Genesis Project II.

Level by StormChaser

Walkthrough by G&D Productions.


Turn left and go up the ladder, on the helipad are Uzi clips and Shotgun ammo. Back down the ladder and straight to get the MP5 clips next to the two pipes, go to that dark pillar nearby and flip the switch to open a trapdoor. Go left of the switch, back flip onto the slanted wall and jump to get onto the grey duct to get a One Dollar Coin (allowing you to buy a Medi later on). Turn around and jump onto the flat part of the duct with the slanted sides and jump onwards to the duct near the helipad, then right to the one with the grate, make our way over the ducts to the far side of the room, from the first one with a fan, jump up to a platform near the search light and go behind it for Secret #1, a Golden Rose. Back onto the duct and proceed over the ducts with the fans to the big block where that trapdoor opened.


Climb down till you are just above a Laser, drop when it goes left, turn right and run to the end of the duct, left around and get the Shotgun ammo. Go back, you can duck under that Laser and run to the other end of the duct and right, then left. At the Fan up right and run up/down the slope when the Laser goes up there. Left around more Lasers, run/slide down after the first, hop up and run forward/duck under the secondi, then run down into the lower duct. Climb down into a storage, in one corner are Uzi clips, on a box Flares and if you want, you could use that Coin to buy a small medipack (later on you can buy a Large with that same dollar).


From the wooden crate you can hop into a duct, shoot a crate and climb down into the Offices. You’ll get a cut scene of two guards talking. Left of where you came down is the passage to the Bar, go shoot those two Guards, one drops a One Dollar Coin and the other a Green Swipe Card. Go back into the first office, use the Green Swipe Card right of the fish tanks. Nothing much there, except for the Yellow Swipe Card behind one of the potted plants.

So, back out and left around into the corridor, use the Card right and shoot the Guard inside. Push a button left behind the plant and a door opens (1). Back out and right to the auditorium, pick up 2x Shotgun ammo and Uzi clips left and right corners and Flares behind the Piano. If you like, you can let Lara play the Piano. Leave and in the corridor take a left after the yellow card reader and to the right is the door (1) you opened. Straight are the toilets, the door opens and in the first booth right is a Guard taking a leak. He will drop Uzis and Uzi clips. In the back is a was bin, left of it, in the corner near the floor is a low crawlspace, go in for Secret #2, a Golden Rose and get back out to the toilets. There’s a First Aid machine that will give you a Medipack.  

Out of here and left through that door, in the office is a bookcase you can climb, shoot the grate left and get into the duct, go left for Shotgun ammo, go back and left, crawl through. Climb up right at the Fan and from there jump up into the higher duct, shoot a grate an go down into a control room. The worker is not friendly, take him out and grab the Shotgun ammo and Dollar Coin. Under some shelves along the far wall is the Shotgun. Left of the file cabinet in the far corner is a switch, use that to stop a Fan (the one we just saw in the duct). You can get a Medipack from the First Aid machine.

More Ducts, Helipad.

Get back into the duct we came from and left up to the Fan. That Heli will open fire on you so best just run out to the left and run curving around the boxes into the corridor. Slide down a slope backwards to grab a ladder wall. Go down, but not all the way and back flip roll to grab a floor behind you. Up the container in the corner and turn around to go up the ladder in the shaft above and yet another ladder to a yellow striped box, push it as far as it will go into the wall. Now grab Secret #3, a Golden Rose from where the box was and then climb the ladder above the box to find the MP5 gun. Go back down all the shafts to that red/white container and safety drop from the floor, turn right and go into the hall with the grated floor. In the back right down the ladder and a door opens. Shoot the worker and pick up his Green Swipe Card. Scattered around this storage are Flares, 2x Uzi clips and Shotgun ammo. Go through the door the worker opened. Back flip onto the slope and jump/grab the ladder, go all the way up for Secret #4, a Golden Rose. Get back on the ladder and drop down, into the storage and left up the grey ladder, back flip to the grated floor.

Loading Dock, a Switch. 

Just a bit right of the ladder is a grate, shoot that and spot the steam inside, jump into the entrance and run around the corner when you get the chance. Follow through and shoot a grate, drop into a corridor. Go right and shoot two workers while entering another control room, one of them drops a Dollar Coin, the other Uzi clips. You can use the Green Swipe Card in the back. Follow to a crossing (straight is a closed door (2) and go left into a loading dock. We have to get to a switch up left from where we entered. Jump the crates to get to a green wood one in the corner, turn left and jump to the wood one (3 high). Grab up to the grate and monkey swing passing two Lasers to the far side, go right and drop at the switch, behind the crate you’re on are MP5 clips. Flip the switch and see the door in the corridor (2) open up. Safety drop down and go into the corridor, left and through the doors.

IT center, Mr Robot.

Shoot a worker there and use a grate on the ceiling to get on top of the mainframe and pick up the Yellow Swipe Card. Open the door where the worker lies and get yourself a Medipack and 2x Shotgun ammo in the section right, go through to the next section and left through a corridor to a hall where a robot moves around. Position those yellow boxes opening a route for the robot to get into the corner left of the entrance (where the cables are). It will create a short. Go out of the room, left around into the passage to a button that is now available.

Outside, Yard I. 

The door left will open up, go through there and come to a Laser blocking a corridor, go right and stay close to the right hand wall, flip the switch opening the door in the other end of the corridor. Turn right and at the crossing go straight now into a large yard. Go to the end of the walkway, turn right and run jump/grab a platform. Turn right and stand jump/grab over to the danger sign, pull up over and jump/slide/jump to grab the vertical duct with the grate.

Detour for a Secret; Climb down the ladder on the back of the duct. Turn right and go to the structure with the fans in the roof. Push the yellow box until you can get to the right hand side of it and push it left to reveal Secret #5, a Golden Rose. Get out and climb up the vertical duct again.

Jump up to the walkway there and go left, then right through a passage to Yard II.

Yard II.

Go left and jump to grab that slanted beam along the wall, shimmy along that to the other end, pull up and back flip to a ledge. Follow the walkway, run jump right to the next and get over to the far corner. Jump over and go left into a passage back to Yard I, doors will open left. Once through the doors, shoot the grate up right and drop down into a passage. First go right to that Laser barrier and pick up Shotgun ammo and MP5 clips. Then follow the other side of the passage and push a button to open a hatch. Go back to the entrance passage and find the open hatch just to the right, above a ladder. Go up, follow through and drop down to where you can pick up a Yellow Swipe Card. Get back to the entrance passage, left around the corners and shoot a Guard.

Control Room.

Use the Card, run around the Control room taking out resistance and picking up leftovers, One Dollar and Flares. You can use the Dollar in a machine in a passage in the back to buy a Medipack (In the back are the toilets, nothing worthwhile there). From where you entered the Control room left is a grate in the wall, shoot it and the next one too and you are in Yard III. Jump over to the grey duct and onto the vertical duct left, slide and grab the ladder to go down. Collect Uzi clips and MP5 clips and flip a switch (for grate (3) on the support under the horizontal duct. Back up the ladder, pull up and back flip onto the duct, get back inside. Go left to the back corner, shoot a grate and find the grate (3) you opened with that switch just yet.

And More Ducts.

Run down, go right and at the fan grab up left, drop down, right to the grate and grab up right, drop down and run to the fan, left is a slide, go down there and come to a Laser trap, jump over the first pit and run down into the second, grab up to the edge and when the Laser goes back, pull up and run jump over the third pit. At the burner pit go right and loop left around to the pit again, jump over landing on a slope and slide/jump to grab that ladder, go up. Down into a lower duct, through some fire blowers and crawl to a grate with a view of a Storage.

Storage, Crate Puzzle.

Shoot the worker from up here and drop down, go grab his Shotgun ammo, in one of the corners is a First Aid machine for a Medipack. Nothing else here, so pass through the wide opening into the next Storage. We’ll have to get to a grate way up in the far left corner. To get there we need to move those bright wooden crates around. We need the one in the right hand corner (third tier) up against the ones at the grate.

Shoot the grate and get in, run down left onto a slope and slide/duck under the Laser. Back up so you can stand and run jump up onto the higher part, run down into the next pit and do the same to get through. Go right to a ladder and up to a loading dock.

Loading Dock, Timed Run.

Go left round and find a switch, leave that for a bit. Jump to the ledge with the crane (watch out) and get down the ladder fast, shoot the Worker. Pick up the Dollar and use it in the back, up on the crates to the right are MP5 clips, on the crates under the crane ledge Uzi clips, and between the crates right of that is Shotgun ammo. Go back up the ladder, hang by your hands and shimmy right before pulling up. Roll and jump back to get to that switch in the corner. It is a TIMED switch, controlling a door in the opposite corner. Running jumps via the crane ledge, left to the wide ledge and one more jump to the far walkway, sprint through the right hand side of the door… Follow the winding passage and when you are at a window to the loading dock, shoot a grate up right, jump in for Secret #6, a Golden Rose. Get out and proceed through the passage.

Research Laboratory.

Go up a ladder, left or right, shoot two Workers and grab a Green Swipe Card. Open the door with it and climb down some ladders, in the lower corridor go into the side passage and come to a control room. In the back and right is a First Aid machine. Go up the sloped passage and shoot a Worker, grab his Yellow Swipe Card. Go back down where you came from and left are file cabinets, behind them is the Card reader. Back up to where you shot the Worker and left through the doors you opened, shoot a grate and drop down into the large area.

Shoot the 2 Workers hiding behind the big pillar and grab the Green Swipe Card. Save before you use it in the far left wall (“Genesis Test Area”). 4 Genesis Mutants come out, they fire extremely deadly blue bolts (This fight might take some practice and if you cannot make it, here’s a save with the Swipe Card in your pocket – savegame.1).

One of them drops a Yellow Swipe Card, use that at the door in the corner and go in to find the Genesis A1 Module. Alarms sound, run out, right and right again through the door, shoot a Worker and go up the ladder to the upper floor, jump to the left side of the big pillar, shoot the grate in the wall and hop in, shoot the next grate too and run for the chopper….


Mission accomplished.