corner, release at the end to grab the edge and pull up to a balcony. Jump over the raised block for shotgun ammo, then climb the block and monkey swing across the room to drop into the E passage. Jump over the floor hole at the end to grab a crawl space, pull up for a large medipack and then safety drop a long distance onto a ledge above a lava pool.


Take a running jump E to grab the ladder and climb to the top. Hop left for shotgun ammo, return to the block and jump back W to grab the previous ledge. Shimmy left around the corner and drop down to a corner block. Enter the passage, shoot the warrior around the corner and find a small medipack in a torch-lit alcove. Pull the nearby pushblock from the N wall, move it aside and enter the revealed alcove to find a button that raises a gate and attracts a lion. Return to the lava pool, use the wall crack to shimmy left to the ladder surfaces, then shift left around corners until you can pull up onto the block against the E wall.


Jump back to the W ledge and go up the ramp to the next room. When you try to exit via the passage ahead, the gate slams shut in your face and two lions come up from behind you. Go back and push the button in the NW corner to re-open the gate, exit to the two-tiered room and go down the ramps to the lower tier hub room. Go straight across into the E room, find shotgun ammo and a large medipack beneath the wall mural and push the E button to open large double doors. Push the button in the passage to re-open the gate and go up one of the ramps once again.


At the level with the three huge buttons, pull up into the W passage and drop down to the room below. Go through the double doors, turn left into the next room and see the exit door open upon your approach. Hop into the N opening, climb down the floor hole and follow the passage for a level change. 




Run forward and hop down into a room facing an iris door amidst a mild earthquake that stops after a few seconds. Pull up into the NW alcove for revolver ammo and find a passage at the corresponding SW opening. Climb the ladder to an upper passage and continue around to a still higher passage overlooking the room with the iris door. Hop down to the ledge, face N, take one step back and with a standing jump use the two trapeze bars as swingpoles to get across to the other side. 


Pull up into the opening and follow to an enclosed room with the iris door mechanism. Pick up the revolver ammo in the NW corridor and go to the opposite slope. Jump onto it facing N, back flip onto the higher slope and jump without sliding to grab the swingpole so you can get over the fence. Push the button in the NE corner to roll the iris door aside and use the lower slope to slide back S.


Enter the new area and wander around a bit with crossbow drawn to awaken three skeletons in those sand-filled depressions. On the N side in the middle you'll find a small medipack and flares, on the SW side is a cage and 2 x uzi ammo in the dark alcove, climb the cage on the x side and pull into the crawl space for a large medipack, get down and on the S side are explosive arrows on the other side of a short trench, and uzi ammo is near the SE corner. Go NE, jump over the short gap to awaken another skeleton and pick up the shotgun ammo. Walk N, being careful to stay in the middle as blocks fall on either side and another skeleton is awakened in the distance.


Take a running jump and grab across the wider gap and pull up as more blocks fall. For a pickup, turn around, jump back across the gap and climb down the ladder to find flares in the pit. There are also bones nearby (1 of 5) that you should shatter with an explosive arrow or by using the combined revolver and laser sight. Climb back up the ladder, jump N across the gap, run forward and push the button to open the door behind you. However, don't reverse roll and go directly there lest you be crushed by another falling block. Enter the W passage, climb the ladder at the end and pull up to a ledge facing trapeze bars and flame blowers.


Save your game, as the grab to the second pole is far from routine. What worked for me was to grab the first pole toward its right end and not in the middle. Take a step back from the edge, stand jump to the first pole when the flames are about to subside, swing and jump off to grab the next pole, swing and jump to the far ledge before the flames return. Walk forward, hop SW and draw your crossbow as you approach the fence to awaken a skeleton on the other side. Shoot him quickly with an explosive arrow before he has a chance to get out of your sight.

There are shatter bones (2 of 5) in the alcove in the N wall, which may be shattered with the same arrow that blows up the skeleton. Note the closed door in the opposite S wall and search the grated floor SE for uzi ammo.


Loop around left to the W opening that overlooks the cage you noted earlier. Jump to grab the top part of the cage, shimmy left around the corner and take a rolling back flip to grab the N cage. Shift right around the corner (if Lara refuses to make the turn, climb down until she's hanging from the lower edge, shimmy right around the corner and climb back up) and drop down into the passage. Follow around past the spot where the skeleton awakened and push the button to drop a floor trap door in the cage and also to open that door in the S wall you noted earlier. Take a running jump SE over the fence to land in the opening and enter the caged area for spare UZIS and explosive arrows. Shatter the bones in the N alcove if necessary, jump back NW over the fence, return to the outer part of the caged area, mount the cage, shift left around the corner and take a rolling back flip to grab the central cage.


Hang from the bottom edge (otherwise, Lara won't turn the corner), shimmy left around the corner, climb up until Lara's feet become "set" and take a rolling back flip to grab the W ledge. Pull up and run forward into a hub room. Go through the left (N) opening and follow down the steps into a larger lower area. Vault up onto the N ledge for shotgun ammo and the S ledge for explosive arrows. Go up the W steps and past the opening. Take a running jump to grab the ledge with the plinth and pull up for a GOLDEN KEY (shows as Load in your inventory) to lift a gate to your right and awaken a skeleton to your left.


Safety drop to the floor and find shotgun ammo and explosive arrows in the NW corner.  Run to the opposite SE corner for flares and go up the SW stairs. At the next to last step turn around and take a tricky curved running jump slightly SE onto a fenced balcony for more flares. Drop to the steps and deal with another skeleton that has been awakened. Return up the steps and jump to the plinth. Continue with a jump to the S opening and pull up onto a ledge to trigger a brief cut scene featuring the awakening of multiple skeletons. A single explosive arrow will rid yourself of them all.


Follow the ledge around and hop with grab into the S alcove for revolver ammo. Another skeleton awakens, but you have ample time to prepare a reception for it. Safety drop to the floor and find flares in a nearby alcove next to a sleeping skeleton (which you can blow away without giving it the opportunity to awaken). Pull up into the crawl space in the alcove and push the button when you can stand up. Get back down and go around to the NE corner. Blast away another sleeping skeleton, go through the short passage and shoot another sleeping skeleton that's blocking an opening. Go inside for a spare CROSSBOW and more explosive arrows. A remote camera suggests that another skeleton has been awakened nearby, so deal with it.


Go back N through the short passage and loop around right into    an alcove with a button that lifts a gate high up in the SW corner. Before going there, go to the column against the W wall and climb the ladder on the left side. Pull up onto the ledge, turn around and shoot the sleeping skeleton, enter the alcove where another gate has lifted and take the golden rose from the plinth for SECRET #8. Climb back down, go around to the other side of the column and pull into the crawl space for a large medipack. Now you can go to the SW corner and climb the ladder to the lifted gate. Go up the steps, grab the shotgun ammo in the window alcove along the way and continue to an opening.


Hang from the edge, shimmy right around the corner along the wall crack until you can pull up in front of a button that lifts a gate on the other side of this structure. Stand jump to the ledge below, loop around left and face a swingpole. Stand one step back from the edge, jump to grab the pole, swing around and jump off to land on the ledge with flares. Hop with grab into the W opening where the gate lifted and run forward quickly before a block drops to crush you. Climb the ladder to an upper passage and insert the Golden Key in the receptacle at the other end to open the gate. Go down the steps and take the TORCH from the plinth in the room below.


Save your game before tossing the torch into the E floor hole (mine simply vanished the first time I did it) and climb down after it. Walk out to a familiar ledge and take a running jump NE to the opening. Light the torch on one of the flaming pots just outside and continue E down the steps. You'll find similar pots near the foot of the stairs NE and SE. Light them both and go upstairs on both sides to find two more pots to light. A cut scene shows a gate opening nearby, so drop the torch (which you no longer need) and go up the central W stairs to face another swingpole. Use it to get across to the other side and go past the opened gate and down the steps to a room with a grated floor.


Go through the N opening into another room and pry the PURPLE GEM off the central column. Return to the swingpole, use it (take a running jump this time) to get back across and continue straight ahead to the E opening that overlooks the cage room. Jump to grab the cage, shimmy right or left around two corners to the other side and take a rolling back flip to grab the E ledge. Pull up, run forward a bit and turn right to find a crawl space. Pull inside, flip out the other side and climb the E ladder to an upper room. There are three plinths, one with a spare SHOTGUN, one with bones to shatter (3 of 5), and one with revolver ammo. Return to the crawl space, flip out and make your way to the NE end of this upper level. Take a running jump to grab the N ledge, pull up and shatter the bones (4 of 5).


Stand jump down to the previous ledge and head across to the SE opening where you can see swingpoles protected by flames. Hop down to the steps and look down into the water to find more bones (5 of 5) to shatter. Jump into the water and find a floor hole near the NW corner. Swim down, flip turn and continue E to find a small opening on your right with shotgun ammo, uzi ammo, a small medipack and flares. You may have to make several trips if you want them all, as the pickup animation is rather buggy here (Lara would never pick up the flares and the shotgun ammo in my game). When you've completed that exercise, continue in the same direction along the passage until you reach the S wall.


Turn right, and a door should have opened here if you shot all five bone sets and have otherwise followed this walkthrough. It leads only to another secret, so if you find the door is still closed, forget about the secret and return to the pool for air. If the door is open, look to your right for shotgun ammo and continue along the long passage and down a ramp to pause at the bottom for arrows (or get them on your way back). Veer right down the next ramp into an underwater room and find that there's enough space beneath the ceiling grate for you to get some much-needed air. On the floor below is a golden rose for SECRET #9. After picking it up, swim back up the ramps and return to the pool for air.


Swim back down the floor hole and continue W along the passage to the trap door you opened earlier. Surface, pull out into the cage and pull the chain to extinguish the flames protecting the swingpoles. Return to the pool and pull out onto the NE steps. Face the swingpoles and save your game, as the grabs here are difficult as well. Try veering right or left as you jump from pole to pole. To start, take a step back from the edge, stand jump to grab the first pole and cross your fingers that you'll grab the second one and the third one. Save again when you make it across.


Enter the S passage, turn left at the closed door and come to another pool. Use the long tightrope to cross to the other side and hop down right to the lower ledge. Take a running jump to grab the N ledge, pull up, push the button to lift a gate near the swingpoles and grab the flares in the alcove. Jump into the water and swim around to the NE steps. You now need to navigate the swingpoles a second time, so save again before starting. When you get across this time, turn around and look for the ladder on the column to your left. Jump to grab it, climb to the top, release and grab and shimmy right around corners until you can pull up into the crawl space where the gate lifted.


Follow around to push a button that lifts a gate to reveal another button. Go back and flip out into the water, swim around to the familiar steps and pull out. Yes, you now have to navigate the swingpoles a third time, so gird up your loins and save your game. Go through the S passage again and pause as you approach the revealed button. A squishy block is triggered, so time your way past it, push the button to lift a gate and on the way back, hop up SE into the alcove for explosive arrows. Time a jump back into the passage and hop up into the N alcove if you like for uzi ammo.


Hop to the passage and return E to the main pool. Jump in, swim underneath the swingpoles and pull out onto the steps. Return to the upper ledges and safety drop to the room below. A gate has opened near the middle of this area, so pull inside and pry the second PURPLE GEM off the wall. Grab the shotgun ammo and explosive arrows right and left, get down and run E across the room to the opening that overlooks

another iris door. Safety drop to the room below, losing a small amount of health, and place the Purple Gems in the receptacles on either side of the iris door. The door rolls aside, so enter and slide down to the room below. Run forward to trigger a cut scene and a level change.




Lara revives high above a lava room. Safety drop from the E edge near the corner (to minimize your health loss) to the block below and take a running jump to grab the block against the S wall. Pull up into the crawl space ahead and climb down the other side into an underground room. Enter the crawl space in the SW corner and follow to a room with a rather superfluous CROWBAR in the skeletal remains. Push the button in the SE alcove to lift a gate and return to the previous room.


Climb back out N and flip out at the end of the crawl space onto the block in the lava room. Jump back to the N block and continue with a running jump to grab the ladder in the N wall. Climb up to another crawl space and follow to a ladder leading down to a dark room. Climb the column on the left side, shift right around the corner to get past the slope and continue climbing up into the N alcove.


Reverse roll and see the rising and falling platform ahead. Take a running jump just as it's beginning to rise and let your momentum carry you into the S room. Turn the handle (cool animation I've not seen before) to trigger a brief flyby. The platform is now in a stable up position, so safety drop from it and climb the ladder back up to the crawl space. Return to the lava room, don't flip out but hang from the edge of the crawl space and back flip onto the block.


Face W and take a running jump to grab the lowered rope. Swing forward and jump off to land on one of the blocks, turn around to find the ladder in the bridge support. Jump to grab it, climb to the top and stand jump from the SE corner to grab another rope. Turn a bit right to face a third rope, swing and jump to grab it and continue with a swing and jump to the E ledge. Pry THE PHILOSOPHER STONE from the wall and an earthquake starts shaking the lava room as an escape passage is opened up.


Drop to the blocks below the ledge and hop into the underground passage. Follow around to a squishy block passage and make your way N past it. Turn right to an opening that faces another lava room, take a running jump straight W to grab the ledge on the other side and pull up as a block drops down beside you. Go quickly up the W ramp as more blocks drop down behind you and jump into the water. Allow the the current to carry you to an underwater room where you'll find more flares (bringing the current total in my inventory to 359 if anyone is interested).


Surface and pull out onto a floating block. Stand jump W to grab the wall crack and shimmy left around the corner until you can pull into a crawl space. Follow around until you can stand up near a closed door and continue along the passage to some steps leading to a small room. Jump clockwise from one corner tile to the next without stepping on the lower floor, and a ceiling trap door drops in the SE corner. Jump back there and pull up to a grated floor. Grab the flares if you want and go through the SW passage to a golden rose for SECRET #10.


Return to the room below, go through the connecting W passage and jump up at the end to grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing across the pool, release and grab the crack below, shimmy right around the corner and pull up into the opening. Loop around right, climb the ladder and pull up into an upper area. Jump N across the grated rafters and find a handle in the W wall that you can turn. Drop down into the water, climb onto the floating block and use the wall crack to reach the NE crawl space once again. That closed door you noted earlier is now open, so go inside for a gold rose and SECRET #11.


Return to the room with four corner slabs and go through the SW passage. Monkey swing across the water, drop, grab, shimmy and pull into the S opening. Climb the ladder to the upper area, jump the rafters and continue past the N opening where a gate has lifted in the left corner. Follow the passage around, climb the S ladder and take a rolling back flip from the top rung into a sloped passage. Immediately run up the ramp so you won't be crushed by the falling blocks.


In the next room is another handle to turn, dropping the trap door above the ladder in the E wall. Climb up, back flip to the upper room and go through the W crawl space to a sewer section. Follow the ledges N to find another crawl space that leads to a room with a button and a ladder. Push the button to lower another trap door, climb the ladder and pull up into a room with crates as you hear Lara's theme music.


Follow around to a mirror room, find the golden rose in the reflection and pick it up for what surely is intended as SECRET #12, although it didn't register in my stats and I didn't hear the familiar chimes. When you approach the wall switch in the NW alcove, the game unceremoniously ends with a brief FMV.