Level by Kamil Rzeski


Walkthrough by José



The Prison Keys


Start enclosed in a cell, but if you shoot the trunk in the corner near the bed, when you approach to the door, it opens. Exit and open the W door; in the next corridor take the fist opening to your right and advance N to a room with a bale of straw, shoot the armor in the corner and light a flare there to reveal the movable block, pull it twice and pick up the PRISON KEYS in the niche. Go back to the corridor and use the keys to open the W door, the next one automatically opens and you’ll find yourself in a cave area.


The Cave


Don’t go too far (closed door) but turn left and climb the rocks in the SE corner (tricky curved running jump because the low ceiling), go through the crawlspace and when you can stand up climb E, turn around and take a standing jump W to the high passage; continue until you eventually find a floor lever, pull it to open a door in the cave area and go back there the way you came.


The Book


The open door is in the W side, run up the stairs, open the door and continue to a castle room. Shoot the knight, run N and a bit W and go through the opening in the N wall; shoot the small spider and explore this dark room to find a BOOK (called “examine”) under the closet in the NW corner (duck to pick it up). Go out and back S near the entrance of this area, continue S and behind the red curtains turn left and in the niche with the candle look up to spot a high jumpswitch, pull it to open a trapdoor in the corridor where you fought with the knight moments ago.


Garden with the Tree


Go back there, locate the open trapdoor, drop into the hole and find a garden area; jump over the fences to the central place and now it’s time to read the book, but the hint is very confusing: the only words which can help you is “...provoke trees and walls...” (poor hint). There is an excessively hidden jumpswitch in the tree, very difficult to pull, so approach to the lonely tree from the W side but don’t climb down to the small depression, from the small corner in the right side jump and (hopefully) pull the switch to open a nearby trapdoor.


Locate the open trapdoor near the SE corner and climb up the leaves-ladder to the upper ledge, cross the rocky bridge and climb up the W ladder; from the top of this stone structure take a long running jump to the platform with the campfire, pull the floor lever and take a running jump back to the top of the stone structure, now another running jump with grab to land into the opening in the S wall, pull the wall switch and make your way to go back to ground floor and out to the corridor where you fought with the knight.


The Chapel


Take the SW passage this time and in this corridor find the open doors of the chapel in the right hand wall; enter and locate the movable bricked block in the SE corner, note the high wall sconce in the W wall and move the block a long distance under it, climb the block and pull the switch to lower an UW block somewhere. Pick up the nearby small medipack and exit this room.


The Crowbar and the Water Crystal


Go left to the corridor where you fought with the knight and this time take the NE passage. In the room with the fireplace there are two openings in the S wall (shoot the trunk near the left one to get a small medipack). The right one leads to a room with flares. The left one to a room with a stone bridge. In this last room drop down to the bottom, locate the movable block next to the N wall and move it onto the darker tile in the SW corner to lower a nearby block in the floor; drop down into the hole and in the next room light a flare to discover a movable block attached to the E wall, move it out and aside to get the CROWBAR in the niche. Now go all the way up the stairs to the very top, shoot a giant spider (if you don’t touch the wooden floor it wont be triggered) and locate the jumpswitch in the NW corner, pull it to lower a block in the middle level with the grated floor and the trunks and finally get the WATER CRYSTAL. Go all the way back to the room with the fireplace and find the receptacle for the crystal in the NE corner.


[NOTE]: At this moment, if you save the game in this room the savegame will be corrupt, so after this place I suggest that when you save the game try if it works; if not, after complete a task, go back to a previous room where you can safely save and check if the savegame works (example: in the room with the stone bridge). [End note]


The Lapis Lazuli


Use the crystal to open the doors and continue to an outside area. After the flyby if you approach to the E building the doors will open and a knight mounting a horse will attack; while fighting with him running around the courtyard I should trigger several rams too. Once the calm is restored, from the entrance go N and when you find a well go a bit right to pick up a small medipack next to the corner of the house. From this position advance a bit N-NE to a floor-cobbled area with a shield with a missing sword in a wall and light a flare to look for a hard-to-see LAPIS LAZULI on the floor near the trunk. Shoot the trunk to get a small medipack. (This is a good place to save the game)


The Aqua Key


Now go to the NE side of the courtyard and use the small mound (Ctrl + up arrow from the left side) to reach the high opening in the gray building, go through the opening to your left and from the small roof take a standing jump E-NE to grab the edge of the upper ledge with the arches, pull up (don’t jump up here or you’ll be trapped forever in a sort of water-roof room) and drop down from the other side pulling the jumpswitch when falling; exit through the N opening, pick up the flares on your way and in the room with the fountain jump into the water and pick up the AQUA KEY. Go back to the main courtyard the way you came (there is a small mound attached to a wall so you can climb to the small roof).


The Saggitarius Key


Now go S to the horse statue and take the corridor in the right side of the E building in front of it, advance a bit and go right through the arched passages to an outside area where you’ll have to shoot two crows. Advance E to find a graveyard, go to the left side of the central building and explore the grassy tiles next to the rocks in the N side to find the SAGGITARIUS KEY. Now enter into the building, drop into the hole and use the key to open the door.


The Crypt


Pick up the flares and continue through the opening in the SW corner, sprint over the breakable tiles and in the next room take a look at the ceiling to see the dangerous tiles with the falling boulders. Carefully pick up the flares, pull the floor lever, shoot the big spiders if you want and use the monkeyswing to go back over the spiked pit. In the tile at the end of the spiked pit I got problems to go through to the crypt; what I did was diagonally run against the NW corner of the tile and duck in last moment to cross avoiding the low ceiling. Note that a block has lowered in front of the door of the crypt, drop down into the hole and use the aqua key to lower a block somewhere. Go all the way back to the main courtyard the way you came.


The Blunt Sword


Exit the courtyard and go back to the room with the fireplace, from here exit W and go to the room where you got the book a long time ago, locate the corner where the block lowered (E side) and pick up the BLUNT SWORD. Now go back to the main courtyard and to that floor-cobbled area N where you got the lapis lazuli time ago and place the sword in the shield to lower a block in the building to your right.


On the Roofs


Now go to the NE corner of this courtyard and through the corridor there, climb up the ladder, shimmy left/drop and locate the tile where the block lowered; from that tile take a curved running jump SW to the top of the wooden wall, from here take a running jump S to the roof of the next building and continue running and jumping from roof to roof until you reach the far SE corner with the stained glass window in the gray wall, jump through this window into the building where a girl tells you something.


Moving Armors


In the next room, the armor in the right hand side of the bridge is movable, move it a long way to the W into an adjacent room and place it onto the darker tile in the NW corner; pick up the flares and the large medipack and go outside. Now go through the opening in the S side of the bridge and in this small room there’s another of those movable armors, move it onto the tile marked in the ceiling with a blue sign (NW corner).


The Torch and the Tea Set Pieces


Now go to the N wall and next to one of the lightened torches there is a shield; under it there’s a movable block attached to the wall, move it out and aside and get a TORCH in the niche. Now go E and a crossbowman will be triggered, pick up the small medipack he drops when die, take the torch with you and go into the room with the fireplace in the E wall to light it; in this room you can also pick up a PLATE in front of the axes. (Also note the marked tile in the ceiling, for later). Go outside and through the opening near the NE corner (the one with the fallen chandelier, N wall), soon you’ll arrive in a room where you can throw the torch on the floor to burn it, drop down and pick up the KETTLE AND CUP from a table. When you pick it up a door will open in the corner so you can go back up to the room with the bridge.


Third Movable Armor


Exit to the room where the girl talked to you time ago (N opening) and combine the plate with the kettle and cup to form the TEA SET, place it in the statue next to the girl with the missing item to raise a block in the room with the bridge; go back there, climb it (near the railings in the W side) and pull the jumpswitch to lower a block somewhere.


[NOTE]: don’t save and reload after use this jumpswitch or you’ll stuck forever. [End note]


Safely jump over the railings to the lower floor (or take the opening near the NE corner, E wall); once down go through the opening in the N wall to find another of those movable armors (the block lowered here when you pulled the jumpswitch) and move it outside and onto the tile with the cobbled texture in front of the middle pillar in the E side. Now look for an opening behind the nearby pillar in the NE corner so you can go back up to the upper floor with the bridge, cross it to the S side and press the shield just in front of you to raise a block elevating the armor to this floor. Now move the armor inside the nearby room with the fireplace and place it onto the tile with the red mark in the ceiling (SW corner), go outside and jump over the railings to the floor below.


The Forbidden Key


It’s time to go through the opening near the SW corner, run down the steps and at middle way note the opened trapdoor, climb the hole in the ceiling over it and shoot a trunk to get the FORBIDDEN KEY; drop down into the corridor and continue to trigger a flyby when entering in a large room. You can save the game after the flyby if you want.


The Lasersight


Don’t drop to the bottom but turn right, climb the W opening and pick up the flares, drop/grab the edge from the other side, shimmy right to grab a ladder and climb to the top; pull up onto a roof. Go to the E side and take a tricky running jump E-NE to the ledge in the corner (situate Lara on the highest point, take a step right and take a running jump with a left curve trying to avoid the low ceiling). From here jump to grab the crack in the E wall and shimmy right until you can pull up. Note the ledge below with the small medipack, drop/grab the edge and drop grab the edge below, pick it up and take a running jump to the sloped roof of the central building, slide/grab the edge (perhaps you need to release the Ctrl key and immediately grab the very edge), shimmy left and pull up in the corner; turn around and take a running jump to the opening with the LASERSIGHT.


Deactivating Spikes


You can’t do anything more here, so safely drop to the floor, go to the NW corner, locate the ladder and climb again to the top of the roof above the entrance. Repeat the same maneuvers to reach the ledge above the opening where the small medipack was, but this time continue S a bit. Before you reach the roof in the SE corner drop/grab the edge and shimmy left or right until you see on the ledge below flares to your right; from that position drop/grab the edge below, go right to pick up the flares and to the opposite side to press a button (spikes are deactivated somewhere). Safely drop to the floor.


The Revolver


Look for the ledge with the inactive spikes behind a pillar in the S side of the room, use the forbidden key to open a nearby UW door and jump into the pool. Locate a triangular opening in the middle of the floor and swim through, swim S (or N) and down to see the open door, swim deeper and E to another large watery area. Get out of the water in the very SE ledge, take a running jump to the top of the NW roof and light a flare to better see the REVOLVER. Jump to the S rocks, roll, approach to the N edge, combine the revolver with the sight and shoot the UW grate at the bottom of the small building where you got the revolver.


The Wizzard Staff


Jump into the water and swim through that opening, pull the UW lever and swim outside. Now swim N and down/left inside the central building with harps and banners; once inside, swim through the opening in the W wall and pick up the WIZZARD STAFF in a corner; swim back out to take a breath. Now swim to the low UW passage under the rocks in the SE corner, left (N), left again (W) and through the narrow crawlspace; you are now in a sunken dining room. Swim straight ahead (W) until you see an opening near a bookcase to your left, swim there and pull the UW lever; quickly swim back to the dinning room, right (E), take the first right (S) and passing the big double doors right again to an air hole in the ceiling.


Traps Room


Get out of the water (I suggest you save here, because you can’t use the savegames in the next rooms) and climb the opening in the ceiling (from the rocky floor), advance to a room with breakable tiles in the floor. Your goal here is to reach an opening in the ceiling in the opposite side of the room; you can go left or right but I advice you better go counterclockwise (right). So time a swinging blade, beware of the spikes coming from the wall, time a moving-rotating blade and over the next static-rotating blade is the hole in the ceiling; time the blade and take a running jump to grab the edge of the hole in the ceiling, quickly pull up and advance through a long corridor, drop into the hole at the end and look for a room where you can use the scepter: big double doors open somewhere.


Back to the Main Courtyard


Now a long way back to the main courtyard comes: go back to the room with many traps, I advice continue clockwise timing two rotating blades and the remaining breakable tile to reach the water hole; swim to the sunken dining room, exit this area through the W opening and left or right at the end, through the hole in the ceiling to the big watery area, go to the NW corner, climb the ladder again to the top of the roof, from the E side do again that nasty jump to the ledge in the corner, from the center of this ledge take a jump back and take a running jump with grab SW to the top of the small block under the roof, continue to the room with the raised block you used to bring up the armor, go through the opening in the NE corner up to the upper floor, exit N to the room with the girl and run through the stained glass window.


The Main Courtyard


Once in the main courtyard go again to the corridor in the NE corner and climb the ladder as you did before, again shimmy left/drop and locate the tile with the lowered block; from that tile take a curved running jump SW to the top of the wooden wall; this time climb the N roof and go E to the end, pull the jumpswitch (I don’t know what it triggers) and safely drop to the floor of the courtyard. Go W and locate the double doors you opened with the scepter behind a building.


The Bedroom Key


Enter and go to the back of the room (W), place the lapis lazuli in the receptacle to the left of the couch to open the door in the SW corner; continue following the only possible path until you reach the upper floor of the same room; go right and through the opening next to the armor (SW corner). In the library light a flare to discover a movable block in the base of the bigger bookcase, pull it out and aside to reveal a floor lever, pull it and go back to the previous room. Now go to the center of the bridge and climb the leaves-ladder in the E pillar, shimmy right and pull the switch to lower blocks in the room below; climb down the ladder and go S to locate the new opening. In this small room light a flare to discover a movable block in the NE corner, pull it out and in the niche pick up the BEDROOM KEY and the McIsac Helm. Go out of this room and directly N crossing the bridge, use the key to open the doors.


Final Garden


Once on the terrace a part of the railing explodes so you can safely drop down to the grassy floor below. Now you can exit the level but if you found the crowbar time ago you can get the only secret I could find in this level: go to the nearby NW building, enter and open the bars door with the crowbar; drop into the hole and advance a bit to a small room with the SECRET #1: 3 X large medipack and revolver ammo. Go outside (a ram could appear now) and to the N side of this garden to finish the level.


May — 17 — 2022