Level by Astraf


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been provided by Doggett TV and by Steven3517



Begin by sliding down a piano keyboard slope toward a surreal floating island environment. Run forward until you reach a bass clef strip off to your right and jump to it. Continue in the same direction as before, jump up when you can run no further and jump over to the island on your right. Go to the block with the horse statue and note the Golden Star attached to the front and removable torches jutting from the other three sides. For now, look down N and stand jump down onto the floating slab with the quarter note (1 of 5). A cut scene shows a fireplace somewhere and a spinning light appears over your head.


Take a running jump N to what looks like a band of TR3 deadly goo and continue with a running jump to grab the treble clef strip. Pull up, turn right and go E a bit until you can jump back to the piano keyboard. Continue E until you reach what looks like a lounge off to your right with fish designs on the wall. Jump over to the bass clef strip, hang from the edge over the quarter note slab (2 of 5), release to grab it and pull up for another fireplace cut scene and a new spinning light.


Hop to the ledge jutting from the lounge, turn around and jump to grab the bass clef strip. Pull up, jump over to the keyboard strip and run E until you see another quarter note slab down to your left. Jump to the treble clef strip, and don't try hanging from the edge over the slab, then releasing and grabbing, as that won't work here. Instead, you need to make use of that move of questionable legality whereby you hop back from the edge and use the action key to glide onto the slab below (3 of 5). You get the same cut scene and spinning light.  


Jump to the nearby strip of TR3 goo and run W up to the other end. Jump to the quarter note slab (4 of 5). Take a long running jump back to the treble clef strip and head E until you see a TR3 goo strip to your right underneath an arch in the keyboard strip. Jump to the goo and jump from the far end onto the last quarter note slab (5 of 5). A fire appears in that fireplace you've been seeing in the cut scenes.


Jump back to the goo strip and from there to the bass clef strip. Turn left and run W until you can make the jump left onto the keyboard strip, continue W until you can jump back right onto the treble clef strip, continue W and as you approach the fireplace that you can see ahead and to your right, work your way left across the keyboard strip to the bass clef strip and go back E to the island with the horse statue. Pull a TORCH from the block and retrace your steps to the bass clef strip, the keyboard strip, the treble clef strip and finally jump from the W end toward the fireplace.


Light your torch and get back along the strips to the bass clef strip. Run E past the horse statute island and jump S to the fish wall island. Light all four of the white corner lamps and watch the central cat statue explode. Go there and pick up the MYSTERIOUS KEY. Jump back N to the bass clef strip, the keyboard strip, the treble clef strip and the goo strip, in that order, and jump from the W end of the goo strip to that kitchen area with the long table. Loop around right and use the Mysterious Key to raise blocks in the island to the E.


Jump back to the goo strip from the quarter note slab, run E a bit and jump over to the treble clef strip. Continue E past the goo strip to another goo strip on your left. Jump to it, go up a bit and turn left to jump to the W ledge, just like the kind you've seen before in Lara's gymnasium. Here's where you need to use the sprint jump as described in the readme (you do read the readme files, don't you?) that comes with the level download. Hop back three times from the W edge, start sprinting forward and jump off to grab the first raised block. Pull up and hop forward twice onto the tallest block. Turn around and jump to the suspended balcony for the CROWBAR.


Jump back to the tallest block and take a running jump SW down to the goo strip. Run W a bit and make your way across the strips S to the bass clef strip and head E to the island with the horse statue. Pry the GOLDEN STAR off the base and make your way back NW along the strips to the island with the fireplace. Run past the flame, which won't harm you, and place the Golden Star in the receptacle in the far wall. A small piece of paper called the PIANO NOTES appears on the floor behind you, and you get a screen shot of a piano when you pick it up.


Jump back to the treble clef strip and make your way E. Get past the steep slope by jumping right to the keyboard strip and jump back left to the treble clef strip as soon as you get the chance. Continue E and you'll eventually see the piano in the distance. If you'd turned off that annoying music earlier, go ahead and restore it now. Jump over to the keyboard strip and approach the piano to trigger a concluding flyby.