Level by theGRG1999 (TRLEQuack)

Walkthrough by Treeble


Note: The walkthrough is based on the version available at the time of writing (November 20, 2022), of which the reference settomb.tr4 file is dated April 30, 2022. Any potential revised versions released afterwards might not be fully (if at all) compatible with the walkthrough below.




1997, somewhere in the Alps, Lara drops into a small chamber... Run downstairs and activate the levers on both sides of the door. As you approach the small pool room, two chirping bats attack. Dispatch them and head through the open gate East. Throw the lever in the back to lock yourself in and open the gate to the next chamber. Hop on the pillar in the middle of the water to reach the higher ledge and throw the lever up there. It opens two gates: first retrieve the OMINOUS KEY from the alcove in the back, then swim back towards the entrance to find an open gate just to the left of it where another lever awaits. The entrance gate is open again and you can return to the previous chamber.


Go across to the gate now open in the opposite end, jump past the pillars and find another lever which will open a gate to an area with black marble floor. Return to the adjacent chamber and use the first lever again to open your way back to the first pool area. Run around the perimeter to the open gate in the opposite end. Drop into the water and find a passage in the middle of the room housing SECRET #1: the LASERSIGHT and a small medipack. Climb back onto the marble floor and use the key to open the door above.


Pull up into the door and cross either bridge to a small tower. Drop two levels below and find a lever in the Southwest corner, then climb back up to the top to find an open door West. Head down the sloping passage to the upper level of an outdoor area. Run ahead and around the perimeter in a counterclockwise direction: you'll first stumble upon the MARK OF BETELGEUSE; the SHOTGUN shortly past the waterfall; and a little further on you'll no doubt spot the UZIS, otherwise known as SECRET #2, which you can reach with a long running jump (no grab). Slide past it and pull up right ahead and finish the perimeter run to return to that sloping passage which brought you here.


Now work your way to the bottom of the tower. Kill the two bats and make a mental note of the closed door South. Exit North to the lower part of the outside area (you could have dropped from above as well) and kill the sleeping dog in the back. It might have been guarding two closed doors. You can swim along the water stream for some uzi clips. Back where you killed the dog, locate a narrow passage West.


In the next chamber, loop around the wall to the left to find a lever. Pull it down and follow the pathway to the back, outrunning a mummy along the way and ignoring the ledges over the stream for now, and through the open door to find the receptacle for the hand in your backpack. This opens another door further on in that same passage, but first return to the mummy and do a long running jump over the stream to a lever on the opposite side. A camera shows a crawlspace door opening elsewhere. You can loop around the wall to find the lair of a mummy and some bats, but more importantly make a note of the closed door on the East end of the ledge you're on. Jump back across the stream and now head further into the passage West and down the sloping path there to an area at the bottom of the water stream.


Splash across the shallow water and run up the natural steps to find that crawlspace door you've just opened. As you enter the next cave system, a small medipack and a bat make themselves noticed. There's really only one path to go in this cave, but at any rate from the starting point stick to the left wall and follow it all the way around. You'll soon come to a narrow passage with a crawlspace, get in there to find a whole lot of nothing for SECRET #3. Crawl back out and keep following the left hand wall for another small medipack. Before going through the next crawlspace, loop around the next bend for a small medipack near the dead end.


Crawl into the next bit of the caves and soon enough, by keeping the wall to your left, you'll reach a small built area with a mysterious lever. You're done here, so now work your way all the way back to the waterfall and streams (by following the wall which is on your right hand side now), up the sloping path and jump over the stream in the area with the mummy. That door in the East end of the ledge is now open, so get in there.


Up the ladder, you'll find yourself at the top of a very tall chamber. Using the catwalks covered in shadows just below, do a running jump (or shimmy) past the pillar on the left side to pull up into a room with SECRET #4, a small medipack and an assortment of ammo, then return to the catwalks and repeat the process to the other side of the room where a lever will open a gate elsewhere. Exit back South, down the ladder and drop into the stream and swim East to get out of water where the dog once might have stood its ground. The gate we last opened is just through the crawlspace ahead of you, in a room with four empty vases, crawl in there for the next lever.


Now enter the doorway South, where you came from, and run around the perimeter to find that South door you've noticed much earlier on is now open. Just inside, you'll see another lever behind a locked gate to the right, so run past that and into the cave system in the back. Follow the winding tunnels to eventually reach another very tall room with a pillar in the middle. Slide down to the shallow water pool at the bottom and pull up on the other side to get the LOAD GOLDEN VRAEUS.


Find the crevice in the East wall and shimmy all the way to the crawl space in the other end and pull in. Easily run past the breakaway bridge for another mystery lever, then retrace your steps and safely drop from the crawlspace back to the shallow water. The gate on the West side of the vraeus pillar is now open, so get in there. Halfway through the metallic bridge, pull up on the left side for another lever (and note the closed door in the crawlspace opposite of you) and follow the bridge to the end for a cross-shaped pool. Drop in for flares.


The North gate is open and a very noticeable jump switch awaits for you inside. It opens the gates just beside you, so loop around the wall for another lever that opens the South gate in the cross pool room. As you head back, take some flares from the corner. In the next room, you can either take one step at a time or simply dash to the lever in the back, easily dodging two boulders along the way. The breakaway tiles hide no threat whatsoever. The lever opens the gates West, and finally the lever in there will open that crawlspace door you noticed before in the room with the metallic bridge. You can drop into the water and swim towards the center of the room for another SHOTGUN and supplies.


Back through the East gate, crawl through that passage to reach some steps. At the top, you'll find flares to the right and an opening to the left. You're now at a higher level of the room with the vraeus, run down to the end of this ledge and jump to the open doorway above the crevice you used earlier. Get some flares behind the pillars on the left side and then crawl through the sloping space on the right hand side. Loop around to the left and follow the winding caves all the way to the next chamber.


Cross the delta-shaped archway to find a lever to open a door way back in the previous chamber, so sprint back across the caves and crawl downwards the slope, jump to the ledge and run to the opposite end to reach the now open door. At the very end of the next passage you'll find the perfect place for the load currently sitting in your backpack. There's nothing in the water below, but a gate on the South wall is now open, so jump in and follow the cave to reach the top of the vraeus room, which is now also completely flooded. Swim back to the entrance at the North side, over the slope, and go back through the caves. The gate that blocked a lever near the entrance of this area is now open, so pull that lever down.


The second door the poor dog once might have protected is now open, so go around the next room to exit through the doorway North and once you spot the waterfall in the distance, get over there and pull up into the open door just to the left of it. Slide into darkness and the adventure comes to an end...