City in Ruin


Level and Walkthrough by BigMedPack


STAGE 1 - Train Station


Lara starts off in a hall, to her right is a closet which has flares in it. Continue down the hall for the cutscene to trigger. In front of Lara there is a dead man with shotgun ammo next to his feet. Following down the hall to the left will be a dog. Once you're finished with the dog, shoot the fire extinguisher to reveal a hidden path. Crouch into the crawlspace and get the lockbox key that is hidden behind the gate. Return to where you killed the dog and continue towards the exit of the subway. On your left,

there will be a boxed off entrance to the switch that opens the door at the exit. Crouch into this crawlspace and flip the switch that is behind the door.


STAGE 2 - City Streets


Zombies surround you and will try to eat you! Quickly find your way to a cage in front of you, that you can hop on. Once on the top of the cage look for the ladder that is above you (facing away from the light above the cage.) Use this ladder to climb to the second floor of a building and enter. Once you enter, there will be a dog for you to battle. Make your way up the stairs into the asylum. Pursue to the exit door and you will find a bridge. On the right hand side of the bridge, use it to get into the locked off portion of the asylum where you can use the lockbox key. There will be an enemy here to fight. Exit the door to go back inside the asylum and return to the bridge. At the opposite end will be a dead body and flares for you to pick up. Turn and notice a window that is facing towards the right of the bridge (same side that you used to jump into the asylum windows). Shoot out the window in the distance and use the cracks in the walls to climb over. Climbing up you will have an enemy to kill and give you the asylum clearance card. Use the cracks to climb back down leading you to the top of some boxes. Make your way back to the room where you opened the lock box and insert the clearance card. The locked doors (except the shower room) will now be opened.


STAGE 3 - Asylum Doors Unlocked


Investigate each room, one will have a dog, one will have a flare and a dead body with SECRET #1, Uzis underneath it. Move the body to get the secret. One room will have an exit to a zipline. A room with a door you can open has a dead body and a large medipack for you to grab. Once you have everything you need, go to the exit room and shoot out the caution rail blocker. Vault up into the vent and perform a crawlspace shuffle to vault up a step. Exit the crawlspace and use the zipline. Shoot out the windows

and there will be an enemy for you to fight. Look up to see a blocked off vent. Shoot out the caution blocker and grab one of the two clearance cards needed for the upstairs office. To get the other card, return to the slope you climbed after dismounting the zipline, if you look down, you will notice a deck with windows you can hop down to using a jump and action, then letting go of action. Once down here you can hop over the fence safely without dying. On top of a box will be a medipack. In the back of the alley

will be a zombie, an enemy, and another clearance card. Traverse up the boxes and climb the crack that leads outside the blocked off alley and make your way back up to the place that you ziplined to previously. On the right hand side will be a crack that you can climb that will take you up and over the bridge. Climbing all the way up you will find a monkey bar section. climb over to get to the office


STAGE 4 - The Office (no, not the Dunder Mifflin one haha!)


Once you dismount the monkey bars, on your right will be shotgun ammo. Ignoring the office entrance, go over to the other set of monkey bars and climb across to get SECRET #2- the shotgun. Run back to the entrance and adjacently in the corner will be some uzi ammo. Use the office clearance card to enter and you will have two dogs to battle. After this use the right hallway to get to the elevator. Use the elevator clearance card to get to the upper level. Once in the upper office, there will be desert eagle ammo and a small medipack for you to pickup. Behind the desk is an entrance to the vent. Once in the vent go to the lowest part and exit, on the right will be a button to push, use the crawlspace exit move to get out (crouch + forward + jump). Return to the vent and follow the main path to some shotgun ammo, at the adjacent path is an exit to the upper deck. Shoot out the caution blocker and find your way to the fire extinguisher on the left. Shoot it to reveal a path that you will take later. Enter the room on the deck and you will battle an enemy, find some ammo inside the jars and a desert eagle on the box behind the door. In one of the bathrooms, you will also find some ammo.


STAGE 5 - Getting the lasersight from the shower room


Traverse to the lower deck and kill the guard. He drops the shower room key. There will also be uzi ammo to pick up. Go back to the asylum and enter the shower room with your newly aquired key. The lasersight is behind the door, in the divot. A dog will come to fight you. Use the ventilation system inside the shower room to get back into the office. The doors will open for you. Now go to the lower deck and use the lasersight to shoot out some caution barriers that are in the way of the ledge that Lara needs to

climb (look up and a little to your left, you will see a walkway). Traverse on this newly opened path using the upper deck. Once you get there, a zipline will take you down into another building


STAGE 6 - The Museum


You will find a disfigured man with some shotgun ammo in front of him, pick it up and battle the enemy that guards him. Use the elevator nearby to get to the lower level. A cutscene will show Lara falling in the elevator and it crashing to the ground floor. Exit the elevator at the top and use the cracks in the wall to get to the exit (dont forget to look at the readme for crawlspace controls). Once exited the elevator shaft, battle a guard that drops shotgun ammo. Enter the lower door and battle another guard that drops shotgun ammo. Go to the exit door and retrieve a small medipack. Above you will be a crawlspace, leading to SECRET #3, desert eagle ammo. Make your way back up to the alternate door and enter the museum room with the reflective floor. Traverse carefully to not injure Lara and enter the room on the right. Kill the guard and enter the elevator. A zombie will be waiting at the exit.


STAGE 7 - Museum upper floor


Use the door by the zombie and go through the hallway to find another door. This will lead you to the gun turret. Crawl carefully through here to not get shot or set on fire! In the gaps, hug tight to the boxes and use the crawlspace roll (Crouch + Sprint) to avoid being pelted by flames and bullets. On the opposite side, will be another door. On the door to the right is an enemy in a room that drops uzi clips. On the nearest door to the left is a door that leads to a timed door. You'll want to open this entrance now as to have more time to get inside the timed door. Skip the next door after it, and there will be a door that leads to a door that is currently unopened. Now shoot out the barrier and jump into the eery pool. In the pool, will be an underwater switch to open the door upstairs that is not timed. Now exit the pool using the ladder and make your way up the staircase and out to the top. Go inside the newly opened door to find some desert eagle ammo, a big medipack and a lever that opens a vent to the right side of the elevator.


STAGE 8 - Museum upper floor timer sequence


Traverse carefully back to the direction of the elevator and go up the stairs, fight a dog and open the closet behind it to reveal some ammo. Continue up the stairs to the vent and traverse down to get the gun clearance (this will disable the turret from firing at you). Continue up the stairs and exit the doors to the deck. Activate a switch that opens the timed door. Run fast towards the door and get inside. Once the door is closed pull the lever (opposite to the door) twice and the door will open. The other lever opens a vent inside the pool.


STAGE 9 - Getting to Sophia's Office


Jump into the pool and swim out the vent to the tunnel that you saw at the city streets. Behind the car is the vent codes that you need to use. Make your way back to the elevator and go to the lower level where you killed the guard. Look for the puzzle hole and put in the vent clearance code. Now the vent is open and you can traverse to the end of the level and watch the final cutscence!



Thanks for playing!!