Levels by BlackWolfTR


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, assisted by Steven3517's video walk

Savegames mentioned in the walkthrough can be downloaded from here





As the level begins, Lara has just vacated her motorboat equipped with aqualung and harpoon gun. After the introductory flyby you could swim E (the ring inventory with the spinning compass is a major annoyance, but I'll give directions as best I can) and enter the eponymous sunken ship, but there's much work to be done before you go there. Begin with a flip turn and swim W toward the arched coral formation. Go past it to the right and swim down to the ocean floor between the lighter and darker sections for a large medipack.


Swim back toward the same coral formation you passed, and on the side to your right (facing E) is a slope where you can pull out and back flip to a level spot. Make your way up to the top of the formation to find the GOLDEN DRAGON for SECRET #1. Jump back into the water in the general direction of where you pulled out and swim down SW to find an opening in the ocean floor. First, grab the harpoons near the seaweed a bit to your left and then follow the tunnel in a generally S direction, pausing for more harpoons (near the two red plants) and flares along the way, until you see the wreckage ahead. At this point I was attacked by two fish that must have been triggered earlier, so if this is where you meet them (you may not until later), put that harpoon gun to use.


As you approach the wreckage an onscreen message will tell you something about TNTs. Turn left into the E opening and follow this side tunnel to a shallow spot where you can wade out for a small medipack. Pull up onto the nearby block facing S, reverse roll and take a running jump to grab the N ladder. Climb to the top, jump up to the NW alcove, hop onto the higher ledge and with your back to the wall jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing E and then S until you can drop down at the entrance of a tunnel and shoot two bats. Follow the tunnel to a deep pit and save your game. Stand left, take one step back from the edge, hop back once and take a running jump SE onto a slope against the wall. Jump off without sliding and grab the corner ledge.


Pull up, hop up SW into the opening and follow around to the other end. From the higher white slab, take a running jump slightly NW down to a block jutting from the wall, turn right and stand jump to grab the crack in the N wall. Shimmy right around two corners. For a secret, don't go all the way to the far corner niche where you can pull up. Instead, after you've turned the second corner, go about halfway, release onto a slope and take a rolling back flip into a dark cave. Run forward to find the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #2. Climb the nearby E ladders, pull up higher and safety drop from the opening.     


Follow the tunnel S to the deep pit and repeat the moves described above to get back to that crack in the N. This time, shimmy right around two corners and continue to the niche in the far corner. Pull up, turn right and take a running jump slightly NW (no grab) down to a small ledge. Jump W to grab the ladder, shift left around the corner and take a rolling back flip to grab the next ladder. This time shift left around two corners to the other side, climb up a bit and take a rolling back flip to grab a ledge. Shimmy left if necessary and pull up in front of an opening. Run forward for shotgun ammo and pull down the wall switch to raise a platform.


Exit this cave, jump back to grab the ladder, shift right or left around two corners to the other side, take a rolling back flip to grab the next ladder, shift left around the corner and take a rolling back flip to land on the raised platform. Take a running jump W to grab the jutting ledge, pull up, turn left and take a running jump to grab the block across the gap. Pull up, side flip right onto the next flat surface and turn to find the slope on the wall face across the gap. Save your game, light a flare, stand at the left corner and take a running jump down onto the slope. Jump off with a right curve onto the next slope, jump again and grab the jutting block. Pull up (Lara looks down left), safety drop from the left side and slide down to a cavern below.


Pick up the hard-to-see DETONATOR KEY at the entrance and the nearby flares, hop up into the S opening and follow the passage to the end. Pull up left, jump up higher and run out to your right from of the opening to slide to a familiar block. Repeat the two jumps off slopes as described above (best save first), grab the jutting block and pull up. This time, walk forward and pull up higher, run to the far wall for harpoons and uzi ammo, then turn right and run N through the opening and down toward a cliff. Shoot two bats and safety drop from the cliff to a lower cave. Shoot another pesky bat and stand at the detonator to place the Detonator Key.


After the ensuing explosions, turn right, jump into the water and swim toward a section of the sunken ship. Look for uzi ammo near the first partially-buried TNT crate, then continue SE toward the ship and down to get the very hard-to-see STORAGE ROOM KEY next to the barrels. Swim across through the opening in the far N wall and follow the tunnel to the open ocean where you began the level. Curve around to the right until you can see the motorboat floating on the surface, then swim E past it toward the sunken ship, engaging a shark along the way. Search the ocean floor near the vessel for shotgun ammo (between a lone slab and the mountain wall) and harpoons (just E of that pointed rock with an anchor on top). From the spot where you grabbed the harpoons, swim N to the ship remnant that's standing off by itself.


Find the hole at the top and swim down into the wreckage. Follow the winding passage until you can surface and pull out into a cargo hold. Grab the nearby flares in the near corner and go up the NW stairs past a closed door. Turn around at the top next to another closed door and jump N to grab the upper walkway. Pull up and take a running jump to the ledge against the N wall. Turn the valve wheel to open a door down below, jump SE to the next walkway for uzi ammo and hop down onto the SE crates.


For a secret, activate the devilishly hidden jump switch on the sloped platform jutting from the S wall. Drop to the floor and go past the opened door at the foot of the stairs to find the SILVER DRAGON for SECRET #3. The UZIS, 3 x uzi ammo and a large medipack are also added to your inventory. Exit this room and jump over the water hole to grab the S ladder. Climb to the top and pull up in front of a wall switch that opens the door at the top of the stairs below. Get back down by your preferred method (I simply dropped into the water hole and pulled back out) and go through the opened N doorway, being careful to jump over the pit with glass shards at the entrance.     


Assorted flameblowers are triggered by your presence, so time your way to the SE corner for uzi ammo and go N to find a button (cut scene of a closed door). Continue N and loop around left to find another button in the middle corridor (same cut scene). Go back N, turn left and go to the NW corner for harpoons. Go S down this corridor to find a third button that opens the door you've been seeing in the cut scenes. Exit this room S, jump over the deadly pit and go up the stairs to the door you opened earlier.


Shoot the rat scurrying about down below, hop down and grab the harpoons, then save your game before pulling down the wall switch that raises timed platforms. Exit to the cargo hold and jump to grab the S ladder once more. Climb to the top, pull up and go around right or left. Take a running jump to grab the raised platform, pull up and take a running jump to the upper N ledge before the platform drops back down. Save again when you get there successfully. Enter the N room, shoot two rats and search the crates for the SHOTGUN and the PLATFORM KEY.


Get back down to the floor. I used the questionable method of hopping back from the edge and gliding down with grab onto the ledge with the valve wheel, and then I jumped to the W walkway and safety dropped to the steps. Go to the S water hole, jump in and swim back to the open ocean. Continue S to the larger sunken ship and find the hole in the hull. Swim down and along the passage and up the shaft at the far end to surface. Pull out into a dark room and grab the flares and harpoons in the SE corner. You've got two keys, so insert them in the E and SW receptacles and watch what happens.


Your next task is to enter the E room and move the pushblock there into the S passage over the raised block and onto a trigger tile. A trap door opens behind you in the NE corner, so go there and jump into the water hole. Swim along the passage to finish the level.




Swim forward and pull out into the bowels of the sunken ship. Run to a crossing and look left to face a deep pit with glass shards at the bottom. Jump SW and crawl under the beam into a crawl space. Follow to a wall switch that drops a floor trap door in a flooded section of the vessel. Return and hop down NW onto a block. Jump to grab the crack in the N wall and shimmy left past the pit until you can drop down safely onto a flat surface. Shoot two rats, note for later the opening in the W wall, turn right and locate uzi ammo NW near the flooded section you saw in the cut scene.


Note the closed door at the end of the corridor, jump into the water hole past the opened trap door and swim down for harpoons. Continue into the open ocean and shoot two approaching fish. Swim a bit E and look on top of the raised mound for the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #4. Swim back inside the ship, pull out and go E to that closed door you noted earlier. Push the button to open it, but don't go inside yet (you'll soon need to get here very quickly). Instead, go back W and S to that opening near the SW corner.


Vault up into the entrance and survey the field of breaktiles in the next room. You need to conserve these breaktiles as much as possible, as you'll be returning here a number of times. Begin with a hop down left, followed by a standing jump to grab the S ledge. Pull up for shotgun ammo. One breaktile gone. Turn to face N and stand jump to grab the tile in the third "row." Hang right and pull up to take a curved running jump to the N ledge without touching any other tile. Save your game before pulling down the timed wall switch that raises a block somewhere. Hit the look key to kill the cut scene, quickly turn around and take a running jump onto one of the four clustered tiles, followed by a standing jump into the entrance. If you did it right only three breaktiles should have been used.


Hop down, turn left and sprint to the N wall, turn right and sprint E to the opened door, hopping over the barrels as you go. Turn right in the next room, sprint to the crossing, turn left and hop onto the raised block. Pull down the N wall switch before the block lowers. Another door has been opened which does not appear to be timed, so go back to the crossing, turn right, then turn right again at the N wall through a fixed camera. The opened door is at the end of the E corridor, but shoot the two rats in the pitch-black room before entering. Pick up the flares in the corner and pull the block away from the other corner. Crawl over the block and save your game being pulling down the revealed wall switch to open a timed door near the timed block. Yes, you now face the daunting prospect of a double timed run, one that's extremely tight.  


Exit this room, sprint all the way W through the opened door to the far wall and turn left to return to the breaktile room. You should be able to reach the N ledge with a running jump without touching any of the tiles. Pull down the wall switch to raise the timed block and get back there in the same manner you did earlier. But this time, instead of pulling the wall switch take a running jump from the raised block to grab the opening. Pull up and run forward before the timed door closes in your face. Save your game again when you get through successfully, or otherwise use this savegame.0.


In the next large room look for flares amidst the machinery not far from the SE corner. On the truncated cone near the NW corner is a small medipack. Go to the middle of the N wall and take an angled running jump into a small gap between the wall and the machinery. Activate the W jump switch to open a trap door and use the raised platform to hop back out. Enter the NE passage and follow up the steps and around to where the trap door opened. Climb the N ladder, run forward and drop down the other side for the SILVER DRAGON and SECRET #5.


Return to the steps, continue up past a closed door that requires a key, and come to an opening that overlooks the machinery room. Hop to the first column, note similar openings in the other walls and stand jump S onto the lower column. Take a running jump to grab the higher S column, pull up and continue along the column tops to your right until you can jump to grab the W opening. Pull up and run forward to the wall switch for a static cut scene in the machine room. An onscreen hint mentions a blocked mechanism. Note the S crawl space and go into the N side room.


Pick up the flares and drop down into the nearby trench. Pull down the E wall switch to raise a platform behind you. Pull out of the trench and locate the W pushblock near the entrance to this side room. Move the pushblock over the raised platform and under the N wall switch so you can pull it down and open a nearby door. Pull the block onto the raised platform, push the wall switch back up to lower the platform (and the block), and push the block to the W wall. Get up on it and pull up into the higher W opening. Run forward to trigger a gauntlet of thumpers and steam blowers in the next room.


Time your way past the hazards to find the RUSTY KEY next to the SE barrels. Get back the way you came, drop down to the pushblock and exit to the opening overlooking the machine room. A cut scene warns of enemies waiting down below, so make your way to the floor and engage a thug who drops a large medipack and an armed guard who drops a spare SHOTGUN. Go through the dark NE passage and up the steps once more to that closed door you noted earlier. Use the Rusty Key to open it and enter a deep room with glass shards down below and a rope hanging from the ceiling.


Use the rope to get to the other side and enter the NE crawl space. Get past a steam blower and follow around to the opening where you see another rope ahead. Jump to grab it, swing forward and jump off onto a ledge where a rat is waiting. Pick up the small medipack and open the disguised cabinet in the corner (stand with your back to the railing) for extra UZIS and the CROWBAR. Use the rope to get back to the opening, crawl through and use the first rope to exit to the steps.


Go back downstairs to the floor of the machine room, turn left and go S to where Lara may be looking at a cluster of shimmering bars in one of the machines. Stand in front of the bars and use the Crowbar to make them crumble into oblivion. Return to the steps and go up the opening overlooking the machine room. Jump the column tops to the same W opening you visited earlier. Pull inside and push the wall switch back up. Exit and use the column tops to get to the S opening. Pull inside, note the opening ahead but enter the W crawl space to your right.


Follow to a wall switch that opens the door to your left, but don't go there yet. Return to the previous room and go through that S opening you noted earlier. Turn into either the E or the W opening and hop the blocks to an upper room. The block with the ladder surface to your left as you enter is a pushblock. Move it into the N opening and return to the room below. Climb the completed S ladder (Lara's feet won't get "set" until you're past the pushblock surface, making it a long and laborious climb) and take a rolling back flip near the top to grab a walkway. Pull up and take the MACHINERY EXIT KEY from one of the hooks in the wall. You can now hear the sounds of a retching enemy down below, so stand jump to grab the ladder and climb down to engage a thug.


Go to the opening overlooking the machinery room and use the column tops to reach the E opening. Use your key to open the door and enter a passage in the sunken ship. Run forward as the door closes behind you and jump into the water hole. Swim forward and pull the underwater lever to open the trap door over your head. Surface, pull out into the ballroom and run forward toward the red-carpeted stairs. Veer slightly to your right and look behind the column for a button that opens a timed door. Go around left, jump over the water hole and obstruction into the SW passage and look for the timed door ahead and to your right. Enter the stateroom for the GOLDEN DRAGON and SECRET #6, and a small medipack, uzi ammo and shotgun ammo will be added to your inventory.


The timed door re-opens, so exit to the passage and turn right. Follow around to see a door open and an armed guard emerge. Shoot him and grab his shotgun ammo, enter his stateroom and find the LASER SIGHT on a bunk. Note the other closed doors in the passage, return to the ballroom and go up those E red-carpeted stairs to the next level. Go left around the ledge and find flares near the NW corner. Go back in the other direction (same level) and find a small medipack near the SW corner.


Go back and take the ramp up to the next level. Head S and W to the rubble piled in the corner, take a running jump NW over the railing onto a flat spot, then continue with standing jumps in the same general direction until you can hop into the W opening. Follow the hallway through the N opening into the next room. Turn left through the W opening and follow to a gap. Save your game for an extended breaktile run.


Stand two steps behind the edge and stand jump to the first tile. Follow with a running jump to the second tile and continue with a curved running jump onto the third tile. The trick here is to turn immediately upon landing and run off (without jumping) onto the adjacent tile around the corner, followed by a running jump N to grab the last tile in this sequence. If you're lucky you may be able to turn and grab that tile around the corner while dropping without stepping on it. Either way, it will likely take you many tries to get this far, so save again in a different slot while you're pulling up. Savegame.1 Take a running jump onto a stable surface where you can catch your breath.


Turn left and face a field of multiple breaktiles. You can ignore all except those which form a straight path W to the far well. This sequence is easily managed with running jumps. Enter the N passage and shoot two rats. In the next room grab the small medipack in the SE corner, climb onto the NW crate for the LIVING QUARTER KEY, get into the E crawl space and drop down the other end into a tilted passage. Follow around to a door that opens automatically. Hop down to an intersecting passage, go left (E) into the next room, go through the S opening and encounter an armed guard in the hallway. Pick up his shotgun ammo and step into the E opening that overlooks the ballroom.


Get down to the floor. The easiest way is to stand jump N over the railing with grab to land on the ledge below, then run to the E wall and around to the red-carpeted steps. Enter the N hallway and meet a thug at the crossing who is advancing from your right. Go E where he came from, into the next room and loop around left to find a timed button that opens a door some distance away. Exit to the hallway, turn left at the crossing and sprint back to the ballroom, go up the E red-carpeted stairs and turn right to ascend the ramp to the next level. Go around the inconveniently placed bench and into the S passage before the timed door closes. If you get there in time, the door will remain open.


Follow the passage to a crossing, turn left and hop down into a room with an armed guard. You now face a puzzle involving doors and wall switches. Pull down the wall switch in this room and follow the E passage to its end, hop up right and continue to another wall switch that opens the door behind you. Reverse roll and run W to a crossing. Turn left and hop down to a lower room. Pull down the wall switch in the SE alcove to raise a block on the floor. Use it to reach the higher opening in the W wall and shoot a rat. Pull down the wall switch in the next room and exit past the opened N door. Turn right in the corridor and run all the way E into a room visited earlier. Push the wall switch back up, turn left and hop down to the lower corridor. Run W to the next wall switch and push it back up as well.


Reverse roll and hop up S to find that the door across the corridor is now open. Enter and push the wall switch in that room back up. Reverse roll, exit E and hop down onto the raised block. Hop up N and run forward past the opened door into a small room with the AUTOMATIC PISTOL and automatic pistol ammo. In this game you can combine the laser sight with the automatic pistol, so do that now and exit to the corridor. Turn right and run to the W wall. Continue to the ballroom ledge and go back down to the floor.


Run across to the N hallway and turn left at the crossing. Enter the pool room and shoot a thug. Get down into the pool and drop down the NW floor hole. Follow the passage, slide down and pull down the wall switch to open the door. Step into the next room and Lara will look up at something she needs to shoot. Draw your automatic weapon, get a little closer to the NE corner and shoot the box jutting from the wall to open the nearby floor trap door. Climb down the ladder to the lower hold and go across to find another ladder at the SE corner.


Climb up, back flip into an upper hold and shoot the waiting thug. There's yet another ladder at the E wall, flanked by a pushblock and a rising block tile. Move the block onto the tile, then go all the way over to the W side to find an opening with a wall switch that raises the block. Go back E, climb the ladder, hop down into the trench and move the block two times E. Return to the wall switch, push it back up to raise the block still further, climb the E ladder again and push the block to the E wall. You can now reach the ladder in the SE corner shaft, so jump W to grab it, climb up and back flip near the top into a passage with a wall switch at the end.


Pull down the switch to trigger an explosion and a slow flyby through the upper and lower holds, climb back down and drop through the floor hole that has appeared in the upper hold. Pick up the CIRCUIT BREAKER that was inaccessible earlier and get down to the floor. Climb the SW ladder past the opened trap door, exit S and follow the passage to pull back up into the empty pool. Exit SE to the hallway, turn right at the crossing and return to the ballroom.


Go straight across through the S opening and use the Living Quarter Key to open the E door to your left. Enter the stateroom and the crawl space, drop down the other end to find another crawl space and follow this one down until you can stand up. Walk forward to trigger a burst of warning music and enemy fire from the room ahead. Draw a weapon to deal with the thug and armed guard advancing from your left. Pick up the small medipack and SWITCH SECRET HINT dropped by them.


Examine the hint and hearken back to the math lessons from your formative years. Unfortunately, each clue may be interpreted two different ways. For example, you may read the first hint as follows: What added to 10 and multiplied by 6 equals 22? That can't be right, so read it this way: What multiplied by 6 and added to by 10 equals 22? When so interpreted, the answer is 2 [(6 x 2 = 12] + 10 = 22]. Going down the list of hints and applying the correct interpretation to each one, the next three answers are 6, 8 and 9. The hints also include a warning that using the wrong combination will result in a soft lock. Apparently builders know what this means, even if some players and walkthrough writers don't. 


Now that you know the drill, go to the W ladders, turn around and look up for the jump switch high up in the E wall. Line up with it (center of the third section, just to the right of the barrels), climb the ladder, pull up at the top and take a rolling back flip to activate the switch. Run forward and turn left through the opened N door, jump into the water hole and let the current carry you along the passage until you reach an underwater lever that opens the overhead trap door.


Surface, pull out into the theatre as Lara's theme music plays and deal with the advancing thug. Pick up the flares he drops and go up the seats to find an armed guard waiting in the E balcony. Hop up there and push the button in the N wall to open doors somewhere. Get back down to the stage and go around the curtain to find a high N crawl space backstage. Pull up into it, drop down the other side and watch a block rise to prevent your return via the same means.


Turn around and find yourself in the room where those Switch Secret Hints come into play. If you've done the math right you should have no worries, but it may be wise to save your game here just in case (as suggested by the onscreen warning). The correct sequence is 2, 6, 8 and 9, so find the wall switches bearing those numbers and pull them down in that order. If done properly you'll get a screen shot of a door opening, and the block will lower in the crawl space.


Exit to the theatre and use the crates to reach the upper NW alcove next to the stage. Face E and take a rather tricky curved running jump to grab the first of two ropes hanging from the ceiling. Don't go for the second rope (which is a red herring), but turn almost all the way around to face the opened NW door. Swing and jump off to land inside, draw a weapon and follow around to shoot two rats. Go to the NE corner for the RUSTY KEY (screen shot showing you where it goes) and return to the theatre. Go up the aisle on either side, pass a catatonic thug (shooting at him didn't seem to get his attention in my game) on your way back to the hallway and into the ballroom.


Go up the red-carpeted stairs E, turn left and continue on up to the third level where you can use the Rusty Key to open the door near the NE corner. Go on in, jump into the water, swim across and pull out the other side, go right and search the cabinet for a second CIRCUIT BREAKER. Exit to the ballroom ledge and get back down to the floor. Enter the N hallway, turn right at the crossing into a room you visited earlier to push a button. Another catatonic thug was standing like a statue at the entrance; maybe he was more active in your game. Anyway, go to your right and vault up into the entrance to the kitchen where the doors opened earlier. Lara looks at a crawl space to her right as she approaches the E wall. Push the button to open the freezer door and go in to shoot two rats and pick up a large medipack.


Exit and go to that SE crawl space. Follow to a pitch-black passage, light a flare in front of a closed door and place the Circuit Breakers in the receptacles on either side to open it. Go up the winding steps to a ladder that brings you up to an alcove where a door opens automatically. Draw a strong weapon to kill the waiting armed guard and step out onto the uppermost ballroom ledge. For a modest pickup, go clockwise around the ledges and jump over the obstruction to find uzi ammo at the far end. Turn around and go all the way around in the other direction to the NW corner, where the door there opens as you approach it. Go on through and past the next automatic door into the thumper room. This would be a good place to save your game.


Stand at the edge facing the first thumper, take one step back and hop back. When thumper slams down with a loud bang and starts to rise, initiate a running jump to clear the first thumper and continue with another running jump to the right side of the second thumper. Swerve left and continue in one flowing motion with a running jump N to grab the opening. Pull up and save again in a different slot. Follow the passage to find shotgun ammo and a wall switch that opens a nearby door.


Return to the opening, face the thumper and hop back once. Repeat the same running jumps, only in reverse order, to get back to the beginning W ledge. But this time, wait for the thumper to rise completely before initiating the first running jump. When you reach the W ledge, face N and your next thumper challenge. Hop back and take one step back. When the thumper has risen and is about to descend again, initiate your running jump. Continue with a running jump slightly left onto the safe block where you can catch your breath.


Take a running jump N to grab the next thumper block and shimmy to the left corner. Pull up just as the thumper descends and take a running jump to grab the N opening where the door opened with the wall switch. Pull up and loop around left to find another wall switch (cut scene of yet another wall switch). You now need to navigate both thumper gauntlets as described above. When you get to the ledge and face the E gauntlet, take a running jump from the second thumper slightly to your right to land between the railings on the ledge with the third wall switch. Pull it down to open a door back in the ballroom.


To get back to the W ledge, stand jump to grab the thumper block. Shimmy left around two corners, pull up as the thumper descends and take an immediate rolling back flip to grab the next thumper block. Again, shimmy left around two corners and pull up as the thumper descends. Take a rolling back flip to grab the W ledge and pull up. Savegame.2 Exit to the uppermost ballroom ledge and follow around clockwise, passing (in my game) a catatonic armed guard, until you reach the opened E door just past the piled debris.


Go on in and run off the edge into the water fall below. Surface, pull out E and follow to an open area. Note the closed door to your left and go into the opposite S room to attract two rats. Light a flare and explore the tops of the crates for uzi ammo and a large medipack. Exit and go to the glass wall E for a scenic view of the ocean seascape. Light a flare, go into the SE alcove and activate the jump switch to trigger Lara's cryptic onscreen musings which warn of mutants. Draw a powerful weapon and try to vanquish the charging Tinnos mutant before it poisons you. When it dies the door you noted opens, so go inside to trigger a brief flyby.


Step forward and pick up the QUETZOLEC STONE while Lara contemplates her exit strategy. The W door has opened, so go up the steps and your screen will freeze. Hit the escape key to begin the bonus level.




After the introductory flyby, Lara is standing in front of a locked door. After her strenuous activity aboard the sunken vessel she's in dire need of a shower, but she has somehow misplaced the key to her own apartment. Her inventory has been stripped almost bare as well.


Begin by making two left turns and going downstairs. Take the first right and continue straight until you get outdoors into a courtyard. Run forward a bit and Lara will look to her right, so continue past a trap door through the NW archway. Turn left at the gazebo past the open doorway and climb the wall ladder. Back flip into an upper room and go through the E window where the glass has been broken.


Jump to the red awning, the E balcony (where you see a closed door) and into the S opening where you'll find a wall switch that opens a door down below. Safety drop to the pavement and enter the E room which serves as an entrance to the sewers. Hop onto the SE block for flares and move the pushblock onto the marked NW tile. Pull down the wall switch to raise the pushblock and move it all the way into the E passage so you can get up on it and pull down the higher wall switch. The door on the courtyard balcony opens, so get down, run around the gazebo into the W building.


Climb the ladder, jump to the awning and balcony and enter the E building. Push the button to open the bathroom door and find more flares in the bathtub. Exit and move the table away from the NW corner. Enter the crawl space and follow around the corner. Drop down lower, turn around and light a flare. Slide and jump over three glass shard traps and grab the block at the end. Pull up and follow the passage to more glass shard traps that are not the same as the first ones. 


Save your game, slide and jump over the first trap to land on a slope. Jump without sliding to grab the ceiling and monkey swing over a long row of glass shards. Drop down at the end and crawl around to a library. Safety drop to the floor, note the ladder for possible later use and go across S toward another ladder and find a book switch on the shelf to your right. Pull it for a screen shot of a chandelier and go to the opposite corner of this same bookshelf to find another book switch that gives you the same cut scene. Now go to the W wall, where you'll find two more book switches on opposite sides of the middle bookshelf.


Climb the ladder in the SE corner to find a wall switch that opens a door somewhere. Get back on the ladder, climb down a bit and back flip onto the bookshelf. Jump the tops of the bookshelves to the NW corner, where you'll find a fifth book switch that opens a portrait door near the chandelier you've been seeing in those cut scenes. Make your way there, jump S onto the chandelier and into the connecting passage. Don't attempt a jump to the chandelier in the next room, but instead safety drop to the floor (losing a little health from the fall) and step on the W ornate slab to open a door above a ladder.


Climb either of the E ladders, loop around to the jutting ledge and stand jump to the chandelier. Take a running jump to grab the W ladder and climb up past the opened door. Follow the passage to a wall switch on your right that opens another portrait door between the E ladders. Note the closed door in the opposite alcove and get back down to the floor. Climb one of the E ladders again and jump SW with grab from the jutting ledge into an alcove with a wall switch that lowers the chandelier behind you.


Stand jump down to the chandelier, face E and stand jump to grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing to the opened portrait door and drop to grab the opening. Pull inside, run forward and step on a trigger tile that opens a door somewhere. Safety drop to the floor, climb one of the E ladders and jump back into the SW alcove. Push the wall switch back up to raise the chandelier once again and take a running jump to land on it. Turn left and jump to grab the W ladder. Climb up into the passage and find that the door in the left alcove is now open. Enter the next room and find the SEWERS KEY on a crate.


You're through here, so get down to the floor, climb one of the E ladders one last time and jump to the chandelier. Take a running jump to grab the N opening. Pull up, drop down into the library and exit E to the courtyard. Turn left through the archway and into the E building. Loop around right and use the Sewers Key to open the door behind you. Go on in, light a flare and slide down into a water hole.


Swim along the passage until you can surface and pull out. Pull down the wall switch at the end of the E passage to fill the S pool, jump into the water and pull the S underwater lever to open a door above a companion pool. Pull out of the pool, push the wall switch back up to drain the pool and go through the W passage to find you've re-filled the pool there. Swim across and pull up into the opened doorway. Step on a trigger tile that opens the door above the first pool, return to the wall switch to re-fill the first pool, swim across and pull up into an opening that overlooks the sewers.


Hop down, save your game and pull down the timed wall switch to your right. Turn around and take a running jump onto the first of two slopes. Slide and jump to the second slope, slide and jump to grab the block against the S wall. Save in a different slot as you're pulling up, turn around and take a curved running jump NW to grab the wall crack. Shimmy left to the corner, drop onto the slope and back flip onto the S block. Face NW, take a running jump to land on the slope, slide and jump to grab the block jutting from the W wall. Pull up, take a running jump to the N ledge and scoot left past the timed door before it closes. Savegame.3


In the next room Lara looks right, so go there and pick up the APARTMENT KEY. Jump into the water, swim across and find a wall switch that opens trap doors above the E ladders. Climb either one to the outdoor courtyard and go through the E doorway and up the stairs. Open the apartment door with your key and go on in. After you've had a few seconds to look around, the level will end.