Level by Masked Goon


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been provided by Doggett TV, by Saki Croft, by Steven3517 and by kapil4417037.



The current won't allow you to go back for air, so light one of your two flares and swim forward. When you come to an open area, turn left into a nook and stay low to avoid a moray eel while you pick up more flares. Flip turn, swim out past a barrel and turn left through an opening while being pursued by a fish. To your immediate right on the rock shelf is a small medipack. Swim down toward the ocean floor and find another opening in the opposite wall. Swim through and surface for air. Go to your left, where you can pull out onto a jutting ledge and deal with the fish (note that the shotgun is already in your inventory).


Jump back into the water toward that anchor you can see down below. Swim down and into the opening on your right for shotgun ammo. The barrel makes it more difficult to avoid the moray eel this time. On your return trip, turn left and find 2 x harpoons in the near corner. Surface and pull out onto the jutting ledge. Run forward and vault over the stone wall into a new area. Wade toward the deeper water and await the arrival of another fish. Swim along the right wall to find automatic pistol ammo and wade out at the back right corner for uzi ammo. Continue following the back wall and proceed around the corner until you reach an opening you can pull into where the water has become deeper.


Run forward into a dark cave, and when you hear the foreboding music stay right to flush out a thug from among the crates who drops 2 x flares. If you like, you can explore the bottom of the small lake for harpoons in a corner near a vessel you can't reach due to the current. Pull out near the spot where you entered and hop up into an opening opposite the crates for a small medipack. Return to the crates and get behind them for shotgun ammo, then discover that the leftmost crate is actually a pushblock. Move it to the water's edge, get on it and take a running jump over the water a bit to the right to grab a jutting ledge.


Pull up, hang from the other edge (unfortunately, you can't shimmy around corners in TR2) and shimmy along the corner until you can pull up in the far corner. Turn left and stand jump to a ledge. Follow it around to the end and take a running jump to grab a jutting block. Pull up and enter the opening to your right. Shoot the lurking thug and look into the alcove on your right for flares. Continue to the end of the short passage and pull up right near an opening. Run off the edge onto the ledge below and take a running jump onto the rightmost column in the water.


Turn around and take a running jump to the left of the ledge you just jumped from and grab a crack in the wall. Shimmy left until you can pull up and follow the ledge to its end. Take a running jump to the left of the obstruction and land on a flat corner. Hang from the edge and shimmy left to another flat spot in front of an opening. Pull up over the block, walk forward and take a running jump down to a ledge next to the waterfall on your right. Pull up two times to an area with shallow water at the waterfall's source and advance to alert two thugs. One drops shotgun ammo, the other automatic pistol ammo and flares. There's a large medipack nearby that alerts a third thug when you pick it up.


For another helpful pickup (as well as a more essential one), go to the far right corner from where you entered, turn around and back flip onto the slope, jump off onto the slope ahead and to your left, and jump off onto a ledge with flares. Hop to a longer longer ledge, take a running jump to the next ledge and finally jump to the top of the waterfall to find the CABIN KEY on a block. Jump back to the previous ledge, drop to the shallow water and return to the spot where you entered. Hop down the blocks to your left and take a tricky running jump back up to the opening that connects the two areas.


Hang from the other side, shimmy right to the flat spot and pull up. Turn around and take a running jump slightly left to the ledge. From the far end take a running jump onto the column and face the far waterfall. Stand jump down onto the lower column and take a running jump over the fence to the left of the nearby column. A thug is waiting in the passage to your right. Go where he came from and loop around right past the next column to find a wall switch that opens an underwater door just below you. Hop over the fence into the water and swim past the opening into the hold of a vessel.


Turn right and swim to the far right. Surface and pull up right onto a ledge. Make your way to the other end of the hold with standing jumps along the cross ledges and side ledges. Save your game in front of the switch in the far wall for a timed run. It opens a door at the far end of the hold, just this side of the last cross ledge, so retrace your jumps quickly (you don't have time for standing jumps) along the cross ledges and side ledges to the timed door in the right wall. Jump with grab so you'll land inside and look right and left to see a closed door on each side.


Both can be opened by turning its respective valve wheel. Open both doors to provide a clear path, then go past the one on your left (as you enter) and continue until you trigger a cut scene featuring an exterior ladder. Locate the opening in the railing to your right and jump past it onto a ledge to your left. Follow to the end and pull up two times. Run forward to find the GOLDEN DRAGON on a raised slab for SECRET #1. Return the way you came and jump to the opening in the railing. Hang from the edge and shimmy left to the ladder you saw in the cut scene.


Climb to an upper deck and go to your left to find the receptacle for the Cabin Key. The window to your right opens, so enter and loop around left for automatic pistol ammo and flares. Turn around, go to the far corner next to an overturned table, back flip onto the slope and jump off to grab an upper level. Pull up, turn around and hop over the gap. Follow the passage to your left past a warning cut scene until you trigger two rolling barrels. Beat a hasty retreat, then return to engage a thug. Continue to the end and turn right into a larger hallway.


Turn left and proceed to a landing. Go down the ramp to your left or right and note the keyhole at the lower landing. Continue down the steps to a flooded section, jump into the water and loop around left for harpoons. Return for air, swim straight forward from the steps, stay a little left and find a floor hole. Swim down, turn around into the nearby opening and go to the far right corner to find a ceiling air hole. Right below is a floor hole, so light a flare, turn your back to the wall, save your game and swim down to the lower deck. Turn left to swim past a partially plant-obscured opening. Take an immediate right and swim over a barrel toward a shelf with the HARPOON GUN and 2 x harpoons.


By this time you can hear the heavy breathing of a frogman, and since you can't use a flare and the harpoon gun at the same time, your best strategy may be to return to the air hole to engage the frogman after he has followed you and arrives. When he's dead, swim back down past the floor hole, turn left through the plant-obscured opening and loop around right all the way to the far wall to find an underwater lever that opens a trap door somewhere. Return to the air hole, face the wall and swim to your left, following the wall until you reach the opened trap door around the corner. Swim up and around to find another underwater lever in the corner. Pull it to open another trap door and alert another frogman. Return to the air hole, kill the frogman and swim around either side to the opposite wall in this room and turn around to find the opened trap door.


Surface, pull out and turn left to find a wall switch that does something (cut scene is too dark to tell exactly what it does, but you hear the sound of a door opening and the heavy breathing of a frogman). Turn around, run back to the water hole, jump in and swim around right or left to the air hole, fill your lungs with your back to the wall and swim straight down past the floor hole. Turn left, then right as you did before, and just before you reach that underwater lever look left for seaweed hanging down in front of a narrow opening. Swim inside and up the shaft to surface near some steps.


Pull out, go up the winding steps and come to a closed door you can open by turning the valve wheel. Follow to a wall switch that opens the floor trap door to your right. Before going down, run past the trap door to find the JADE DRAGON on a shelf for SECRET #2. Pull down the switch on the opposite wall, draw a weapon and shoot the flamethrower beyond the opened windows to your left. Go up the steps past his body after picking up his shotgun ammo and follow to another wall switch on your right. Pull it down to open the window to your right and enter a familiar hallway.


Go down the ramp and shoot the frogman waiting for you in the flooded area below. Jump into the water, and this time loop around right, swim through a small triangular opening and turn right, swim through the opening into a submerged library and surface. Pull out onto a lower bookcase, jump to the higher bookcase and pick up the LOUNGE KEY. Swim back the way you came, zigzag a bit left and turn left at the wall, keep making left turns and you'll come to a ramp where you can wade out of the water to a familiar landing. Loop around right or left and follow the wooden walkway into a larger hallway.


Pass a keyhole on your left and continue to a keyhole on your right that accepts your Lounge Key. Go down the steps to the lounge area and deal with a thug. Pick up his flares and turn left as you enter the lounge. Proceed to a closed door in the corner and pull down the wall switch to open it and also to unleash two thugs, one of whom drops shotgun ammo. Go to the other end of the lounge where the thugs came from and look near the far wall for the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS. Return to the door you opened with the wall switch and come to a small room with crates.


Hop over the crates and locate the one that's a pushblock. Push it against the wall, climb over to the doorway and pull it three times toward the lounge. Get up on it and pull up onto a ledge over the coat rack. Face the lounge and take a running jump onto the nearest chandelier. Jump to grab the next one, pull up and jump across the railing into another hallway. Go through the opening ahead and to your right, avoid two breaktiles in the floor and shoot the thug who charges at you from around the corner.


Continue to a wall switch and pull it to open the nearby window. Proceed through the next room and a connecting passage to the indoor pool. Next to the diving board is a ladder, so climb up until Lara's hands are level with the ledge, shimmy left and pull up. Sidestep a few times left and take a running jump to grab a small jutting ledge. Pull up for a small medipack and automatic pistol ammo, drop to the deck (and not into the pool) and climb the ladder back up to the previous ledge. Go to the left corner and stand jump down to a flat spot in the rock formation.


Line up for a tricky running jump around the rock formation, curving right to land on a column. Hop across to the far deck and run to the wall. Pull up into an opening at the left corner and follow to a wall switch that opens a door and fills the pool to the top. Go there, hop onto the column and shoot the waiting fish. Jump into the water and swim to the opened door in the wall to your right. You'll alert another fish as you enter, so return to the column top and deal with it. Save your game and swim past the opened door into the open ocean. Turn left, look for an opening in the wall and swim into a new area as action music begins to play. The vessel is on your left and three more fish and a shark start pursuing you. Swim along the side of the vessel, turn right near the end and swim up to surface and pull out onto a ledge.


Deal with the piscine enemies and pick up the nearby harpoons and flares. You can now safely explore the ocean floor for the THEATRE KEY under a small arch near the corner next to the deck railing, a small medipack near a barrel and harpoons on a crate. For a valuable secret, look for a square depression in the floor against the wall near that arch where you found the Theatre Key. There's a narrow opening in that depression that you can swim into for the SILVER DRAGON and SECRET #3. When you pick it up a small medipack, uzi ammo and the UZIS are added to your inventory.


You can now leave this area, so get some air, swim back through that wall opening and then to your right to the opened door in the vessel. On my way back I encountered a shark and a fish, but only the latter followed me inside. Swim to the far end of the pool (there's a submerged wall ladder there) and pull out. Run through the connecting passage and the next room to the hallway where you met the thug earlier. Continue over those breaktiles and jump over the railing onto the nearest chandelier in the lounge. Hop to the next chandelier and safety drop to the floor.


Exit the lounge and go up the steps to that unused keyhole you noted earlier. Insert the Theatre Key and enter the theatre to your left as more foreboding music plays. Go to the near left corner for 2 x flares and go across to the other side to find a ramp leading down to the stage. Enter the opening to the left of the stage to draw out a thug. Pick up his shotgun ammo and follow the dark passage to a ladder. Climb up and back flip near the top onto a walkway. Go to the other end, take a running jump to grab a higher platform, pull up and enter the opening on your right. Turn right and follow the platforms and ledges in a counterclockwise direction, jumping as necessary, until you reach a wall switch in the corner that produces a strange sound (the stage curtain opening) and eerie music.


Continue with a running jump around the corner to a platform with a small medipack. Jump to the next platform around the corner in front of the opening by which you entered and safety drop onto the stage. Go backstage and trigger the sandbags you see hanging from the ceiling while avoiding the glass shards in the floor hole. Grab the shotgun ammo in the alcove and go around the backdrop where there are more hanging sandbags. Trigger them as you run past the glass shard pit to the back wall.


The crate in the corner is a pushblock, so pull it once to alert a thug. Get up on the pushblock and hop onto the two-crate stack against the other wall. Take a running jump to grab the crate next to the swinging bag, pull up, turn left and time a running jump past the bag to land on a suspended platform. Time a running jump past the next swinging bag to grab another suspended platform. Pull up and step forward for the BALLROOM KEY. Safety drop to the backstage area, exit the stage and run up the ramp to meet two thugs


Turn right in the hallway and run all the way to the far wall, where you can use the Ballroom Key to open the double window doors. Enter and slide down to some shallow water. Run across to the other side and vault up onto a stage. There's nothing there but a harp and a piano, so loop around right to find automatic pistol ammo on a raised slab. Go to the opposite side of the ballroom, look for a similar slab and vault up onto it. Find the overhead opening and jump up to grab it. Pull up to a surrounding ledge and follow it around in a counterclockwise direction to surprise a flameblower.


When you reach a dead end, jump past the gap in the railing onto a chandelier. Turn left and stand jump to grab a jutting ledge. Pull up and take a running jump down left onto the next chandelier (a standing jump from the corner might get you there, but it's not reliable). Turn right and take a running jump and grab to the next chandelier, pull up and jump across to the upper ledge to your left. Run forward to find the WINCH MECHANISM on a raised slab. Take a running jump back to the previous chandelier, stand jump down to the lower chandelier and safety drop from the left side onto the stage with the harp and piano.


Turn left and run to that raised slab where you found the ammo earlier, hop over it and place the Winch Mechanism into the wall receptacle to hear a clanking sound. Turn around, shoot the approaching thug and go to the opposite slab across the room. Pull up through the ceiling hole and this time go around clockwise via the chandeliers and a jutting platform until you reach the balcony where another thug is waiting. Pick up the small medipack he dropped and enter the side room to find flares on a slab.


Exit to the balcony overlooking the ballroom, stand between the columns and take a running jump to grab the chandelier. Pull up, turn left and locate the gap in the railing on the right side of the balcony. Take a running jump to grab the opening, pull up into the hallway and turn right. Follow up the steps to a small ramp. Turn around there and jump up to grab a ledge. Pull up, turn around and jump up to grab and pull up higher. Do this a third time and you'll reach an upper deck. Jump across the gap to a dark hallway and run forward to what appears to be a combination library/museum.


Hop onto a nearby slab next to a suit of armor for a small medipack and note the glass exhibit near the far wall containing a skull artifact. The lower slab nearby has automatic pistol ammo, and a nearby bookcase has a large medipack on top. To your surprise, you find that the glass exhibit can be shot, allowing you to vault up and claim the TIBETAN SKULL. Of course, as soon as you do that all hell breaks loose and you're beset by a host of enemies, but not all at one time. I counted eight thugs and a boss guy who was extra hard to kill. If you have time during the battle, you can check the corpses of the thugs for 2 x shotgun ammo and a small medipack.


When the carnage is complete, find two opened window doors in the wall opposite the entrance and another opened door to the right of the entrance. They all lead nowhere, so locate the opened window doors to the left of the entrance, enter either one into a hallway and run over the breaktile next to a raised slab. Look down the hole and see that a shark is waiting for you in the water down below. Dispatch it with your harpoon gun, jump in and look for an opening in one of the walls. Swim through and continue forward to finish the level.